# Release notes ### Overview of necessary steps 1. Release on Joinup page 2. Push code to public git repo 3. Add release news to the website #### 1. Release on Joinup page To add contribution on Joinup page, both release folder and maven repository are necessary. Create release folder by running: `./gradle jar sourcesJar war distZip distTar releases` With this command, a release folder is created. **Note**: The release version should be without snapshot! Release folder needs to be uploaded to https://apps.egiz.gv.at/releases/pdf-as/release/ Create mvn repo folder by running: `./gradle uploadArchives` The generated mvn repo needs to be uploaded to https://apps.egiz.gv.at/maven/at/gv/egiz/pdfas/ After this, the release on Joinup page is necessary. For this purpose, make sure to have corresponding role in PDF-AS project. Make a new "release" on PDF-AS page on Joinup. The release version should contain a new version number, distribution links, and notes about the major changes in that version. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/e-government-innovation-center-egiz/solution/pdf #### 2. Push source code to public git Run git push with tag also to https://git.egiz.gv.at/pdf-as-4/ (this is the public EGIZ GIT REPO) #### 3. Add release notes to EGIZ or ASIT website! # Setup #### 1. Deployment of configuration arguments: -d #### 2. DebugRun arguments: -p SIGNATURBLOCK_DE -c bku -m sign C:\Users\username\Desktop\testing\test.pdf -pos "x:220;y:220;w:300;p:1" #### 3. PDF-AS-Web `-Dpdf-as-web.conf=$CATALINA_BASE/conf/pdf-as/pdf-as-web.properties \` #### 4. Intellij Config for testing: * Main class: at.gv.egiz.pdfas.cli.Main * Classpath: pdf-as-4-pdf-as-cli.pdfbox2 * Parameters: -p SIGNATURBLOCK_DE_NOTE_DYNAMIC -c bku -m sign /Users/user/Documents/pdf-as-4/unsigned.pdf * Needs local BKU (e.g. Mocca) * Uses configuration from /Users/user/.pdfas/