package at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api; import; /** * Status of a signture process */ public interface StatusRequest { /** * If true PDF-AS requires the signature certificate * * Retrieve the signing certificate and set it via setCertificate * @return */ public boolean needCertificate(); /** * If true PDF-AS requires a the CAdES signature * * use getSignatureData() and getSignatureDataByteRange() to retrieve the * data to be signed and set the signature via setSigature * * @return */ public boolean needSignature(); /** * If true finishSign in PdfAs can be called to retrieve the signed pdf * @return */ public boolean isReady(); /** * Gets the data to be signed * @return */ public byte[] getSignatureData(); /** * Gets the byte range of the data to be signed * @return */ public int[] getSignatureDataByteRange(); /** * Sets the signing certificate * @param encodedCertificate * @throws CertificateException */ public void setCertificate(byte[] encodedCertificate) throws CertificateException; /** * Sets the signature * @param signatureValue */ public void setSigature(byte[] signatureValue) ; }