Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
- Add STORKAuthentication.process.xml
- Add PepsConnectorTask using code from PEPSConnectorServlet.
- Split code from PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigningServlet into PepsConnectorHandleResponseWithoutSignatureTask and PepsConnectorHandleLocalSignResponseTask.
- Replace SpringExpressionEvaluator within applicationContext.xml with SpringWebExpressionEvaluator (allowing expressions using request parameter(s)).
- Make servlet mappings /PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigning and /PEPSConnector point to the process engine signaling servlet.
- Add many FIXMEs marking problematic code.
- Move code to start stork authentication from StartAuthenticationBuilder to CreateStorkAuthRequestFormTask.
- Mark PEPSConnectorServlet and PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigningServlet deprecated.
- Remove @author tknall from classes assembled using existing (bogus) code.
- commit neccessary in order to avoid blocking the development process
additional small fix due to earlier package renaming
ModuleRegistry at moa-id startup, fix typo in package name
- Partly fix javadoc of AuthenticationServer.
- Remove disabled code from AuthenticationServer.
- Rename ProcessIdentityLinkTask to PrepareAuthBlockSignatureTask.
- moa-id auth web.xml: Replace servlet mapping "/GetForeignID".
- Fix some javadoc of AuthenticationServer.
- Set GetForeignIDServlet deprecated.
- Remove redundant code across several classes.
- VerifyIdentityLinkTask: Separate identity link verification from subsequent (a) creation of CreateXMLSignatureRequest (ProcessIdentityLinkTask) and (b) creation of InfoBoxReadRequest (CertificateReadRequestTask).
- Prevent redundant code.
- Store moa session before sending response.
- Update javadoc for AuthenticationServer
- Refactor moa-id auth web.xml
-- Group the servlets with their corresponding mappings.
-- Replace servlets for mappings "/GetMISSessionID", "/VerifyAuthBlock", "/VerifyCertificate" and "/VerifyIdentityLink".
-- Remove disabled declarations.
- Replace link with https://... within the internal templates (loginFormFull.html, sendAssertionFormFull.html, ...).
- Set classes deprecated: GetMISSessionIDServlet, VerifyCertificateServlet
- ProcessEngineSignalServlet: make GET delegate to PUT
- Replace some "implements MOAIDAuthConstants" with "import static MOAIDAuthConstants.*".
- Add detailed Javadoc to *
- Update DefaultAuthentication.process.xml for mandate
- Add GetMISSessionIDTask and VerifyCertificateTask.
- Add adapter class for iaik.IAIKRuntimeException in order to satisfy some library's bogus dependendies.
- Fix oa web.xml, switch to servlet 3.0.
- moa-id-auth web.xml
-- Add CharacterEncodingFilter for UTF-8 encoding.
-- Add ProcessEngineSignalServlet.
- Fix invalid template_*.html.
- Add TODO[branch] annotations in order to indicates potential process flow branches.
- Add some missing Javadoc.
- Add property processInstandId to AuthenticationSession.
- Add process engine support.
- Fix HttpServlet init issues.
- Set VerifyAuthenticationBlockServlet and VerifyIdentityLinkServlet deprecated.
-> joda-time 2.7
-> slf4j 2.7.10
-> struts2 2.3.20
-> commons-codec 1.10
-> hibernate 4.3.8.Final
-> mySQL-connector 5.1.34
-> opensaml 2.6.4
-> xmltooling 2.6.4
| into during_authsource_refactoring
- Fix moa-id-auth web.xml and upgrade to servlet 3.0.
- Reformat loginFormFull.html in order to enhance readability.
- Add some TODOs and FIXMEs.
- Adding some comments to DispatcherServlet in order to ease understanding the process.
| into during_authsource_refactoring
- Add some FIXMEs.
- Fix moa-id-auth web.xml and switch to Servlet 3.0.
- Fix moa-id-auth logging (replace commons-logging with commons-logging-slf4j bridge, use log4j native binding).
- Adjust logging of periodical tasks (no more logging at info level).
- Disable erroneous IAIK PKI logger initialization (should be addressed by.
- Remove redundant maven-dependency version declarations.
- Fix maven/eclipse lifecyle warning problem.
- Replace version 2.0.0 with ${moa-id-proxy-version}.