path: root/moaSig/moa-sig-lib/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/spss/tsl/connector/TSLConnector.java
diff options
authorThomas Lenz <thomas.lenz@egiz.gv.at>2017-01-02 16:35:43 +0100
committerThomas Lenz <thomas.lenz@egiz.gv.at>2017-01-02 16:35:43 +0100
commit8574f931c169248c67c3a5946351f9072628af46 (patch)
tree56ac39e631af4cd11058c4ba1193180af9d2e1fe /moaSig/moa-sig-lib/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/spss/tsl/connector/TSLConnector.java
parentaabb36836ebfca9fe8cdc70dff13c0be7e5e761c (diff)
first untested beta version with new TSL lib
Diffstat (limited to 'moaSig/moa-sig-lib/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/spss/tsl/connector/TSLConnector.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 972 deletions
diff --git a/moaSig/moa-sig-lib/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/spss/tsl/connector/TSLConnector.java b/moaSig/moa-sig-lib/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/spss/tsl/connector/TSLConnector.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5620a20..0000000
--- a/moaSig/moa-sig-lib/src/main/java/at/gv/egovernment/moa/spss/tsl/connector/TSLConnector.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-package at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.tsl.connector;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.MalformedURLException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
-import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
-import java.security.Security;
-import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ListIterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.tsl.config.Configurator;
-import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.tsl.utils.TSLEUImportFromFileContext;
-import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.tsl.utils.TSLEvaluationContext;
-import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.tsl.utils.TSLImportFromFileContext;
-import iaik.asn1.ObjectID;
-import iaik.util.GeneralUtils15;
-import iaik.util.logging.GeneralLog;
-import iaik.utils.RFC2253NameParser;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.EccProviderAdapter;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.XSecProvider;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.DbTables;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.DbTables.MODE;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.DbTables.Service;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLCertEvaluator;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLCertsExporter;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLEngine;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLEngine.LocationAndCertHash;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLEngine.TSLEngineEU;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLImportContext;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLResult;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLResultEndEntity;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TSLResultImpl;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.TslSqlConnectionWrapper;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.constants.Countries;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLEngineDiedException;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLEngineFatalException;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLEngineFatalRuntimeException;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLExceptionB;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLRuntimeException;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLSearchException;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.ex.TSLTransactionFailedRuntimeException;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.fetch.TLS;
-import iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.sie.gen.QualifierType;
-public class TSLConnector implements TSLConnectorInterface {
- static final String _QCSSCDURI = "http://uri.etsi.org/TrstSvc/eSigDir-1999-93-EC-TrustedList/SvcInfoExt/QCWithSSCD";
- static final String _STYPETEMPLATE_CAQC = "CA/QC";
- static final String _STYPETEMPLATE_TSAQTST = "TSA/QTST";
- private static final String DEFAULT_HASHCACHE_DIR = "./hashcache/";
- static final List<String> STYPETEMPLATES = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<String>(){
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- {
- }
- });
- static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TSLConnector.class);
- public void initialize(String euTSLURL, String TSLWorkingDirectoryPath, String jdbcURL, String jdbcDriverClass)
- throws TSLEngineDiedException {
- Configurator.initial(euTSLURL, TSLWorkingDirectoryPath, jdbcURL, jdbcDriverClass);
- }
- public ArrayList<File> updateAndGetQualifiedCACertificates(Date dateTime,
- String[] serviceLevelStatus) throws TSLEngineDiedException, TSLSearchException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- return updateAndGetQualifiedCACertificates(dateTime, null, serviceLevelStatus);
- }
- public void updateTSLs(Date dateTime,
- String[] serviceLevelStatus) throws TSLEngineDiedException, TSLSearchException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- updateTSLs(dateTime, null, serviceLevelStatus);
- }
- public ArrayList<File> updateAndGetQualifiedCACertificates(Date dateTime,
- String[] countries, String[] serviceLevelStatus) throws TSLEngineDiedException, TSLSearchException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- String tsldownloaddir = Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath() + "TslDownload";
-// String hashcachedir = System.getProperty("iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.BinaryHashCache.DIR");
-// System.out.println("hashcachedir: " + hashcachedir);
-// if (hashcachedir==null)
-// hashcachedir = DEFAULT_HASHCACHE_DIR;
-// File hashcachefile = new File(hashcachedir);
-// File[] filelist = hashcachefile.listFiles();
-// if (filelist != null) {
-// for (File f : filelist)
-// f.delete();
-// }
- File tsldownloadfile = new File(tsldownloaddir);
- if (!tsldownloadfile.exists()) {
- tsldownloadfile.mkdir();
- }
- File[] tslfilelist = tsldownloadfile.listFiles();
- if (tslfilelist != null) {
- for (File f : tslfilelist)
- f.delete();
- }
- //create sqlLite database
- File dbFile = new File(Configurator.get_TempdbFile());
- try {
- dbFile.delete();
- dbFile.createNewFile();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("Could not create temporary data base file", e);
- }
- //the TSL library uses the iaik.util.logging environment.
