path: root/pdf-as-lib/src/main/java/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/pdf/StructContentHelper.java
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1 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pdf-as-lib/src/main/java/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/pdf/StructContentHelper.java b/pdf-as-lib/src/main/java/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/pdf/StructContentHelper.java
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+++ b/pdf-as-lib/src/main/java/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/pdf/StructContentHelper.java
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+ * <copyright> Copyright 2006 by Know-Center, Graz, Austria </copyright>
+ * PDF-AS has been contracted by the E-Government Innovation Center EGIZ, a
+ * joint initiative of the Federal Chancellery Austria and Graz University of
+ * Technology.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by
+ * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
+ * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
+ * http://www.osor.eu/eupl/
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the Licence.
+ *
+ * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text
+ * file for details on the various modules and licenses.
+ * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works
+ * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file.
+ */
+package at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.pdf;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.exceptions.ErrorCode;
+import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.exceptions.PresentableException;
+import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.sig.SignatureObject;
+import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfArray;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfDictionary;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfIndirectReference;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfNumber;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfObject;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamperImp;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfString;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdfas.StructContentWriter;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdfas.StructContentWriterHolder;
+import com.lowagie.text.pdfas.UrlInTextFinder;
+ * Helper class for writing the structure hierarchy of the signature elements.
+ * Everything is written with the PdfObject low level API because there is no better support.
+ * The structured content is only written for structured (==tagged) input documents. The methods have to be called in the
+ * defined order. The object cannot be reused for several signatures.<br>
+ * See pdf spec "Logical Structure" for details.<br>
+ * The struct writing could be a little more abstracted, but this would include quite some itext extension work. And like this it
+ * fits better to PDF-AS / wprinz coding style :-(
+ * @author exthex
+ *
+ */
+public class StructContentHelper implements StructContentWriter {
+ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StructContentHelper.class);
+ private static final String SIGBLOCK_STRUCT_TYPE = "P";
+ private static final PdfName PARENTTREENEXTKEY = new PdfName("ParentTreeNextKey");
+ private static final String ALT_TEXT_DEFAULT = "Signaturbildmarke";
+ private final static String ALT_TEXT_CONF_KEY = "sigLogoAltText";
+ private int nextMcid = 0;
+ /**
+ * MCID value used for the sigblock marked contend identifier
+ */
+ private int sigBlockMcid =-1;
+ /**
+ * MCID value for "Bildmarke" marked content sequence
+ */
+ private int figureMcid = -1;
+ /**
+ * MCID value for verify link marked content sequence
+ */
+ private int linkMcid = -1;
+ private String linkUrlString = null;
+ private boolean isTagged = false;
+ private Map linkPosMap = new HashMap();
+ private Map tmpMap = new HashMap();
+ private PdfStamper stamper;
+ private PdfStamperImp stamperImp;
+ private PdfContentByte content;
+ private PdfDictionary page;
+ private PdfNumber parentTreeNextKey = null;
+ private PdfNumber annotationParentTreeKey = null;
+ /**
+ * Temporary save a pos
+ */
+ private Rectangle tempMarkedPos = null;
+ /**
+ * Cell position of the signature verify link overlay
+ */
+ private Rectangle verifyLinkCellPos = null;
+ /**
+ * Kids array (K) of the <code>StructTreeRoot</code>
+ */
+ private PdfArray structTreeRootKids = null;
+ /**
+ * Entry in the ParentTree.Nums array used for sigtable structs
+ */
+ private PdfArray mainParentTreeNumEntry;
+ /**
+ * Create new helper for one signature, and bind it to {@link StructContentWriterHolder}
+ * for thread local access from itext.
+ *
+ * @param stamper
+ * @param content
+ * @param pageNr
+ */
+ StructContentHelper(PdfStamper stamper, PdfContentByte content, int pageNr) {
+ this.stamper = stamper;
+ this.content = content;
+ stamperImp = ((PdfStamperImp) stamper.getWriter());
+ page = stamper.getReader().getPageN(pageNr);
+ StructContentWriterHolder.setThreadLocalWriter(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove thread local helper
+ */
+ public void removeCurrent() {
+ StructContentWriterHolder.removeThreadLocalWriter();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare structured content for signature block. This method initializes the whole StructTreeRoot stuff.
