path: root/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss')
-rw-r--r--moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/CN=Maarten Ottoy (Signature).20130724-20180719.crt3
-rw-r--r--moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/Pierre_Damas_(Signature).20130717-20180714.SerNo1000000000005A04B848690925470777.cerbin1024 -> 0 bytes
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/log4j.properties b/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/log4j.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 562d450..0000000
--- a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/log4j.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Sample log4j configuration for the MOA-SPSS web service
-# commons-logging setup
-# Configure root logger and loggers for moa-spss
-log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout
-log4j.logger.at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss=info, moaspss
-log4j.logger.at.gv.egovernment.moa.sig=info, moaspss
-log4j.logger.iaik.server=warn, moaspss
-# Configure the 'stdout' appender to write logging output to the console
-log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p | %d{dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} | %20c | %10t | %m%n
-# Configure the 'moaspss' appender to write moa-spss related logging output
-# to the file '${catalina.base}/logs/moa-spss.log'. The file is rolled over every 1000KB,
-# and a maximum history of 10 log files is being kept.
-log4j.appender.moaspss.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p | %d{dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} | %20c | %10t | %m%n
-# Configure the jdbc appender 'JDBC' to write logging output
-# to the given PostgreSQL database
-# a suitable table called 'spss_log' must have been created in the
-# database using the command:
-# create table spss_log (log_time timestamp, log_level char(5), log_msg text)
-#log4j.appender.JDBC.sql=INSERT INTO spss_log (log_time, log_level, log_msg) VALUES ('%d{ yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}', '%5p', '%m')
diff --git a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/sp.minimum_with_tsl.config.xml b/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/sp.minimum_with_tsl.config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 06b1647..0000000
--- a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/sp.minimum_with_tsl.config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!--MOA SP 1.5 Configuration File-->
-<cfg:MOAConfiguration xmlns:cfg="http://reference.e-government.gv.at/namespace/moaconfig/20021122#" xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
-<!-- Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist das Auflösen von externen URIs und localhost defaultmäßig deaktiviert -->
-<!-- Siehe auch MOA-SPSS Dokumentation - Konfiguration Abschnitt 2.1.2 Auflösen externer URIs -->
-<!-- Es kann jedoch ein Black- oder Whitelisting-Mechanismus aktiviert werden -->
-<!-- <cfg:Common> -->
-<!-- Blacklisting: Mit cfg:PermitExternalUris kann das Auflösen externe URIs (optional mit Angabe einer Blacklist) aktiviert werden. -->
-<!-- Empfehlung: Bei aktiviertem Auflösen von externen URIs sollten sowohl localhost als auch der gesamte Intranetbereich in die Blacklist eingetragen werden. -->
-<!-- <cfg:PermitExternalUris>
- <cfg:BlackListUri>
- <cfg:IP>192.168</cfg:IP>
- </cfg:BlackListUri>
- <cfg:BlackListUri>
- <cfg:IP>127.0</cfg:IP>
- </cfg:BlackListUri>
- </cfg:PermitExternalUris>-->
-<!-- Whitelisting: Mit cfg:ForbidExternalUris bleibt das Auflösen externe URIs verboten (optional kann aber eine Whitelist angegeben werden). -->
-<!-- <cfg:ForbidExternalUris>
- <cfg:WhiteListUri>
- <cfg:IP>127.0.</cfg:IP>
- <cfg:Port>8443</cfg:Port>
- </cfg:WhiteListUri>
- </cfg:ForbidExternalUris>-->
-<!-- </cfg:Common>-->
- <cfg:SignatureVerification>
- <cfg:CertificateValidation>
- <!-- ReadTimeout in seconds-->
- <cfg:ReadTimeout>30</cfg:ReadTimeout>
- <cfg:PathConstruction>
- <cfg:AutoAddCertificates>true</cfg:AutoAddCertificates>
- <cfg:UseAuthorityInformationAccess>true</cfg:UseAuthorityInformationAccess>
- <cfg:CertificateStore>
- <cfg:DirectoryStore>
- <cfg:Location>certstore</cfg:Location>
- </cfg:DirectoryStore>
- </cfg:CertificateStore>
- </cfg:PathConstruction>
- <cfg:PathValidation>
- <cfg:ChainingMode>
- <cfg:DefaultMode>pkix</cfg:DefaultMode>
- </cfg:ChainingMode>
- <cfg:TrustProfile>
- <cfg:Id>Test-Signaturdienste</cfg:Id>
- <cfg:TrustAnchorsLocation>trustProfiles/test</cfg:TrustAnchorsLocation>
- </cfg:TrustProfile>
- <cfg:TrustProfile>
- <cfg:Id>Test-TSLProfil</cfg:Id>
- <cfg:TrustAnchorsLocation>trustProfiles/testTSL</cfg:TrustAnchorsLocation>
