path: root/id/server/moa-id-commons/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/commons/utils/KeyValueUtils.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-05-28refactore code to use EAAF core componentsThomas Lenz1-341/+0
2017-07-26refactor MOA metadataprovider to load metadata from file systemThomas Lenz1-0/+22
2016-10-21add functionality to support more than one ELGA mandate-serviceThomas Lenz1-2/+4
2016-03-09fix some problems in ELGA-mandate moduleThomas Lenz1-2/+21
2016-01-18add two methods to KeyValueUtilsThomas Lenz1-2/+41
2015-07-22fix bug in methode findNextFreeListCounter if actually no list existsThomas Lenz1-1/+6
2015-07-21fix MOA-ID-Auth problemsThomas Lenz1-0/+24
2015-07-17first beta version of new MOA-ID WebGUI module for configurationThomas Lenz1-0/+13
2015-07-10First parts of the new MOA-ID configuration moduleThomas Lenz1-9/+125
2015-07-02new files for key/value configThomas Lenz1-0/+101