path: root/pdf-over-gui/src/main/resources/at/asit/pdfover/gui/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pdf-over-gui/src/main/resources/at/asit/pdfover/gui/')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/pdf-over-gui/src/main/resources/at/asit/pdfover/gui/ b/pdf-over-gui/src/main/resources/at/asit/pdfover/gui/
index cf33c2a2..4764a1af 100644
--- a/pdf-over-gui/src/main/resources/at/asit/pdfover/gui/
+++ b/pdf-over-gui/src/main/resources/at/asit/pdfover/gui/
@@ -1,239 +1,243 @@
-#Eclipse messages class
-#Mon Dec 02 13:17:21 CET 2019
-BKU.NONE=no default
-PlaceholderSelectionGui.lblNewLabel.text=New Label
-TrustedSocketFactory.FailedToCreateSecureConnection=Failed to create secure network connection
-WaitingForAppComposite.btnNewButton.text=New Button
-WaitingForAppComposite.btnRequestSms.text=Request SMS
-WaitingForAppComposite.lblNewLabel.text=New Label
-advanced_config.AutoPosition=Automatic positioning
-advanced_config.AutoPosition_ToolTip=Activate this option to automatically position the signature
-advanced_config.BKUSelection_Title=CC&E Selection
-advanced_config.BKUSelection_ToolTip=Select the default CCE to use during signature
-advanced_config.KeystoreEnabled=Enable keystore signing
-advanced_config.KeystoreEnabled_ToolTip=Enables the possibility to sign with a local keystore
-advanced_config.LocaleSelection_Title=Interface &language selection
-advanced_config.LocaleSelection_ToolTip=Select the interface language for PDF-Over
-advanced_config.OutputFolder=Default output folder\:
-advanced_config.OutputFolder.Dialog=Select a folder
-advanced_config.OutputFolder.Dialog_Title=Select Output folder
-advanced_config.OutputFolder_Title=&Output location
-advanced_config.OutputFolder_ToolTip=Select the folder where the signed document will be saved automatically (clear this field to disable automatic saving, enter a single dot (".") to denote the input document directory)
-advanced_config.PdfACompat=PDF/A compatibility
-advanced_config.PdfACompat_ToolTip=Whether to make signature PDF/A compatible (increases pdf size)
-advanced_config.ProxyHost_Template=Hostname or IP of the proxy server
-advanced_config.ProxyHost_ToolTip=To use a proxy server enter the hostname or the IP here
-advanced_config.ProxyPass_Template=Password for proxy authentication
-advanced_config.ProxyPass_ToolTip=To use proxy authentication enter password here
-advanced_config.ProxyPort_Template=Port of the proxy server [1-65535]
-advanced_config.ProxyPort_ToolTip=To use a proxy server enter the port number here
-advanced_config.ProxyUser_Template=Username for proxy authentication
-advanced_config.ProxyUser_ToolTip=To use proxy authentication enter username here
-advanced_config.SigPHTransparency=Signature placeholder transparency
-advanced_config.SigPHTransparencyTooltip=Set the transparency of the signature placeholder in the positioning step
-advanced_config.Placeholder_Enabled=Enable placeholder search
-advanced_config.UpdateCheck=Automatically check for updates
-advanced_config.UpdateCheck_ToolTip=Shows a notification when a new version is available
-advanced_config.UseMarker=Search for QR-Code signature markers
-advanced_config.UseMarker_ToolTip=Activate this option to scan the document for signature markers. In case there is a marker available, you will be asked whether to automatically position your signature according to the marker.
-advanced_config.UseSignatureFields=Search for signature fields
-advanced_config.UseSignatureFields_ToolTip=Activate this option to scan the document for signature markers. In case there is a marker available, you will be asked whether to automatically position your signature according to the marker.
