package org.pdfbox.util;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;

 * Highlighting of words in a PDF document with an XML file.
 * @author slagraulet (
 * @author Ben Litchfield (
 * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
 * @see <a href="">
 *      Adobe Highlight File Format</a>
public class PDFHighlighter extends PDFTextStripper 
    private Writer highlighterOutput = null;
    //private Color highlightColor = Color.YELLOW;

    private String[] searchedWords;
    private ByteArrayOutputStream textOS = null;
    private Writer textWriter = null;

     * Default constructor.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error constructing this class.
    public PDFHighlighter() throws IOException 
        super.setLineSeparator( "" );
        super.setPageSeparator( "" );
        super.setWordSeparator( "" );
        super.setShouldSeparateByBeads( false );
        super.setSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText( false );
     * Generate an XML highlight string based on the PDF.
     * @param pdDocument The PDF to find words in.
     * @param highlightWord The word to search for.
     * @param xmlOutput The resulting output xml file.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the PDF, or writing to the XML.
    public void generateXMLHighlight(PDDocument pdDocument, String highlightWord, Writer xmlOutput ) throws IOException
        generateXMLHighlight( pdDocument, new String[] { highlightWord }, xmlOutput );

     * Generate an XML highlight string based on the PDF.
     * @param pdDocument The PDF to find words in.
     * @param sWords The words to search for.
     * @param xmlOutput The resulting output xml file.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the PDF, or writing to the XML.
    public void generateXMLHighlight(PDDocument pdDocument, String[] sWords, Writer xmlOutput ) throws IOException
        highlighterOutput = xmlOutput;
        searchedWords = sWords;
        highlighterOutput.write("<XML>\n<Body units=characters " + 
                                //color and mode are not implemented by the highlight spec
                                //so don't include them for now
                                //" color=#" + getHighlightColorAsString() + 
                                //" mode=active " + */ 
                                " version=2>\n<Highlight>\n");
        textOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        textWriter = new OutputStreamWriter( textOS, "UTF-16" );
        writeText(pdDocument, textWriter);

     * @see PDFTextStripper#endPage( PDPage )
    protected void endPage( PDPage pdPage ) throws IOException 

        String page = new String( textOS.toByteArray(), "UTF-16" );
        //page = page.replaceAll( "\n", "" );
        //page = page.replaceAll( "\r", "" );
        //page = CCRStringUtil.stripChar(page, '\n');
        //page = CCRStringUtil.stripChar(page, '\r');

        // Traitement des listes � puces (caract�res sp�ciaux)
        if (page.indexOf("a") != -1) 
            page = page.replaceAll("a[0-9]{1,3}", ".");

        for (int i = 0; i < searchedWords.length; i++) 
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(searchedWords[i], Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(page);
            while( matcher.find() ) 
                int begin = matcher.start();
                int end = matcher.end();
                highlighterOutput.write("    <loc " +
                        "pg=" + (getCurrentPageNo()-1)
                        + " pos=" + begin
                        + " len="+ (end - begin)
                        + ">\n");

     * Command line application.
     * @param args The command line arguments to the application.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error generating the highlight file.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
        PDFHighlighter xmlExtractor = new PDFHighlighter();
        PDDocument doc = null;
            if( args.length < 2 )
            String[] highlightStrings = new String[ args.length - 1];
            System.arraycopy( args, 1, highlightStrings, 0, highlightStrings.length );
            doc = PDDocument.load( args[0] );
                new OutputStreamWriter( System.out ) );
            if( doc != null )
    private static void usage()
        System.err.println( "usage: java " + PDFHighlighter.class.getName() + " <pdf file> word1 word2 word3 ..." );
        System.exit( 1 );
     * Get the color to highlight the strings with.  Default is Color.YELLOW.
     * @return The color to highlight strings with.
    /*public Color getHighlightColor()
        return highlightColor;
     * Get the color to highlight the strings with.  Default is Color.YELLOW.
     * @param color The color to highlight strings with.
    /*public void setHighlightColor(Color color)
        this.highlightColor = color;
     * Set the highlight color using HTML like rgb string.  The string must be 6 characters long.
     * @param color The color to use for highlighting.  Should be in the format of "FF0000".
    /*public void setHighlightColor( String color )
        highlightColor = Color.decode( color );
     * Get the highlight color as an HTML like string.  This will return a string of six characters.
     * @return The current highlight color.  For example FF0000
    /*public String getHighlightColorAsString()
        //BJL: kudos to anyone that has a cleaner way of doing this!
        String red = Integer.toHexString( highlightColor.getRed() );
        String green = Integer.toHexString( highlightColor.getGreen() );
        String blue = Integer.toHexString( highlightColor.getBlue() );
        return (red.length() < 2 ? "0" + red : red) + 
               (green.length() < 2 ? "0" + green : green) + 
               (blue.length() < 2 ? "0" + blue : blue); 