/* * Copyright 2012 by A-SIT, Secure Information Technology Center Austria * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. */ package at.asit.pdfover.gui.composites; // Imports import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.IOException; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle; import org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import at.asit.pdfover.commons.Messages; /** * */ public class SignaturePanel extends JPanel { /** * SLF4J Logger instance **/ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SignaturePanel.class); /** Default serial version ID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The PDF file being displayed */ private PDDocument pdf = null; private PDFRenderer renderer = null; /** The image of the rendered PDF page being displayed */ Image currentImage = null; /** The current scale for rendering pdf to image */ private float pageToImageScale; /** The current scale for rendering image to screen */ private double imageToScreenScale; /* scaling */ private enum U { /* (0,0) is bottom-left of page */ PAGE_ABS, /* (0,0) is top-left of page */ PAGE_REL, /* pixels, (0,0) is top-left of image */ IMAGE, /* pixels, (0,0) is top-left of image */ SCREEN_REL, /* pixels, (0,0) is top-left of canvas */ SCREEN_ABS }; private enum Dim { X, Y }; private double scale(double v, U from, U to, Dim d) { if (from == to) return v; if (from == U.PAGE_ABS) { return scale((d == Dim.X) ? v : (this.pageHeight - v), U.PAGE_REL, to, d); } else if (from == U.PAGE_REL) { if (to == U.PAGE_ABS) return ((d == Dim.X) ? v : (this.pageHeight - v)); else return scale(v * this.pageToImageScale, U.IMAGE, to, d); } else if (from == U.IMAGE) { if ((to == U.PAGE_ABS) || (to == U.PAGE_REL)) return scale(v / this.pageToImageScale, U.PAGE_REL, to, d); else return scale(v * this.imageToScreenScale, U.SCREEN_REL, to, d); } else if (from == U.SCREEN_REL) { if (to == U.SCREEN_ABS) return (v + ((d == Dim.X) ? this.offX : this.offY)); else return scale(v / this.imageToScreenScale, U.IMAGE, to, d); } else if (from == U.SCREEN_ABS) { return scale(v - ((d == Dim.X) ? this.offX : this.offY), U.SCREEN_REL, to, d); } else throw new RuntimeException("unreachable"); } private float pageWidth = 0; private float pageHeight = 0; /** The horizontal offset of the image from the left edge of the panel */ private int offX = 0; /** The vertical offset of the image from the top of the panel */ private int offY = 0; /** The position of the top-left corner of the signature, in absolute page space */ private Point2D sigPagePos = null; public @CheckForNull Point2D getSigPagePos() { return this.sigPagePos; } /** The signature placeholder image */ private Image sigPlaceholder = null; /** Width of the signature placeholder in page space */ private int sigPageWidth = 0; /** Height of the signature placeholder in page space */ private int sigPageHeight = 0; /** Color of the signature placeholder border */ private Color sigPlaceholderBorderColor = Color.BLUE; /** Current page */ private int currentPageNo = 0; /** Number of pages in the document */ private int numPages = 0; /** Cursor types */ private static enum Cursors {DEFAULT, HAND, MOVE}; /** Default arrow cursor */ private final Cursor defaultCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); /** Hand cursor */ private final Cursor handCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR); /** Move cursor */ private final Cursor moveCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR); /** Current cursor */ private Cursors currentCursor = Cursors.DEFAULT; /** * Create a new PagePanel. */ public SignaturePanel() { super(new BorderLayout()); setDocument(null); setFocusable(true); addMouseListener(this.mouseListener); addMouseMotionListener(this.mouseListener); } /** * Set a new document to be displayed * @param pdf the PDFFile to be displayed */ public void setDocument(PDDocument pdf) { this.pdf = pdf; this.sigPagePos = null; if (pdf != null) { this.renderer = new PDFRenderer(pdf); this.numPages = pdf.getNumberOfPages(); this.currentPageNo = -1; showPage(this.numPages); } else { this.renderer = null; this.currentPageNo = 0; this.numPages = 0; renderPageToImage(); repaint(); } } /** * Set the