+ * @param sigBlockObj
+ * @throws PresentableException
+ */
+ void prepareStructData(PdfTemplate sigBlockObj) throws PresentableException {
+ try {
+ checkTagging();
+ if (!isTagged) {
+ return;
+ }
+ doAnnoTabOrder();
+ PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = getStructTreeRoot();
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRoot);
+ PdfArray parentTreeNums = getParentTreeNums();
+ PdfNumber structParentsNr = page.getAsNumber(PdfName.STRUCTPARENTS); // read StructParents entry from current page
+ mainParentTreeNumEntry = obtainParentTreeEntry(structTreeRoot, parentTreeNums, structParentsNr, sigBlockObj);
+ nextMcid = mainParentTreeNumEntry.size();
+ sigBlockMcid = nextMcid;
+ nextMcid++;
+ this.structTreeRootKids = obtainStructTreeRootKids(structTreeRoot);
+ if(this.structTreeRootKids == null)
+ {
+ this.structTreeRootKids = this.createStructTreeRootKids(structTreeRoot);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ logger.error("error", ex);
+ throw new PresentableException(ErrorCode.CANNOT_WRITE_PDF,
+ "error writing structured signature content", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ PdfArray createStructTreeRootKids(PdfDictionary structTreeRoot) {
+ PdfArray tmp = new PdfArray();
+ structTreeRoot.put(PdfName.K, tmp);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create struct data for main signature block
+ * @throws PresentableException
+ */
+ void buildSigBlockStructData() throws PresentableException {
+ if (!isTagged) return;
+ try {
+ PdfIndirectReference newStructRef = createStructElem(SIGBLOCK_STRUCT_TYPE, new PdfNumber(
+ sigBlockMcid), getStructTreeRoot().getIndRef());
+ // ADD everything at the end because nothing can be written afterwards
+ structTreeRootKids.add(newStructRef);
+ mainParentTreeNumEntry.add(newStructRef);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(mainParentTreeNumEntry);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ logger.error("error", ex);
+ throw new PresentableException(ErrorCode.CANNOT_WRITE_PDF,
+ "error writing structured signature content", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finish struct data for signblock and it's elements (NOT for the external link and annot!)
+ * @throws PresentableException
+ */
+ void finishMainStructData() throws PresentableException {
+ try {
+ if (isTagged && mainParentTreeNumEntry.getIndRef() == null) {
+ getParentTreeNums().add(
+ stamper.getWriter().addToBody(mainParentTreeNumEntry).getIndirectReference());
+ stamperImp.markUsed(getParentTreeNums());
+ stamperImp.markUsed(getStructTreeRoot().getAsDict(PdfName.PARENTTREE));
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ logger.error("error", ex);
+ throw new PresentableException(ErrorCode.CANNOT_WRITE_PDF,
+ "error writing structured signature content", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the structured content for the signature logo (bildmarke). {@link #beginFigureContent(PdfContentByte)} and
+ * {@link #endFigureContent(PdfContentByte)} have to be called before this method to mark the logo in the stream. This
+ * is done implicitly in the modified itext source (see {@link StructContentWriterHolder}).
+ * @param so
+ * @param sigBlockObj
+ * @throws PresentableException
+ */
+ void buildFigureStructData(SignatureObject so, PdfTemplate sigBlockObj) throws PresentableException {
+ try {
+ if (isTagged && isFigureMarked()) {
+ PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = getStructTreeRoot();
+ PdfIndirectReference mcrRef = createMcrStructElem(this.figureMcid, sigBlockObj.getIndirectReference());
+ PdfIndirectReference figureRef = createStructElem("Figure", mcrRef,
+ getAltText(so.getSignatureTypeDefinition().getType()), structTreeRoot.getIndRef());
+ structTreeRootKids.add(figureRef);
+ mainParentTreeNumEntry.add(figureRef);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRootKids);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRoot);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(mainParentTreeNumEntry);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ logger.error("error", ex);
+ throw new PresentableException(ErrorCode.CANNOT_WRITE_PDF,
+ "error writing structured signature content", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the link annotation for the signature verification link and the structured content accordingly.<br>
+ * The tagging does NOT work if the link is placed in a binary signature replace cell (phlengh for this cell)!!