- <!-- aktiviere TSL-Unterstützung für dieses Vertrauensprofil -->
- <cfg:EUTSL>
- <!-- Optional kann eine Länderliste mit zweistelligen Länderkürzeln angegeben werden (d.h. nur die -->
- <!-- Vertrauensanker der angegeben Länder werden importiert) -->
- <cfg:CountrySelection>AT,BE</cfg:CountrySelection>
- <cfg:AllowedTSPStatus></cfg:AllowedTSPStatus>
- <cfg:AllowedTSPServiceTypes></cfg:AllowedTSPServiceTypes>
- </cfg:EUTSL>
- </cfg:TrustProfile>
- </cfg:PathValidation>
- <cfg:RevocationChecking>
- <cfg:EnableChecking>true</cfg:EnableChecking>
- <cfg:MaxRevocationAge>0</cfg:MaxRevocationAge>
- <cfg:ServiceOrder>
- <cfg:Service>CRL</cfg:Service>
- <cfg:Service>OCSP</cfg:Service>
- </cfg:ServiceOrder>
- <cfg:Archiving>
- <cfg:EnableArchiving>false</cfg:EnableArchiving>
- <cfg:ArchiveDuration>365</cfg:ArchiveDuration>
- <cfg:Archive>
- <cfg:DatabaseArchive>
- <cfg:JDBCURL>jdbc:url</cfg:JDBCURL>
- <cfg:JDBCDriverClassName>fully.qualified.classname</cfg:JDBCDriverClassName>
- </cfg:DatabaseArchive>
- </cfg:Archive>
- </cfg:Archiving>
- <cfg:CrlRetentionIntervals>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=A-Trust-Qual-01,OU=A-Trust-Qual-01,O=A-Trust Ges. für Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=A-Trust-Qual-02,OU=A-Trust-Qual-02,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=A-Trust-Qual-03,OU=A-Trust-Qual-03,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=A-Trust-Qual-04,OU=A-Trust-Qual-04,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=a-sign-Premium-Sig-01,OU=a-sign-Premium-Sig-01,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=a-sign-Premium-Sig-02,OU=a-sign-Premium-Sig-02,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=a-sign-Premium-Sig-03,OU=a-sign-Premium-Sig-03,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=a-sign-Premium-Sig-04,OU=a-sign-Premium-Sig-04,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=a-sign-premium-mobile-03,OU=a-sign-premium-mobile-03,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>CN=a-sign-premium-mobile-04,OU=a-sign-premium-mobile-04,O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- <cfg:CA>
- <cfg:X509IssuerName>E=a-cert@a-cert.at,CN=A-CERT GOVERNMENT,O=ARGE DATEN - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Datenschutz,L=Wien,S=Wien,C=AT</cfg:X509IssuerName>
- <cfg:Interval>12775</cfg:Interval>
- </cfg:CA>
- </cfg:CrlRetentionIntervals>
- </cfg:RevocationChecking>
- <!-- Optionale Angabe einer TSL Konfiguration-->
- <!-- Wichtig: Das WorkingDirectory muss jedenfalls den Unterordner „trust“ aus der Beispielkonfiguration beinhalten. -->
- <!-- <cfg:TSLConfiguration>
- <cfg:UpdateSchedule>
- <cfg:StartTime>02:00:00</cfg:StartTime>
- <cfg:Period>86400000</cfg:Period>
- </cfg:UpdateSchedule>
- <cfg:WorkingDirectory>tslworking</cfg:WorkingDirectory>
- <cfg:Evaluation>
- <cfg:QCQualifier>http://uri.etsi.org/TrstSvc/Svctype/CA/QC,http://uri.etsi.org/TrstSvc/Svctype/TSA/QTST</cfg:QCQualifier>
- <cfg:SSCDQualifier>http://uri.etsi.org/TrstSvc/TrustedList/SvcInfoExt/QCWithSSCD,http://uri.etsi.org/TrstSvc/TrustedList/SvcInfoExt/QCWithQSCD</cfg:SSCDQualifier>
- </cfg:Evaluation>
- </cfg:TSLConfiguration>-->
- </cfg:CertificateValidation>
- </cfg:SignatureVerification>
diff --git a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/svaconfig.example b/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/svaconfig.example
deleted file mode 100644
index 7be4541..0000000
--- a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/svaconfig.example
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Format [key]=[value]
-# Note that if an '=' is used in a key or value it has to be escaped: "\="
-##################### WebConfig #######################
-#The path to the sva configuration file
-#The directories where to store the collected testdata
-#The basepath for signature validation
-#The path prefix for all file system locations
-#The file where the xmldsig core schema is located
-#The root folder where truststore and certstore are created later on
-#The folder containing the trustanchors
-#The folder containing the timestampauthority trustanchors
-#The folder containing alternative revocation information (comment out to use
-#infos contained in the certificate)
-#The maximum age of a revocation information of a end user certificate in hours
-#The maximum age of a revocation information for a ca certificate in hours
-#The maximum time difference (in hours) the signing-time property and a
-#time stamp
-# Defines the forbidden hashing algorithms and the inception date
-# Format: {<algorithm name>, <inception date>};{<algname 2>, <inc date 2>}...
