path: root/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/scheme/TnvzHelper.java
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authorChristof Rabensteiner <christof.rabensteiner@iaik.tugraz.at>2019-07-08 18:02:37 +0200
committerChristof Rabensteiner <christof.rabensteiner@iaik.tugraz.at>2019-07-08 18:02:37 +0200
commitc1a1a5130a4ecf755da72941ad3525beb919447f (patch)
treeecaca5da80571e10f25186402ee73d8e062d4544 /src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/scheme/TnvzHelper.java
parent78f0715d86a055aed11138df5f66b0794e72326a (diff)
Implement Zuse2App Services
- Add zuse2app.wsdl contract. - Add MsgResponse as an type-agnostic view for DeliveryRequestStatus and DeliveryNotification messages. Reason: Both DeliveryNotification and DeliveryRequestStatus messages have similar fields and need to be treated similarly (e.g.: receive from msg service, store to repository, verify signature, store to file...). In order to prevent duplicated code, the wrapper interface provides a type-agnostic view onto these messages for depending components to operate on. - Add MsgResponseHandler interface; decides how to process MsgResponse. Also implement this handler with a multi-threaded single-node implementation. - Add MsgResponseSink interface; decides how to archive MsgResponse. - Implement and test SafeResponseToFileSink. Change Identifier for MsgResponses: - Before, DeliveryRequestStatus and DeliveryNotifications had their own repositories. Now, both types are stored in the same repository (the MsgResponse repository) to streamline the handling of MsgResponses. We need to change the identification of MsgReponses, otherwise the identifiers (AppDeliveryID) clash. - MsgResponses are not identified by: <AppDeliveryId>+<typeSpecificSuffix> - Rewrite StoreSOAPInterceptor to accommodate fact that, both DeliveryRequestStatus and DeliveryNotification messages have different IDs upon storage / retrieval. Restructure packages and components as follows: - client: All components that are involved when consuming a web service. - process: "fabric" of MoaZS; contains business logic that orchestrates back-end tasks of MoaZS's operational services, e.g.: by processing a delivery request. - service: Implementation of MoaZS's front-end services. Refactoring: - MoaZSException: Remove unused fields. Before: Store mzsrequest, tnvzresult, msgrequest and msgresult as members. Now: Only keep the fields that are needed later, e.g for generating a msg:DeliveryRequestStatus element. Add copy constructor to Builder. - Put storage of byte[] into a dedicated "BinaryRepository". Reason: This was useful in a former design. Now it's not really needed anymore. - Put "create Endpoint" code into EndpointFactory. Reason: Eliminate duplicated code when configuring a service. Testing: - Activate Stacktraces in surefire.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/scheme/TnvzHelper.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/scheme/TnvzHelper.java b/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/scheme/TnvzHelper.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c20bb..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/scheme/TnvzHelper.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-package at.gv.egiz.moazs.scheme;
-import at.gv.egiz.moazs.MoaZSException;
-import at.gv.egiz.moazs.scheme.Mzs2MsgConverter;
-import at.gv.zustellung.app2mzs.xsd.DeliveryRequestType;
-import at.gv.zustellung.app2mzs.xsd.persondata.AbstractAddressType;
-import at.gv.zustellung.msg.xsd.persondata.IdentificationType;
-import at.gv.zustellung.msg.xsd.persondata.ObjectFactory;
-import at.gv.zustellung.msg.xsd.persondata.PostalAddressType;
-import at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.*;
-import at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.QueryPersonRequest.QueryEntryList;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
