path: root/pdf-as-pdfbox-2/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz
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Diffstat (limited to 'pdf-as-pdfbox-2/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/pdf-as-pdfbox-2/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/pdfas/lib/impl/pdfbox2/positioning/Positioning.java b/pdf-as-pdfbox-2/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/pdfas/lib/impl/pdfbox2/positioning/Positioning.java
index 52a865b1..13d1ebe6 100644
--- a/pdf-as-pdfbox-2/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/pdfas/lib/impl/pdfbox2/positioning/Positioning.java
+++ b/pdf-as-pdfbox-2/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/pdfas/lib/impl/pdfbox2/positioning/Positioning.java
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
* PDF-AS has been contracted by the E-Government Innovation Center EGIZ, a
* joint initiative of the Federal Chancellery Austria and Graz University of
* Technology.
- *
+ *
* Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by
* the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
* You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
* http://www.osor.eu/eupl/
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the Licence.
- *
+ *
* This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text
* file for details on the various modules and licenses.
* The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works
@@ -26,323 +26,336 @@ package at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.impl.pdfbox2.positioning;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
-import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageTree;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
-import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDSignatureField;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.common.exceptions.PdfAsException;
import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.common.settings.ISettings;
+import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.api.IConfigurationConstants;
import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.impl.pdfbox2.utils.PdfBoxUtils;
import at.gv.egiz.pdfas.lib.impl.stamping.IPDFVisualObject;
import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.pdf.PositioningInstruction;
import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.pdf.TablePos;
import at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.pdfbox2.pdf.PDFUtilities;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: afitzek Date: 8/29/13 Time: 4:30 PM To
* change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class Positioning {
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
- .getLogger(Positioning.class);
- /**
- * The left/right margin.
- */
- public static final float SIGNATURE_MARGIN_HORIZONTAL = 50f;
- /**
- * The top/bottom margin.
- */
- public static final float SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL = 20f;
- /**
- * Evalutates absolute positioning and prepares the PositioningInstruction
- * for placing the table.
- *
- * @param pos
- * The absolute positioning parameter. If null it is sought in
- * the profile definition.
- * @param signature_type
- * The profile definition of the table to be written.
- * @param pdfDataSource
- * The pdf.
- * @param pdf_table
- * The pdf table to be written.
- * @param settings
- * @return Returns the PositioningInformation.
- * @throws PdfAsException
- * F.e.
- */
- public static PositioningInstruction determineTablePositioning(
- TablePos pos, String signature_type, PDDocument pdfDataSource,
- IPDFVisualObject pdf_table, ISettings settings) throws PdfAsException {
- return adjustSignatureTableandCalculatePosition(pdfDataSource,
- pdf_table, pos, settings);
- }
- private static PDRectangle rotateBox(PDRectangle cropBox, int rotation) {
- if (rotation != 0) {
- Point2D upSrc = new Point2D.Float();
- upSrc.setLocation(cropBox.getUpperRightX(),
- cropBox.getUpperRightY());
- Point2D llSrc = new Point2D.Float();
- llSrc.setLocation(cropBox.getLowerLeftX(), cropBox.getLowerLeftY());
- AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
- transform.setToIdentity();
- if (rotation % 360 != 0) {
- transform.setToRotation(Math.toRadians(rotation * -1), llSrc.getX(),
- llSrc.getY());
- }
- Point2D upDst = new Point2D.Float();
- transform.transform(upSrc, upDst);
- Point2D llDst = new Point2D.Float();
- transform.transform(llSrc, llDst);
- float y1 = (float) upDst.getY();
- float y2 = (float) llDst.getY();
- if(y1 > y2) {
- float t = y1;
- y1 = y2;
- y2 = t;
- }
- if(y1 < 0) {
- y2 = y2 + -1 * y1;
- y1 = 0;
- }
- float x1 = (float) upDst.getX();
- float x2 = (float) llDst.getX();
- if(x1 > x2) {
- float t = x1;
- x1 = x2;
- x2 = t;
- }
- if(x1 < 0) {
- x2 = x2 + -1 * x1;
- x1 = 0;
- }
- cropBox.setUpperRightX(x2);
- cropBox.setUpperRightY(y2);
- cropBox.setLowerLeftY(y1);
- cropBox.setLowerLeftX(x1);
- }
- return cropBox;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the width of the table according to the layout of the document and
- * calculates the y position where the PDFPTable should be placed.