-argument.error.output=is not a directory automatic signature positioning the CCE to use. Possible values are\: LOCAL, MOBILE, KS. Example\: -b MOBILE which configuration file to use. Example\: -c <config file> the signature logo file to use for the signature. Example\: -e <emblem file> this help message the document to sign. Example\: -i <input document> the keystore key alias. Example \: -ksalias <alias> the keystore file. Example \: -ks <keystore file> the keystore password. Example \: -kspass <password> the keystore key password. Example \: -kskeypass <password> the keystore type. Example \: -kstype [PKCS12|JKS|JCEKS] the telephone number to use for mobile CCE. Example\: -n <number> the output folder or file to use. Example\: -o <folder> the password to use for mobile CCE. Example\: -p <password> the proxy host to use. Example\: -proxy <hostname/IP> the proxy password to use. Example\: -proxypass <password> the proxy port to use. Example\: -proxyport <port> the proxy username to use. Example\: -proxyuser <username> skipping of the "Finish" dialog (if successfully saved) the visibility of a signature. Example\: -v "true" following options are available\:
-argument.invalid.bku=CCE argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.config=Configuration file argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.emblem=Signature logo argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.input=Document to sign argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.keystorealias=Keystore alias invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.keystorefile=Keystore file invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.keystorekeypass=Keystore key password invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.keystorestorepass=Keystore password invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.keystoretype=Keystore type invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.number=Phone number argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.output=Output folder argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.password=Mobile CCE password invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.proxyhost=Proxy host argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.proxypass=Proxy password argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.proxyport=Proxy port argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.proxyuser=Proxy username argument invalid\! Usage\:
-argument.invalid.vis=Profile Visbility argument invalid\! Usage\:
-common.AllExtension_Description=All files
-common.GIFExtension_Description=GIF files
-common.ImageExtension_Description=All supported image files
-common.JPGExtension_Description=JPG files
-common.KSExtension_Description=Java keystore files
-common.KeystoreExtension_Description=Keystore files
-common.PDFExtension_Description=PDF documents
-common.PKCS12Extension_Description=PKCS12 keystore files
-common.PNGExtension_Description=PNG files
-config.About=A&bout %s
-config.AboutText=This software is freely provided by A-SIT under the conditions of the EUPL.\nTerms and details at <a>http\://</a>.\n\nNotice that components can have different licenses, partly restricting their free use to EUPL-licensed software.
-dataSourceSelection.DropLabel=Drag document here
-dataSourceSelection.browse=&Browse for PDF on your computer
-dataSourceSelection.usePlaceholderText=A marker has been found where the creator of the document wants you to put your signature. Do you want to use it?
-error.ATrustConnection=Connection to A-Trust could not be established
-error.CmdLineArgs=Error parsing the command-line arguments\:
-error.EnteredReferenceValue=You entered the reference value\!
-error.FailedToGetSignedDocument=Failed to get signed document.
-error.FailedToLoadEmblem=Failed to load the signature logo
-error.FailedToLoadQRCode=Failed to load the QR code
-error.FailedToOpenDocument=Failed to open signed document\: %s.
-error.FailedToSaveSettings=Failed to save configuration file\!
-error.FileNotExist=File %s does not exist\!
-error.IOError=Input/Output Error
-error.Initialization=Initialization failed. Please check your configuration.
-error.InvalidBKU=Invalid CCE selection. Please check.
-error.InvalidLocale=Locale not valid
-error.InvalidPhoneNumber=Given phone number is invalid\! Example\:+43664123456789
-error.InvalidSettings=Invalid settings are still present. Please check your input.
-error.KeyStore=Error loading they keystore. Wrong password?
-error.KeyStoreAliasExist=Key alias %s not found in keystore
-error.KeyStoreAliasNoKey=Alias %s is not a key
-error.KeyStoreFileNotExist=Keystore file %s does not exist\!
-error.KeyStoreKeyPass=Key password invalid
-error.LocalBKU=Please check if a local CCE (citizen card environment) is running\n\nYou need a CCE to access your citizen card. Further information under
-error.MayNotBeAPDF=This may not be a PDF file
-error.NoTan=No TAN entered
-error.PDFProtected=This PDF file is encrypted and can therefore not be signed
-error.PDFPwdProtected=This PDF file is password protected and can therefore not be signed
-error.PositioningNotPossible=Manual positioning currently not possible due to a Java Bug. Using automatic positioning.
-error.PrepareDocument=Failed to prepare document for signature.
-error.SWTLib=Error loading SWT library
-error.SaveOutputFolder=Failed to save signed document to configured output folder.