-import javax.annotation.Nullable;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import static at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.PersonQueryType.MetaData.metaDataBuilder;
-import static at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.PersonQueryType.personQueryTypeBuilder;
-import static at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.QueryPersonRequest.QueryEntryList.queryEntryListBuilder;
-import static at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.QueryPersonRequest.queryPersonRequestBuilder;
-import static at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.Receiver.receiverBuilder;
-import static at.gv.zustellung.tnvz.xsd.Sender.senderBuilder;
-import static java.lang.String.join;
-import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet;
-public class TnvzHelper {
- private final Mzs2MsgConverter converter;
- private static final ObjectFactory FACTORY = new at.gv.zustellung.msg.xsd.persondata.ObjectFactory();
- private static final String ENTRY_ID = "entry-id";
- private static final String RECEIVER_NOT_ADRESSABLE_ERROR_MSG = "Receiver is not addressable. Reason: %s";
- private static final String MIMETYPE_MISSMATCH_ERROR_MSG = "Request contains attachment of type(s) %s, but " +
- "receiver only accepts attachments of type(s) %s.";
- private static final String MZS_NO_TNVZ_PERSON_QUERY_RESULTS_ERROR_MSG = "tnvz:QueryResultList was empty.";
- @Autowired
- public TnvzHelper(Mzs2MsgConverter converter) {
- this.converter = converter;
- }
- /**
- * Performs all tasks related to making a request to the tnvz service:
- * Derives a tnvz:QueryPersonRequest from the {@code mzsRequest}, sends the QueryPersonRequest to
- * {@code tvnzPort}, validates the tnvz's response and extracts the {@code Identification} Element.
- * @param mzsRequest Data source for the QueryPersonRequest
- * @param tvnzPort Client for communicating with the tnvz service
- * @param exceptionBuilder Utility to collect information and build a meaningful exception in case of errors.
- * @throws MoaZSException in case of an error.
- * @return
- */
- public IdentificationType performQueryPersonRequest(DeliveryRequestType mzsRequest,
- TNVZServicePort tvnzPort,
- MoaZSException.Builder exceptionBuilder) {
- var tvnzQuery = buildQuery(mzsRequest);
- var tvnzResponse = tvnzPort.queryPerson(tvnzQuery);
- verifyResponse(tvnzResponse, exceptionBuilder);
- var tvnzResult = getResult(tvnzResponse);
- var typesInRequest = extractListOfMimemtypesIn(mzsRequest);
- checkMimetypes(tvnzResult, typesInRequest, exceptionBuilder);
- return tvnzResult.getSuccess().getIdentification();
- }
- private QueryPersonRequest buildQuery(DeliveryRequestType mzsRequest) {
- Sender sender = extractSender(mzsRequest.getSender());
- Receiver receiver = extractReceiver(mzsRequest.getReceiver());
- var metadata = extractMetaData(mzsRequest);
- PersonQueryType personQuery = personQueryTypeBuilder()
- .withEntryID(ENTRY_ID)
- .withSender(sender)
- .withReceiver(receiver)
- .withMetaData(metadata)
- .build();
- QueryEntryList entryList = queryEntryListBuilder()
- .withQueryEntry(List.of(personQuery))
- .build();
- return queryPersonRequestBuilder()
- .withQueryEntryList(entryList)
- .build();
- }
- private PersonQueryType.MetaData extractMetaData(DeliveryRequestType request) {
- var builder = metaDataBuilder();
- var meta = request.getTnvzMetaData();
- if (meta.getDeliveryQuality() != null) {
- builder.withDeliveryQuality(meta.getDeliveryQuality());
- } else {
- builder.withPrivateMessageQuality(meta.getPrivateMessageQuality());
- }
- return builder
- .withOrigin(meta.getOrigin())
- .withPreAdviceNote(request.getReceiver().getPreAdviceNote())
- .withIgnorePostRedirectionOrder(meta.getIgnorePostRedirectionOrder())