- //iaik.util.logging.Log.setLogLevel(iaik.util.logging.LogLevels.WARN);
- iaik.util.logging.Log.setLogLevel(iaik.util.logging.LogLevels.OFF);
- log.info("Starting EU TSL import.");
- // Certificates in Germany, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus,
- // Lithuainia, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Norway use SURNAME
- log.debug("### SURNAME registered as " + ObjectID.surName + " ###");
- RFC2253NameParser.register("SURNAME", ObjectID.surName);
- XSecProvider.addAsProvider(false);
- TSLEngine tslEngine;
- TslSqlConnectionWrapper connection = null;
- try {
- // register the Https JSSE Wrapper
- TLS.register();
- log.trace("### Https JSSE Wrapper registered ###");
- log.debug("### Connect to Database.###");
- connection = DbTables.connectToDatabaBase(dbFile, MODE.AUTO_COMMIT_ON);
- log.trace("### Connected ###");
- // empty the database and recreate the tables
- tslEngine = new TSLEngine(dbFile, Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- connection, true, true);
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e1) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e1);
- }
- // H.2.2.1 Same-scheme searching
- // H.2.2.2 Known scheme searching
- // H.2.2.3 "Blind" (unknown) scheme searching
- Number tId = null;
- Countries euTerritory = Countries.EU;
- TSLImportContext topLevelTslContext = new TSLEUImportFromFileContext(
- euTerritory, Configurator.get_euTSLURL(), Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- Configurator.is_sqlMultithreaded(),
- Configurator.is_throwExceptions(), Configurator.is_logExceptions(),
- Configurator.is_throwWarnings(), Configurator.is_logWarnings(),
- Configurator.is_nullRedundancies());
- TSLEngineEU tslengineEU;
- try {
- tslengineEU = tslEngine.new TSLEngineEU();
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e1) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e1);
- }
- // establish EU TSL trust anchor
- ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate> expectedEuTslSignerCerts =
- tslEngine.loadCertificatesFromResource(
- Configurator.get_euTrustAnchorsPath(), topLevelTslContext);
- log.debug("Process EU TSL");
- // process the EU TSL to receive the pointers to the other TSLs
- // and the trust anchors for the TSL signers
- Set<Entry<Number, LocationAndCertHash>> pointersToMsTSLs = null;
- try {
- tId = tslengineEU.processEUTSL(topLevelTslContext, expectedEuTslSignerCerts);
- log.info("Process EU TSL finished");
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread() + " waiting for other threads ...");
- topLevelTslContext.waitForAllOtherThreads();
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread()
- + " reactivated after other threads finished ...");
- // get the TSLs pointed from the EU TSL
- LinkedHashMap<Number, LocationAndCertHash> tslMap = tslengineEU
- .getOtherTslMap(tId, topLevelTslContext);
- pointersToMsTSLs = tslMap.entrySet();
- //set Errors and Warrnings
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalRuntimeException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(topLevelTslContext.dumpFatals());
