package at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.impl.stamping.pdfbox; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.table.Entry; import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.table.Style; import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.table.Table; public class PDFBoxTable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(PDFBoxTable.class); Table table; Style style; PDFont font; PDFont valueFont; float padding; int positionX = 0; int positionY = 0; float tableWidth; float tableHeight; float fontSize; float[] rowHeights; float[] colWidths; private void initializeStyle(Table abstractTable, PDFBoxTable parent) throws IOException { this.table = abstractTable; if (abstractTable.getStyle() != null) { style = abstractTable.getStyle(); } if (style == null && parent != null) { style =; } if (style == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to determine Table style"); } String fontString = style.getFont(); font = PDType1Font.COURIER; String vfontString = style.getValueFont(); valueFont = font; padding = style.getPadding(); fontSize = 5f; } public PDFBoxTable(Table abstractTable, PDFBoxTable parent, float fixSize) throws IOException { initializeStyle(abstractTable, parent); float[] relativSizes = abstractTable.getColsRelativeWith(); colWidths = new float[relativSizes.length]; float totalrel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < relativSizes.length; i++) { totalrel += relativSizes[i]; } float unit = (fixSize / totalrel); for (int i = 0; i < relativSizes.length; i++) { colWidths[i] = unit * relativSizes[i]; } calculateHeightsBasedOnWidths(); } public PDFBoxTable(Table abstractTable, PDFBoxTable parent) throws IOException { initializeStyle(abstractTable, parent); this.calculateWidthHeight(); } private void calculateHeightsBasedOnWidths() throws IOException { int rows = this.table.getRows().size(); rowHeights = new float[rows]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { rowHeights[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { ArrayList row = (ArrayList) this.table.getRows().get(i); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { Entry cell = (Entry) row.get(j); float cellheight = getCellHeight(cell, colWidths[j]); if (rowHeights[i] < cellheight) { rowHeights[i] = cellheight; } logger.debug("ROW: {} COL: {} Width: {} Height: {}", i, j, cellheight); int span = cell.getColSpan() - 1; j += span; } } calcTotals(); } private void calculateWidthHeight() throws IOException { int cols = this.table.getMaxCols(); colWidths = new float[cols]; for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { colWidths[i] = 0; } int rows = this.table.getRows().size(); rowHeights = new float[rows]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { rowHeights[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { ArrayList row = (ArrayList) this.table.getRows().get(i); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { Entry cell = (Entry) row.get(j); float cellWidth = getCellWidth(cell); if (colWidths[j] < cellWidth) { colWidths[j] = cellWidth; } float cellheight = getCellHeight(cell); if (rowHeights[i] < cellheight) { rowHeights[i] = cellheight; } logger.debug("ROW: {} COL: {} Width: {} Height: {}", i, j, cellWidth, cellheight); int span = cell.getColSpan() - 1; j += span; } } calcTotals(); } private void calcTotals() { this.tableHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowHeights.length; i++) { this.tableHeight += rowHeights[i] + padding * 2; } this.tableWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colWidths.length; i++) { this.tableWidth += colWidths[i] + padding * 2; } } private float getCellWidth(Entry cell) throws IOException { boolean isValue = true; switch (cell.getType()) { case Entry.TYPE_CAPTION: isValue = false; case Entry.TYPE_VALUE: PDFont c = null; String string = (String) cell.getValue(); if (isValue) { c = valueFont; } else { c = font; } if (string.contains("\n")) { float maxWidth = 0; String[] lines = string.