path: root/id/server/modules/moa-id-module-eIDAS/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/auth/modules/eidas/engine/MOAEidasProtocolProcesser.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-03-28update MOA eIDAS-Engine to reload eIDAS metadata if request or response valid...Thomas Lenz1-1/+7
2017-02-21add support of additional eIDAS attributes by using a simple configuration fileThomas Lenz1-4/+9
2016-09-20fix bug in eIDAS SAML-engine to allow 2 minutes time jitter in Assertion->Con...Thomas Lenz1-0/+7
2016-08-12fix a lot of problems which occur with new eIDAS SAML Engine v1.1.0Thomas Lenz1-0/+50