path: root/pdf-as-web/src/main/webapp/assets/js/pdf.js/web/jquery-lang.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pdf-as-web/src/main/webapp/assets/js/pdf.js/web/jquery-lang.js')
1 files changed, 622 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pdf-as-web/src/main/webapp/assets/js/pdf.js/web/jquery-lang.js b/pdf-as-web/src/main/webapp/assets/js/pdf.js/web/jquery-lang.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7708b6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf-as-web/src/main/webapp/assets/js/pdf.js/web/jquery-lang.js
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+ The MIT License (MIT)
+ Copyright (c) 2014 Irrelon Software Limited
+ http://www.irrelon.com
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice, url and this permission notice shall be included in
+ all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ Source: https://github.com/coolbloke1324/jquery-lang-js
+ Changelog:
+ Version 2.0.0 - Complete re-write.
+ */
+var Lang = (function () {
+ var Lang = function (defaultLang, currentLang, allowCookieOverride) {
+ var self = this,
+ cookieLang;
+ // Enable firing events
+ this._fireEvents = true;
+ // Allow storage of dynamic language pack data
+ this._dynamic = {};
+ // Store existing mutation methods so we can auto-run
+ // translations when new data is added to the page
+ this._mutationCopies = {
+ append: $.fn.append,
+ appendTo: $.fn.appendTo,
+ prepend: $.fn.prepend,
+ before: $.fn.before,
+ after: $.fn.after,
+ html: $.fn.html
+ };
+ // Now override the existing mutation methods with our own
+ $.fn.append = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'append', arguments) };
+ $.fn.appendTo = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'appendTo', arguments) };
+ $.fn.prepend = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'prepend', arguments) };
+ $.fn.before = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'before', arguments) };
+ $.fn.after = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'after', arguments) };
+ $.fn.html = function () { return self._mutation(this, 'html', arguments) };
+ // Set default and current language to the default one
+ // to start with
+ this.defaultLang = defaultLang || 'en';
+ this.currentLang = defaultLang || 'en';
+ // Check for cookie support when no current language is specified
+ if ((allowCookieOverride || !currentLang) && $.cookie) {
+ // Check for an existing language cookie
+ cookieLang = $.cookie('langCookie');
+ if (cookieLang) {
+ // We have a cookie language, set the current language
+ currentLang = cookieLang;
+ }
+ }
+ $(function () {
+ // Setup data on the language items
+ self._start();
+ // Check if the current language is not the same as our default
+ if (currentLang && currentLang !== self.defaultLang) {
+ // Switch to the current language
+ self.change(currentLang);
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ /**
+ * Object that holds the language packs.
+ * @type {{}}
+ */
+ Lang.prototype.pack = {};
+ /**
+ * Array of translatable attributes to check for on elements.
+ * @type {string[]}
+ */
+ Lang.prototype.attrList = [
+ 'title',
+ 'alt',
+ 'placeholder'
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Defines a language pack that can be dynamically loaded and the
+ * path to use when doing so.
+ * @param {String} lang The language two-letter iso-code.
+ * @param {String} path The path to the language pack js file.
+ */
+ Lang.prototype.dynamic = function (lang, path) {
+ if (lang !== undefined && path !== undefined) {
+ this._dynamic[lang] = path;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads a new language pack for the given language.
+ * @param {string} lang The language to load the pack for.
+ * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback when the file has loaded.
+ */
+ Lang.prototype.loadPack = function (lang, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (lang && self._dynamic[lang]) {
+ $.ajax({
+ dataType: "json",
+ url: self._dynamic[lang],
+ success: function (data) {
+ self.pack[lang] = data;
+ // Process the regex list
+ if (self.pack[lang].regex) {
+ var packRegex = self.pack[lang].regex,
+ regex,
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < packRegex.length; i++) {
+ regex = packRegex[i];
+ if (regex.length === 2) {
+ // String, value
+ regex[0] = new RegExp(regex[0]);
+ } else if (regex.length === 3) {
+ // String, modifiers, value
+ regex[0] = new RegExp(regex[0], regex[1]);
+ // Remove modifier
+ regex.splice(1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log('Loaded language pack: ' + self._dynamic[lang]);
+ if (callback) { callback(false, lang, self._dynamic[lang]); }
+ },
+ error: function () {
+ console.log('Error loading language pack' + self._dynamic[lang]);
+ if (callback) { callback(true, lang, self._dynamic[lang]); }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ throw('Cannot load language pack, no file path specified!');
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Scans the DOM for elements with [lang] selector and saves translate data
+ * for them for later use.
