path: root/eaaf_core/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/eaaf/core/impl/utils/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/eaaf_core/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/eaaf/core/impl/utils/ b/eaaf_core/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/eaaf/core/impl/utils/
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-package at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.impl.utils;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Base64;
-import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
-import javax.crypto.Mac;
-import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
-import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
-import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
-import org.joda.time.DateTime;
-import org.joda.time.DurationFieldType;
-import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
-import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.lang.NonNull;
-import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
-import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.api.idp.IConfiguration;
-import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.api.utils.IPendingRequestIdGenerationStrategy;
-import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.exceptions.EAAFConfigurationException;
-import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.exceptions.EAAFException;
-import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.exceptions.EAAFIllegalStateException;
-import at.gv.egiz.eaaf.core.exceptions.PendingReqIdValidationException;
- * PendingRequestId generation strategy based on signed tokens that facilitates extended token validation
- *
- * @author tlenz
- *
- */
-public class SecurePendingRequestIdGenerationStrategy implements IPendingRequestIdGenerationStrategy {
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecurePendingRequestIdGenerationStrategy.class);
- @Autowired(required=true) IConfiguration baseConfig;
- public static final String CONFIG_PROP_PENDINGREQUESTID_DIGIST_SECRET = "core.pendingrequestid.digist.secret";
- public static final String CONFIG_PROP_PENDINGREQUESTID_DIGIST_ALGORITHM = "core.pendingrequestid.digist.algorithm";
- public static final String CONFIG_PROP_PENDINGREQUESTID_MAX_LIFETIME = "core.pendingrequestid.maxlifetime";
- public static final String DEFAULT_PENDINGREQUESTID_DIGIST_ALGORITHM = "HmacSHA256";
- public static final String DEFAULT_PENDINGREQUESTID_MAX_LIFETIME = "300";
- private static final int ENCODED_TOKEN_PARTS = 3;
- private static final String TOKEN_SEPARATOR = "|";
- private static final DateTimeFormatter TOKEN_TEXTUAL_DATE_FORMAT =
- DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SSS");
- private int maxPendingRequestIdLifeTime = 300;
- private final int maxPendingReqIdSize = 1024;
- private String digistAlgorithm = null;
- private SecretKey key = null;
- private final byte[] salt = "notRequiredInThisScenario".getBytes();
- @Override
- public String generateExternalPendingRequestId() throws EAAFException {
- try {
- final String toSign = buildInternalToken(Random.nextLongRandom(),;
- final StringBuilder externalPendingRequestId= new StringBuilder();
- externalPendingRequestId.append(toSign);
- externalPendingRequestId.append(TOKEN_SEPARATOR);
- externalPendingRequestId.append(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(calculateHMAC(toSign)));
- return Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(externalPendingRequestId.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
- } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- throw new EAAFException("internal.99", new Object[] {e.getMessage()}, e);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public String getPendingRequestIdWithOutChecks(String externalPendingReqId) throws PendingReqIdValidationException {
- final String[] tokenElements = extractTokens(externalPendingReqId);
- return tokenElements[1];
- }
- @Override
- public String validateAndGetPendingRequestId(String externalPendingReqId) throws PendingReqIdValidationException {
- try {
- final String[] tokenElements = extractTokens(externalPendingReqId);
- final String internalPendingReqId = tokenElements[1];
- final DateTime timeStamp = TOKEN_TEXTUAL_DATE_FORMAT.parseDateTime(tokenElements[0]);
