/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Irrelon Software Limited http://www.irrelon.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice, url and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Source: https://github.com/coolbloke1324/jquery-lang-js Changelog: Version 2.0.0 - Complete re-write. */ var Lang = (function () { var Lang = function (defaultLang, currentLang, allowCookieOverride) { var self = this, cookieLang; // Enable firing events this._fireEvents = true; // Allow storage of dynamic language pack data this._dynamic = {}; // Store existing mutation methods so we can auto-run // translations when new data is added to the page this._mutationCopies = { append: $.fn.append, appendTo: $.fn.appendTo, prepend: $.fn.prepend, before: $.fn.before, after: $.fn.after, html: $.fn.html }; // Now override the existing mutation methods with our own $.fn.append = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'append', arguments) }; $.fn.appendTo = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'appendTo', arguments) }; $.fn.prepend = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'prepend', arguments) }; $.fn.before = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'before', arguments) }; $.fn.after = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'after', arguments) }; $.fn.html = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'html', arguments) }; // Set default and current language to the default one // to start with this.defaultLang = defaultLang || 'en'; this.currentLang = defaultLang || 'en'; // Check for cookie support when no current language is specified if ((allowCookieOverride || !currentLang) && $.cookie) { // Check for an existing language cookie cookieLang = $.cookie('langCookie'); if (cookieLang) { // We have a cookie language, set the current language currentLang = cookieLang; } } $(function () { // Setup data on the language items self._start(); // Check if the current language is not the same as our default if (currentLang && currentLang !== self.defaultLang) { // Switch to the current language self.change(currentLang); } }) }; /** * Object that holds the language packs. * @type {{}} */ Lang.prototype.pack = {}; /** * Array of translatable attributes to check for on elements. * @type {string[]} */ Lang.prototype.attrList = [ 'title', 'alt', 'placeholder' ]; /** * Defines a language pack that can be dynamically loaded and the * path to use when doing so. * @param {String} lang The language two-letter iso-code. * @param {String} path The path to the language pack js file. */ Lang.prototype.dynamic = function (lang, path) { if (lang !== undefined && path !== undefined) { this._dynamic[lang] = path; } }; /** * Loads a new language pack for the given language. * @param {string} lang The language to load the pack for. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback when the file has loaded. */ Lang.prototype.loadPack = function (lang, callback) { var self = this; if (lang && self._dynamic[lang]) { $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: self._dynamic[lang], success: function (data) { self.pack[lang] = data; // Process the regex list if (self.pack[lang].regex) { var packRegex = self.pack[lang].regex, regex, i; for (i = 0; i < packRegex.length; i++) { regex = packRegex[i]; if (regex.length === 2) { // String, value regex[0] = new RegExp(regex[0]); } else if (regex.length === 3) { // String, modifiers, value regex[0] = new RegExp(regex[0], regex[1]); // Remove modifier regex.splice(1, 1); } } } console.log('Loaded language pack: ' + self._dynamic[lang]); if (callback) { callback(false, lang, self._dynamic[lang]); } }, error: function () { console.log('Error loading language pack' + self._dynamic[lang]); if (callback) { callback(true, lang, self._dynamic[lang]); } } }); } else { throw('Cannot load language pack, no file path specified!'); } }; /** * Scans the DOM for elements with [lang] selector and saves translate data * for them for later use. * @private */ Lang.prototype._start = function (selector) { // Get the page HTML var arr = selector !== undefined ? $(selector).find('[lang]') : $(':not(html)[lang]'), arrCount = arr.length, elem; while (arrCount--) { elem = $(arr[arrCount]); this._processElement(elem); } }; Lang.prototype._processElement = function (elem) { // Only store data if the element is set to our default language if (elem.attr('lang') === this.defaultLang) { // Store translatable attributes this._storeAttribs(elem); // Store translatable content this._storeContent(elem); } }; /** * Stores the translatable attribute values in their default language. * @param {object} elem The jQuery selected element. * @private */ Lang.prototype._storeAttribs = function (elem) { var attrIndex, attr, attrObj; for (attrIndex = 0; attrIndex < this.attrList.length; attrIndex++) { attr = this.attrList[attrIndex]; if (elem.attr(attr)) { // Grab the existing attribute store or create a new object attrObj = elem.data('lang-attr') || {}; // Add the attribute and value to the store