path: root/eaaf_core_api/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/eaaf/core/api/data/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-06-06fix(core): add @JsonValue annotation to SpMandateModes enum to serialize the ...Thomas1-20/+22
2023-06-05chore(core): add @JsonCreator annotation to enumThomas1-0/+3
2022-06-08feat(attributes): define extended attribute that contais a CSV list of reques...Thomas1-0/+4
2021-05-23update attribute builder for MandateProfiles and add attribute builder for ma...Thomas1-0/+52
2021-02-09add attribute definition for ID Austria binding public-keyThomas1-0/+4
2020-12-02add attribute-builder for piiTransactionId transferThomas Lenz1-2/+5
2020-11-13add attribute that holds EntityId of an eIDAS MS-ConnectorThomas Lenz1-0/+3
2020-11-09add attribute-builder for unique transactionIdThomas Lenz1-0/+3
2020-10-20Rename E-ID attribute 'userConsent' to 'userAuthblock'Thomas Lenz1-2/+2
2020-03-10move attribute definition for mandateId into another classThomas Lenz1-0/+3
2020-02-20add two jUnit test and CodeStyle modificationsThomas Lenz1-0/+9
2019-12-05some code code-style modificationsThomas1-0/+43