path: root/spss.test/src/testgenerator/TestCases.java
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author(no author) <(no author)@d688527b-c9ab-4aba-bd8d-4036d912da1d>2003-12-22 17:51:40 +0000
committer(no author) <(no author)@d688527b-c9ab-4aba-bd8d-4036d912da1d>2003-12-22 17:51:40 +0000
commitb9e7df0cbe67b486ce3a1a2177bd08c0ced9e005 (patch)
tree7c3ebc612f89ce28ce75c8e7c06f92aca3ad5501 /spss.test/src/testgenerator/TestCases.java
parent296f2afedb9bef1bc71aeaa3407128094de7a523 (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'Build_002'.tags/Build_002
git-svn-id: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/svn/moa-idspss/tags/Build_002@88 d688527b-c9ab-4aba-bd8d-4036d912da1d
Diffstat (limited to 'spss.test/src/testgenerator/TestCases.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 611 deletions
diff --git a/spss.test/src/testgenerator/TestCases.java b/spss.test/src/testgenerator/TestCases.java
deleted file mode 100644
index db61af297..000000000
--- a/spss.test/src/testgenerator/TestCases.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-package testgenerator;
-import iaik.ixsil.init.IXSILInit;
-import iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl;
-import iaik.ixsil.util.URI;
-import iaik.asn1.ASN1Object;
-import iaik.asn1.ObjectID;
-import iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID;
-import iaik.asn1.structures.Attribute;
-import iaik.asn1.structures.ChoiceOfTime;
-import iaik.asn1.structures.Name;
-import iaik.cms.CMSException;
-import iaik.cms.ContentInfo;
-import iaik.cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber;
-import iaik.cms.SignedData;
-import iaik.cms.SignerInfo;
-import iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.CertificateBag;
-import iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.KeyBag;
-import iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.PKCS12;
-import iaik.security.ecc.interfaces.ECDSAPrivateKey;
-import iaik.security.provider.IAIK;
-import iaik.utils.Base64OutputStream;
-import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
-import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
-import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.CharArrayWriter;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
-import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
-import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
-import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
-import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
- * Base class for all tutorial units.
- * Provides some basic functionality, such as properties and signature
- * serialization.
- */
-public class TestCases
- public String Node2String(Node outputNode)
- throws
- TransformerFactoryConfigurationError,
- TransformerConfigurationException,
- TransformerException {
- CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter();
- TransformerFactory transformerFactory =
- TransformerFactory.newInstance();
- Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
- transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
- transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "utf-8");
- transformer.transform(new DOMSource(outputNode), new StreamResult(caw));
- String erg = caw.toString();
- return erg;
- }
- public void findNode(Node base,String name,ArrayList foundNodes)
- {
- findNode(base,name,foundNodes,-1);
- }
- public void findNode(Node base,String name,ArrayList foundNodes, int max_level)
- {
- findNode(base,name,foundNodes,max_level,0);
- }
- public void findNode(Node base,String name,ArrayList foundNodes, int max_level, int level)
- {
- if(max_level!=-1 && max_level<=level) return;
- //System.out.println("FINDNODE "+name);
- //System.out.println("CHECKING "+base.getNodeName());
- if(base.getNodeName().equals(name))
- {
- //System.out.println("ADD BASE !"+name);
- foundNodes.add(base);
- }
- NodeList children = base.getChildNodes();
- int size = children.getLength();
- for(int counter=0;counter<size;counter++)
- {
- findNode(children.item(counter),name,foundNodes,max_level,level+1);
- }
- }
- Properties configuration_;
- boolean[] variations_;
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- public TestCases() throws Exception
- {
- // Set some basic configuration properties
- configuration_ = new Properties();
- String baseDir = "e:/cio/projekte/basismodule/wartung/projekt/spss.test/";
- String webBaseDir = "http://localhost:8080/moa-spss-testdata/";
- configuration_.setProperty("baseDir", baseDir);
- configuration_.setProperty("webbaseDir", webBaseDir);
- configuration_.setProperty("PKCS12file", (baseDir + "/resources/test-ee2003_normal(buergerkarte).p12"));
- configuration_.setProperty("PKCS12password", "buergerkarte");
- configuration_.setProperty("ECDSPKCS12file", baseDir + "/resources/ecc(ego).p12");
- configuration_.setProperty("ECDSPKCS12password", "ego");
- configuration_.setProperty("IXSILInitPropertiesURI", "file:/" + baseDir + "resources/init.properties");
- configuration_.setProperty("CERT", baseDir + "resources/test-ee2003_normal_extract.cer");
- // Initialize IXSIL
- IXSILInit.init(new URI(configuration_.getProperty("IXSILInitPropertiesURI")));
