package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static at.asit.pdfover.commons.Constants.ISNOTNULL; public class ATrustParser { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ATrustParser.class); private static class ComponentParseFailed extends Exception {} private static class TopLevelFormBlock { protected @Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument; protected @Nonnull Map formOptions; protected TopLevelFormBlock(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document d, @Nonnull Map fO) { this.htmlDocument = d; this.formOptions = fO; } protected void abortIfElementMissing(@Nonnull String selector) throws ComponentParseFailed { if (this.htmlDocument.selectFirst(selector) != null) return; log.debug("Tested for element {} -- not found.", selector); throw new ComponentParseFailed(); } protected @Nonnull String getAttributeEnsureNotNull(@Nonnull String selector, @Nonnull String attribute) throws ComponentParseFailed { var elm = this.htmlDocument.selectFirst(selector); if (elm == null) { log.warn("Expected element not found in response: {}", selector); throw new ComponentParseFailed(); } if (!elm.hasAttr(attribute)) { log.warn("Element {} is missing expected attribute '{}'.", selector, attribute); throw new ComponentParseFailed(); } return ISNOTNULL(elm.attr(attribute)); } protected @Nonnull URI getURIAttributeEnsureNotNull(@Nonnull String selector, @Nonnull String attribute) throws ComponentParseFailed { String value = getAttributeEnsureNotNull(selector, attribute); try { return new URI(value); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { if (attribute.startsWith("abs:")) attribute = ISNOTNULL(attribute.substring(4)); log.warn("Element {} attribute {} is '{}', could not be parsed as URI", selector, attribute, getAttributeEnsureNotNull(selector, attribute)); throw new ComponentParseFailed(); } } } public static class UsernamePasswordBlock extends TopLevelFormBlock { private @Nonnull String usernameKey; private @Nonnull String passwordKey; public void setUsernamePassword(String username, String password) { formOptions.put(usernameKey, username); formOptions.put(passwordKey, password); } private UsernamePasswordBlock(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument, @Nonnull Map formOptions) throws ComponentParseFailed { super(htmlDocument, formOptions); abortIfElementMissing("#handynummer"); this.usernameKey = getAttributeEnsureNotNull("#handynummer", "name"); this.passwordKey = getAttributeEnsureNotNull("#signaturpasswort", "name"); /* remove unused submit buttons */ // TODO: we should generalize this somehow for input type="submit" // TODO: do we maybe want to use the actual cancel button? formOptions.remove(getAttributeEnsureNotNull("#Button_Cancel", "name")); formOptions.remove(getAttributeEnsureNotNull("#Button_localBku", "name")); } } public static class QRCodeBlock extends TopLevelFormBlock { public @Nonnull URI qrCodeURI; private QRCodeBlock(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument, @Nonnull Map formOptions) throws ComponentParseFailed { super(htmlDocument, formOptions); abortIfElementMissing("#qrimage"); this.qrCodeURI = getURIAttributeEnsureNotNull("#qrimage", "abs:src"); } } public static class Fido2Block extends TopLevelFormBlock { private @Nonnull String fidoOptions; private @Nonnull String credentialResultKey; public @Nonnull String getFIDOOptions() { return fidoOptions; } public void setFIDOResult(String result) { formOptions.put(credentialResultKey, result); } private Fido2Block(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument, @Nonnull Map formOptions) throws ComponentParseFailed { super(htmlDocument, formOptions); abortIfElementMissing("#fidoBlock"); this.fidoOptions = getAttributeEnsureNotNull("#credentialOptions", "value"); this.credentialResultKey = getAttributeEnsureNotNull("#credentialResult", "name"); } } public static class HTMLResult { public final @Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument; public final @Nonnull URI formTarget; public final @Nonnull Map formOptions = new HashMap<>(); public @Nonnull Iterable> iterateFormOptions() { return ISNOTNULL(formOptions.entrySet()); } /* optional mode switch links (any number may or may not be null) */ public final @CheckForNull URI fido2Link; /* top-level blocks (exactly one is not null) */ public final @CheckForNull UsernamePasswordBlock usernamePasswordBlock; public final @CheckForNull QRCodeBlock qrCodeBlock; public final @CheckForNull Fido2Block fido2Block; private void validate() { Set populated = new HashSet<>(); if (usernamePasswordBlock != null) populated.add("usernamePasswordBlock"); if (qrCodeBlock != null) populated.add("qrCodeBlock"); if (fido2Block != null) populated.add("fido2Block"); switch (populated.size()) { case 0: log.error("Did not find any top-level blocks.\n{}", this.htmlDocument.toString()); break; case 1: /* passed */ return; default: log.error("Found too many top-level blocks: {}\n", String.join(", ", populated), this.htmlDocument.toString()); break; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown A-Trust page reached?"); } private @Nullable URI getHrefIfExists(String selector) { var elm = htmlDocument.selectFirst(selector); if (elm == null) return null; String url = elm.absUrl("href"); try { return new URI(url); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Invalid {} href attribute: {} ({})", selector, elm.attr("href"), url); return null; } } /** * tries to parse T using its constructor; if ComponentParseFailed is thrown, swallows it */ private @Nullable T TryParseMainBlock(Class clazz) { try { return clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(org.jsoup.nodes.Document.class, Map.class).newInstance(this.htmlDocument, this.formOptions); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException e) { log.error("Internal parser error; check your method signatures?", e); return null; } catch (InvocationTargetException wrappedE) { Throwable e = wrappedE.getCause(); if (!(e instanceof ComponentParseFailed)) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; log.warn("Unexpected parser failure.", e); } return null; } } private HTMLResult(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument) { this.htmlDocument = htmlDocument; var forms = htmlDocument.getElementsByTag("form"); if (forms.size() != 1) { log.error("Found {} forms in A-Trust response document, expected 1. Document:\n{}", forms.size(), htmlDocument.toString()); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse A-Trust response page"); } var mainForm = ISNOTNULL(forms.first()); /* size check above */ String formAction = mainForm.absUrl("action"); try { this.formTarget = new URI(formAction); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { log.error("Invalid form target in page: {} ({})", mainForm.attr("action"), formAction, e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse A-Trust response page"); } for (var input :"input")) { String name = input.attr("name"); if (name.isEmpty()) continue; this.formOptions.put(name, input.attr("value")); } this.fido2Link = getHrefIfExists("#FidoButton"); this.usernamePasswordBlock = TryParseMainBlock(UsernamePasswordBlock.class); this.qrCodeBlock = TryParseMainBlock(QRCodeBlock.class); this.fido2Block = TryParseMainBlock(Fido2Block.class); validate(); } } public static class Result { public final @CheckForNull String slResponse; public final @CheckForNull HTMLResult html; private Result(@Nonnull String slResponse) { this.slResponse = slResponse; this.html = null; } private Result(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument) { this.slResponse = null; this.html = new HTMLResult(htmlDocument); } } public static @Nonnull Result Parse(@Nonnull org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmlDocument) { return new Result(htmlDocument); } public static @Nonnull Result Parse(URI baseURI, String contentType, @Nonnull String content) { if (contentType.equals("text/html")) { var document = Jsoup.parse(content, baseURI.toASCIIString()); if (document == null) { log.error("Failed to parse HTML (document == null):\n{}", content); throw new IllegalArgumentException("A-Trust parsing failed"); } return Parse(document); } if (contentType.endsWith("/xml")) return new Result(content); log.error("Unknown content-type \"{}\" from URI {}", contentType, baseURI.toString()); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown A-Trust page reached?"); } }