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._start = function (selector) {
+ // Get the page HTML
+ var arr = selector !== undefined ? $(selector).find('[lang]') : $(':not(html)[lang]'),
+ arrCount = arr.length,
+ elem;
+ while (arrCount--) {
+ elem = $(arr[arrCount]);
+ this._processElement(elem);
+ }
+ };
+ Lang.prototype._processElement = function (elem) {
+ // Only store data if the element is set to our default language
+ if (elem.attr('lang') === this.defaultLang) {
+ // Store translatable attributes
+ this._storeAttribs(elem);
+ // Store translatable content
+ this._storeContent(elem);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Stores the translatable attribute values in their default language.
+ * @param {object} elem The jQuery selected element.
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._storeAttribs = function (elem) {
+ var attrIndex,
+ attr,
+ attrObj;
+ for (attrIndex = 0; attrIndex < this.attrList.length; attrIndex++) {
+ attr = this.attrList[attrIndex];
+ if (elem.attr(attr)) {
+ // Grab the existing attribute store or create a new object
+ attrObj = elem.data('lang-attr') || {};
+ // Add the attribute and value to the store
+ attrObj[attr] = elem.attr(attr);
+ // Save the attribute data to the store
+ elem.data('lang-attr', attrObj);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reads the existing content from the element and stores it for
+ * later use in translation.
+ * @param elem
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._storeContent = function (elem) {
+ // Check if the element is an input element
+ if (elem.is('input')) {
+ switch (elem.attr('type')) {
+ case 'button':
+ case 'submit':
+ case 'reset':
+ elem.data('lang-val', elem.val());
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Get the text nodes immediately inside this element
+ var nodes = this._getTextNodes(elem);
+ if (nodes) {
+ elem.data('lang-text', nodes);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the text nodes from an element and returns them in array wrap into
+ * object with two properties:
+ * - node - which corespondes to text node,
+ * - langDefaultText - wich remember current data of text node
+ * @param elem
+ * @returns {Array|*}
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._getTextNodes = function (elem) {
+ var nodes = elem.contents(), nodeObjArray = [], nodeObj = {},
+ nodeArr, that = this, map = Array.prototype.map;
+ $.each(nodes, function (index, node) {
+ if ( node.nodeType !== 3 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nodeObj = {
+ node : node,
+ langDefaultText : node.data
+ };
+ nodeObjArray.push(nodeObj);
+ });
+ return nodeObjArray;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets text nodes of an element translated based on the passed language.
+ * @param elem
+ * @param {Array|*} nodes array of objecs with text node and defaultText returned from _getTextNodes
+ * @param lang
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._setTextNodes = function (elem, nodes, lang) {
+ var index,
+ textNode,
+ defaultText,
+ translation,
+ langNotDefault = lang !== this.defaultLang;
+ for (index = 0; index < nodes.length; index++) {
+ textNode = nodes[index];
+ if (langNotDefault) {
+ defaultText = $.trim(textNode.langDefaultText);
+ if (defaultText) {
+ // Translate the langDefaultText
+ translation = this.translate(defaultText, lang);
+ if (translation) {
+ try {
+ // Replace the text with the translated version
+ textNode.node.data = textNode.node.data.split($.trim(textNode.node.data)).join(translation);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.log('Translation for "' + defaultText + '" not found!');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Replace with original text
+ try {
+ textNode.node.data = textNode.langDefaultText;
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Translates and sets the attributes of an element to the passed language.