- } catch (TSLTransactionFailedRuntimeException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(topLevelTslContext.dumpTransactionFaliures());
- }
- //Backup implementation if the EU TSL includes a false signer certificate
- // establish additional trust anchors for member states
-// Countries[] countriesWithPotentiallyWrongCertsOnEuTsl = {
-// Countries.CZ,
-// Countries.LU,
-// Countries.ES,
-// Countries.AT,
-// };
- Countries[] countriesWithPotentiallyWrongCertsOnEuTsl = {};
- Map<Countries, java.util.ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate>>
- trustAnchorsWrongOnEuTsl = loadCertificatesFromResource(
- Configurator.get_msTrustAnchorsPath(), tslEngine, topLevelTslContext,
- countriesWithPotentiallyWrongCertsOnEuTsl);
- log.info("Starting EU member TSL import.");
- for (Entry<Number, LocationAndCertHash> entry : pointersToMsTSLs) {
- TSLImportContext msTslContext;
- Countries expectedTerritory = entry.getValue().getSchemeTerritory();
- try {
-// if (expectedTerritory.equals("RO"))
-// System.out.println("Stop");
- Number otpId = entry.getKey();
- LocationAndCertHash lac = entry.getValue();
- URL uriReference = null;
- try {
- uriReference = new URL(lac.getUrl());
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- log.warn("Could not process: " + uriReference, e);
- continue;
- }
- String baseURI = uriReference == null ? "" : "" + uriReference;
- msTslContext = new TSLImportFromFileContext(
- expectedTerritory, uriReference, otpId, Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- Configurator.is_sqlMultithreaded(),
- Configurator.is_throwExceptions(), Configurator.is_logExceptions(),
- Configurator.is_throwWarnings(), Configurator.is_logWarnings(),
- Configurator.is_nullRedundancies(), baseURI, trustAnchorsWrongOnEuTsl,
- topLevelTslContext);
- ListIterator<X509Certificate> expectedTslSignerCerts = null;
- expectedTslSignerCerts = tslEngine.getCertificates(lac, msTslContext);
- if (expectedTslSignerCerts == null) {
- // no signer certificate on the EU TSL
- // ignore this msTSL and log a warning
- log.warn("NO signer certificate found on EU TSL! "
- + lac.getSchemeTerritory() + "TSL ignored.");
- }
- else {
- tslEngine.processMSTSL(topLevelTslContext, msTslContext, expectedTslSignerCerts);
- }
- } catch (TSLExceptionB e) {
- log.warn("Failed to process TSL. " + entry.getValue().getSchemeTerritory()
- + " TSL ignored.");
- log.debug("Failed to process TSL. " + entry, e);
- continue;
- } catch (TSLRuntimeException e) {
- log.warn("Failed to process TSL. " + entry.getValue().getSchemeTerritory()
- + " TSL ignored.");
- log.debug("Failed to process TSL. " + entry, e);
- continue;
- }
- }
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread() + " waiting for other threads ...");
- topLevelTslContext.waitForAllOtherThreads();
- log.debug(GeneralUtils15.dumpAllThreads());
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread() + " reactivated after other threads finished ...");
- connection = null;
- try {
- connection = DbTables.connectToDatabaBase(dbFile, MODE.AUTO_COMMIT_ON);
- tslEngine.recreateTablesInvalidatedByImport(connection);
- //TODO: implement database copy operation!