+ * @param sigBlockObj
+ * @param atp
+ * @throws PresentableException
+ */
+ void buildVerifyLinkStructData(PdfTemplate sigBlockObj, ActualTablePos atp) throws PresentableException {
+ if (!this.isTagged || !this.isLinkMarked() || !isLinkFound()) return;
+ try {
+ PdfNumber parentTreeKey = getNewParentTreeKey();
+ PdfArray annots = obrainAnnotsFromPage();
+ PdfIndirectReference linkAnnotRef = createLinkAnnot(parentTreeKey, atp);
+ annots.add(linkAnnotRef);
+ PdfIndirectReference objr = createObjrStructElem(linkAnnotRef);
+ PdfIndirectReference mcr = createMcrStructElem(this.linkMcid, sigBlockObj.getIndirectReference());
+ PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = getStructTreeRoot();
+ PdfArray linkKids = new PdfArray();
+ PdfIndirectReference linkKidsRef = stamper.getWriter().getPdfIndirectReference();
+ PdfIndirectReference linkRef = createStructElem("Link", linkKidsRef, structTreeRoot.getIndRef());
+ linkKids.add(objr);
+ PdfIndirectReference span = createStructElem("Span", mcr, linkRef);
+ linkKids.add(span);
+ stamper.getWriter().addToBody(linkKids, linkKidsRef);
+ structTreeRootKids.add(linkRef);
+ // create new entry in ParentTree
+ PdfArray parentTreeNums = getParentTreeNums();
+ parentTreeNums.add(parentTreeKey);
+ parentTreeNums.add(linkRef);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(parentTreeNums);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRoot.getAsDict(PdfName.PARENTTREE));
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRootKids);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(linkKids);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRoot);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.error("error", e);
+ throw new PresentableException(ErrorCode.CANNOT_WRITE_PDF,
+ "error writing structured signature content", e);
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean isLinkFound() {
+ return this.linkUrlString != null && this.verifyLinkCellPos != null && this.linkPosMap.size() > 0 && this.linkMcid >= 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build new StructParent entry for signature annotation.
+ * @return
+ */
+ PdfNumber buildAdobeSigStructParent() {
+ if (this.isTagged) {
+ this.annotationParentTreeKey = getNewParentTreeKey();
+ return annotationParentTreeKey;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build and write structured content for adobe signature annotation
+ *
+ * @param sigFormField
+ * @param title
+ * @throws PresentableException
+ */
+ void buildAdobeSigStruct(PdfFormField sigFormField, String title) throws PresentableException {
+ if (!isTagged)
+ return;
+ try {
+ PdfDictionary root = getStructTreeRoot();
+ PdfIndirectReference objrRef = createObjrStructElem(sigFormField.getIndirectReference());
+ PdfIndirectReference adobeSigStructRef = createStructElem("Link", objrRef, root.getIndRef());
+ PdfArray parentTreeNums = getParentTreeNums();
+ // create new entry in ParentTree
+ parentTreeNums.add(annotationParentTreeKey);
+ parentTreeNums.add(adobeSigStructRef);
+ structTreeRootKids.add(adobeSigStructRef);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRootKids);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(parentTreeNums);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(root.getAsDict(PdfName.PARENTTREE));
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ logger.error("error", ex);
+ throw new PresentableException(ErrorCode.CANNOT_WRITE_PDF,
+ "error writing structured signature content", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start tag for signature block content stream. Place this before the signature block is written to a content stream.
+ * Call {@link #endSigBlockContent()} afterwards
+ */
+ void beginSigBlockContent() {
+ if (isTagged) {
+ content.getInternalBuffer().append(new PdfName(SIGBLOCK_STRUCT_TYPE).getBytes()).append(" <</MCID ")
+ .append(sigBlockMcid).append(">> BDC").append('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * End tag for signature block content stream. Place this after the signature block is written to a content stream
+ */
+ void endSigBlockContent() {
+ if (isTagged) {
+ content.endMarkedContentSequence();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes start tag for signature logo marked content sequence.
