path: root/eaaf_core_utils/src/test/resources/data
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-04-03feat(http): support HTTP-Proxy connections on client levelThomas1-0/+3
2024-03-28feat(http): add configuration parameter to set 'time-to-life' and 'validation...Thomas1-0/+1
2023-08-21feat(sl20): add basic certificate-validity check into JWS validationThomas1-0/+0
2023-05-08feat(core): add in-line method to KeyStoreFactoryThomas6-0/+115
2022-08-11refact(core): move JoseUtils into 'eaaf-utils' moduleThomas2-0/+4
2021-04-16Use custom SSLContext builder to generate BouncyCastle specific TrustManager ...Thomas6-0/+27
2021-02-18update root-certificate of HSM-Facade for integration testsThomas1-8/+10
2020-06-23add new pendingRequestId generation-strategy that uses authenticated-encrypti...Thomas Lenz2-1/+22
2020-05-29update HttpClientBuilder factory to add 'ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy' inj...Thomas Lenz1-3/+3
2020-05-11update HttpClientFactory to facilitate request retrying in case of an errorThomas Lenz1-1/+5
2020-05-05first tests for SSL Client Auth. with HSM-FacadeThomas Lenz1-0/+5
2020-02-20add two jUnit test and CodeStyle modificationsThomas Lenz1-18/+8
2020-02-17update jUnit tests to operate on HSM Facade from A-Sit+Thomas Lenz1-0/+20
2020-02-14add common-code for KeyStore and Credential handlingThomas Lenz1-0/+0
2020-02-14Integrate HSM Facade from A-SIT+Thomas Lenz3-0/+3