- File working_database = new File(Configurator.get_dbFile());
- working_database.delete();
- copy(dbFile, working_database);
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e);
- } finally {
- try {
- connection.closeConnection();
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e);
- }
- }
- return getQualifiedCACertificates(dateTime, countries, serviceLevelStatus);
- }
- public void updateTSLs(Date dateTime,
- String[] countries, String[] serviceLevelStatus) throws TSLEngineDiedException, TSLSearchException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- String tsldownloaddir = Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath() + "TslDownload";
-// String hashcachedir = System.getProperty("iaik.xml.crypto.tsl.BinaryHashCache.DIR");
-// System.out.println("hashcachedir: " + hashcachedir);
-// if (hashcachedir==null)
-// hashcachedir = DEFAULT_HASHCACHE_DIR;
-// File hashcachefile = new File(hashcachedir);
-// File[] filelist = hashcachefile.listFiles();
-// if (filelist != null) {
-// for (File f : filelist)
-// f.delete();
-// }
- File tsldownloadfile = new File(tsldownloaddir);
- if (!tsldownloadfile.exists()) {
- tsldownloadfile.mkdir();
- }
- File[] tslfilelist = tsldownloadfile.listFiles();
- if (tslfilelist != null) {
- for (File f : tslfilelist)
- f.delete();
- }
- //create sqlLite database
- File dbFile = new File(Configurator.get_TempdbFile());
- try {
- dbFile.delete();
- dbFile.createNewFile();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("Could not create temporary data base file", e);
- }
- //the TSL library uses the iaik.util.logging environment.
- //iaik.util.logging.Log.setLogLevel(iaik.util.logging.LogLevels.WARN);
- iaik.util.logging.Log.setLogLevel(iaik.util.logging.LogLevels.OFF);
- log.info("Starting EU TSL import.");
- // Certificates in Germany, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus,
- // Lithuainia, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Norway use SURNAME
- log.debug("### SURNAME registered as " + ObjectID.surName + " ###");
- RFC2253NameParser.register("SURNAME", ObjectID.surName);
- //XSecProvider.addAsProvider(false);
- TSLEngine tslEngine;
- TslSqlConnectionWrapper connection = null;
- try {
- // register the Https JSSE Wrapper
- TLS.register();
- log.trace("### Https JSSE Wrapper registered ###");
- log.debug("### Connect to Database.###");
- connection = DbTables.connectToDatabaBase(dbFile, MODE.AUTO_COMMIT_ON);
- log.trace("### Connected ###");
- // empty the database and recreate the tables
- tslEngine = new TSLEngine(dbFile, Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- connection, true, true);
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e1) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e1);
- }
- // H.2.2.1 Same-scheme searching
- // H.2.2.2 Known scheme searching
- // H.2.2.3 "Blind" (unknown) scheme searching
- Number tId = null;
- Countries euTerritory = Countries.EU;
- TSLImportContext topLevelTslContext = new TSLEUImportFromFileContext(
- euTerritory, Configurator.get_euTSLURL(), Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- Configurator.is_sqlMultithreaded(),
- Configurator.is_throwExceptions(), Configurator.is_logExceptions(),
- Configurator.is_throwWarnings(), Configurator.is_logWarnings(),
- Configurator.is_nullRedundancies());
- TSLEngineEU tslengineEU;
- try {
- tslengineEU = tslEngine.new TSLEngineEU();
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e1) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e1);
- }
- // establish EU TSL trust anchor
- ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate> expectedEuTslSignerCerts =
- tslEngine.loadCertificatesFromResource(
- Configurator.get_euTrustAnchorsPath(), topLevelTslContext);
- log.debug("Process EU TSL");
- // process the EU TSL to receive the pointers to the other TSLs
- // and the trust anchors for the TSL signers
- Set<Entry<Number, LocationAndCertHash>> pointersToMsTSLs = null;