+ */
+ public void beginFigureContent(PdfContentByte localContent) {
+ if (isTagged) {
+ if (!isFigureMarked()) {
+ this.figureMcid = this.nextMcid++;
+ localContent.getInternalBuffer().append("/Figure <</MCID ").append(this.figureMcid).append(">> BDC\n");
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("cannot tag multiple figures (bildmarken)");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes end tag for signature logo marked content sequence.
+ */
+ public void endFigureContent(PdfContentByte localContent) {
+ if (isTagged && isFigureMarked()) {
+ localContent.endMarkedContentSequence();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes start tag for verify link marked content sequence.
+ */
+ public void beginLinkContent(PdfContentByte localContent, String urlString) {
+ // it's called from here com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte.showText(String)
+ if (isTagged) {
+ if (!isLinkMarked()) {
+ this.linkUrlString = urlString;
+ this.linkMcid = this.nextMcid++;
+ localContent.getInternalBuffer().append("/Span <</MCID ").append(this.linkMcid).append(">> BDC\n");
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("cannot tag multiple verify links");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes end tag for verify link marked content sequence.
+ */
+ public void endLinkContent(PdfContentByte localContent) {
+ if (isTagged && isLinkMarked()) {
+ localContent.endMarkedContentSequence();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements {@link StructContentWriter#markPos(Rectangle)}
+ */
+ public void markPos(Rectangle pos) {
+ this.tempMarkedPos = pos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements {@link StructContentWriter#storeCurrentPosAsLink()}
+ */
+ public void storeCurrentPosAsLink() {
+ this.verifyLinkCellPos = new Rectangle(this.tempMarkedPos);
+ }
+ public void putVal(String key, Object val) {
+ tmpMap.put(key, val);
+ }
+ public void storeVals() {
+ linkPosMap = new HashMap(tmpMap);
+ }
+ /**
+ * set explicit annotation tab order if missing
+ */
+ private void doAnnoTabOrder() {
+ if (page.getAsName(new PdfName("Tabs")) == null) {
+ page.put(new PdfName("Tabs"), PdfName.S); // set explicit annotation TAB order
+ stamperImp.markUsed(page);
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkTagging() {
+ PdfDictionary markDict = stamper.getReader().getCatalog().getAsDict(PdfName.MARKINFO);
+ if (markDict != null) {
+ isTagged = markDict.getAsBoolean(PdfName.MARKED).booleanValue();
+ }
+ if (!isTagged) {
+ logger.debug("input document is not tagged. no structure/wai information is written");
+ }
+ logger.debug("Input is tagged. Writing structure/WAI data.");
+ }
+ private PdfIndirectReference createLinkAnnot(PdfNumber structParentNr, ActualTablePos atp) throws IOException {
+ PdfDictionary linkAnnot = new PdfDictionary();
+ PdfDictionary a = new PdfDictionary();
+ a.put(PdfName.S, new PdfName("URI"));
+ a.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.ACTION);
+ a.put(PdfName.URI, new PdfString(this.linkUrlString));
+ linkAnnot.put(PdfName.A, a);
+ PdfDictionary bs = new PdfDictionary();
+ bs.put(PdfName.W, new PdfNumber(0));
+ linkAnnot.put(PdfName.BS, bs);
+ linkAnnot.put(PdfName.F, new PdfNumber(4));
+ // iText "converts" 0.0f to an integer, therefore we cannot use 0, not nice...