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { float w = c.getStringWidth(lines[i]) / 1000 * fontSize; if (maxWidth < w) { maxWidth = w; } } return maxWidth; } else { return c.getStringWidth(string) / 1000 * fontSize; } case Entry.TYPE_IMAGE: return 80.f; case Entry.TYPE_TABLE: PDFBoxTable pdfBoxTable = null; if (cell.getValue() instanceof Table) { pdfBoxTable = new PDFBoxTable((Table) cell.getValue(), this); cell.setValue(pdfBoxTable); } else if (cell.getValue() instanceof PDFBoxTable) { pdfBoxTable = (PDFBoxTable) cell.getValue(); } else { throw new IOException("Failed to build PDFBox Table"); } return pdfBoxTable.getWidth(); default: logger.warn("Invalid Cell Entry Type: " + cell.getType()); // return font.getFontDescriptor().getFontBoundingBox().getHeight() // / 1000 * fontSize; } return 0; } private String concatLines(String[] lines) { String v = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { v += lines[i]; if (i + 1 < lines.length) { v += "\n"; } } return v; } private String[] breakString(String value, int maxline) { String[] words = value.split(" "); List lines = new ArrayList(); int cLine = 0; String cLineValue = ""; for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { String word = words[i]; String[] lineBreaks = word.split("\n"); if (lineBreaks.length > 1) { for (int j = 0; j < lineBreaks.length; j++) { String subword = lineBreaks[j]; //if (cLine + subword.length() > maxline) { lines.add(cLineValue.trim()); cLineValue = ""; cLine = 0; //} cLineValue += subword + " "; cLine += subword.length(); } } else { if (cLine + word.length() > maxline && cLineValue.length() != 0) { lines.add(cLineValue.trim()); cLineValue = ""; cLine = 0; } cLineValue += word + " "; cLine += word.length(); } } lines.add(cLineValue.trim()); return lines.toArray(new String[0]); } private float getCellHeight(Entry cell, float width) throws IOException { boolean isValue = true; switch (cell.getType()) { case Entry.TYPE_CAPTION: isValue = false; case Entry.TYPE_VALUE: PDFont c = null; String string = (String) cell.getValue(); if (isValue) { c = valueFont; } else { c = font; } float fwidth = c.getFontDescriptor().getFontBoundingBox() .getWidth() / 1000 * fontSize; int maxcharcount = (int) ((width - padding * 2) / fwidth) - 1;"Max {} chars per line!", maxcharcount); float fheight = c.getFontDescriptor().getFontBoundingBox() .getHeight() / 1000 * fontSize; String[] lines = breakString(string, maxcharcount); cell.setValue(concatLines(lines)); return fheight * lines.length; case Entry.TYPE_IMAGE: return width; case Entry.TYPE_TABLE: PDFBoxTable pdfBoxTable = null; if (cell.getValue() instanceof Table) { pdfBoxTable = new PDFBoxTable((Table) cell.getValue(), this, width - padding); cell.setValue(pdfBoxTable); } else if (cell.getValue() instanceof PDFBoxTable) { pdfBoxTable = (PDFBoxTable) cell.getValue(); } else { throw new IOException("Failed to build PDFBox Table"); } return pdfBoxTable.getHeight() - padding; default: logger.warn("Invalid Cell Entry Type: " + cell.getType()); } return 0; } private float getCellHeight(Entry cell) throws IOException { boolean isValue = true; switch (cell.getType()) { case Entry.TYPE_CAPTION: isValue = false; case Entry.TYPE_VALUE: PDFont c = null; String string = (String) cell.getValue(); if (isValue) { c = valueFont; } else { c = font; } float fheight = c.getFontDescriptor().getFontBoundingBox() .getHeight() / 1000 * fontSize; if (string.contains("\n")) { String[] lines = string.split("\n"); return fheight * lines.length; } else { return fheight; } case Entry.TYPE_IMAGE: return 80.f; case Entry.TYPE_TABLE: PDFBoxTable pdfBoxTable = null; if (cell.getValue() instanceof Table) { pdfBoxTable = new PDFBoxTable((Table) cell.getValue(), this); cell.setValue(pdfBoxTable); } else if (cell.getValue() instanceof PDFBoxTable) { pdfBoxTable = (PDFBoxTable) cell.getValue(); } else { throw new IOException("Failed to build PDFBox Table"); } return pdfBoxTable.getHeight(); default: logger.warn("Invalid Cell Entry Type: " + cell.getType()); } return 0; } public int getX() { return this.positionX; } public int getY() { return this.positionY; } public float getWidth() { return tableWidth; } public float getHeight() { return tableHeight; } public float[] getRowHeights() { return rowHeights; } public int getRowCount() { return this.table.getRows().size(); } public int getColCount() { return this.table.getColsRelativeWith().length; } public float[] getColsRelativeWith() { return this.table.getColsRelativeWith(); } public float getPadding() { return this.padding; } public void dumpTable() {"=====================================================================");"Information about: " + this.table.getName());"\tDimensions: {} x {} (W x H)", this.tableWidth, this.tableHeight);"\tPadding: {}", padding);"\t================================");"\tRow Heights:"); for (int i = 0; i < rowHeights.length; i++) {"\t[{}] : {}", i, this.rowHeights[i]); }"\t================================");"\tCol Widths:"); for (int i = 0; i < colWidths.length; i++) {"\t[{}] : {}", i, this.colWidths[i]); }"====================================================================="); } public ArrayList getRow(int i) { return (ArrayList) this.table.getRows().get(i); } }