- try {
- tId = tslengineEU.processEUTSL(topLevelTslContext, expectedEuTslSignerCerts);
- log.info("Process EU TSL finished");
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread() + " waiting for other threads ...");
- topLevelTslContext.waitForAllOtherThreads();
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread()
- + " reactivated after other threads finished ...");
- // get the TSLs pointed from the EU TSL
- LinkedHashMap<Number, LocationAndCertHash> tslMap = tslengineEU
- .getOtherTslMap(tId, topLevelTslContext);
- pointersToMsTSLs = tslMap.entrySet();
- //set Errors and Warrnings
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalRuntimeException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(topLevelTslContext.dumpFatals());
- } catch (TSLTransactionFailedRuntimeException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(topLevelTslContext.dumpTransactionFaliures());
- }
- //Backup implementation if the EU TSL includes a false signer certificate
- // establish additional trust anchors for member states
-// Countries[] countriesWithPotentiallyWrongCertsOnEuTsl = {
-// Countries.CZ,
-// Countries.LU,
-// Countries.ES,
-// Countries.AT,
-// };
- Countries[] countriesWithPotentiallyWrongCertsOnEuTsl = {};
- Map<Countries, java.util.ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate>>
- trustAnchorsWrongOnEuTsl = loadCertificatesFromResource(
- Configurator.get_msTrustAnchorsPath(), tslEngine, topLevelTslContext,
- countriesWithPotentiallyWrongCertsOnEuTsl);
- log.info("Starting EU member TSL import.");
- for (Entry<Number, LocationAndCertHash> entry : pointersToMsTSLs) {
- TSLImportContext msTslContext;
- Countries expectedTerritory = entry.getValue().getSchemeTerritory();
- try {
-// if (expectedTerritory.equals("RO"))
-// System.out.println("Stop");
- Number otpId = entry.getKey();
- LocationAndCertHash lac = entry.getValue();
- URL uriReference = null;
- try {
- uriReference = new URL(lac.getUrl());
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- log.warn("Could not process: " + uriReference, e);
- continue;
- }
- String baseURI = uriReference == null ? "" : "" + uriReference;
- msTslContext = new TSLImportFromFileContext(
- expectedTerritory, uriReference, otpId, Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- Configurator.is_sqlMultithreaded(),
- Configurator.is_throwExceptions(), Configurator.is_logExceptions(),
- Configurator.is_throwWarnings(), Configurator.is_logWarnings(),
- Configurator.is_nullRedundancies(), baseURI, trustAnchorsWrongOnEuTsl,
- topLevelTslContext);
- ListIterator<X509Certificate> expectedTslSignerCerts = null;
- expectedTslSignerCerts = tslEngine.getCertificates(lac, msTslContext);
- if (expectedTslSignerCerts == null) {
- // no signer certificate on the EU TSL
- // ignore this msTSL and log a warning
- log.warn("NO signer certificate found on EU TSL! "
- + lac.getSchemeTerritory() + "TSL ignored.");
- }
- else {
- tslEngine.processMSTSL(topLevelTslContext, msTslContext, expectedTslSignerCerts);
- }
- } catch (TSLExceptionB e) {
- log.warn("Failed to process TSL. " + entry.getValue().getSchemeTerritory()
- + " TSL ignored.");
- log.debug("Failed to process TSL. " + entry, e);
- continue;
- } catch (TSLRuntimeException e) {
- log.warn("Failed to process TSL. " + entry.getValue().getSchemeTerritory()
- + " TSL ignored.");
- log.debug("Failed to process TSL. " + entry, e);
- continue;
- }
- }
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread() + " waiting for other threads ...");
- topLevelTslContext.waitForAllOtherThreads();
- log.debug(GeneralUtils15.dumpAllThreads());
- log.debug(Thread.currentThread() + " reactivated after other threads finished ...");
- connection = null;
- try {
- connection = DbTables.connectToDatabaBase(dbFile, MODE.AUTO_COMMIT_ON);
- tslEngine.recreateTablesInvalidatedByImport(connection);
- //TODO: implement database copy operation!
