path: root/id/ConfigWebTool/src/main/webapp/jsp/openadminrequests.jsp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-10-12added css and js files to all jspsChristian Maierhofer1-0/+1
2014-10-30fix problems with non-admin userThomas Lenz1-1/+3
2013-09-19ConfigWebTool Version 0.9.5Thomas Lenz1-0/+51
--PVP2 Login --PVP2 Users to UserDatabase functionality --Mailaddress verification --Mail status messages to users and admin --add List with OpenRequests for admins --change OA Target configuration --add cleanUp Thread to remove old unused UserAccount requests --update UserDatabase to support PVP2 logins --add formID element validate received forms -- add first classes for STORK configuration make some Bugfixes