- log.trace("Checking HMAC from externalPendingReqId ... ");
- final byte[] tokenDigest = Base64.getDecoder().decode(tokenElements[2]);
- final byte[] refDigist = calculateHMAC(buildInternalToken(internalPendingReqId, timeStamp));
- if (!Arrays.equals(tokenDigest, refDigist)) {
- log.warn("Digest of Token does NOT match");
- log.debug("Token: {} | Ref: {}", tokenDigest, refDigist);
- throw new PendingReqIdValidationException(null, "Digest of pendingRequestId does NOT match");
- }
- log.debug("PendingRequestId HMAC digest check successful");
- log.trace("Checking valid period ... ");
- final DateTime now =;
- if (timeStamp.withFieldAdded(
- DurationFieldType.seconds(), maxPendingRequestIdLifeTime).isBefore(now)) {
- log.warn("Token exceeds the valid period");
- log.debug("Token: {} | Now: {}", timeStamp, now );
- throw new PendingReqIdValidationException(internalPendingReqId, "PendingRequestId exceeds the valid period");
- }
- log.debug("Token valid-period check successful");
- return internalPendingReqId;
- } catch (final IllegalArgumentException | EAAFIllegalStateException e) {
- log.warn("Token is NOT a valid String. Msg: {}", e.getMessage());
- log.debug("TokenValue: {}", externalPendingReqId);
- throw new PendingReqIdValidationException(null, "PendingReqId is NOT a valid String", e);
- }
- }
- @NonNull
- private String[] extractTokens(@Nullable String externalPendingReqId) throws PendingReqIdValidationException {
- if (StringUtils.isEmpty(externalPendingReqId)) {
-"PendingReqId is 'null' or empty");
- throw new PendingReqIdValidationException(null, "PendingReqId is 'null' or empty");
- }
- log.trace("RAW external pendingReqId: {}", externalPendingReqId);
- final byte[] externalPendingReqIdBytes = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(externalPendingReqId);
- if (externalPendingReqIdBytes.length > maxPendingReqIdSize) {
- log.warn("pendingReqId size exceeds {}", maxPendingReqIdSize);
- throw new PendingReqIdValidationException(null, "pendingReqId exceeds max.size: " + maxPendingReqIdSize);
- }
- final String stringToken = new String(externalPendingReqIdBytes);
- if (StringUtils.countMatches(stringToken, TOKEN_SEPARATOR) == ENCODED_TOKEN_PARTS - 1) {
- final String[] tokenElements = StringUtils.split(stringToken,
- return tokenElements;
- } else {
- log.warn("PendingRequestId has an unvalid format");
- log.debug("PendingRequestId: {}", stringToken);
- throw new PendingReqIdValidationException(null, "PendingReqId has an unvalid format");
- }
- }
- @PostConstruct
- private void initialize() throws EAAFConfigurationException {
- log.debug("Initializing " + this.getClass().getName() + " ... ");
- final String pendingReqIdDigistSecret = baseConfig.getBasicConfiguration(CONFIG_PROP_PENDINGREQUESTID_DIGIST_SECRET);
- if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pendingReqIdDigistSecret))
- throw new EAAFConfigurationException("config.08", new Object[] {CONFIG_PROP_PENDINGREQUESTID_DIGIST_SECRET});
- maxPendingRequestIdLifeTime = Integer.valueOf(
- try {
- final SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WITHHMACSHA256");
- final KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(pendingReqIdDigistSecret.toCharArray(), salt, 10000, 128);
- key = keyFactory.generateSecret(spec);
- } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
- log.error("Can NOT initialize TokenService with configuration object", e);
- throw new EAAFConfigurationException("config.09",
- "Can NOT generate HMAC key"},
- e);
- }
- + " initialized with digistAlg: {} and maxLifeTime: {}", digistAlgorithm, maxPendingRequestIdLifeTime);
- }
- private String buildInternalToken(String internalPendingReqId, DateTime now) {
- return new StringBuilder()
- .append(TOKEN_TEXTUAL_DATE_FORMAT.print(now))
- .append(internalPendingReqId).toString();
- }
- private byte[] calculateHMAC(String toSign) throws EAAFIllegalStateException {
- try {
- final Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(digistAlgorithm);
- mac.init(key);
- return mac.doFinal(toSign.getBytes("UTF-8"));
- } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException e) {
- log.error("Can NOT generate secure pendingRequestId", e);
- throw new EAAFIllegalStateException(new Object[] {"Can NOT caluclate digist for secure pendingRequestId"}, e);
- }
- }