-hashconstraint={md5, 2000-08-08};{sha1, 2013-08-08}
-# Defines the minimum required key lengths
-# Format: {<algorithm name>, <min len>,<inception date>};{...}...
-keylenconstraint={rsa, 1024, 2000-08-08}
-# Defines the minimum required key lengths for CA Certificates
-# Format: {<algorithm name>, <min len>,<inception date>};{...}...
-# Defines the minimum required key lengths for timestamps
-# Format: {<algorithm name>, <min len>,<inception date>};{...}...
-tstkeylenconstraint={rsa, 1024, 2000-08-08}
-# Defines the mapping from sub indications to main indications.
-# If a sub indication1 is not present or empty, the default mappings are used.
-# See "Final draft ETSI EN 319 102-1 V1.1.0 (2016-02)"
-# Format: {<sub indication1>, <main indication1>};{...}...
-# Allows any key usage if set to true, otherwise only dig. signature
-# Defines the chaining model for path validation.
-# possible values are:
-# - All certificates are valid at validationtime (SHELL model). This is the default value.
-# - All certificates are valid at the time they were used for issuing a certificate or signing (CHAIN model).
-# Defines if the validation of each timestap should be added to the validation report.
-# If set to true, the timestamp validation reports will be added. Default value is true.
-# defines the bits which HAS TO be set in the key usage field of the
-# end users certificate. The valid bits (from RFC5280) to set are as follows:
-# (if omitted or empty it defaults to DIGITAL_SIGNATURE):
-# digitalSignature (0),
-# contentCommitment (1)
-# dataEncipherment (3),
-# keyAgreement (4),
-# keyCertSign (5),
-# cRLSign (6),
-# encipherOnly (7),
-# decipherOnly (8)
-# Format: {<index of bit to set>; ...}
-keyusage = {0, 1} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/CN=Maarten Ottoy (Signature).20130724-20180719.crt b/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/CN=Maarten Ottoy (Signature).20130724-20180719.crt
deleted file mode 100644
index a1090c7..0000000
--- a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/CN=Maarten Ottoy (Signature).20130724-20180719.crt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/EC_DIGIT.20131030-20161030.SerNo79A1C51E6E5FE7CCD8BF6D097ECA55277868B2C6.cer b/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/EC_DIGIT.20131030-20161030.SerNo79A1C51E6E5FE7CCD8BF6D097ECA55277868B2C6.cer
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a81c11..0000000
--- a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/EC_DIGIT.20131030-20161030.SerNo79A1C51E6E5FE7CCD8BF6D097ECA55277868B2C6.cer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-P4Px//tRp08blfy4GMzYls5WF8f6JaMrNGmpfPasd9NbpBNp7A== \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/Pierre_Damas_(Signature).20130717-20180714.SerNo1000000000005A04B848690925470777.cer b/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/Pierre_Damas_(Signature).20130717-20180714.SerNo1000000000005A04B848690925470777.cer
deleted file mode 100644
index bc706d9..0000000
--- a/moaSig/handbook/conf/moa-spss/tslworking/trust/eu/Pierre_Damas_(Signature).20130717-20180714.SerNo1000000000005A04B848690925470777.cer
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