signature placeholder image * @param placeholder signature placeholder * @param width width of the placeholder in page space * @param height height of the placeholder in page space */ public void setSignaturePlaceholder(Image placeholder) { this.sigPlaceholder = placeholder; // TODO figure out why this is divided by 4 (factor ported from old code) this.sigPageWidth = placeholder.getWidth(null) / 4; this.sigPageHeight = placeholder.getHeight(null) / 4; renderPageToImage(); if (this.sigPagePos != null) setSignaturePosition(this.sigPagePos.getX(), this.sigPagePos.getY()); repaint(); } /** * Set the color of the signature placeholder border * @param color new signature placeholder border color */ public void setSignaturePlaceholderBorderColor(Color color) { this.sigPlaceholderBorderColor = color; } /** * Change the currently displayed page * @param page the number of the page to display */ public void showPage(int page) { if (this.currentPageNo == page) return; this.currentPageNo = page; renderPageToImage(); repaint(); } /** * Add and display a new page at the end of the document * * This page has the same dimensions as the old last page */ public void addNewLastPage() { showPage(this.numPages + 1); } /** * Set the signature placeholder position * @param x the horizontal signature position * @param y the vertical signature position */ public void setSignaturePosition(double x, double y) { this.sigPagePos = new Point2D.Double( clamp(x, 0, this.pageWidth - this.sigPageWidth), clamp(y, this.sigPageHeight, this.pageHeight) ); repaint(); } public void translateSignaturePagePosition(float dX, float dY) { setSignaturePosition(this.sigPagePos.getX() + dX, this.sigPagePos.getY() + dY); } /** * Stop the generation of any previous page, and draw the new one. * * @param page the PDFPage to draw. */ private synchronized void renderPageToImage() { if (this.pdf == null) { this.currentImage = null; return; } boolean newPage = false; PDPage currentPage; // set up the new page if (this.currentPageNo > this.numPages) { // New last page - use old last page as template currentPage = this.pdf.getPage(this.numPages-1); newPage = true; } else currentPage = this.pdf.getPage(this.currentPageNo-1); if (currentPage == null) { // no page this.currentImage = null; return; } boolean isRotated = ((currentPage.getRotation()%180) == 90); PDRectangle actualPageSize = currentPage.getBBox(); this.pageWidth = isRotated ? actualPageSize.getHeight() : actualPageSize.getWidth(); this.pageHeight = isRotated ? actualPageSize.getWidth() : actualPageSize.getHeight(); this.pageToImageScale = getToolkit().getScreenSize().height / this.pageHeight; // get the new image if (newPage) { int renderHeight = (int)(0.5 + this.scale(this.pageHeight, U.PAGE_REL, U.IMAGE, Dim.X)); int renderWidth = (int)(0.5 + this.scale(this.pageWidth, U.PAGE_REL, U.IMAGE, Dim.Y)); this.currentImage = new BufferedImage(renderWidth, renderHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = this.currentImage.getGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, renderWidth, renderHeight); } else { int whichPage = Math.min(this.currentPageNo, this.numPages); try { this.currentImage = renderer.renderImage(whichPage-1, this.pageToImageScale); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(String.format("Failed to render image for page %d of %d", whichPage, this.numPages), e); this.currentImage = null; } } if (this.sigPagePos == null) { setSignaturePosition( actualPageSize.getWidth() * .5, actualPageSize.getHeight() * .75 ); } } /** * Draw the image. */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { Dimension renderPanelSize = getSize(); g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); if (this.currentImage == null) { g.setColor(Color.black); g.drawString(Messages.getString("common.working"), getWidth() / 2 - 30, getHeight() / 2); } else { this.imageToScreenScale = Math.min( renderPanelSize.getWidth() / this.currentImage.getWidth(null), renderPanelSize.getHeight() / this.currentImage.getHeight(null)); // draw the image int actualRenderWidth = (int)(this.currentImage.getWidth(null) * this.imageToScreenScale); int actualRenderHeight = (int)(this.currentImage.getHeight(null) * this.imageToScreenScale); // draw it