- *
- * @param pdfDataSource
- * The PDF document.
- * @param pdf_table
- * The PDFPTable to be placed.
- * @param settings
- * @return Returns the position where the PDFPTable should be placed.
- * @throws PdfAsException
- * F.e.
- */
- public static PositioningInstruction adjustSignatureTableandCalculatePosition(
- final PDDocument pdfDataSource, IPDFVisualObject pdf_table,
- TablePos pos, ISettings settings) throws PdfAsException {
- List<PDSignatureField> pdSignatureFieldList;
- PdfBoxUtils.checkPDFPermissions(pdfDataSource);
- int counter = 0;
- try {
- //count signature fields with signatures
- pdSignatureFieldList = pdfDataSource.getSignatureFields();
- for (PDSignatureField signatureField : pdSignatureFieldList)
- {
- if(signatureField.getSignature()!=null){
- counter++;
- }
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // get pages of currentdocument
- int doc_pages = pdfDataSource.getNumberOfPages();
- int page = doc_pages;
- boolean make_new_page = pos.isNewPage();
- //we cannot add new page if a document is already signed
- if (!(pos.isNewPage() || pos.isPauto())) {
- // we should posit signaturtable on this page
- page = pos.getPage();
- // System.out.println("XXXXPAGE="+page+" doc_pages="+doc_pages);
- if (page > doc_pages ) {
- make_new_page = true;
- page = doc_pages;
- }
- }
- if(make_new_page && counter!=0) {
- make_new_page = false;
- }
- PDPage pdPage = pdfDataSource.getPage(page-1);
- PDRectangle cropBox = pdPage.getCropBox();
- // fallback to MediaBox if Cropbox not available!
- if (cropBox == null) {
- cropBox = pdPage.getCropBox();
- }
- if (cropBox == null) {
- cropBox = pdPage.getCropBox();
- }
- // getPagedimensions
- // Rectangle psize = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(page);
- // int page_rotation = reader.getPageRotation(page);
- // Integer rotation = pdPage.getRotation();
- // int page_rotation = rotation.intValue();
- int rotation = pdPage.getRotation();
- logger.debug("Original CropBox: " + cropBox.toString());
- cropBox = rotateBox(cropBox, rotation);
- logger.debug("Rotated CropBox: " + cropBox.toString());
- float page_width = cropBox.getWidth();
- float page_height = cropBox.getHeight();
- logger.debug("CropBox width: " + page_width);
- logger.debug("CropBox heigth: " + page_height);
- // now we can calculate x-position
- if (!pos.isXauto()) {
- // we do have absolute x
- pre_pos_x = pos.getPosX();
- }
- // calculate width
- // center
- float pre_width = page_width - 2 * pre_pos_x;
- if (!pos.isWauto()) {
- // we do have absolute width
- pre_width = pos.getWidth();
- if (pos.isXauto()) { // center x
- pre_pos_x = (page_width - pre_width) / 2;
- }
- }
- final float pos_x = pre_pos_x;
- final float width = pre_width;
- // Signatur table dimensions are complete
- pdf_table.setWidth(width);
- pdf_table.fixWidth();
- // pdf_table.setTotalWidth(width);
- // pdf_table.setLockedWidth(true);
- final float table_height = pdf_table.getHeight();
- // now check pos_y
- float pos_y = pos.getPosY();
- // in case an absolute y position is already given OR
- // if the table is related to an invisible signature
- // there is no need for further calculations
- // (fixed adding new page in case of invisible signatures)
- if (!pos.isYauto() || table_height == 0) {
- // we do have y-position too --> all parameters but page ok
- if (make_new_page) {
- page++;
- }
- return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x,
- pos_y, pos.rotation);
- }
- // pos_y is auto
- if (make_new_page) {
- // ignore footer in new page
- page++;
- pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
- return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x,