+ * @param elem
+ * @param lang
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._translateAttribs = function (elem, lang) {
+ var attr,
+ attrObj = elem.data('lang-attr') || {},
+ translation;
+ for (attr in attrObj) {
+ if (attrObj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
+ // Check the element still has the attribute
+ if (elem.attr(attr)) {
+ if (lang !== this.defaultLang) {
+ // Get the translated value
+ translation = this.translate(attrObj[attr], lang);
+ // Check we actually HAVE a translation
+ if (translation) {
+ // Change the attribute to the translated value
+ elem.attr(attr, translation);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Set default language value
+ elem.attr(attr, attrObj[attr]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Translates and sets the contents of an element to the passed language.
+ * @param elem
+ * @param lang
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._translateContent = function (elem, lang) {
+ var langNotDefault = lang !== this.defaultLang,
+ translation,
+ nodes;
+ // Check if the element is an input element
+ if (elem.is('input')) {
+ switch (elem.attr('type')) {
+ case 'button':
+ case 'submit':
+ case 'reset':
+ if (langNotDefault) {
+ // Get the translated value
+ translation = this.translate(elem.data('lang-val'), lang);
+ // Check we actually HAVE a translation
+ if (translation) {
+ // Set translated value
+ elem.val(translation);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Set default language value
+ elem.val(elem.data('lang-val'));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Set text node translated text
+ nodes = elem.data('lang-text');
+ if (nodes) {
+ this._setTextNodes(elem, nodes, lang);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Call this to change the current language on the page.
+ * @param {String} lang The new two-letter language code to change to.
+ * @param {String=} selector Optional selector to find language-based
+ * elements for updating.
+ * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback function that will be
+ * called once the language change has been successfully processed. This
+ * is especially useful if you are using dynamic language pack loading
+ * since you will get a callback once it has been loaded and changed.
+ * Your callback will be passed three arguments, a boolean to denote if
+ * there was an error (true if error), the second will be the language
+ * you passed in the change call (the lang argument) and the third will
+ * be the selector used in the change update.
+ */
+ Lang.prototype.change = function (lang, selector, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (lang === this.defaultLang || this.pack[lang] || this._dynamic[lang]) {
+ // Check if the language pack is currently loaded
+ if (lang !== this.defaultLang) {
+ if (!this.pack[lang] && this._dynamic[lang]) {
+ // The language pack needs loading first
+ console.log('Loading dynamic language pack: ' + this._dynamic[lang] + '...');
+ this.loadPack(lang, function (err, loadingLang, fromUrl) {
+ if (!err) {
+ // Process the change language request
+ self.change.call(self, lang, selector, callback);
+ } else {
+ // Call the callback with the error
+ if (callback) { callback('Language pack could not load from: ' + fromUrl, lang, selector); }
+ }
+ });
+ return;
+ } else if (!this.pack[lang] && !this._dynamic[lang]) {
+ // Pack not loaded and no dynamic entry
+ console.log('Could not change language to ' + lang + ' because no language pack for this language exists!');
+ if (callback) { callback('Language pack not defined for: ' + lang, lang, selector); }
+ }
+ }
+ var fireAfterUpdate = false,
+ currLang = this.currentLang;
+ if (this.currentLang != lang) {
+ this.beforeUpdate(currLang, lang);
+ fireAfterUpdate = true;
+ }
+ this.currentLang = lang;
+ // Get the page HTML
+ var arr = selector !== undefined ? $(selector).find('[lang]') : $(':not(html)[lang]'),
+ arrCount = arr.length,
+ elem;
+ while (arrCount--) {
+ elem = $(arr[arrCount]);
+ if (elem.attr('lang') !== lang) {
+ this._translateElement(elem, lang);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fireAfterUpdate) {
+ this.afterUpdate(currLang, lang);
+ }
+ // Check for cookie support
+ if ($.cookie) {
+ // Set a cookie to remember this language setting with 1 year expiry
+ $.cookie('langCookie', lang, {
+ expires: 365,
+ path: '/'
+ });
+ }
+ if (callback) { callback(false, lang, selector); }
+ } else {
+ console.log('Attempt to change language to "' + lang + '" but no language pack for that language is loaded!');
+ if (callback) { callback('No language pack defined for: ' + lang, lang, selector); }
+ }
+ };
+ Lang.prototype._translateElement = function (elem, lang) {
+ // Translate attributes
+ this._translateAttribs(elem, lang);
+ // Translate content
+ if (elem.attr('data-lang-content') != 'false') {
+ this._translateContent(elem, lang);
+ }
+ // Update the element's current language
+ elem.attr('lang', lang);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Translates text from the default language into the passed language.
