/* * Copyright 2012 by A-SIT, Secure Information Technology Center Austria * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. */ package at.asit.pdfover.gui.bku.mobile; // Imports import java.awt.Desktop; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.MultipartRequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.Part; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.StringPart; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.program.Program; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; import at.asit.pdfover.commons.Constants; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.controls.Dialog; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.controls.Dialog.BUTTONS; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.controls.Dialog.ICON; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.exceptions.ATrustConnectionException; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.utils.FileUploadSource; import at.asit.pdfover.commons.Messages; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.LocalBKUState; import at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.MobileBKUState; import at.asit.pdfover.signer.pdfas.PdfAs4SLRequest; import at.asit.pdfover.signer.pdfas.PdfAs4SigningState; /** * A-Trust mobile BKU handler */ public class ATrustHandler { public final MobileBKUState state; public final Shell shell; /** * @param state * @param shell */ public ATrustHandler(MobileBKUState state, Shell shell) { this.state = state; this.shell = shell; } /** * SLF4J Logger instance **/ static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ATrustHandler.class); private static boolean expiryNoticeDisplayed = false; private static final String ACTIVATION_URL = "https://www.handy-signatur.at/"; /** * Get the MobileBKUStatus * @return the MobileBKUStatus */ protected ATrustStatus getStatus() { return this.state.status; } /** * Get the SigningState * @return the SigningState */ protected PdfAs4SigningState getSigningState() { return state.getSigningState(); } /** * Execute a post to the mobile BKU, following redirects * @param client the HttpClient * @param post the PostMethod * @return the response * @throws IOException IO error */ protected String executePost(HttpClient client, PostMethod post) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String req; if (post.getRequestEntity().getContentLength() < 1024) { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); post.getRequestEntity().writeRequest(os); req = os.toString(); if (req.contains("passwort=")) req = req.replaceAll("passwort=[^&]*", "passwort=******"); if (req.contains(":pwd=")) req = req.replaceAll(":pwd=[^&]*", ":pwd=******"); os.close(); } else { req = post.getRequestEntity().getContentLength() + " bytes"; } log.debug("Posting to " + post.getURI() + ": " + req); } int returnCode = client.executeMethod(post); String redirectLocation = null; GetMethod get = null; String responseData = null; String server = null; // Follow redirects do { // check return code if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY || returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) { Header locationHeader = post.getResponseHeader("location"); if (locationHeader != null) { redirectLocation = locationHeader.getValue(); } else { throw new IOException( "Got HTTP 302 but no location to follow!"); } } else if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (get != null) { responseData = get.getResponseBodyAsString(); Header serverHeader = get.getResponseHeader( LocalBKUState.BKU_RESPONSE_HEADER_SERVER); if (serverHeader != null) server = serverHeader.getValue(); } else { responseData = post.getResponseBodyAsString(); Header serverHeader = post.getResponseHeader( LocalBKUState.BKU_RESPONSE_HEADER_SERVER); if (serverHeader != null) server = serverHeader.getValue(); } redirectLocation = null; String p = "]*http-equiv=\"refresh\" [^>]*content=\"([^\"]*)\""; Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(p); Matcher m = pat.matcher(responseData); if (m.find()) { String content = m.group(1); int start = content.indexOf("URL="); if (start != -1) { start += 9; redirectLocation = content.substring(start, content.length() - 5); } } } else { throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.getStatusText(returnCode)); } if (redirectLocation != null) { redirectLocation = MobileBKUHelper.getQualifiedURL(redirectLocation, new URL(post.getURI().toString())); log.debug("Redirected to " + redirectLocation); get = new GetMethod(redirectLocation); get.setFollowRedirects(true); returnCode = client.executeMethod(get); } } while (redirectLocation != null); getStatus().server = server; if (server != null) log.debug("Server: " + server); return responseData; } /** * Execute a get from the mobile BKU, following redirects * @param client the HttpClient * @param get the GetMethod * @return the response * @throws IOException IO error */ protected String executeGet(HttpClient client, GetMethod get) throws IOException { log.debug("Getting " + get.getURI()); int returnCode = client.executeMethod(get); String redirectLocation = null; GetMethod get2 = null; String responseData = null; String server = null; // Follow redirects do { // check return code if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY || returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) { Header locationHeader = get.getResponseHeader("location"); if (locationHeader != null) { redirectLocation = locationHeader.getValue(); } else { throw new IOException( "Got HTTP 302 but no location to follow!"); } } else if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (get2 != null) { responseData = get2.getResponseBodyAsString(); Header serverHeader = get2.getResponseHeader( LocalBKUState.BKU_RESPONSE_HEADER_SERVER); if (serverHeader != null) server = serverHeader.getValue(); } else { responseData = get.getResponseBodyAsString(); Header serverHeader = get.getResponseHeader( LocalBKUState.BKU_RESPONSE_HEADER_SERVER); if (serverHeader != null) server = serverHeader.getValue(); } redirectLocation = null; String p = "]*http-equiv=\"refresh\" [^>]*content=\"([^\"]*)\""; Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(p); Matcher m = pat.matcher(responseData); if (m.find()) { String content = m.group(1); int start = content.indexOf("URL="); if (start != -1) { start += 9; redirectLocation = content.substring(start, content.length() - 5); } } } else { throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.getStatusText(returnCode)); } if (redirectLocation != null) { redirectLocation = MobileBKUHelper.getQualifiedURL(redirectLocation, new URL(get.getURI().toString())); log.debug("Redirected to " + redirectLocation); get2 = new GetMethod(redirectLocation); get2.setFollowRedirects(true); returnCode = client.executeMethod(get2); } } while (redirectLocation != null); getStatus().server = server; if (server != null) log.debug("Server: " + server); return responseData; } /** * Post the SL request * @param mobileBKUUrl mobile BKU URL * @param request SLRequest * @return the response * @throws IOException IO error */ public String postSLRequest(String mobileBKUUrl, PdfAs4SLRequest request) throws IOException { MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(mobileBKUUrl); String sl_request; if (request.getSignatureData() != null) { sl_request = request.getRequest(); StringPart xmlpart = new StringPart( "XMLRequest", sl_request, "UTF-8"); FilePart filepart = new FilePart("fileupload", new FileUploadSource(request.getSignatureData()), "application/pdf", "UTF-8"); Part[] parts = { xmlpart, filepart }; post.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, post .getParams())); } else { /* TODO is this ever false? */ sl_request = request.getRequest(); post.addParameter("XMLRequest", sl_request); } log.trace("SL Request: " + sl_request); state.status.baseURL = MobileBKUHelper.stripQueryString(mobileBKUUrl); return executePost(client, post); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.mobilebku.MobileBKUHandler#handleSLRequestResponse(java.lang.String) */ public void handleSLRequestResponse(String responseData) throws Exception { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); if (responseData.contains("", ""); String errorMsg = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "", ""); throw new Exception("Error from mobile BKU: " + errorCode + " - " + errorMsg); } // Extract infos: String sessionID = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "identification.aspx?sid=", "\""); String viewState = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam( responseData, "", "id", "__VIEWSTATE", "value"); String eventValidation = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam( responseData, "", "id", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "value"); String viewstateGenerator = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParamOptional(responseData, "", "id", "__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR", "value"); String dynamicAttrPhonenumber = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_PHONE_NUMBER); String dynamicAttrPassword = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_SIGN_PASS); String dynamicAttrButtonId = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_BTN_IDF); String dynamicAttrTan = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_TAN); log.debug("sessionID: " + sessionID); log.debug("viewState: " + viewState); log.debug("eventValidation: " + eventValidation); status.sessionID = sessionID; status.viewState = viewState; status.eventValidation = eventValidation; if (viewstateGenerator != null ) { status.viewStateGenerator = viewstateGenerator; } status.dynAttrPhoneNumber = dynamicAttrPhonenumber; status.dynAttrPassword = dynamicAttrPassword; status.dynAttrBtnId = dynamicAttrButtonId; status.dynAttrTan = dynamicAttrTan; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.mobilebku.MobileBKUHandler#postCredentials() */ public String postCredentials() throws IOException { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(status.baseURL + "/identification.aspx?sid=" + status.sessionID); post.getParams().setContentCharset("utf-8"); post.addParameter("__VIEWSTATE", status.viewState); post.addParameter("__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR", status.viewStateGenerator); post.addParameter("__EVENTVALIDATION", status.eventValidation); post.addParameter(status.dynAttrPhoneNumber, status.phoneNumber); post.addParameter(status.dynAttrPassword, status.mobilePassword); post.addParameter(status.dynAttrBtnId, "Identifizieren"); return executePost(client, post); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.mobilebku.MobileBKUHandler#handleCredentialsResponse(java.lang.String) */ public void handleCredentialsResponse(final String responseData) throws Exception { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); String viewState = status.viewState; String eventValidation = status.eventValidation; String sessionID = status.sessionID; String refVal = null; String signatureDataURL = null; String viewstateGenerator = status.viewStateGenerator; status.errorMessage = null; final Document responseDocument = Jsoup.parse(responseData); if (responseData.contains("ExpiresInfo.aspx?sid=")) { // Certificate expiration interstitial - skip if (!expiryNoticeDisplayed) { Display.getDefault().syncExec(()-> { Dialog d = new Dialog(ATrustHandler.this.shell, Messages.getString("common.info"), Messages.getString("mobileBKU.certExpiresSoon"), BUTTONS.YES_NO, ICON.WARNING); if (d.open() == SWT.YES) { log.debug("Trying to open " + ACTIVATION_URL); if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { try { Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(ACTIVATION_URL)); return; } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Error opening URL", e); } } log.info("SWT Desktop is not supported on this platform"); Program.launch(ACTIVATION_URL); } }); expiryNoticeDisplayed = true; } String t_sessionID = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "ExpiresInfo.aspx?sid=", "\""); String t_viewState = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "", "id", "__VIEWSTATE", "value"); String t_eventValidation = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "", "id", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "value"); // Post again to skip MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(status.baseURL + "/ExpiresInfo.aspx?sid=" + t_sessionID); post.getParams().setContentCharset("utf-8"); post.addParameter("__VIEWSTATE", t_viewState); post.addParameter("__EVENTVALIDATION", t_eventValidation); post.addParameter("Button_Next", "Weiter"); handleCredentialsResponse(executePost(client, post)); return; } else if (responseData.contains("tanAppInfo.aspx?sid=")) { // App info interstitial - skip log.info("Skipping tan app interstitial"); String t_sessionID = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "tanAppInfo.aspx?sid=", "\""); String t_viewState = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "", "id", "__VIEWSTATE", "value"); String t_eventValidation = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "", "id", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "value"); // Post again to skip MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(status.baseURL + "/tanAppInfo.aspx?sid=" + t_sessionID); post.getParams().setContentCharset("utf-8"); post.addParameter("__VIEWSTATE", t_viewState); post.addParameter("__EVENTVALIDATION", t_eventValidation); post.addParameter("NextBtn", "Weiter"); handleCredentialsResponse(executePost(client, post)); return; } if (responseData.contains("signature.aspx?sid=")) { // credentials ok! TAN entry state.rememberCredentialsIfNecessary(); log.debug("Credentials accepted - TAN required"); sessionID = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "signature.aspx?sid=", "\""); viewState = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "", "id", "__VIEWSTATE", "value"); eventValidation = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "", "id", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "value"); refVal = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "id='vergleichswert'>Vergleichswert:", ""); signatureDataURL = status.baseURL + "/ShowSigobj.aspx" + MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "ShowSigobj.aspx", "'"); try { String qrCode = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "img", "class", "qrcode", "src"); log.debug("QR Code found: " + qrCode); status.qrCodeURL = qrCode; } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("No QR Code found"); } try { String tanTextTan = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "label", "id", "label_for_input_tan", "for"); status.tanField = tanTextTan.equals("input_tan"); status.dynAttrTan = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_TAN); status.dynAttrSignButton = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_SIGN_BTN); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("No tan field found"); } try { String tanTextTan = MobileBKUHelper.extractContentFromTagWithParam(responseData, "span", "id", "text_tan"); status.isAPPTan = !tanTextTan.toLowerCase().contains("sms"); status.dynAttrTan = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_TAN); status.dynAttrSignButton = MobileBKUHelper.getDynamicNameAttribute(responseData, Constants.LABEL_SIGN_BTN); }catch (Exception e) { log.debug("No text_tan tag"); } try { String webauthnLink = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "a", "id", "FidoButton", "href"); log.info("Webauthn link: {}", webauthnLink); } catch (Exception e) { log.info("No webauthnLink"); } try { String webauthnData = MobileBKUHelper.extractValueFromTagWithParam(responseData, "input", "id", "credentialOptions", "value"); log.info("Fido credential options: {}", webauthnData); } catch (Exception e) { log.info("No webauthnData"); } } else if (responseData.contains("sl:InfoboxReadResponse")) { // credentials ok! InfoboxReadResponse state.rememberCredentialsIfNecessary(); log.debug("Credentials accepted - Response given"); getSigningState().signatureResponse = responseData; return; } else if (responseData.contains("undecided.aspx?sid=")) { // skip intermediate page log.debug("Page Undecided"); getSigningState().signatureResponse = responseData; status.errorMessage = "waiting..."; // TODO: this looks incorrect...? return; }else { // error page // force UI again! state.clearRememberedCredentials(); // extract error text! try { String errorMessage = MobileBKUHelper.extractContentFromTagWithParam(responseData, "span", "id", "Label1"); if (errorMessage.startsWith("Fehler: ")) errorMessage = errorMessage.substring(8); status.errorMessage = errorMessage.strip(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to get credentials error message", e); String msg = null; try { msg = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "", "") + ": " + MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring(responseData, "", ""); } catch (Exception e2) { log.error("Failed to get credentials error code", e2); msg = Messages.getString("error.Unexpected"); } status.errorMessage = msg.strip(); } } log.debug("sessionID: " + sessionID); log.debug("Vergleichswert: " + refVal); log.debug("viewState: " + viewState); log.debug("eventValidation: " + eventValidation); log.debug("signatureDataURL: " + signatureDataURL); status.sessionID = sessionID; status.refVal = refVal; status.viewState = viewState; status.eventValidation = eventValidation; status.signatureDataURL = signatureDataURL; status.viewStateGenerator = viewstateGenerator; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.mobilebku.MobileBKUHandler#postTAN() */ public String postTAN() throws IOException { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(status.baseURL + "/signature.aspx?sid=" + status.sessionID); post.getParams().setContentCharset("utf-8"); post.addParameter("__VIEWSTATE", status.viewState); post.addParameter( "__EVENTVALIDATION", status.eventValidation); post.addParameter(status.dynAttrTan, status.tan); post.addParameter(status.dynAttrSignButton, "Signieren"); post.addParameter("Button1", "Identifizieren"); return executePost(client, post); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see at.asit.pdfover.gui.workflow.states.mobilebku.MobileBKUHandler#handleTANResponse(java.lang.String) */ public void handleTANResponse(String responseData) { getStatus().errorMessage = null; if (responseData.contains("sl:CreateXMLSignatureResponse xmlns:sl") || responseData.contains("sl:CreateCMSSignatureResponse xmlns:sl")) { // success !! getSigningState().signatureResponse = responseData; } else { try { String