- pos_y, pos.rotation);
- }
- // up to here no checks have to be made if Tablesize and Pagesize are
- // fit
- // Now we have to getfreespace in page and reguard footerline
- float footer_line = pos.getFooterLine();
-// float pre_page_length = PDFUtilities.calculatePageLength(pdfDataSource,
-// page - 1, page_height - footer_line, /* page_rotation, */
-// legacy32, legacy40);
- float pre_page_length = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- try {
- pre_page_length = PDFUtilities.getMaxYPosition(pdfDataSource, page-1, pdf_table, SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL, footer_line, settings);
- //pre_page_length = PDFUtilities.getFreeTablePosition(pdfDataSource, page-1, pdf_table,SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- logger.warn("Could not determine page length, using -INFINITY");
- }
- if (pre_page_length == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){
- // we do have an empty page or nothing in area above footerline
- pre_page_length = page_height;
- // no text --> SIGNATURE_BORDER
- pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
- if (pos_y - footer_line <= table_height) {
- if(counter!=0)
- make_new_page = false;
- else{
- make_new_page = true;
- page++;
- }
- if (!pos.isPauto()) {
- // we have to correct pagenumber
- page = pdfDataSource.getNumberOfPages();
- }
- // no text --> SIGNATURE_BORDER
- pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
- }
- return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x,
- pos_y, pos.rotation);
- }
- final float page_length = pre_page_length;
- // we do have text take SIGNATURE_MARGIN
- pos_y = page_height - page_length - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
- if (pos_y - footer_line <= table_height) {
- if(counter!=0){
- make_new_page = false;
- }
- else{
- make_new_page = true;
- page++;
- }
- if (!pos.isPauto()) {
- // we have to correct pagenumber in case of absolute page and
- // not enough
- // space
- page = pdfDataSource.getNumberOfPages();
- }
- // no text --> SIGNATURE_BORDER
- pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
- }
- return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x, pos_y,
- pos.rotation);
- }
+ /**
+ * The left/right margin.
+ */
+ public static final float SIGNATURE_MARGIN_HORIZONTAL = 50f;
+ /**
+ * The top/bottom margin.
+ */
+ public static final float SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL = 20f;
+ /**
+ * Evalutates absolute positioning and prepares the PositioningInstruction for
+ * placing the table.
+ *
+ * @param pos The absolute positioning parameter. If null it is
+ * sought in the profile definition.
+ * @param signature_type The profile definition of the table to be written.
+ * @param pdfDataSource The pdf.
+ * @param pdf_table The pdf table to be written.
+ * @param settings
+ * @return Returns the PositioningInformation.
+ * @throws PdfAsException F.e.
+ */
+ public static PositioningInstruction determineTablePositioning(
+ TablePos pos, String signature_type, PDDocument pdfDataSource,
+ IPDFVisualObject pdf_table, ISettings settings) throws PdfAsException {
+ return adjustSignatureTableandCalculatePosition(pdfDataSource,
+ pdf_table, pos, settings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the width of the table according to the layout of the document and
+ * calculates the y position where the PDFPTable should be placed.
+ *
+ * @param pdfDataSource The PDF document.
+ * @param pdf_table The PDFPTable to be placed.
+ * @param settings
+ * @return Returns the position where the PDFPTable should be placed.
+ * @throws PdfAsException F.e.
