


MOA-ID is an identity-provider that supports identification, authentication, and mandate processing by using different authentication methods. The MOA-ID project consists for four Sub-Projects

  • moa-id-auth-final is the production build of the MOA-ID IDP that can be used for production environments.
  • moa-id-auth-edu is the IDP for education usage that includes additional sub-modules and functionality that is not part of the production build.
  • moa-id-configuration is the configuration interface for MOA-ID IDP
  • moa-id-oa is a simple SAML2 service-provider application for testing only


The application is build into a Web-application and into a set of jars that can be directly used in another application. The Web application has to be deployed into an application service, like Apache Tomcat

The project can be build with :

mvn clean package

The resulting war file's can be deployed into an application server

The configuration will be set by Java System-Properties:

    • -Dmoa.id.configuration to set the configuration for MOA-ID itself
    • -Dmoa.spss.server.configuration=/path/to/configuration... to set the configuration for the MOA-SPSS sub-module
  • MOA-ID-Configuration
    • -Dmoa.id.webconfig to set the configuration for MOA-ID-Configuration itself
    • -Duser.properties=/path/to/configuration... to set the configuration file base user-database
    • -Dmoa.id.demoOA to set the configuration for MOA-ID-OA itself


A default configurations for MOA-ID and MOA-SPSS is located at /id/server/data/deploy/conf/

Generate a Release Package

The full release packages for will be automatically assembled by maven build-process. Before release build, all release related information have to added into infos folder. To add release informations follow the steps outlined below.

Add a file with release informations to: ./id/readme_{version}.txt

Add, remove, or update the application description in the handbook

modify: ./id/history.txt modify: ./id/server/doc/handbook/

Generate a release package with:

maven package

The full release package will be located add ./target/*


  • moa-id-4.1.6-SNAPSHOT-dist.zip is the production build that has to be published on JoinUp
  • moa-id-4.1.6-SNAPSHOT-dist-edu.zip is the eduction build for internal usage only