+ //linkAnnot.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfArray(new float[] {0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f}));
+ // take cell pos as link pos
+ linkAnnot.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfArray(calcLinkPos(atp)));
+ linkAnnot.put(PdfName.STRUCTPARENT, structParentNr);
+ linkAnnot.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, PdfName.LINK);
+ return stamper.getWriter().addToBody(linkAnnot).getIndirectReference();
+ }
+ private PdfArray calcLinkPos(ActualTablePos atp) {
+ PdfArray res = new PdfArray();
+ float downY = atp.y - atp.height;
+ float startX = atp.x + this.verifyLinkCellPos.getLeft();
+ float yLine = getPosMapVal("yLine");
+ float lineHigh = getPosMapVal("maxSize");
+ float lineWidth = getPosMapVal("lineWidth");
+ UrlInTextFinder finder = (UrlInTextFinder) this.linkPosMap.get("urlFinder");
+ // maybe one could calc the link pos even more exactly with char width counting
+ // but this should be close enough (see BidiLine.processLine and chunk.getcharwith)
+ float lineCorr = -2;
+ float xCorr = 5;
+ res.add(new PdfNumber(1 + startX + finder.calcLinkPosXStart(lineWidth)));
+ res.add(new PdfNumber(downY + yLine + lineHigh + lineCorr));
+ res.add(new PdfNumber(xCorr + startX + finder.calcLinkPosXEnd(lineWidth)));
+ res.add(new PdfNumber(downY + yLine + lineCorr));
+ return res;
+ }
+ private float getPosMapVal(String key) {
+ return ((Float) this.linkPosMap.get(key)).floatValue();
+ }
+ protected static PdfArray createPdfArrayFromTablePos(ActualTablePos pos) {
+ return new PdfArray( new float[] {pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + pos.width, pos.y - pos.height});
+ }
+ private PdfArray obrainAnnotsFromPage() throws IOException {
+ PdfArray annots = this.page.getAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS);
+ if (annots == null) {
+ annots = new PdfArray();
+ page.put(PdfName.ANNOTS, annots);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(this.page);
+ stamper.getWriter().addToBody(annots);
+ }
+ return annots;
+ }
+ private PdfArray obtainStructTreeRootKids(PdfDictionary structTreeRoot) {
+ PdfArray rk = null;
+ PdfObject root_k = structTreeRoot.getDirectObject(PdfName.K);
+ stamperImp.markUsed(root_k);
+ if (root_k instanceof PdfDictionary) {
+ rk = new PdfArray();
+ stamperImp.markUsed(structTreeRootKids);
+ rk.add(root_k.getIndRef());
+ structTreeRoot.put(PdfName.K, structTreeRootKids);
+ } else if(root_k != null) { // has to be array
+ rk = (PdfArray) root_k;
+ }
+ return rk;
+ }
+ private PdfArray obtainParentTreeEntry(PdfDictionary structTreeRoot, PdfArray parentTreeNums,
+ PdfNumber structParentsNr, PdfTemplate sigBlockObj) {
+ int numsIdx = -1;
+ PdfArray parentTreeEntry = null;
+ if (structParentsNr == null) { // no StructParents entry yet, make new one and add new parenttree entry
+ PdfNumber parentTreeKey = null;
+ parentTreeNextKey = structTreeRoot.getAsNumber(PARENTTREENEXTKEY); // read next proposed key
+ if (parentTreeNextKey == null) { // this can be null if a non-perfect pdf creator was at work
+ // find the next key by counting
+ int nextI = ((int) parentTreeNums.size() / 2); // know the "Number Trees" data structure from pdf-ref
+ this.parentTreeNextKey = new PdfNumber(nextI);
+ structTreeRoot.put(PARENTTREENEXTKEY, this.parentTreeNextKey); // write ParentTreeNextKey entry
+ }
+ parentTreeKey = new PdfNumber(parentTreeNextKey.intValue());
+ parentTreeNextKey.increment();
+ page.put(PdfName.STRUCTPARENTS, parentTreeKey); // write /StructParents entry to page
+ structParentsNr = parentTreeKey;
+ stamperImp.markUsed(page);
+ // create new entry in ParentTree
+ parentTreeNums.add(parentTreeKey);
+ parentTreeEntry = new PdfArray();
+ numsIdx = parentTreeNums.size() - 1;
+ } else { // structparents entry already available, find parenttree entry
+ //parentTreeKey = structParentsNr;
+ parentTreeNextKey = structTreeRoot.getAsNumber(PARENTTREENEXTKEY); // read next proposed key
+ if (parentTreeNextKey == null) { // this can be null if a non-perfact pdf creator was at work