-error.Signatur=Signature error
-error.SignaturePanel.NoPage=No page selected
-error.SignaturePanel.NoRender=Could not render page
-error.TanTooLong=Entered TAN too long
-error.TitleFatal=Fatal Error
-error.Unexpected=Unexpected Error
-exception.InvalidEmblemFile=%s is an invalid signature logo file\!
-exception.InvalidPort=%s is invalid\: has to be a number between %d and %d
-exception.PasswordTooLong=Given password is too long\!
-exception.PasswordTooShort=Given password is too short\!
-exception.PathNotDirectory=Path %s does not denote a directory\!
-exception.PathNotExist=Path %s does not exist\!
-keystore.KeystoreKeyPassEntry=Please enter key password\:
-keystore.KeystoreStorePassEntry=Please enter keystore password\:
-keystore_config.KeystoreAlias=Key alias
-keystore_config.KeystoreFile=Keystore file
-keystore_config.KeystoreFile.Dialog=Choose the keystore
-keystore_config.KeystoreFile.Dialog_Title=Keystore selection
-keystore_config.KeystoreFile_ToolTip=Path to the keystore file
-keystore_config.KeystoreKeyPass=Key password
-keystore_config.KeystoreKeyPass_ToolTip=Warning\: The password is stored in plain text. Leave empty to get prompted for password during signing.
-keystore_config.KeystoreStorePass=Keystore password
-keystore_config.KeystoreStorePass_ToolTip=Warning\: The password is stored in plain text. Leave empty to get prompted for password during signing.
-keystore_config.KeystoreType=Keystore type
-keystore_config.KeystoreType_JKS=Java keystore
-keystore_config.Load=Load keystore
-keystore_config.Load_ToolTip=Load keystore to show available key aliases
-main.about=About %s
-main.hide=Hide %s
-main.quit=Quit %s
-mobileBKU.aTrustDisclaimer=This service is provided by A-Trust
-mobileBKU.certExpiresSoon=Since the validity of your certificate expires in the next few days, a new activation is necessary (free of charge). Press "Yes" to visit https\:// now, and then sign in to your account.
-mobileBKU.notice=Notice from server\:
-mobileBKU.password=Password\:<a>Show signature data</a>
-mobileBKU.show_tooltip=Shows the data to be signed
-mobileBKU.tan_tries_exceeded=TAN tries exceeded, request a new TAN?
-mobileBKU.wrong_tan=TAN not accepted
-output.file_ask_overwrite=File %s already exists, do you want to overwrite it?
-output.link_open_message=You can open the signed file <a>here</a>.
-output.link_save_message=You can save the signed file
-output.save_failed=Saving file %s failed\: %s
-output.success_message=Signature was successful
-positioning.newPage=Create &new Page %d of %d
-positioning.placeholder=Please select the signature placeholder\nfrom the drop down list
-positioning.removeNewPage=Undo &new Page
-simple_config.EmblemEmpty=Drag and Drop an image here\nor use the browse button \nto select a signature logo.
-simple_config.Emblem_Title=Signature &logo
-simple_config.ExampleNumber_ToolTip=To use a default mobile phone number enter it here
-simple_config.MobileBKU_Title=&Mobile signature
-simple_config.Note_Default=This document is signed with a qualified electronic signature. According to Art.\u00A025 para.\u00A02 of the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of 23. July 2014 ("eIDAS-Regulation") it shall have the equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature.
-simple_config.Note_Default_Old=This document is signed with a qualified electronic signature. According to \u00A7\u00A04 art.\u00A01 of the Signature Act it in principle is legally equivalent to a handwritten signature.
-simple_config.Note_SetDefault=Restore default
-simple_config.Note_Title=Signature &Note
-simple_config.Note_Tooltip=Add an optional note to display on your Signature
-simple_config.PhoneNumber=Mobile number\:
-simple_config.SigBlockLang_Title=Signature block lan&guage\:
-simple_config.SigBlockLang_ToolTip=Select the language to be used in the signature block displayed on the signed document
-tanEnter.FP=Please open the Handy-Signature app\nand confirm the signature.
-tanEnter.QR=QR code\:
-tanEnter.ReferenceValue=Reference value\:
-tanEnter.SMS=Request &SMS
-tanEnter.tries=%d tries left\!
-tanEnter.try=Only 1 try left\!
-version_check.UpdateText=Version %s is available.\nOpen download page now?
