package at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.util; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.common.exceptions.ErrorConstants; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.common.exceptions.PDFASError; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api.verify.VerifyResult; import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.impl.verify.VerifyResultImpl; import iaik.asn1.ObjectID; import iaik.asn1.structures.Attribute; import iaik.cms.CMSException; import iaik.cms.SignedData; import iaik.cms.SignerInfo; import iaik.smime.ess.SigningCertificate; import iaik.smime.ess.SigningCertificateV2; import iaik.x509.X509Certificate; public class SignatureUtils implements ErrorConstants { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SignatureUtils.class); public static VerifyResult verifySignature(byte[] signature, byte[] input) throws PDFASError { // List results = new ArrayList(); try { final SignedData signedData = new SignedData(new ByteArrayInputStream(signature)); signedData.setContent(input); // get the signer infos final SignerInfo[] signerInfos = signedData.getSignerInfos(); if (signerInfos.length == 0) { logger.warn("Invalid signature (no signer information)"); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG); } if (signerInfos.length != 1) { logger.warn("Invalid signature (multiple signer information)"); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG); } // verify the signatures // for (int i = 0; i < signerInfos.length; i++) { final VerifyResultImpl verifyResult = new VerifyResultImpl(); // results.add(verifyResult); try { logger.debug("Signature Algo: {}, Digest {}", signedData.getSignerInfos()[0].getSignatureAlgorithm(), signedData.getSignerInfos()[0].getDigestAlgorithm()); // verify the signature for SignerInfo at index i final X509Certificate signer_cert = signedData.verify(0); // Must include Signing Certificate! Attribute signedCertificate = signerInfos[0].getSignedAttribute(ObjectID.signingCertificate); if (signedCertificate == null) { signedCertificate = signerInfos[0].getSignedAttribute(ObjectID.signingCertificateV2); if (signedCertificate == null) { logger.warn("Signature ERROR missing signed Signing Certificate: "); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG); } else { // Validate signingCertificate2 try { final SigningCertificateV2 signingCert = (SigningCertificateV2) signedCertificate.getAttributeValue(); if (signingCert.isSignerCertificate(signer_cert)) { // OK logger.debug("Found and verified SigningCertificateV2"); } else { logger.error("Signature ERROR certificate missmatch, misbehaving Signature Backend?"); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG); } } catch (final Throwable e) { logger.error("Signature ERROR wrong encoding for ESSCertIDv2, misbehaving Signature Backend?"); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG, e); } } } else { // Validate signingCertificate try { final SigningCertificate signingCert = (SigningCertificate) signedCertificate.getAttributeValue(); if (signingCert.isSignerCertificate(signer_cert)) { // OK logger.debug("Found and verified SigningCertificate"); } else { logger.warn("Signature ERROR certificate missmatch, misbehaving Signature Backend?"); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG); } } catch (final Throwable e) { logger.error("Signature ERROR wrong encoding for ESSCertIDv2, misbehaving Signature Backend?"); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG, e); } } // if the signature is OK the certificate of the // signer is returned logger.debug("Signature OK"); verifyResult.setSignerCertificate(signer_cert); } catch (final SignatureException ex) { // if the signature is not OK a SignatureException // is thrown logger.warn( "Signature ERROR from signer: " + signedData.getCertificate( signerInfos[0].getSignerIdentifier()) .getSubjectDN(), ex); verifyResult.setSignerCertificate(signedData .getCertificate(signerInfos[0].getSignerIdentifier())); throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG, ex); } return verifyResult; // } } catch (final CMSException e) { throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG, e); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new PDFASError(ERROR_SIG_INVALID_BKU_SIG, e); } } }