- // Switch on debug information
- IXSILInit.setPrintDebugLog(true);
- // Add IAIK JCE provider
- IAIK.addAsProvider();
- }
- public String X509name = null;
- public BigInteger X509number = null;
- public String X509hash = null;
- public String X509sub = null;
- public iaik.x509.X509Certificate user1_sign = null;
- public void getX509Content() throws Exception
- {
- BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(configuration_.getProperty("CERT")));
- iaik.x509.X509Certificate cert = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate(bis);
- X509name = ((Name)(cert.getIssuerDN())).getRFC2253String();
- X509number = cert.getSerialNumber();
- X509hash = new String(cert.getFingerprintSHA());
- X509sub = ((Name)(cert.getSubjectDN())).getRFC2253String();
- }
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- public void serialize2File(Document signature, String fileName) throws Exception
- {
- FileOutputStream signatureFIS = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
- DOMUtilsImpl.serializeDocument(signature, signatureFIS);
- }
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- public static HashMap pkcs12cache = new HashMap();
- public PKCS12 decryptPKCS12( String pkcs12file, String password ) throws Exception
- {
- if(pkcs12cache.containsKey(pkcs12file)) return (PKCS12) pkcs12cache.get(pkcs12file);
- PKCS12 pkcs12 = new PKCS12(new FileInputStream(pkcs12file));
-// if (!pkcs12.verify(password.toCharArray())) {
-// System.out.println("could not verify pkcs12 " + pkcs12.toString() + " with password " + password);
-// } else {
-// System.out.println("verified pkcs12 " + pkcs12.toString() + " with password " + password);
-// }
- pkcs12.decrypt(password.toCharArray());
- System.out.println("decrypted pkcs12 " + pkcs12.toString() + " with password " + password);
- pkcs12cache.put(pkcs12file,pkcs12);
- return pkcs12;
- }
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- public static HashMap privkeycache = new HashMap();
- public RSAPrivateKey getPrivateKey( PKCS12 pkcs12 ) throws Exception
- {
- if(privkeycache.containsKey(pkcs12)) return (RSAPrivateKey)privkeycache.get(pkcs12);
- KeyBag[] keyBags = pkcs12.getKeyBags();
- System.out.println("PKCS12.getKeyBags(): " + keyBags.length + " KeyBags found");
- privkeycache.put(pkcs12,keyBags[0].getPrivateKey());
- return (RSAPrivateKey) keyBags[0].getPrivateKey();
- }
- public static HashMap ecdsaprivkeycache = new HashMap();
- public ECDSAPrivateKey getPrivateKeyECDS( PKCS12 pkcs12 ) throws Exception
- {
- if(ecdsaprivkeycache.containsKey(pkcs12)) return (ECDSAPrivateKey)ecdsaprivkeycache.get(pkcs12);
- KeyBag[] keyBags = pkcs12.getKeyBags();
- System.out.println("PKCS12.getKeyBags(): " + keyBags.length + " KeyBags found");
- ecdsaprivkeycache.put(pkcs12,keyBags[0].getPrivateKey());
- return (ECDSAPrivateKey) keyBags[0].getPrivateKey();
- }
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- public static HashMap x509cache = new HashMap();
- public X509Certificate[] getCertificates( PKCS12 pkcs12 ) throws Exception
- {
- if(x509cache.containsKey(pkcs12)) return (X509Certificate[])x509cache.get(pkcs12);
- X509Certificate[] ret = CertificateBag.getCertificates(pkcs12.getCertificateBags());
- x509cache.put(pkcs12,ret);
- return ret;
- }
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- /* ==================Created and or changed Methods by Stefan Knirsch================================== */
- /* ==================================================================================================== */
- public String vxReqFile(String testNumber)
- {
- return configuration_.getProperty("baseDir") +
- "/data/VX0/"+
- configuration_.getProperty("TestClass") +
- "." +
- testNumber +
- ".Req.xml";
- }
- public String vxResFile(String testNumber)
- {
- return configuration_.getProperty("baseDir") +
- "/data/VX0/"+
- configuration_.getProperty("TestClass") +
- "." +
- testNumber +
- ".Res.xml";
- }
- public String vxReqFileL(String testNumber,String filename)
- {
- return configuration_.getProperty("baseDir") +
- "/data/LVX"+filename+"/"+
- configuration_.getProperty("TestClass") +
- "." +
- testNumber +
- ".Req.xml";
- }
- public String vxResFileL(String testNumber,String filename)
- {
- return configuration_.getProperty("baseDir") +
- "/data/LVX"+filename+"/"+
- configuration_.getProperty("TestClass") +
- "." +
- testNumber +
- ".Res.xml";
- }
- public void createVXConfig() throws Exception {
- String file =
- configuration_.getProperty("baseDir")
- + "resources/"
- + configuration_.getProperty("TestClass")
- + ".Config.xml";
- String config =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"+
- "<MOAConfiguration xmlns=\"http://reference.e-government.gv.at/namespace/moaconfig/20021122#\">"
- + "<TrustProfile id=\"TrustProfile1\" uri=\"file://SERVER_WORKING_DIRECTORY/TrustProfile1\"/>"
- + "<SupplementProfile id=\"SupplementProfile1\" uri=\"file://SERVER_WORKING_DIRECTORY/SupplementProfile1\"/>"
- + "<SupplementProfile id=\"SupplementProfile2\" uri=\"file://SERVER_WORKING_DIRECTORY/SupplementProfile2\"/>"
- + "</MOAConfiguration>";
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
- fos.write(config.getBytes());
- }
- /**
- * Method replaceString.