-version_check.UpdateTitle=New version available\!
-waiting.message=Signature creation in progress...
-waiting_for_app.message=Please open Signature-App\!
+#Eclipse messages class
+#Mon Dec 02 13:17:21 CET 2019
+BKU.NONE=no default
+PlaceholderSelectionGui.lblNewLabel.text=New Label
+TrustedSocketFactory.FailedToCreateSecureConnection=Failed to create secure network connection
+WaitingForAppComposite.btnNewButton.text=New Button
+WaitingForAppComposite.btnRequestSms.text=Request SMS
+WaitingForAppComposite.lblNewLabel.text=New Label
+advanced_config.AutoPosition=Automatic positioning
+advanced_config.AutoPosition_ToolTip=Activate this option to automatically position the signature
+advanced_config.BKUSelection_Title=CC&E Selection
+advanced_config.BKUSelection_ToolTip=Select the default CCE to use during signature
+advanced_config.KeystoreEnabled=Enable keystore signing
+advanced_config.KeystoreEnabled_ToolTip=Enables the possibility to sign with a local keystore
+advanced_config.LocaleSelection_Title=Interface &language selection
+advanced_config.LocaleSelection_ToolTip=Select the interface language for PDF-Over
+advanced_config.OutputFolder=Default output folder\:
+advanced_config.OutputFolder.Dialog=Select a folder
+advanced_config.OutputFolder.Dialog_Title=Select Output folder
+advanced_config.OutputFolder_Title=&Output location
+advanced_config.OutputFolder_ToolTip=Select the folder where the signed document will be saved automatically (clear this field to disable automatic saving, enter a single dot (".") to denote the input document directory)
+advanced_config.PdfACompat=PDF/A compatibility
+advanced_config.PdfACompat_ToolTip=Whether to make signature PDF/A compatible (increases pdf size)
+advanced_config.ProxyHost_Template=Hostname or IP of the proxy server
+advanced_config.ProxyHost_ToolTip=To use a proxy server enter the hostname or the IP here
+advanced_config.ProxyPass_Template=Password for proxy authentication
+advanced_config.ProxyPass_ToolTip=To use proxy authentication enter password here
+advanced_config.ProxyPort_Template=Port of the proxy server [1-65535]
+advanced_config.ProxyPort_ToolTip=To use a proxy server enter the port number here
+advanced_config.ProxyUser_Template=Username for proxy authentication
+advanced_config.ProxyUser_ToolTip=To use proxy authentication enter username here
+advanced_config.SigPHTransparency=Signature placeholder transparency
+advanced_config.SigPHTransparencyTooltip=Set the transparency of the signature placeholder in the positioning step
+advanced_config.Placeholder_Enabled=Enable placeholder search
+advanced_config.UpdateCheck=Automatically check for updates
+advanced_config.UpdateCheck_ToolTip=Shows a notification when a new version is available
+advanced_config.UseMarker=Search for QR-Code signature markers
+advanced_config.UseMarker_ToolTip=Activate this option to scan the document for signature markers. In case there is a marker available, you will be asked whether to automatically position your signature according to the marker.
+advanced_config.UseSignatureFields=Search for signature fields
+advanced_config.UseSignatureFields_ToolTip=Activate this option to scan the document for signature markers. In case there is a marker available, you will be asked whether to automatically position your signature according to the marker.