+ * @param {String} text The text to translate.
+ * @param {String} lang The two-letter language code to translate to.
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+ Lang.prototype.translate = function (text, lang) {
+ lang = lang || this.currentLang;
+ if (this.pack[lang]) {
+ var translation = '';
+ if (lang != this.defaultLang) {
+ // Check for a direct token translation
+ translation = this.pack[lang].token[text];
+ if (!translation) {
+ // No token translation was found, test for regex match
+ translation = this._regexMatch(text, lang);
+ }
+ if (!translation) {
+ console.log('Translation for "' + text + '" not found in language pack: ' + lang);
+ }
+ return translation || text;
+ } else {
+ return text;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return text;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Checks the regex items for a match against the passed text and
+ * if a match is made, translates to the given replacement.
+ * @param {String} text The text to test regex matches against.
+ * @param {String} lang The two-letter language code to translate to.
+ * @returns {string}
+ * @private
+ */
+ Lang.prototype._regexMatch = function (text, lang) {
+ // Loop the regex array and test them against the text
+ var arr,
+ arrCount,
+ arrIndex,
+ item,
+ regex,
+ expressionResult;
+ arr = this.pack[lang].regex;
+ if (arr) {
+ arrCount = arr.length;
+ for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) {
+ item = arr[arrIndex];
+ regex = item[0];
+ // Test regex
+ expressionResult = regex.exec(text);
+ if (expressionResult && expressionResult[0]) {
+ return text.split(expressionResult[0]).join(item[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ Lang.prototype.beforeUpdate = function (currentLang, newLang) {
+ if (this._fireEvents) {
+ $(this).triggerHandler('beforeUpdate', [currentLang, newLang, this.pack[currentLang], this.pack[newLang]]);
+ }
+ };
+ Lang.prototype.afterUpdate = function (currentLang, newLang) {
+ if (this._fireEvents) {
+ $(this).triggerHandler('afterUpdate', [currentLang, newLang, this.pack[currentLang], this.pack[newLang]]);
+ }
+ };
+ Lang.prototype.refresh = function () {
+ // Process refresh on the page
+ this._fireEvents = false;
+ this.change(this.currentLang);
+ this._fireEvents = true;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Mutation overrides
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Lang.prototype._mutation = function (context, method, args) {
+ var result = this._mutationCopies[method].apply(context, args),
+ currLang = this.currentLang,
+ rootElem = $(context);
+ if (rootElem.attr('lang')) {
+ // Switch off events for the moment
+ this._fireEvents = false;
+ // Check if the root element is currently set to another language from current
+ //if (rootElem.attr('lang') !== this.currentLang) {
+ this._translateElement(rootElem, this.defaultLang);
+ this.change(this.defaultLang, rootElem);
+ // Calling change above sets the global currentLang but this is supposed to be
+ // an isolated change so reset the global value back to what it was before
+ this.currentLang = currLang;
+ // Record data on the default language from the root element
+ this._processElement(rootElem);
+ // Translate the root element
+ this._translateElement(rootElem, this.currentLang);
+ //}
+ }
+ // Record data on the default language from the root's children
+ this._start(rootElem);
+ // Process translation on any child elements of this element
+ this.change(this.currentLang, rootElem);
+ // Switch events back on
+ this._fireEvents = true;
+ return result;
+ };
+ return Lang;
+})(); \ No newline at end of file