- File working_database = new File(Configurator.get_dbFile());
- working_database.delete();
- copy(dbFile, working_database);
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e);
- } finally {
- try {
- connection.closeConnection();
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e);
- }
- }
- //return getQualifiedCACertificates(dateTime, countries, serviceLevelStatus);
- }
- public ArrayList<File> getQualifiedCACertificates(Date dateTime,
- String[] serviceLevelStatus) throws TSLEngineDiedException,
- TSLSearchException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- return getQualifiedCACertificates(dateTime, null, serviceLevelStatus);
- }
- public ArrayList<File> getQualifiedCACertificates(Date dateTime,
- String[] countries, String[] serviceLevelStatus)
- throws TSLEngineDiedException, TSLSearchException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- //TODO: database
- File dbFile = new File(Configurator.get_TempdbFile());
- //File dbFile = new File(Configurator.get_dbFile());
- if(!dbFile.exists())
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("Could not open data base file");
- log.debug("### Connect to Database ###");
- TslSqlConnectionWrapper readConnection = null;
- try {
- readConnection = DbTables.connectToDatabaBase(dbFile, MODE.READ_ONLY);
- TSLEngine tslEngine = new TSLEngine(dbFile, Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- readConnection, false, false);
- log.debug("### Connected ###");
- //TODO: maybe add "TSA/QTST for qualified timestamps
- try {
- TSLCertsExporter certsExporter;
- certsExporter = tslEngine.createCertsExporter(
- readConnection,
- countries,
- null,//new String[]{_STYPETEMPLATE_CAQC},
- serviceLevelStatus
- );
- return certsExporter.exportAsArray(dateTime, null);
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- GeneralLog.err("could not export Certs", e);
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e);
- }
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e1) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e1);
- } finally {
- try {
- readConnection.closeConnection();
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- public boolean checkQC(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] chain)
- throws TSLSearchException, TSLEngineDiedException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- return checkQC(chain, 1);
- }
- public boolean checkSSCD(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] chain)
- throws TSLSearchException, TSLEngineDiedException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- return checkSSCD(chain, 1);
- }
- public boolean checkQC(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] chain, int cnt)
- throws TSLSearchException, TSLEngineDiedException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- LinkedHashMap<X509Certificate, TSLResult> tslResultC = checkchain(chain, cnt);
- //get first result
- java.util.Map.Entry<java.security.cert.X509Certificate, TSLResult> resultmap = tslResultC.entrySet().iterator().next();
- TSLResult tslresult = tslResultC.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();
- if (tslresult == null) {
- log.info("Certificate: " + resultmap.getKey().getSubjectDN()
- + " not on the TSL");
- throw new TSLSearchException("Certificate: " + resultmap.getKey().getSubjectDN()
- + " not on the TSL");
- }
- if (tslresult instanceof TSLResultEndEntity) {
- TSLResultEndEntity ree = (TSLResultEndEntity) tslresult;
- String sType = (String) ree.get(Service.C.sType);
- log.info("Cert: " + resultmap.getKey().getSubjectDN() + " sType=" + sType);
- //TODO: maybe add "TSA/QTST for qualified timestamps
- if (sType.equals(_STYPETEMPLATE_CAQC))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- else if (tslresult instanceof TSLResultImpl) {
- //TODO: Certificate is not of Type EndEntity (equal to QCSSCD check)
- // Is FALSE the correct answer?
- return false;
- }
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("TSL Result has an unknown Class type");
- }
- public boolean checkSSCD(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] chain, int cnt)
- throws TSLSearchException, TSLEngineDiedException {
- if (Configurator.is_isInitialised() == false)
- new TSLEngineFatalException("The TSL Engine is not initialized!");
- LinkedHashMap<X509Certificate, TSLResult> tslResultC = checkchain(chain, cnt);
- //get first result
- java.util.Map.Entry<java.security.cert.X509Certificate, TSLResult> resultmap = tslResultC.entrySet().iterator().next();
- TSLResult tslresult = tslResultC.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();
- if (tslresult == null) {
- log.info("Certificate: " + resultmap.getKey().getSubjectDN() + " not on the TSL");
- throw new TSLSearchException("Certificate: " + resultmap.getKey().getSubjectDN()
- + " not on the TSL");
- }
- if (tslresult instanceof TSLResultEndEntity) {
- TSLResultEndEntity ree = (TSLResultEndEntity) tslresult;
- List<QualifierType> qualifier = ree.getQualifierList();
- Iterator<QualifierType> qualifierlist = qualifier.iterator();
- String uri = "";
- while (qualifierlist.hasNext()) {
- uri = qualifierlist.next().getUri();
- log.debug("Cert: " + resultmap.getKey().getSubjectDN() + " SSCD=" + uri);
- if (uri.contains(_QCSSCDURI)) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- else if (tslresult instanceof TSLResultImpl) {
- //TODO: Certificate is not of Type EndEntity (equal to QC check)
- // Is FALSE the correct answer?