+ */
+ public static PositioningInstruction adjustSignatureTableandCalculatePosition(
+ final PDDocument pdfDataSource, IPDFVisualObject pdf_table,
+ TablePos pos, ISettings settings) throws PdfAsException {
+ PdfBoxUtils.checkPDFPermissions(pdfDataSource);
+ final long numberOfExistingSignatures = getNumberOfExistingSignatures(pdfDataSource);
+ // get pages of currentdocument
+ final int doc_pages = pdfDataSource.getNumberOfPages();
+ int page = doc_pages;
+ boolean make_new_page = pos.isNewPage();
+ if (!(pos.isNewPage() || pos.isPauto())) {
+ // we should posit signaturtable on this page
+ page = pos.getPage();
+ if (page > doc_pages) {
+ log.debug("Document is shorter than requested page for signature block. Adding new page ...");
+ make_new_page = true;
+ page = doc_pages;
+ }
+ }
+ make_new_page = checkIfNewPageIsAllowed(make_new_page, numberOfExistingSignatures, settings);
+ if(make_new_page && numberOfExistingSignatures!=0) {
+ make_new_page = false;
+ }
+ final PDPage pdPage = pdfDataSource.getPage(page - 1);
+ PDRectangle cropBox = pdPage.getCropBox();
+ // fallback to MediaBox if Cropbox not available!
+ if (cropBox == null) {
+ cropBox = pdPage.getCropBox();
+ }
+ if (cropBox == null) {
+ cropBox = pdPage.getCropBox();
+ }
+ // getPagedimensions
+ // Rectangle psize = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(page);
+ // int page_rotation = reader.getPageRotation(page);
+ // Integer rotation = pdPage.getRotation();
+ // int page_rotation = rotation.intValue();
+ final int rotation = pdPage.getRotation();
+ log.debug("Original CropBox: " + cropBox.toString());
+ cropBox = rotateBox(cropBox, rotation);
+ log.debug("Rotated CropBox: " + cropBox.toString());
+ final float page_width = cropBox.getWidth();
+ final float page_height = cropBox.getHeight();
+ log.debug("CropBox width: " + page_width);
+ log.debug("CropBox heigth: " + page_height);
+ // now we can calculate x-position
+ if (!pos.isXauto()) {
+ // we do have absolute x
+ pre_pos_x = pos.getPosX();
+ }
+ // calculate width
+ // center
+ float pre_width = page_width - 2 * pre_pos_x;
+ if (!pos.isWauto()) {
+ // we do have absolute width
+ pre_width = pos.getWidth();
+ if (pos.isXauto()) { // center x
+ pre_pos_x = (page_width - pre_width) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ final float pos_x = pre_pos_x;
+ final float width = pre_width;
+ // Signatur table dimensions are complete
+ pdf_table.setWidth(width);
+ pdf_table.fixWidth();
+ final float table_height = pdf_table.getHeight();
+ // now check pos_y
+ float pos_y = pos.getPosY();
+ // in case an absolute y position is already given OR
+ // if the table is related to an invisible signature
+ // there is no need for further calculations
+ // (fixed adding new page in case of invisible signatures)
+ if (!pos.isYauto() || table_height == 0) {
+ // we do have y-position too --> all parameters but page ok
+ if (make_new_page) {
+ page++;
+ }
+ return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x, pos_y, pos.rotation);
+ }
+ // pos_y is auto
+ if (make_new_page) {
+ // ignore footer in new page
+ page++;
+ pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
+ return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x, pos_y, pos.rotation);
+ }
+ // up to here no checks have to be made if Tablesize and Pagesize are
+ // fit
+ // Now we have to getfreespace in page and reguard footerline
+ float pre_page_length = calculatePrePageLength(pdfDataSource, page, pdf_table, pos.getFooterLine(), settings);
+ if (pre_page_length == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ // we do have an empty page or nothing in area above footerline
+ pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
+ return buildPostitionInfoOnSubpage(pdfDataSource, make_new_page, page, pos_x, pos_y, pos.rotation,
+ pos.getFooterLine(), table_height, pos, page_height, numberOfExistingSignatures, settings);
+ } else {
+ // we do have text take SIGNATURE_MARGIN