centered within the panel this.offX = (renderPanelSize.width - actualRenderWidth) / 2; this.offY = (renderPanelSize.height - actualRenderHeight) / 2; // draw document g.drawImage(this.currentImage, this.offX, this.offY, actualRenderWidth, actualRenderHeight, null); // draw signature int sigX = (int) this.scale(this.sigPagePos.getX(), U.PAGE_ABS, U.SCREEN_ABS, Dim.X); int sigY = (int) this.scale(this.sigPagePos.getY(), U.PAGE_ABS, U.SCREEN_ABS, Dim.Y); if (this.sigPlaceholder == null) { g.setColor(Color.red); g.drawRect(sigX, sigY, 100, 40); } else { int sigScreenWidth = (int)this.scale(this.sigPageWidth, U.PAGE_REL, U.SCREEN_REL, Dim.X); int sigScreenHeight = (int)this.scale(this.sigPageHeight, U.PAGE_REL, U.SCREEN_REL, Dim.Y); g.drawImage(this.sigPlaceholder, sigX, sigY, sigScreenWidth, sigScreenHeight, null); g.setColor(this.sigPlaceholderBorderColor); g.drawRect(sigX, sigY, sigScreenWidth-1, sigScreenHeight-1); } } } /** * Handles notification of the fact that some part of the image changed. * Repaints that portion. * * @return true if more updates are desired. */ @Override public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if ((infoflags & (SOMEBITS | ALLBITS)) != 0) { repaint(x + this.offX, y + this.offY, width, height); } return ((infoflags & (ALLBITS | ERROR | ABORT)) == 0); } private MouseAdapter mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() { private boolean doDrag = false; private int dragXOffset = 0; private int dragYOffset = 0; private void updateSigPosDrag(MouseEvent evt) { SignaturePanel.this.setSignaturePosition( SignaturePanel.this.scale(evt.getX() - this.dragXOffset, U.SCREEN_ABS, U.PAGE_ABS, Dim.X), SignaturePanel.this.scale(evt.getY() - this.dragYOffset, U.SCREEN_ABS, U.PAGE_ABS, Dim.Y) ); } /** Handles a mouseMoved event */ @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { try { boolean onSig = isOnSignature(evt); setCursor(onSig ? Cursors.HAND : Cursors.DEFAULT); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // do nothing } } /** Handles a mousePressed event */ @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { this.doDrag = true; if (isOnSignature(evt)) { /* offsets (in screen units) from top-left corner of signature to cursor on drag start */ this.dragXOffset = (int)(evt.getX() - SignaturePanel.this.scale(SignaturePanel.this.sigPagePos.getX(), U.PAGE_ABS, U.SCREEN_ABS, Dim.X)); this.dragYOffset = (int)(evt.getY() - SignaturePanel.this.scale(SignaturePanel.this.sigPagePos.getY(), U.PAGE_ABS, U.SCREEN_ABS, Dim.Y)); } else { this.dragXOffset = 0; this.dragYOffset = 0; } updateSigPosDrag(evt); setCursor(Cursors.MOVE); } } /** Handles a mouseReleased event */ @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { this.doDrag = false; boolean onSig = isOnSignature(evt); setCursor(onSig ? Cursors.HAND : Cursors.DEFAULT); } /** * Handles a mouseDragged event. */ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) { if (this.doDrag) updateSigPosDrag(evt); } }; /** * Sets the mouse cursor * @param cursor cursor to set */ void setCursor(Cursors cursor) { if (this.currentCursor == cursor) return; this.currentCursor = cursor; Cursor cur = null; switch (cursor) { case DEFAULT: cur = this.defaultCursor; break; case HAND: cur = this.handCursor; break; case MOVE: cur = this.moveCursor; break; } this.getParent().setCursor(cur); } /** * Check whether given point is on signature placeholder * @param x x coordinate (screen) * @param y y coordinate (screen) * @return true if given point is on signature placeholder */ private boolean isOnSignature(MouseEvent evt) { if (this.sigPagePos == null) return false; Rectangle2D sig = new Rectangle2D.Double( this.scale(this.sigPagePos.getX(), U.PAGE_ABS, U.SCREEN_ABS, Dim.X), this.scale(this.sigPagePos.getY(), U.PAGE_ABS, U.SCREEN_ABS, Dim.Y), this.scale(this.sigPageWidth, U.PAGE_REL, U.SCREEN_REL, Dim.X), this.scale(this.sigPageHeight, U.PAGE_REL, U.SCREEN_REL, Dim.Y) ); return sig.contains(evt.getX(), evt.getY()); } /** * Clamp x to be within [min-max] * @param x int to clamp * @param min minimum value * @param max maximum value * @return clamped x */ private static double clamp(double x, double min, double max) { if (x < min) x = min; else if (x > max) x = max; return x; } }