- return false;
- }
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("TSL Result has an unknown Class type");
- }
- private LinkedHashMap<java.security.cert.X509Certificate, TSLResult> checkchain(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] chain, int cnt)
- throws TSLSearchException, TSLEngineDiedException {
- File dbFile = new File(Configurator.get_dbFile());
- if(!dbFile.exists())
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("Could not open data base file");
- try {
- log.debug("### Connect to Database ###");
- TslSqlConnectionWrapper readConnection;
- readConnection = DbTables.connectToDatabaBase(dbFile, MODE.READ_ONLY);
- log.debug("### Connected ###");
- TSLEngine tslEngine = new TSLEngine(dbFile, Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- readConnection, false, false);
- XSecProvider.addAsProvider(false);
- log.debug("### XSECT registered ###");
- // register the additional IAIK ECC provider
- Security.addProvider(EccProviderAdapter.getEccProvider());
- log.debug("### ECC registered ###");
- TSLEvaluationContext context = new TSLEvaluationContext(
- Configurator.get_TSLWorkingDirectoryPath(),
- Configurator.is_sqlMultithreaded(),
- Configurator.is_throwExceptions(),
- Configurator.is_logExceptions(),
- Configurator.is_throwWarnings(),
- Configurator.is_logWarnings());
- TSLCertEvaluator tslCertEvaluator = tslEngine.createEvaluator(context,
- readConnection);
- Date signingTime = new Date();
- // has to be later or equal
- Date now = new Date();
- LinkedHashMap<java.security.cert.X509Certificate, TSLResult> tslResultC = tslCertEvaluator
- .evaluate(TSLCertEvaluator.CHAIN_MODEL, chain, signingTime, now, context);
- return tslResultC;
- } catch (TSLEngineFatalException e1) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException(e1);
- }
- }
- private static Map<Countries, java.util.ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate>> loadCertificatesFromResource(
- final String msTrustAnchorsPath, TSLEngine tslEngine,
- TSLImportContext topLevelTslContext, Countries[] countriesWithNoCertsOnEuTsl)
- throws TSLEngineDiedException {
- Map<Countries, java.util.ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate>> trustAnchorsMissingOnEuTsl;
- trustAnchorsMissingOnEuTsl =
- new HashMap<Countries, java.util.ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate>>(
- countriesWithNoCertsOnEuTsl.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < countriesWithNoCertsOnEuTsl.length; i++) {
- Countries country = countriesWithNoCertsOnEuTsl[i];
- final String mspath = msTrustAnchorsPath + country + "/";
- ListIterator<java.security.cert.X509Certificate> msCerts =
- tslEngine.loadCertificatesFromResource(mspath, topLevelTslContext);
- trustAnchorsMissingOnEuTsl.put(country, msCerts);
- }
- return trustAnchorsMissingOnEuTsl;
- }
- private void copy(File source, File destination) throws TSLEngineDiedException {
- try {
- FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
- FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(destination);
- FileChannel inputChannel = fileInputStream.getChannel();
- FileChannel outputChannel = fileOutputStream.getChannel();
- transfer(inputChannel, outputChannel, source.length(), false);
- fileInputStream.close();
- fileOutputStream.close();
- destination.setLastModified(source.lastModified());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new TSLEngineDiedException("Error during TSL database copy operation!.");
- }
- }
- private void transfer(FileChannel fileChannel, ByteChannel byteChannel, long lengthInBytes, boolean verbose)
- throws IOException {
- long overallBytesTransfered = 0L;
- long time = -System.currentTimeMillis();