+ // find the next key by counting
+ int nextI = 0;
+ if (parentTreeNums != null) {
+ nextI = ((int) parentTreeNums.size() / 2);
+ }
+ this.parentTreeNextKey = new PdfNumber(nextI);
+ structTreeRoot.put(PARENTTREENEXTKEY, this.parentTreeNextKey);
+ }
+ }
+ // add Structparents entry to xobject content stream
+ sigBlockObj.addAttribute(PdfName.STRUCTPARENTS, structParentsNr);
+ // find my structParentEntry
+ if (numsIdx < 0) {
+ // it's a weird data structure: "number tree", see pdf reference if you really want to understand
+ // if the array has no gaps it is easy:
+ numsIdx = structParentsNr.intValue() * 2;
+ if (parentTreeNums.getAsNumber(numsIdx).intValue() != structParentsNr.intValue()) { // there seem to be gaps
+ for (numsIdx = 0; numsIdx < parentTreeNums.size(); numsIdx += 2) { // search manually
+ if (parentTreeNums.getAsNumber(numsIdx).intValue() == structParentsNr.intValue()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ numsIdx += 1;
+ }
+ if (parentTreeEntry == null) {
+ parentTreeEntry = parentTreeNums.getAsArray(numsIdx);
+ }
+ return parentTreeEntry;
+ }
+// private PdfIndirectReference createStructElem(String structType, PdfObject kid) throws IOException {
+// return createStructElem(structType, kid, null);
+// }
+ private PdfIndirectReference createStructElem(String structType, PdfObject kid, PdfIndirectReference parentRef) throws IOException {
+ return createStructElem(structType, kid, null, parentRef);
+ }
+ private PdfIndirectReference createStructElem(String structType, PdfObject kid, String altText,
+ PdfIndirectReference parentRef) throws IOException {
+ PdfDictionary newStruct = new PdfDictionary();
+ newStruct.put(PdfName.S, new PdfName(structType));
+ //newStruct.put(PdfName.T, new PdfString("PDF-AS Signaturblock"));// eher nicht
+ if (parentRef != null) {
+ newStruct.put(PdfName.P, parentRef);
+ }
+ newStruct.put(PdfName.TYPE, new PdfName("StructElem"));
+ newStruct.put(PdfName.PG, page.getIndRef());
+ if (altText != null) {
+ newStruct.put(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString(altText));
+ }
+ // newStruct.put(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString(getAltText(so.getSignatureTypeDefinition().getType())));
+ //newStruct.put(PdfName.K, new PdfNumber(nextMcid));
+ newStruct.put(PdfName.K, kid);
+ return stamper.getWriter().addToBody(newStruct).getIndirectReference();
+ }
+ private boolean isFigureMarked() {
+ return this.figureMcid > -1;
+ }
+ private boolean isLinkMarked() {
+ return this.linkMcid > -1;
+ }
+ private PdfNumber getNewParentTreeKey() {
+ // new parent tree entry
+ if (parentTreeNextKey == null) {
+ parentTreeNextKey = getStructTreeRoot().getAsNumber(PARENTTREENEXTKEY); // read next proposed key
+ }
+ PdfNumber res = new PdfNumber(parentTreeNextKey.intValue());
+ parentTreeNextKey.increment();
+ return res;
+ }
+ private PdfIndirectReference createObjrStructElem(PdfIndirectReference objRef) throws IOException {
+ PdfDictionary objr = new PdfDictionary();
+ objr.put(PdfName.TYPE, new PdfName("OBJR"));
+ objr.put(PdfName.PG, page.getIndRef());
+ objr.put(new PdfName("Obj"), objRef);
+ return stamper.getWriter().addToBody(objr).getIndirectReference();
+ }
+ private PdfIndirectReference createMcrStructElem(int mcid, PdfIndirectReference streamRef) throws IOException {
+ PdfDictionary objr = new PdfDictionary();
+ objr.put(PdfName.TYPE, new PdfName("MCR"));
+ objr.put(PdfName.PG, page.getIndRef());
+ objr.put(PdfName.MCID, new PdfNumber(mcid));
+ objr.put(new PdfName("Stm"), streamRef);
+ return stamper.getWriter().addToBody(objr).getIndirectReference();
+ }
+ private PdfArray getParentTreeNums() {
+ return getStructTreeRoot().getAsDict(PdfName.PARENTTREE).getAsArray(PdfName.NUMS);
+ }
+ private PdfDictionary getStructTreeRoot() {
+ return stamper.getReader().getCatalog().getAsDict(PdfName.STRUCTTREEROOT);
+ }
+ private static String getAltText(String sigProfile) {
+ return AdobeSignatureHelper.getDefaultableConfigProperty(sigProfile, ALT_TEXT_CONF_KEY, ALT_TEXT_DEFAULT);
+ }