- * @param input: String to be changed
- * @param oldPart: subString in input to be changed
- * @param newPart: new subString instead of the oldPart
- * @return String
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public static String replaceString(
- String input,
- String oldPart,
- String newPart)
- throws Exception {
- String erg = null;
- //First Part
- erg = input.substring(0, input.indexOf(oldPart));
- //Insert new Part
- erg += newPart;
- //insert REST
- erg
- += input.substring(
- input.indexOf(oldPart) + oldPart.length(),
- input.length());
- return erg;
- }
- public static String replaceStringAll(
- String input,
- String oldPart,
- String newPart)
- throws Exception {
- String erg = input;
- while(true)
- {
- //First Part
- int pos = input.indexOf(oldPart);
- if(pos==-1) break;
- erg = input.substring(0, pos);
- //Insert new Part
- erg += newPart;
- //insert REST
- erg
- += input.substring(
- input.indexOf(oldPart) + oldPart.length(),
- input.length());
- input = erg;
- }
- return erg;
- }
- /**
- * Method readFile.
- * @param filename
- * @return String
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public String readFile(String filename) throws Exception {
- /*StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer();
- String line = null;
- BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
- while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
- data.append(line);
- data.append("\n");
- }
- */
- RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r");
- if (raf.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
- throw new IOException("file too big to fit in byte array.");
- byte[] result = new byte[(int) raf.length()];
- raf.read(result);
- return new String(result);
- }
- /**
- * Method readBinaryFileAsBase64.
- * @param filename
- * @return Stringrepresentation as Base64 of the inputfile and saves that file
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public String readBinaryFileAsBase64_new(String filename) throws Exception {
- RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r");
- if (raf.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
- throw new IOException("file too big to fit in byte array.");
- byte[] result = new byte[(int) raf.length()];
- //READ the original binary Data
- raf.read(result);
- //Convert the data to bas64 and store it in a new file
- ByteArrayOutputStream fos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- Base64OutputStream base64os = new Base64OutputStream(fos);
- base64os.write(result);
- base64os.flush();
- return fos.toString();
- }
- public String readBinaryFileAsBase64(String filename) throws Exception {
- RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r");
- if (raf.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
- throw new IOException("file too big to fit in byte array.");
- byte[] result = new byte[(int) raf.length()];
- //READ the original binary Data
- raf.read(result);
- //Convert the data to bas64 and store it in a new file
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename + "base64.enc");
- Base64OutputStream base64os = new Base64OutputStream(fos);
- base64os.write(result);
- base64os.flush();
- base64os.close();
- //read the converted data und return it
- raf = new RandomAccessFile(filename + "base64.enc", "r");
- if (raf.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
- throw new IOException("Converted base64 file too big to fit in byte array.");
- result = new byte[(int) raf.length()];
- //READ the original binary Data
- raf.read(result);
- return new String(result);
- }
- /**
- * Method writeFile.
- * @param filename
- * @param data
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void writeFile(String filename, String data) throws Exception {
- BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
- bw.write(data);
- bw.close();
- }
- /**
- * Method writeFileBinary
- * @param filename
- * @param data
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void writeFileBinary(String filename, byte[] data) throws Exception {
- BufferedOutputStream bw = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
- bw.write(data);
- bw.close();
- }
- /**
- * Method getDate.