- while (overallBytesTransfered < lengthInBytes) {
- long bytesTransfered = 0L;
- bytesTransfered = fileChannel.transferTo(overallBytesTransfered, Math.min(1024 * 1024, lengthInBytes - overallBytesTransfered), byteChannel);
- overallBytesTransfered += bytesTransfered;
- if (verbose) {
- System.out.println("overall bytes transfered: " + overallBytesTransfered + " progress " + (Math.round(overallBytesTransfered / ((double) lengthInBytes) * 100.0)) + "%");
- }
- }
- time += System.currentTimeMillis();
- if (verbose) {
- System.out.println("Transfered: " + overallBytesTransfered + " bytes in: " + (time / 1000) + " s -> " + (overallBytesTransfered / 1024.0) / (time / 1000.0) + " kbytes/s");
- }
- }
-// /**
-// * @param tslResultC
-// * @param context
-// */
-// private static void printResultDetails(
-// LinkedHashMap<java.security.cert.X509Certificate, TSLResult> tslResultC, TSLContext context) {
-// for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.security.cert.X509Certificate, TSLResult> e : tslResultC
-// .entrySet()) {
-// TSLResult r = e.getValue();
-// if (r == null) {
-// log.info("Certificate: " + e.getKey().getSubjectDN()
-// + " not on the TSL");
-// continue;
-// }
-// if (r instanceof TSLResultEndEntity) {
-// TSLResultEndEntity ree = (TSLResultEndEntity) r;
-// String status = (String) ree.get(Service.C.status);
-// Date startDate = context.getDate(ree.get(Service.C.startDate));
-// Long endDateL = (Long) ree.get(ServiceView.C.endDate);
-// Date endDate = endDateL == null ? null : new Date(endDateL);
-// String sType = (String) ree.get(Service.C.sType);
-// List<QualifierType> tslQual = ree.getQualifierList();
-// StringBuilder qualList = new StringBuilder("");
-// if (!tslQual.isEmpty()) {
-// qualList.append("\n~~~~~~~~~~~~ TSL-Qualifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~\n");
-// for (QualifierType qual : tslQual) {
-// qualList.append(qual.getUri() + "\n");
-// }
-// qualList.append("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n");
-// }
-// log.info("############### EndEntity ###############\n"
-// + _.printCertificate(e.getKey()) + qualList + "\nServiceProvider: "
-// + ree.getSerivceProvider().getSubjectDN() + "\n" + Service.C.sType
-// + ": " + sType + "\n" + Service.C.status + ": " + status + "\n"
-// + Service.C.startDate + ": " + startDate + "\n"
-// + ServiceView.C.endDate + ": " + endDate);
-// log.info("############ ServiceProvider ############\n"
-// + _.printCertificate(ree.getSerivceProvider()));
-// log.info("################# END #################");
-// continue;
-// }
-// if (r instanceof TSLResultImpl) {
-// TSLResultImpl ri = (TSLResultImpl) r;
-// log.info("----------------- BEGIN -----------------\n"
-// + "Certificate: " + e.getKey().getSubjectDN() + "\n" + ri.toString());
-// int i = 1;
-// for (Iterator iter = ri.getRows().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
-// Row row = (Row) iter.next();
-// // TSPServiceInformationType sInfo =
-// // ((JAXBElement<TSPServiceInformationType>)
-// // row.s_.get(Service.C.sInfo)).getValue();
-// String status = (String) row.s_.get(Service.C.status);
-// Date startDate = context.getDate(row.s_.get(Service.C.startDate));
-// Date endDate = context.getDate(row.s_.get(ServiceView.C.endDate));
-// String sType = (String) row.s_.get(Service.C.sType);
-// log.info("----------------- (" + (i++) + ") -----------------\n"
-// + Service.C.sType + ": " + sType + " " + Service.C.status + ": "
-// + status + "\n" + Service.C.startDate + ": " + startDate + "\n"
-// + ServiceView.C.endDate + ": " + endDate + "\n" + row.s_);
-// row.s_.get(Service.C.sExt);
-// }
-// log.info("----------------- END -----------------");
-// }
-// }
-// }