+argument.error.output=is not a directory automatic signature positioning the CCE to use. Possible values are\: LOCAL, MOBILE, KS. Example\: -b MOBILE which configuration file to use. Example\: -c <config file> the signature logo file to use for the signature. Example\: -e <emblem file> this help message the document to sign. Example\: -i <input document> the keystore key alias. Example \: -ksalias <alias> the keystore file. Example \: -ks <keystore file> the keystore password. Example \: -kspass <password> the keystore key password. Example \: -kskeypass <password> the keystore type. Example \: -kstype [PKCS12|JKS|JCEKS] the telephone number to use for mobile CCE. Example\: -n <number> the output folder or file to use. Example\: -o <folder> the password to use for mobile CCE. Example\: -p <password> the proxy host to use. Example\: -proxy <hostname/IP> the proxy password to use. Example\: -proxypass <password> the proxy port to use. Example\: -proxyport <port> the proxy username to use. Example\: -proxyuser <username> skipping of the "Finish" dialog (if successfully saved) the visibility of a signature. Example\: -v "true" following options are available\:
+argument.invalid.bku=CCE argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.config=Configuration file argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.emblem=Signature logo argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.input=Document to sign argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.keystorealias=Keystore alias invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.keystorefile=Keystore file invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.keystorekeypass=Keystore key password invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.keystorestorepass=Keystore password invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.keystoretype=Keystore type invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.number=Phone number argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.output=Output folder argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.password=Mobile CCE password invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.proxyhost=Proxy host argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.proxypass=Proxy password argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.proxyport=Proxy port argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.proxyuser=Proxy username argument invalid\! Usage\:
+argument.invalid.vis=Profile Visbility argument invalid\! Usage\:
+common.AllExtension_Description=All files
+common.GIFExtension_Description=GIF files
+common.ImageExtension_Description=All supported image files
+common.JPGExtension_Description=JPG files
+common.KSExtension_Description=Java keystore files
+common.KeystoreExtension_Description=Keystore files
+common.PDFExtension_Description=PDF documents
+common.PKCS12Extension_Description=PKCS12 keystore files
+common.PNGExtension_Description=PNG files
+config.About=A&bout %s
+config.AboutText=This software is freely provided by A-SIT under the conditions of the EUPL.\nTerms and details at <a>http\://</a>.\n\nNotice that components can have different licenses, partly restricting their free use to EUPL-licensed software.
+dataSourceSelection.DropLabel=Drag document here
+dataSourceSelection.browse=&Browse for PDF on your computer
+dataSourceSelection.usePlaceholderText=A marker has been found where the creator of the document wants you to put your signature. Do you want to use it?
+error.ATrustConnection=Connection to A-Trust could not be established
+error.CmdLineArgs=Error parsing the command-line arguments\:
+error.EnteredReferenceValue=You entered the reference value\!
+error.FailedToGetSignedDocument=Failed to get signed document.
+error.FailedToLoadEmblem=Failed to load the signature logo
+error.FailedToLoadQRCode=Failed to load the QR code
+error.FailedToOpenDocument=Failed to open signed document\: %s.
+error.FailedToSaveSettings=Failed to save configuration file\!
+error.FileNotExist=File %s does not exist\!
+error.IOError=Input/Output Error
+error.Initialization=Initialization failed. Please check your configuration.
+error.InvalidBKU=Invalid CCE selection. Please check.
+error.InvalidLocale=Locale not valid
+error.InvalidPhoneNumber=Given phone number is invalid\! Example\:+43664123456789
+error.InvalidSettings=Invalid settings are still present. Please check your input.
+error.KeyStore=Error loading they keystore. Wrong password?
+error.KeyStoreAliasExist=Key alias %s not found in keystore
+error.KeyStoreAliasNoKey=Alias %s is not a key
+error.KeyStoreFileNotExist=Keystore file %s does not exist\!
+error.KeyStoreKeyPass=Key password invalid
+error.LocalBKU=Please check if a local CCE (citizen card environment) is running\n\nYou need a CCE to access your citizen card. Further information under
+error.MayNotBeAPDF=This may not be a PDF file
+error.NoTan=No TAN entered
+error.PDFProtected=This PDF file is encrypted and can therefore not be signed
+error.PDFPwdProtected=This PDF file is password protected and can therefore not be signed
+error.PositioningNotPossible=Manual positioning currently not possible due to a Java Bug. Using automatic positioning.
+error.PrepareDocument=Failed to prepare document for signature.
+error.SWTLib=Error loading SWT library
+error.SaveOutputFolder=Failed to save signed document to configured output folder.
+error.Signatur=Signature error
+error.SignaturePanel.NoPage=No page selected
+error.SignaturePanel.NoRender=Could not render page
+error.TanTooLong=Entered TAN too long
+error.TitleFatal=Fatal Error
+error.Unexpected=Unexpected Error
+exception.InvalidEmblemFile=%s is an invalid signature logo file\!
+exception.InvalidPort=%s is invalid\: has to be a number between %d and %d
+exception.PasswordTooLong=Given password is too long\!
+exception.PasswordTooShort=Given password is too short\!
