Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author | Files | Lines |
2007-08-08 | Adapted project directory structure to suit the new maven based build process. | mcentner | 27 | -7191/+0 |
2007-02-02 | HPI Identifikation als Alternative zu wbPK im businessService-Modus | peter.danner | 1 | -0/+1 |
2007-01-19 | revert signature location for Security Layer to nonNegativeInteger. SL must b... | peter.danner | 1 | -1/+1 |
2007-01-19 | Set IdentityLinkSigners element to minOccurs=0, because not needed when OID-c... | harald.bratko | 1 | -1/+1 |
2007-01-18 | Allow signature location at endpos (-1) | peter.danner | 1 | -1/+1 |
2007-01-12 | Allow -1 for SignatureLocation for creating XML Signatures | peter.danner | 1 | -1/+1 |
2007-01-10 | Configuration schema for MOA-ID 1.4 (VerifyInfobxes) | harald.bratko | 1 | -0/+504 |
2007-01-10 | Setting "processContents" for AnyChildrenType to "skip" to be able to validat... | harald.bratko | 1 | -394/+394 |
2006-12-13 | Core-Schema fixed (lax auf skip Änderung wegen Möglichkeit gleichnamiger Ei... | peter.danner | 2 | -1252/+1231 |
2006-02-28 | Updated schema for loading templates from the config file. | harald.bratko | 1 | -0/+14 |
2005-12-01 | *** empty log message *** | harald.bratko | 1 | -1/+1 |
2005-11-23 | *** empty log message *** | harald.bratko | 1 | -1/+1 |
2005-11-08 | Added enumeration value "MOAWBPK" to "MOAAuthDataType" | peter.danner | 1 | -0/+1 |
2005-09-02 | Removed "IndirectCRLIssuer" from CRLDP, because check | harald.bratko | 1 | -1/+0 |
2005-09-02 | Added IndirectCRLIssuer to CRLDP. Removed ResonCode "all". | harald.bratko | 1 | -1/+1 |
2005-09-02 | Added element "AnyNumber" to "IdentificationNumber" | harald.bratko | 1 | -0/+9 |
2005-09-02 | Changed name of person data schema. | harald.bratko | 1 | -0/+1250 |
2005-09-02 | Changed name of PersonData schema, thus removing | harald.bratko | 1 | -1250/+0 |
2005-08-24 | Bugfix 271: cfg:HardwareCryptoModule in einen eigenen Container Common versch... | gregor | 1 | -4/+10 |
2005-08-24 | Bug 232: Ausgabe von ReferenceInputData und HashInputData für SignatureManif... | gregor | 1 | -1/+0 |
2005-08-19 | Korrektur des Elementnamens XMLDSIG auf XMLDSig | gregor | 1 | -1/+1 |
2005-08-11 | Default-Werte für optionale Elemente entfernt, da diese vom validierenden Pa... | gregor | 1 | -9/+9 |
2005-08-11 | Bug 271: Adpation auf neue Struktur des Konfigurationsfiles abgeschlossen. Mo... | gregor | 1 | -1/+1 |
2005-08-10 | Bug 271: Adpation auf neue Struktur des Konfigurationsfiles abgeschlossen. No... | gregor | 1 | -26/+47 |
2005-07-26 | Konfigurationsdatei komplett überarbeitet (Auslöser ist Bug 271). | gregor | 2 | -220/+227 |
2005-07-26 | Schema auf Version 1.3 gesetzt (Folge der Lösung für Bug 232). | gregor | 1 | -6/+22 |
2005-07-22 | added "Binding" for new proxy | harald.bratko | 1 | -0/+9 |
2005-07-22 | added for MOA WID mode (wbPK) | harald.bratko | 3 | -0/+2531 |
2005-07-18 | Fix für Bug 267 getestet.tags/Build-ID-1.2.0.D10 | gregor | 1 | -0/+1 |
2005-07-13 | Bug 243 behoben. | gregor | 1 | -205/+216 |
2005-01-18 | Unterstützung des aktuellen NS für ECDSA-XML-Strukturen (dsig-more statt bu... | gregor | 3 | -1/+245 |
2004-06-17 | fix: change CertifiedKeyPair to CertifiedKeypair (RSCH) | rudolf | 1 | -1/+1 |
2004-04-26 | Rewrite von MOAIDentities.xsd | rudolf | 1 | -19/+24 |
2004-03-16 | update to v 1.2 of schema | rudolf | 1 | -31/+24 |
2003-12-18 | MOAIdentities wird von XMLLoginParameterResolver verwendet | rudolf | 2 | -34/+122 |
2003-12-01 | added Attribute loginParameterResolverConfiguration to provide an configurati... | rudolf | 1 | -1/+2 |
2003-11-26 | Zwischenstand Implementierung Feature 54.tags/Build-1.2.0.D02-svn | gregor | 1 | -3/+11 |
2003-11-17 | Bug 46 behoben. | gregor | 1 | -5/+7 |
2003-11-12 | Bug 45 behoben. | gregor | 1 | -1/+1 |
2003-11-11 | Feature 41 implementiert. | gregor | 1 | -0/+444 |
2003-11-11 | Schema auf MOA-SPSS-1.2 umbenannt (Feature 41 implementiert) | gregor | 1 | -430/+0 |
2003-07-07 | Initial commit | gregor | 20 | -0/+3728 |