attrObj[attr] = elem.attr(attr); // Save the attribute data to the store elem.data('lang-attr', attrObj); } } }; /** * Reads the existing content from the element and stores it for * later use in translation. * @param elem * @private */ Lang.prototype._storeContent = function (elem) { // Check if the element is an input element if (elem.is('input')) { switch (elem.attr('type')) { case 'button': case 'submit': case 'reset': elem.data('lang-val', elem.val()); break; } } else { // Get the text nodes immediately inside this element var nodes = this._getTextNodes(elem); if (nodes) { elem.data('lang-text', nodes); } } }; /** * Retrieves the text nodes from an element and returns them in array wrap into * object with two properties: * - node - which corespondes to text node, * - langDefaultText - wich remember current data of text node * @param elem * @returns {Array|*} * @private */ Lang.prototype._getTextNodes = function (elem) { var nodes = elem.contents(), nodeObjArray = [], nodeObj = {}, nodeArr, that = this, map = Array.prototype.map; $.each(nodes, function (index, node) { if ( node.nodeType !== 3 ) { return; } nodeObj = { node : node, langDefaultText : node.data }; nodeObjArray.push(nodeObj); }); return nodeObjArray; }; /** * Sets text nodes of an element translated based on the passed language. * @param elem * @param {Array|*} nodes array of objecs with text node and defaultText returned from _getTextNodes * @param lang * @private */ Lang.prototype._setTextNodes = function (elem, nodes, lang) { var index, textNode, defaultText, translation, langNotDefault = lang !== this.defaultLang; for (index = 0; index < nodes.length; index++) { textNode = nodes[index]; if (langNotDefault) { defaultText = $.trim(textNode.langDefaultText); if (defaultText) { // Translate the langDefaultText translation = this.translate(defaultText, lang); if (translation) { try { // Replace the text with the translated version textNode.node.data = textNode.node.data.split($.trim(textNode.node.data)).join(translation); } catch (e) { } } else { console.log('Translation for "' + defaultText + '" not found!'); } } } else { // Replace with original text try { textNode.node.data = textNode.langDefaultText; } catch (e) { } } } }; /** * Translates and sets the attributes of an element to the passed language. * @param elem * @param lang * @private */ Lang.prototype._translateAttribs = function (elem, lang) { var attr, attrObj = elem.data('lang-attr') || {}, translation; for (attr in attrObj) { if (attrObj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { // Check the element still has the attribute if (elem.attr(attr)) { if (lang !== this.defaultLang) { // Get the translated value translation = this.translate(attrObj[attr], lang); // Check we actually HAVE a translation if (translation) { // Change the attribute to the translated value elem.attr(attr, translation); } } else { // Set default language value elem.attr(attr, attrObj[attr]); } } } } }; /** * Translates and sets the contents of an element to the passed language. * @param elem * @param lang * @private */ Lang.prototype._translateContent = function (elem, lang) { var langNotDefault = lang !== this.defaultLang, translation, nodes; // Check if the element is an input element if (elem.is('input')) { switch (elem.attr('type')) { case 'button': case 'submit': case 'reset': if (langNotDefault) { // Get the translated value translation = this.translate(elem.data('lang-val'), lang); // Check we actually HAVE a translation if (translation) { // Set translated value elem.val(translation); } } else { // Set default language value elem.val(elem.data('lang-val')); } break; } } else { // Set text node translated text nodes = elem.data('lang-text'); if (nodes) { this._setTextNodes(elem, nodes, lang); } } }; /** * Call this to change the current language on the page. * @param {String} lang The new two-letter language code to change to. * @param {String=} selector Optional selector to find language-based * elements for updating. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback function that will be * called once the language change has been successfully processed. This * is especially useful if you are using dynamic language pack loading * since you will get a callback once it has been loaded and changed. * Your callback will be passed three arguments, a boolean to denote if * there was an error (true if error), the second will be the language * you passed in the change call (the lang argument) and the third will * be the selector used in the change update. */ Lang.prototype.change = function (lang, selector, callback) { var self = this; if (lang === this.defaultLang || this.pack[lang] || this._dynamic[lang]) { // Check if the language pack is currently loaded if (lang !