- * @param changeHours to change the time into the past or future
- * @return String
- */
- public String getDate(long changeHours) {
- //Use the XML-Format for the Time
- SimpleDateFormat formatter =
- new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'+01:00");
- //get the current Time
- Date currentTime = new Date();
- //add or substract a few hours
- currentTime.setTime(
- (currentTime.getTime() + changeHours * 1000 * 60 * 60));
- return formatter.format(currentTime);
- }
- public ASN1Object createSignedCMSData(byte[] message, int mode,boolean two_users) throws Exception {
- System.out.println("Create a new message signed by user 1:");
- // create a new SignedData object which includes the data
- SignedData signed_data = new SignedData(message, mode);
- // SignedData shall include the certificate chain for verifying
- PKCS12 pkcs12 = decryptPKCS12(
- configuration_.getProperty("PKCS12file"),
- configuration_.getProperty("PKCS12password"));
- BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(configuration_.getProperty("CERT")));
- iaik.x509.X509Certificate cert = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate(bis);
- user1_sign = cert;
- X509name = ((Name)(cert.getIssuerDN())).getRFC2253String();
- X509number = cert.getSerialNumber();
- X509hash = new String(cert.getFingerprintSHA());
- X509sub = ((Name)cert.getSubjectDN()).getRFC2253String();
- iaik.x509.X509Certificate[] certarray = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate[1];
- certarray[0] = cert;
- signed_data.setCertificates(certarray);
- RSAPrivateKey privateKey = getPrivateKey( pkcs12 );
- // cert at index 0 is the user certificate
- IssuerAndSerialNumber issuer = new IssuerAndSerialNumber((Name)cert.getIssuerDN(),X509number);
- // create a new SignerInfo
- SignerInfo signer_info = new SignerInfo(issuer, AlgorithmID.sha1, privateKey);
- // create some authenticated attributes
- // the message digest attribute is automatically added
- Attribute[] attributes = new Attribute[2];
- // content type is data
- attributes[0] = new Attribute(ObjectID.contentType, new ASN1Object[] {ObjectID.cms_data});
- // signing time is now
- attributes[1] = new Attribute(ObjectID.signingTime, new ASN1Object[] {new ChoiceOfTime().toASN1Object()});
- // set the attributes
- signer_info.setSignedAttributes(attributes);
- // finish the creation of SignerInfo by calling method addSigner
- try {
- signed_data.addSignerInfo(signer_info);
- if(two_users)
- {
- // another SignerInfo without authenticated attributes and MD5 as hash algorithm
- signer_info = new SignerInfo(new IssuerAndSerialNumber((Name)cert.getIssuerDN(),X509number),
- AlgorithmID.md5, privateKey);
- // the message digest itself is protected
- signed_data.addSignerInfo(signer_info);
- }
- } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- throw new CMSException("No implementation for signature algorithm: "+ex.getMessage());
- }
- ContentInfo ci = new ContentInfo(signed_data);
- return ci.toASN1Object();
- }
- public ASN1Object createSignedCMSData(byte[] message, int mode,boolean two_users,String pkcs12file,String pkcs12password,String certname) throws Exception {
- System.out.println("Create a new message signed by user 1:");
- // create a new SignedData object which includes the data
- SignedData signed_data = new SignedData(message, mode);
- // SignedData shall include the certificate chain for verifying
- PKCS12 pkcs12 = decryptPKCS12(
- configuration_.getProperty(pkcs12file),
- configuration_.getProperty(pkcs12password));
- BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(configuration_.getProperty(certname)));
- iaik.x509.X509Certificate cert = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate(bis);
- X509name = ((Name)(cert.getIssuerDN())).getRFC2253String();
- X509number = cert.getSerialNumber();
- X509hash = new String(cert.getFingerprintSHA());
- X509sub = ((Name)cert.getSubjectDN()).getRFC2253String();
- iaik.x509.X509Certificate[] certarray = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate[1];
- certarray[0] = cert;
- signed_data.setCertificates(certarray);
- RSAPrivateKey privateKey = getPrivateKey( pkcs12 );
- // cert at index 0 is the user certificate
- IssuerAndSerialNumber issuer = new IssuerAndSerialNumber((Name)cert.getIssuerDN(),X509number);
- // create a new SignerInfo
- SignerInfo signer_info = new SignerInfo(issuer, AlgorithmID.sha1, privateKey);
- // create some authenticated attributes
- // the message digest attribute is automatically added
- Attribute[] attributes = new Attribute[2];
- // content type is data
- attributes[0] = new Attribute(ObjectID.contentType, new ASN1Object[] {ObjectID.cms_data});
- // signing time is now
- attributes[1] = new Attribute(ObjectID.signingTime, new ASN1Object[] {new ChoiceOfTime().toASN1Object()});
- // set the attributes
- signer_info.setSignedAttributes(attributes);
- // finish the creation of SignerInfo by calling method addSigner
- try {
- signed_data.addSignerInfo(signer_info);
- if(two_users)
- {
- // another SignerInfo without authenticated attributes and MD5 as hash algorithm
- signer_info = new SignerInfo(new IssuerAndSerialNumber((Name)cert.getIssuerDN(),X509number),
- AlgorithmID.md5, privateKey);
- // the message digest itself is protected
- signed_data.addSignerInfo(signer_info);
- }
- } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
- throw new CMSException("No implementation for signature algorithm: "+ex.getMessage());
- }
- ContentInfo ci = new ContentInfo(signed_data);
- return ci.toASN1Object();
- }
-public String cutXML(String input)
- {
- int pos = input.indexOf(">");
- if(pos!=-1)
- return input.substring(pos+1);
- else
- return input;
- }