+ pos_y = page_height - pre_page_length - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
+ return buildPostitionInfoOnSubpage(pdfDataSource, make_new_page, page, pos_x, pos_y, pos.rotation,
+ pos.getFooterLine(), table_height, pos, page_height, numberOfExistingSignatures, settings);
+ }
+ }
+ private static float calculatePrePageLength(PDDocument pdfDataSource, int page, IPDFVisualObject pdf_table, float footer_line, ISettings settings) {
+ try {
+ return PDFUtilities.getMaxYPosition(pdfDataSource, page - 1, pdf_table,
+ SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL, footer_line, settings);
+ } catch (final IOException e) {
+ log.warn("Could not determine page length, using -INFINITY");
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean isFailOnLessSpaceEnabled(ISettings settings) {
+ String value = settings.getValue(IConfigurationConstants.SIG_BLOCK_LESS_SPACE_STOPPING_WITH_ERROR);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(value);
+ }
+ private static boolean checkIfNewPageIsAllowed(boolean make_new_page, long numberOfExistingSignatures, ISettings settings) throws PdfAsException {
+ if(make_new_page && numberOfExistingSignatures!=0) {
+ log.info("Signature-block would be need a new page, but new pages are not allowed on already signed documents.");
+ if (isFailOnLessSpaceEnabled(settings)) {
+ throw new PdfAsException("error.pdf.stamp.12");
+ } else {
+ log.info("Placing signature-block on last page without free-space checks ... ");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return make_new_page;
+ }
+ }
+ private static PositioningInstruction buildPostitionInfoOnSubpage(PDDocument pdfDataSource, boolean make_new_page, int page, float pos_x,
+ float pos_y, float rotation, float footer_line, float table_height, TablePos pos, float page_height,
+ long numberOfExistingSignatures, ISettings settings) throws PdfAsException {
+ if (pos_y - footer_line <= table_height) {
+ make_new_page = checkIfNewPageIsAllowed(true, numberOfExistingSignatures, settings);
+ if (make_new_page) {
+ page++;
+ }
+ if (!pos.isPauto()) {
+ // we have to correct pagenumber
+ page = pdfDataSource.getNumberOfPages();
+ }
+ // no text --> SIGNATURE_BORDER
+ pos_y = page_height - SIGNATURE_MARGIN_VERTICAL;
+ }
+ return new PositioningInstruction(make_new_page, page, pos_x, pos_y, pos.rotation);
+ }
+ private static long getNumberOfExistingSignatures(PDDocument pdfDataSource) {
+ try {
+ return pdfDataSource.getSignatureFields().stream()
+ .filter(el -> el.getSignature() != null)
+ .count();
+ } catch (final IOException e) {
+ log.warn("Can not extract existing Signatures from PDF. Use it as 0", e);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static PDRectangle rotateBox(PDRectangle cropBox, int rotation) {
+ if (rotation != 0) {
+ final Point2D upSrc = new Point2D.Float();
+ upSrc.setLocation(cropBox.getUpperRightX(),
+ cropBox.getUpperRightY());
+ final Point2D llSrc = new Point2D.Float();
+ llSrc.setLocation(cropBox.getLowerLeftX(), cropBox.getLowerLeftY());
+ final AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
+ transform.setToIdentity();
+ if (rotation % 360 != 0) {
+ transform.setToRotation(Math.toRadians(rotation * -1), llSrc.getX(),
+ llSrc.getY());
+ }
+ final Point2D upDst = new Point2D.Float();
+ transform.transform(upSrc, upDst);
+ final Point2D llDst = new Point2D.Float();
+ transform.transform(llSrc, llDst);
+ float y1 = (float) upDst.getY();
+ float y2 = (float) llDst.getY();
+ if (y1 > y2) {
+ final float t = y1;
+ y1 = y2;
+ y2 = t;
+ }
+ if (y1 < 0) {
+ y2 = y2 + -1 * y1;
+ y1 = 0;
+ }
+ float x1 = (float) upDst.getX();
+ float x2 = (float) llDst.getX();
+ if (x1 > x2) {
+ final float t = x1;
+ x1 = x2;
+ x2 = t;
+ }
+ if (x1 < 0) {
+ x2 = x2 + -1 * x1;
+ x1 = 0;
+ }
+ cropBox.setUpperRightX(x2);
+ cropBox.setUpperRightY(y2);
+ cropBox.setLowerLeftY(y1);
+ cropBox.setLowerLeftX(x1);
+ }
+ return cropBox;
+ }