- .build();
- }
- private Sender extractSender(DeliveryRequestType.Sender sender) {
- var corporateBody = sender.getCorporateBody();
- var mzsIdentification = corporateBody.getIdentification().get(0);
- var msgIdentification = converter.convert(mzsIdentification);
- var msgPerson = FACTORY.createPerson(converter.convert(corporateBody));
- return senderBuilder()
- .withIdentification(msgIdentification)
- .withPerson(msgPerson)
- .build();
- }
- private Receiver extractReceiver(DeliveryRequestType.Receiver receiver) {
- var builder = receiverBuilder();
- if (receiver.getIdentification() == null) {
- builder
- .withPerson(converter.convert(receiver.getPerson()))
- .withAustrianAddressesOnly(receiver.getAustrianAddressesOnly());
- var postalAddress = findPostalAddress(receiver.getAddress());
- if (postalAddress != null)
- builder.withPostalAddress(postalAddress);
- if (receiver.getPreAdviceNote() != null) {
- builder.withNotificationAddressList(receiver.getPreAdviceNote().getNotificationAddressList());
- }
- } else {
- builder.withIdentification(converter.convert(receiver.getIdentification()));
- }
- return builder.build();
- }
- private @Nullable PostalAddressType findPostalAddress(List<JAXBElement<? extends AbstractAddressType>> addresses) {
- if (addresses == null) return null;
- for (JAXBElement<? extends AbstractAddressType> address : addresses) {
- if(address.getValue() instanceof at.gv.zustellung.app2mzs.xsd.persondata.PostalAddressType) {
- var mzsPostalAddress = (at.gv.zustellung.app2mzs.xsd.persondata.PostalAddressType) address.getValue();
- return converter.convert(mzsPostalAddress);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private Set<String> extractListOfMimemtypesIn(DeliveryRequestType mzsRequest) {
- return mzsRequest.getPayload().stream()
- .map(DeliveryRequestType.Payload::getMIMEType)
- .collect(toSet());
- }
- private void verifyResponse(QueryPersonResponse tvnzResponse, MoaZSException.Builder mzsBuilder) {
- var error = tvnzResponse.getError();
- if (error != null) {
- throw mzsBuilder.withErrorCode(error.getCode())
- .withMessage(error.getText())
- .build();
- }
- var results = tvnzResponse.getQueryResultList().getQueryResult();
- if (results.isEmpty()) {
- throw mzsBuilder.withErrorCode(MoaZSException.ERROR_MZS_NO_TNVZ_PERSON_QUERY_RESULTS)
- .build();
- }
- var tnvzResult = results.get(0);
- mzsBuilder.withTnvzResult(tnvzResult);
- if (tnvzResult.getError() != null) {
- var info = tnvzResult.getError().getErrorInfo();
- throw mzsBuilder.withErrorCode(info.getCode())
- .withMessage(RECEIVER_NOT_ADRESSABLE_ERROR_MSG, info.getText())
- .build();
- }
- }
- private PersonResultType getResult(QueryPersonResponse tvnzResponse) {
- return tvnzResponse.getQueryResultList().getQueryResult().get(0);
- }
- private void checkMimetypes(PersonResultType tnvzResult, Set<String> typesInRequest, MoaZSException.Builder mzsBuilder) {
- var mismatchedTypes = findMimeTypeMismatches(tnvzResult, typesInRequest);
- if (!mismatchedTypes.isEmpty()) {
- var acceptedTypesString = join(",", getAcceptedTypes(tnvzResult));
- var mismatchedTypesString = join(",", mismatchedTypes);
- throw mzsBuilder.withErrorCode(MoaZSException.ERROR_MZS_MIMETYPE_MISSMATCH)
- .withMessage(MIMETYPE_MISSMATCH_ERROR_MSG, mismatchedTypesString, acceptedTypesString)
- .build();
- }
- }
- private Collection<String> findMimeTypeMismatches(PersonResultType result, Set<String> typesInRequest) {
- var acceptedTypes = getAcceptedTypes(result);
- if (acceptedTypes.contains("*/*")) {
- return List.of();
- }
- var typesInRequestCopy = new HashSet<>(typesInRequest);
- typesInRequestCopy.removeAll(acceptedTypes);
- return typesInRequestCopy;
- }
- private List<String> getAcceptedTypes(PersonResultType result) {
- return result.getSuccess().getMimeTypeList().getMimeType();
- }