tries = MobileBKUHelper.extractSubstring( responseData, "Sie haben noch", "Versuch"); getStatus().tanTries = Integer.parseInt(tries.trim()); getStatus().errorMessage = "mobileBKU.wrong_tan"; } catch (Exception e) { getStatus().tanTries = (getStatus().tanTries - 1); log.debug("Error parsing TAN response", e); } if (getStatus().tanTries <= 0) { getStatus().errorMessage = null; Display.getDefault().syncExec(() -> { Dialog dialog = new Dialog(ATrustHandler.this.shell, Messages.getString("common.warning"), Messages.getString("mobileBKU.tan_tries_exceeded"), BUTTONS.OK_CANCEL, ICON.QUESTION); // TODO: THIS IS A COLOSSAL HACK if (dialog.open() == SWT.CANCEL) { // Go back to BKU Selection getStatus().tanTries = -1; } else { // Start signature process over getStatus().tanTries = -2; } }); } } } /** * Cancel QR process, request SMS TAN * @return the response * @throws IOException Error during posting */ public String postSMSRequest() throws IOException { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); GetMethod get = new GetMethod(status.baseURL + "/sendsms.aspx?sid=" + status.sessionID); get.getParams().setContentCharset("utf-8"); return executeGet(client, get); } /** * Get the QR code image * @return the QR code image as a String */ public InputStream getQRCode() { //TODO: Update HTTPClient here ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); GetMethod get = new GetMethod(status.baseURL + "/" + status.qrCodeURL); try { log.debug("Getting " + get.getURI()); int returnCode = client.executeMethod(get); if (returnCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { log.error("Error getting QR code"); return null; } return get.getResponseBodyAsStream(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error getting QR code", e); return null; } } /** * Get Signature page after scanning QR code * @return the response * @throws IOException Error during get */ public String getSignaturePage() throws IOException { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); MobileBKUHelper.registerTrustedSocketFactory(); HttpClient client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); //TODO check //String baseURL = "https://www.a-trust.at/mobile/https-security-layer-request"; GetMethod get = new GetMethod(status.baseURL + "/signature.aspx?sid=" + status.sessionID); return executeGet(client, get); } /** * Parse QR code response * @param responseData * @return whether a SL response was received */ public boolean handleQRResponse(String responseData) { getStatus().errorMessage = null; if (responseData.contains("sl:CreateXMLSignatureResponse xmlns:sl") || responseData.contains("sl:CreateCMSSignatureResponse xmlns:sl")) { // success !! getSigningState().signatureResponse = responseData; return true; } return false; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * */ public boolean handlePolling() throws ATrustConnectionException { ATrustStatus status = getStatus(); String isReady = null; Status serverStatus = null; HttpClient client; try { do { client = MobileBKUHelper.getHttpClient(getStatus()); String uri = status.baseURL + "/UndecidedPolling.aspx?sid=" + status.sessionID; GetMethod get = new GetMethod(uri); //client.setTimeout(35000); //client.setConnectionTimeout(35000); get.addRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript"); get.addRequestHeader("Connection", "keep-alive"); get.addRequestHeader("Referer", uri); client.executeMethod(get); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(get.getResponseBodyAsStream()); isReady = IOUtils.toString(in, "utf-8"); serverStatus = new Status(isReady); if (serverStatus.isFin()) { return true; } else if (serverStatus.isError()) { log.error("A-Trust returned Error code during polling"); throw new ATrustConnectionException(); } } while (serverStatus.isWait()); if (serverStatus.isFin()) { return true; } //else error status.errorMessage = "Server reponded ERROR during polling"; log.error("Server reponded ERROR during polling"); throw new ATrustConnectionException(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("handle polling failed" + e.getMessage()); throw new ATrustConnectionException(); } } private class Status { private final boolean fin; private final boolean error; private final boolean wait; public Status(String status) { JsonElement jelement = JsonParser.parseString(status.toLowerCase()); JsonObject jobject = jelement.getAsJsonObject(); this.fin = jobject.get("fin").getAsBoolean(); this.error = jobject.get("error").getAsBoolean(); this.wait = jobject.get("wait").getAsBoolean(); } public boolean isFin() { return fin; } public boolean isError() { return error; } public boolean isWait() { return wait; } } }