+exception.PathNotDirectory=Path %s does not denote a directory\!
+exception.PathNotExist=Path %s does not exist\!
+keystore.KeystoreKeyPassEntry=Please enter key password\:
+keystore.KeystoreStorePassEntry=Please enter keystore password\:
+keystore_config.KeystoreAlias=Key alias
+keystore_config.KeystoreFile=Keystore file
+keystore_config.KeystoreFile.Dialog=Choose the keystore
+keystore_config.KeystoreFile.Dialog_Title=Keystore selection
+keystore_config.KeystoreFile_ToolTip=Path to the keystore file
+keystore_config.KeystoreKeyPass=Key password
+keystore_config.KeystoreKeyPass_ToolTip=Warning\: The password is stored in plain text. Leave empty to get prompted for password during signing.
+keystore_config.KeystoreStorePass=Keystore password
+keystore_config.KeystoreStorePass_ToolTip=Warning\: The password is stored in plain text. Leave empty to get prompted for password during signing.
+keystore_config.KeystoreType=Keystore type
+keystore_config.KeystoreType_JKS=Java keystore
+keystore_config.Load=Load keystore
+keystore_config.Load_ToolTip=Load keystore to show available key aliases
+main.about=About %s
+main.hide=Hide %s
+main.quit=Quit %s
+mobileBKU.aTrustDisclaimer=This service is provided by A-Trust
+mobileBKU.certExpiresSoon=Since the validity of your certificate expires in the next few days, a new activation is necessary (free of charge). Press "Yes" to visit https\:// now, and then sign in to your account.
+mobileBKU.notice=Notice from server\:
+mobileBKU.password=Password\:<a>Show signature data</a>
+mobileBKU.show_tooltip=Shows the data to be signed
+mobileBKU.tan_tries_exceeded=TAN tries exceeded, request a new TAN?
+mobileBKU.wrong_tan=TAN not accepted
+output.file_ask_overwrite=File %s already exists, do you want to overwrite it?
+output.link_open_message=You can open the signed file <a>here</a>.
+output.link_save_message=You can save the signed file
+output.save_failed=Saving file %s failed\: %s
+output.success_message=Signature was successful
+positioning.newPage=Create &new Page %d of %d
+positioning.placeholder=Please select the signature placeholder\nfrom the drop down list
+positioning.removeNewPage=Undo &new Page
+simple_config.EmblemEmpty=Drag and Drop an image here\nor use the browse button \nto select a signature logo.
+simple_config.Emblem_Title=Signature &logo
+simple_config.ExampleNumber_ToolTip=To use a default mobile phone number enter it here
+simple_config.MobileBKU_Title=&Mobile signature
+simple_config.Note_Default=This document is signed with a qualified electronic signature. According to Art.\u00A025 para.\u00A02 of the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of 23. July 2014 ("eIDAS-Regulation") it shall have the equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature.
+simple_config.Note_Default_Old=This document is signed with a qualified electronic signature. According to \u00A7\u00A04 art.\u00A01 of the Signature Act it in principle is legally equivalent to a handwritten signature.
+simple_config.Note_SetDefault=Restore default
+simple_config.Note_Title=Signature &Note
+simple_config.Note_Tooltip=Add an optional note to display on your Signature
+simple_config.PhoneNumber=Mobile number\:
+simple_config.SigBlockLang_Title=Signature block lan&guage\:
+simple_config.SigBlockLang_ToolTip=Select the language to be used in the signature block displayed on the signed document
+simple_config.SIGNATURBLOCK_SMALL=Standard Signature Block
+simple_config.AMTSSIGNATURBLOCK=Official Signature
+simple_config.BASE_LOGO=Logo Only
+simple_config.INVISIBLE=Invisible Signature
+tanEnter.FP=Please open the Handy-Signature app\nand confirm the signature.
+tanEnter.QR=QR code\:
+tanEnter.ReferenceValue=Reference value\:
+tanEnter.SMS=Request &SMS
+tanEnter.tries=%d tries left\!
+tanEnter.try=Only 1 try left\!
+version_check.UpdateText=Version %s is available.\nOpen download page now?
+version_check.UpdateTitle=New version available\!
+waiting.message=Signature creation in progress...
+waiting_for_app.message=Please open Signature-App\!