== this.defaultLang) { if (!this.pack[lang] && this._dynamic[lang]) { // The language pack needs loading first console.log('Loading dynamic language pack: ' + this._dynamic[lang] + '...'); this.loadPack(lang, function (err, loadingLang, fromUrl) { if (!err) { // Process the change language request self.change.call(self, lang, selector, callback); } else { // Call the callback with the error if (callback) { callback('Language pack could not load from: ' + fromUrl, lang, selector); } } }); return; } else if (!this.pack[lang] && !this._dynamic[lang]) { // Pack not loaded and no dynamic entry console.log('Could not change language to ' + lang + ' because no language pack for this language exists!'); if (callback) { callback('Language pack not defined for: ' + lang, lang, selector); } } } var fireAfterUpdate = false, currLang = this.currentLang; if (this.currentLang != lang) { this.beforeUpdate(currLang, lang); fireAfterUpdate = true; } this.currentLang = lang; // Get the page HTML var arr = selector !== undefined ? $(selector).find('[lang]') : $(':not(html)[lang]'), arrCount = arr.length, elem; while (arrCount--) { elem = $(arr[arrCount]); if (elem.attr('lang') !== lang) { this._translateElement(elem, lang); } } if (fireAfterUpdate) { this.afterUpdate(currLang, lang); } // Check for cookie support if ($.cookie) { // Set a cookie to remember this language setting with 1 year expiry $.cookie('langCookie', lang, { expires: 365, path: '/' }); } if (callback) { callback(false, lang, selector); } } else { console.log('Attempt to change language to "' + lang + '" but no language pack for that language is loaded!'); if (callback) { callback('No language pack defined for: ' + lang, lang, selector); } } }; Lang.prototype._translateElement = function (elem, lang) { // Translate attributes this._translateAttribs(elem, lang); // Translate content if (elem.attr('data-lang-content') != 'false') { this._translateContent(elem, lang); } // Update the element's current language elem.attr('lang', lang); }; /** * Translates text from the default language into the passed language. * @param {String} text The text to translate. * @param {String} lang The two-letter language code to translate to. * @returns {*} */ Lang.prototype.translate = function (text, lang) { lang = lang || this.currentLang; if (this.pack[lang]) { var translation = ''; if (lang != this.defaultLang) { // Check for a direct token translation translation = this.pack[lang].token[text]; if (!translation) { // No token translation was found, test for regex match translation = this._regexMatch(text, lang); } if (!translation) { console.log('Translation for "' + text + '" not found in language pack: ' + lang); } return translation || text; } else { return text; } } else { return text; } }; /** * Checks the regex items for a match against the passed text and * if a match is made, translates to the given replacement. * @param {String} text The text to test regex matches against. * @param {String} lang The two-letter language code to translate to. * @returns {string} * @private */ Lang.prototype._regexMatch = function (text, lang) { // Loop the regex array and test them against the text var arr, arrCount, arrIndex, item, regex, expressionResult; arr = this.pack[lang].regex; if (arr) { arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { item = arr[arrIndex]; regex = item[0]; // Test regex expressionResult = regex.exec(text); if (expressionResult && expressionResult[0]) { return text.split(expressionResult[0]).join(item[1]); } } } return ''; }; Lang.prototype.beforeUpdate = function (currentLang, newLang) { if (this._fireEvents) { $(this).triggerHandler('beforeUpdate', [currentLang, newLang, this.pack[currentLang], this.pack[newLang]]); } }; Lang.prototype.afterUpdate = function (currentLang, newLang) { if (this._fireEvents) { $(this).triggerHandler('afterUpdate', [currentLang, newLang, this.pack[currentLang], this.pack[newLang]]); } }; Lang.prototype.refresh = function () { // Process refresh on the page this._fireEvents = false; this.change(this.currentLang); this._fireEvents = true; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mutation overrides //////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lang.prototype._mutation = function (context, method, args) { var result = this._mutationCopies[method].apply(context, args), currLang = this.currentLang, rootElem = $(context); if (rootElem.attr('lang')) { // Switch off events for the moment this._fireEvents = false; // Check if the root element is currently set to another language from current //if (rootElem.attr('lang') !== this.currentLang) { this._translateElement(rootElem, this.defaultLang); this.change(this.defaultLang, rootElem); // Calling change above sets the global currentLang but this is supposed to be // an isolated change so reset the global value back to what it was before this.currentLang = currLang; // Record data on the default language from the root element this._processElement(rootElem); // Translate the root element this._translateElement(rootElem, this.currentLang); //} } // Record data on the default language from the root's children this._start(rootElem); // Process translation on any child elements of this element this.change(this.currentLang, rootElem); // Switch events back on this._fireEvents = true; return result; }; return Lang; })();