/* * Copyright 2012 by A-SIT, Secure Information Technology Center Austria * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. */ package at.asit.pdfover.signer.pdfas; //Imports import iaik.x509.X509Certificate; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Locale; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import at.asit.pdfover.signator.BKUs; import at.asit.pdfover.signator.DocumentSource; import at.asit.pdfover.signator.Emblem; import at.asit.pdfover.signator.SignaturePosition; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api.Configuration; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api.PdfAs; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api.PdfAsFactory; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api.sign.SignParameter; import at.asit.pdfover.commons.Profile; /** * Implementation of SignatureParameter for PDF-AS 4 Library */ public class PdfAs4SignatureParameter { /** * SLF4J Logger instance **/ static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PdfAs4SignatureParameter.class); /** * this is set by CliArguments.InvisibleProfile * TODO: this is a no good, very bad, hack */ public static boolean PROFILE_VISIBILITY = true; /** The Signature Position */ public SignaturePosition signaturePosition = null; /** The Signature language */ public String signatureLanguage = null; /** The key identifier */ public String keyIdentifier = null; /** The input document */ public DocumentSource inputDocument = null; /** Holds the emblem */ public Emblem emblem; /** Whether to use PDF/A compatibility */ public boolean enablePDFACompat; /** The signature device */ public BKUs signatureDevice; /** The siganture note, if any */ public String signatureNote = null; /** Whether so look for placeholder signatures or not. */ public boolean searchForPlaceholderSignatures = false; /** The size to scale the logo to */ public double targetLogoSize = 65.0; /** The signature profile in use */ public Profile signatureProfile = Profile.getDefaultProfile(); Image getPlaceholder() { String sigProfile = getPdfAsSignatureProfileId(); String sigEmblem = (this.emblem == null ? null : this.emblem.getCachedFileName()); String sigNote = this.signatureNote; try { X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(PdfAs4SignatureParameter.class.getResourceAsStream("/example.cer")); PdfAs pdfas = PdfAs4Helper.getPdfAs(); synchronized (PdfAs4Helper.class) { Configuration conf = pdfas.getConfiguration(); if (sigEmblem != null && !sigEmblem.trim().equals("")) { conf.setValue("sig_obj." + sigProfile + ".value.SIG_LABEL", sigEmblem); } if (sigNote != null) { conf.setValue("sig_obj." + sigProfile + ".value.SIG_NOTE", sigNote); } if (this.signatureProfile == Profile.BASE_LOGO) { int emblemWidth = (this.emblem != null) ? this.emblem.getWidth() : 1; int emblemHeight = (this.emblem != null) ? this.emblem.getHeight() : 1; double aspectRatio = ((double)emblemWidth) / emblemHeight; double targetWidth = this.targetLogoSize; double targetHeight = this.targetLogoSize; if (aspectRatio < 1) targetWidth *= aspectRatio; else targetHeight /= aspectRatio; conf.setValue("sig_obj." + sigProfile + ".table.main.Style.padding", "0"); conf.setValue("sig_obj." + sigProfile + ".pos", "w:"+targetWidth+";f:0"); conf.setValue("sig_obj." + sigProfile + ".table.main.Style.imagescaletofit", targetWidth+";"+targetHeight); } SignParameter param = PdfAsFactory.createSignParameter(conf, null, null); param.setSignatureProfileId(sigProfile); Image placeholder = pdfas.generateVisibleSignaturePreview(param, cert, 72 * 4); // WORKAROUND for #110, manually paint a black border if (!this.signatureProfile.equals(Profile.BASE_LOGO)) { Graphics2D ctx = (Graphics2D)placeholder.getGraphics(); ctx.setColor(Color.BLACK); ctx.drawRect(0, 0, placeholder.getWidth(null)-1, placeholder.getHeight(null)-1); } return placeholder; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to get signature placeholder", e); return new BufferedImage(229, 77, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); } } /** * Gets the Signature Position String for PDF-AS * * @return Signature Position String */ public String getPdfAsSignaturePosition() { SignaturePosition in_pos = this.signaturePosition; if (in_pos.useAutoPositioning()) return "p:auto;x:auto;y:auto"; if (in_pos.getPage() < 1) { return String.format( (Locale) null, "p:new;x:%f;y:%f", in_pos.getX(), in_pos.getY()); } else { return String.format( (Locale) null, "p:%d;x:%f;y:%f", in_pos.getPage(), in_pos.getX(), in_pos.getY()); } } /** * Get the Signature Profile ID for this set of parameters * * @return the Signature Profile ID */ public String getPdfAsSignatureProfileId() { //Add Signature Param here// String profileId; if (!PROFILE_VISIBILITY) { log.debug("Profile visibility was set to false"); return Profile.INVISIBLE.name(); } switch (this.signatureProfile) { case BASE_LOGO: case INVISIBLE: return this.signatureProfile.name(); case AMTSSIGNATURBLOCK: profileId = this.signatureProfile.name(); profileId += getLangProfilePart(this.signatureLanguage); profileId += "_RECOMMENDED"; return profileId; default: profileId = this.signatureProfile.name(); profileId += getLangProfilePart(this.signatureLanguage); break; } if (this.signatureNote != null) profileId += "_NOTE"; if (this.enablePDFACompat) profileId += "_PDFA"; log.debug("Profile ID: {}", profileId); return profileId; } private static String getLangProfilePart(String lang) { return ("en".equals(lang)) ? "_EN" : "_DE"; } }