path: root/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/tnvz/TnvzHelper.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-07-03Refactor: Restructure ProjectChristof Rabensteiner1-232/+0
- Move components that depend on the service contracts into scheme package. - Move cxf related components into util package. - Rename SameThread to SingleThreaded.
2019-07-03TnvzHelper: Handle Edge Case and Add Test CasesChristof Rabensteiner1-8/+3
- TnvzHelper: Handle edge case where Mzs/DeliveryRequest/Sender/CorporateBody is missing (Reason: This field is in a <choice> with msg:SenderProfile, so if CorporateBody is missing the request still passes the schema validation). Handle case by rejecting missing CorporateBody and TnvzQuery activated. - Add test cases for TnvzHelper.
2019-07-02Handle tnvz Query Edge Cases by Improving ValidationChristof Rabensteiner1-20/+26
TnvzHelper Fixes - Handle additional edge cases. - Mzs:Schema Change: Eliminate PreAdviceNote redundancy by removing it from mzs:DeliveryRequest/TnvzMetaData; PreadviceNote is already in the Receiver element. Update TnvzHelper accordingly. - Implement and integrate tnvz completeness check into DeliveryRequestAugmenter to ensure that, after augmentation, tnvz can be performed. Refactor mzs:DeliveryRequest Validation: - Before: Validating, merging and generatig ConfigType in ConfigUtil. - Change: Need to add validation of DeliveryRequest (Reason: For performing Tnvz Requests, the DeliveryRequest needs to be in a consistent state). - Problem: DeliveryRequest validation does not fit into ConfigUtil. - Solution: Put validation of DeliveryRequest and Config into new Component "MzsValidation".
2019-07-02Implement And Integrate tnvz:QueryPersonRequest.Christof Rabensteiner1-0/+231
- Merge TnvzClient and TnvzResultVerifier to TnvzHelper; TnvzHelper now builds the QueryPersonRequest, sends it to the tnvz port and evaluates the result. - Publish some interfaces in Mzs2MsgConverter because they are needed by TnvzHelper. - Generalize MsgClientFactory to ClientFactory such that it can be used to generate arbitrary SOAP clients (e.g. also for tnvz!). Schema Changes to accomodate Tnvz's QueryPersonRequest: - Add optional tnvz:AustrianAddressesOnly and optional TnvzMetaData to mzs:mzs:DeliveryRequest. Removed Unit Tests: - Remove subset of SameThreadDeliveryPipeline testcases (mimetype related) because its logic moved to TnvzHelper.