path: root/modules/authmodule-eIDAS-v2/src/test/java/at/asitplus/eidas/specific/modules/auth/eidas/v2/test/SzrClientTestProduction.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/authmodule-eIDAS-v2/src/test/java/at/asitplus/eidas/specific/modules/auth/eidas/v2/test/SzrClientTestProduction.java')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/authmodule-eIDAS-v2/src/test/java/at/asitplus/eidas/specific/modules/auth/eidas/v2/test/SzrClientTestProduction.java b/modules/authmodule-eIDAS-v2/src/test/java/at/asitplus/eidas/specific/modules/auth/eidas/v2/test/SzrClientTestProduction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e7ff369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/authmodule-eIDAS-v2/src/test/java/at/asitplus/eidas/specific/modules/auth/eidas/v2/test/SzrClientTestProduction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 A-SIT Plus GmbH
+ * AT-specific eIDAS Connector has been developed in a cooperation between EGIZ,
+ * A-SIT Plus GmbH, A-SIT, and Graz University of Technology.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or - as soon they will be approved by
+ * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "License");
+ * You may not use this work except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ * https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/understanding-eupl-v12
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text
+ * file for details on the various modules and licenses.
+ * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works
+ * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file.
+package at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.test;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
+import java.security.MessageDigest;
+import java.security.NoSuchProviderException;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
+import org.joda.time.DateTime;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import org.springframework.test.annotation.IfProfileValue;
+import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
+import org.springframework.test.context.TestPropertySource;
+import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
+import org.springframework.util.Base64Utils;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.Constants;
+import at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.dao.ErnbEidData;
+import at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.exception.EidasSAuthenticationException;
+import at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.exception.SzrCommunicationException;
+import at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.szr.SzrClient;
+import at.asitplus.eidas.specific.modules.auth.eidas.v2.utils.EidasResponseUtils;
+import at.gv.e_government.reference.namespace.persondata._20020228.PersonNameType;
+import at.gv.e_government.reference.namespace.persondata._20020228.PhysicalPersonType;
+import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.api.data.EaafConstants;
+import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.api.idp.IConfiguration;
+import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.api.idp.auth.data.IIdentityLink;
+import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.exceptions.EaafParserException;
+import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.impl.data.Triple;
+import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.impl.idp.auth.data.SimpleIdentityLinkAssertionParser;
+import szrservices.IdentityLinkType;
+import szrservices.PersonInfoType;
+import szrservices.SZRException_Exception;
+import szrservices.TravelDocumentType;
+@IfProfileValue(name = "spring.profiles.active", value = "devEnvironment")
+@ContextConfiguration(locations = {
+ "/SpringTest-context_tasks_test.xml",
+ "/SpringTest-context_basic_realConfig.xml"})
+@TestPropertySource(locations = {
+ //"classpath:/application.properties",
+ "file:/home/tlenz/Projekte/config/ms_connector/default_config.properties",
+ })
+public class SzrClientTestProduction {
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SzrClientTestProduction.class);
+ @Autowired
+ SzrClient szrClient;
+ @Autowired
+ IConfiguration basicConfig;
+ private static final String givenName = "Franz";
+ private static final String familyName = "Mustermann";
+ // private static final String dateOfBirth = "1989-05-05";
+ private static final String dateOfBirth = "1989-05-04";
+ private static final String eIDASeID = "IS/AT/1234ffgsdfg56789ABCDEF";
+ private static final String DUMMY_TARGET = EaafConstants.URN_PREFIX_CDID + "ZP";
+ @Test
+ public void dummyTest() {
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getVsz() throws SzrCommunicationException, EidasSAuthenticationException {
+ String vsz = szrClient.getEncryptedStammzahl(getPersonInfo());
