<public:component lightWeight="true"> <public:attach event="onpropertychange" onevent="propertyChanged()" /> <public:attach event="onbeforeprint" onevent="beforePrint()" for="window"/> <public:attach event="onafterprint" onevent="afterPrint()" for="window"/> <script> /* * PNG Behavior * * This script was created by Erik Arvidsson (http://webfx.eae.net/contact.html#erik) * for WebFX (http://webfx.eae.net) * Copyright 2002-2004 * * For usage see license at http://webfx.eae.net/license.html * * Version: 1.02 * Created: 2001-??-?? First working version * Updated: 2002-03-28 Fixed issue when starting with a non png image and * switching between non png images * 2003-01-06 Fixed RegExp to correctly work with IE 5.0x * 2004-05-09 When printing revert to original * */ var supported = /MSIE ((5\.5)|[6789])/.test(navigator.userAgent) && navigator.platform == "Win32"; var realSrc; var blankSrc = "img/blank.gif"; var isPrinting = false; if (supported) fixImage(); function propertyChanged() { if (!supported || isPrinting) return; var pName = event.propertyName; if (pName != "src") return; // if not set to blank if (!new RegExp(blankSrc).test(src)) fixImage(); }; function fixImage() { // get src var src = element.src; // check for real change if (src == realSrc && /\.png$/i.test(src)) { element.src = blankSrc; return; } if ( ! new RegExp(blankSrc).test(src)) { // backup old src realSrc = src; } // test for png if (/\.png$/i.test(realSrc)) { // set blank image element.src = blankSrc; // set filter element.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." + "AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; } else { // remove filter element.runtimeStyle.filter = ""; } } function beforePrint() { isPrinting = true; element.src = realSrc; element.runtimeStyle.filter = ""; realSrc = null; } function afterPrint() { isPrinting = false; fixImage(); } </script> </public:component>