path: root/moaSig/moa-asic
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-05-08add error message to unsupported ASiC XAdES formatsThomas Lenz1-0/+16
2017-03-03fix bug in ASiC-E with XAdES signature handlertlenz1-3/+4
2017-03-03fix problem with ASiC-e containers and suspect filenamestlenz1-1/+7
2017-01-10MOA-SP with new TSL RC1Thomas Lenz1-6/+1
2017-01-02first untested beta version with new TSL libThomas Lenz1-1/+7
2016-06-27return signing time for pdf and ASICMOA-SPSS-3.0.0Andreas Fitzek1-2/+2
2016-06-20ASiC Library addedAndreas Fitzek81-1/+6886
2016-06-15extended validation resultAndreas Fitzek1-0/+7