+ Assert.assertNotNull("vsz", vsz);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getEidasBind() throws SzrCommunicationException, EidasSAuthenticationException {
+ String vsz = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10);
+ String bindingPubKey = Base64.toBase64String(RandomStringUtils.random(20).getBytes());
+ String eidStatus = "urn:eidgvat:eid.status.eidas";
+ ErnbEidData eidData = new ErnbEidData();
+ eidData.setFamilyName(familyName);
+ eidData.setGivenName(givenName);
+ eidData.setDateOfBirth(new DateTime());
+ eidData.setCitizenCountryCode("IS");
+ eidData.setPseudonym("1234sdgsdfg56789ABCDEF");
+ String eidasBind = szrClient.getEidsaBind(vsz, bindingPubKey, eidStatus, eidData);
+ Assert.assertNotNull("eidasBind", eidasBind);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getIdentityLinkRawMode() throws SZRException_Exception, EaafParserException,
+ NoSuchProviderException, IOException, InvalidKeyException, EidasSAuthenticationException {
+ log.debug("Starting connecting SZR Gateway");
+ final IdentityLinkType result = szrClient.getIdentityLinkInRawMode(
+ getPersonInfo());
+ final Element idlFromSzr = (Element) result.getAssertion();
+ final IIdentityLink identityLink = new SimpleIdentityLinkAssertionParser(idlFromSzr).parseIdentityLink();
+ if (identityLink == null) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO IDL object" });
+ }
+ System.out.println(identityLink.getSerializedSamlAssertion());
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identityLink.getFamilyName())) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO FamilyName from IDL" });
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identityLink.getGivenName())) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO GivenName from IDL" });
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identityLink.getDateOfBirth())) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO DateOfBirthName from IDL" });
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identityLink.getIdentificationType())) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO baseIdType from IDL" });
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identityLink.getIdentificationValue())) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO baseId from IDL" });
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identityLink.getSerializedSamlAssertion())) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO serialized IDL" });
+ }
+ if (identityLink.getSamlAssertion() == null) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.00", new Object[] { "NO raw IDL" });
+ }
+ }
+ @Ignore
+ @Test
+ public void getBpkTest() throws SZRException_Exception, EidasSAuthenticationException {
+ final List<String> bPK = szrClient.getBpk(getPersonInfo(), DUMMY_TARGET,
+ basicConfig.getBasicConfiguration(
+ "no VKZ defined"));
+ if (bPK.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.01", new Object[]{"bPK list is empty"});
+ }
+ for (String b : bPK) {
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(b)) {
+ throw new SzrCommunicationException("ernb.01", new Object[]{"bPK is null or empty"});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String createHashFromUniqueId(String uniqueId) throws EidasSAuthenticationException {
+ try {
+ final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
+ final byte[] hash = md.digest(uniqueId.getBytes("UTF-8"));
+ final String hashBase64 = new String(Base64Utils.encode(hash), "UTF-8").replaceAll("\r\n", "");
+ return hashBase64;
+ } catch (final Exception ex) {
+ throw new EidasSAuthenticationException("internal.03", new Object[] {}, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private PersonInfoType getPersonInfo() throws EidasSAuthenticationException {
+ final PersonInfoType personInfo = new PersonInfoType();
+ final PersonNameType personName = new PersonNameType();
+ final PhysicalPersonType naturalPerson = new PhysicalPersonType();
+ final TravelDocumentType eDocument = new TravelDocumentType();
+ naturalPerson.setName(personName);
+ personInfo.setPerson(naturalPerson);
+ personInfo.setTravelDocument(eDocument);
+ // parse some eID attributes
+ final Triple<String, String, String> eIdentifier =
+ EidasResponseUtils.parseEidasPersonalIdentifier(eIDASeID);
+ final String uniqueId = createHashFromUniqueId(eIdentifier.getThird());
+ final String citizenCountry = eIdentifier.getFirst();
+ // person information
+ personName.setFamilyName(familyName);
+ personName.setGivenName(givenName);
+ naturalPerson.setDateOfBirth(dateOfBirth);
+ eDocument.setIssuingCountry(citizenCountry);
+ eDocument.setDocumentNumber(uniqueId);
+ // eID document information
+ eDocument.setDocumentType(basicConfig.getBasicConfiguration(
+ return personInfo;
+ }