/** * Copyright (c) 2003, www.pdfbox.org * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of pdfbox; nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * http://www.pdfbox.org * */ package org.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form; import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.action.PDFormFieldAdditionalActions; import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotationWidget; import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList; import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSObjectable; import org.pdfbox.cos.COSArray; import org.pdfbox.cos.COSBase; import org.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import org.pdfbox.cos.COSInteger; import org.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDTextStream; import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.fdf.FDFField; import org.pdfbox.util.BitFlagHelper; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * This is the superclass for a Field element in a PDF. * Based on the COS object model from PDFBox. * * @author sug * @version $Revision: 1.21 $ */ public abstract class PDField implements COSObjectable { /** * A Ff flag. */ public static final int FLAG_READ_ONLY = 1; /** * A Ff flag. */ public static final int FLAG_REQUIRED = 1 << 1; /** * A Ff flag. */ public static final int FLAG_NO_EXPORT = 1 << 2; private PDAcroForm acroForm; private COSDictionary dictionary; /** * Constructor. * * @param theAcroForm The form that this field is part of. */ public PDField( PDAcroForm theAcroForm ) { acroForm = theAcroForm; dictionary = new COSDictionary(); //no required fields in base field class } /** * Creates a COSField from a COSDictionary, expected to be * a correct object definition for a field in PDF. * * @param theAcroForm The form that this field is part of. * @param field the PDF objet to represent as a field. */ public PDField(PDAcroForm theAcroForm, COSDictionary field) { acroForm = theAcroForm; dictionary = field; } /** * Returns the partial name of the field. * * @return the name of the field */ public String getPartialName() { return getDictionary().getString( "T" ); } /** * This will set the partial name of the field. * * @param name The new name for the field. */ public void setPartialName( String name ) { getDictionary().setString( "T", name ); } /** * Returns the fully qualified name of the field, which is a concatenation of * the names of all the parents fields. * * @return the name of the field * * @throws IOException If there is an error generating the fully qualified name. */ public String getFullyQualifiedName() throws IOException { PDField parent = getParent(); String parentName = null; if( parent != null ) { parentName = parent.getFullyQualifiedName(); } String finalName = getPartialName(); if( parentName != null ) { finalName = parentName + "." + finalName; } return finalName; } /** * Get the FT entry of the field. This is a read only field and is set depending * on the actual type. The field type is an inheritable attribute. This method will * return only the direct value on this object. Use the findFieldType for an upward * recursive search. * * @return The Field type. * * @see PDField#findFieldType() */ public String getFieldType() { return getDictionary().getNameAsString( "FT" ); } /** * Find the field type and optionally do a recursive upward search. Sometimes the fieldtype * will be specified on the parent instead of the direct object. This will look at this * object for the field type, if none is specified then it will look to the parent if there * is a parent. If there is no parent and no field type has been found then this * will return null. * * @return The field type or null if none was found. */ public String findFieldType() { return findFieldType( getDictionary() ); } private String findFieldType( COSDictionary dic ) { String retval = dic.getNameAsString( "FT" ); if( retval == null ) { COSDictionary parent = (COSDictionary)dic.getDictionaryObject( "Parent" ); if( parent != null ) { retval = findFieldType( parent ); } } return retval; } /** * setValue sets the fields value to a given string. * * @param value the string value * * @throws IOException If there is an error creating the appearance stream. */ public abstract void setValue(String value) throws IOException; /** * getValue gets the fields value to as a string. * * @return The string value of this field. * * @throws IOException If there is an error getting the value. */ public abstract String getValue() throws IOException; /** * sets the field to be read-only. * * @param readonly The new flag for readonly. */ public void setReadonly(boolean readonly) { BitFlagHelper.setFlag( getDictionary(), "Ff", FLAG_READ_ONLY, readonly ); } /** * * @return true if the field is readonly */ public boolean isReadonly() { return BitFlagHelper.getFlag( getDictionary(), "Ff", FLAG_READ_ONLY ); } /** * sets the field to be required. * * @param required The new flag for required. */ public void setRequired(boolean required) { BitFlagHelper.setFlag( getDictionary(), "Ff", FLAG_REQUIRED, required ); } /** * * @return true if the field is required */ public boolean isRequired() { return BitFlagHelper.getFlag( getDictionary(), "Ff", FLAG_REQUIRED ); } /** * sets the field to be not exported.. * * @param noExport The new flag for noExport. */ public void setNoExport(boolean noExport) { BitFlagHelper.setFlag( getDictionary(), "Ff", FLAG_NO_EXPORT, noExport ); } /** * * @return true if the field is not to be exported. */ public boolean isNoExport() { return BitFlagHelper.getFlag( getDictionary(), "Ff", FLAG_NO_EXPORT ); } /** * This will get the flags for this field. * * @return flags The set of flags. */ public int getFieldFlags() { int retval = 0; COSInteger ff = (COSInteger)getDictionary().getDictionaryObject( COSName.getPDFName( "Ff" ) ); if( ff != null ) { retval = ff.intValue(); } return retval; } /** * This will set the flags for this field. * * @param flags The new flags. */ public void setFieldFlags( int flags ) { COSInteger ff = new COSInteger( flags ); getDictionary().setItem( COSName.getPDFName( "Ff" ), ff ); } /** * This will import a fdf field from a fdf document. * * @param fdfField The fdf field to import. * * @throws IOException If there is an error importing the data for this field. */ public void importFDF( FDFField fdfField ) throws IOException { Object fieldValue = fdfField.getValue(); int fieldFlags = getFieldFlags(); if( fieldValue != null ) { if( fieldValue instanceof String ) { setValue( (String)fieldValue ); } else if( fieldValue instanceof PDTextStream ) { setValue( ((PDTextStream)fieldValue).getAsString() ); } else { throw new IOException( "Unknown field type:" + fieldValue.getClass().getName() ); } } Integer ff = fdfField.getFieldFlags(); if( ff != null ) { setFieldFlags( ff.intValue() ); } else { //these are suppose to be ignored if the Ff is set. Integer setFf = fdfField.getSetFieldFlags(); if( setFf != null ) { int setFfInt = setFf.intValue(); fieldFlags = fieldFlags | setFfInt; setFieldFlags( fieldFlags ); } Integer clrFf = fdfField.getClearFieldFlags(); if( clrFf != null ) { //we have to clear the bits of the document fields for every bit that is //set in this field. // //Example: //docFf = 1011 //clrFf = 1101 //clrFfValue = 0010; //newValue = 1011 & 0010 which is 0010 int clrFfValue = clrFf.intValue(); clrFfValue ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; fieldFlags = fieldFlags & clrFfValue; setFieldFlags( fieldFlags ); } } PDAnnotationWidget widget = getWidget(); if( widget != null ) { int annotFlags = widget.getAnnotationFlags(); Integer f = fdfField.getWidgetFieldFlags(); if( f != null && widget != null ) { widget.setAnnotationFlags( f.intValue() ); } else { //these are suppose to be ignored if the F is set. Integer setF = fdfField.getSetWidgetFieldFlags(); if( setF != null ) { annotFlags = annotFlags | setF.intValue(); widget.setAnnotationFlags( annotFlags ); } Integer clrF = fdfField.getClearWidgetFieldFlags(); if( clrF != null ) { //we have to clear the bits of the document fields for every bit that is //set in this field. // //Example: //docF = 1011 //clrF = 1101 //clrFValue = 0010; //newValue = 1011 & 0010 which is 0010 int clrFValue = clrF.intValue(); clrFValue ^= 0xFFFFFFFFL; annotFlags = annotFlags & clrFValue; widget.setAnnotationFlags( annotFlags ); } } } List fdfKids = fdfField.getKids(); List pdKids = getKids(); for( int i=0; fdfKids != null && i 0 ) { Object firstKid = kids.get( 0 ); if( firstKid instanceof PDAnnotationWidget ) { retval = (PDAnnotationWidget)firstKid; } else { retval = ((PDField)firstKid).getWidget(); } } else { retval = null; } return retval; } /** * Get the parent field to this field, or null if none exists. * * @return The parent field. * * @throws IOException If there is an error creating the parent field. */ public PDField getParent() throws IOException { PDField parent = null; COSDictionary parentDic = (COSDictionary)getDictionary().getDictionaryObject( "Parent" ); if( parentDic != null ) { parent = PDFieldFactory.createField( getAcroForm(), parentDic ); } return parent; } /** * Set the parent of this field. * * @param parent The parent to this field. */ public void setParent( PDField parent ) { getDictionary().setItem( "Parent", parent ); } /** * This will get all the kids of this field. The values in the list * will either be PDWidget or PDField. Normally they will be PDWidget objects * unless this is a non-terminal field and they will be child PDField objects. * * @return A list of either PDWidget or PDField objects. * @throws IOException If there is an error retrieving the kids. */ public List getKids() throws IOException { List retval = null; COSArray kids = (COSArray)getDictionary().getDictionaryObject(COSName.KIDS); if( kids != null ) { List kidsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < kids.size(); i++) { COSDictionary kidDictionary = (COSDictionary)kids.getObject(i); COSDictionary parent = (COSDictionary)kidDictionary.getDictionaryObject( "Parent" ); if( kidDictionary.getDictionaryObject( "FT" ) != null || (parent != null && parent.getDictionaryObject( "FT" ) != null ) ) { kidsList.add( PDFieldFactory.createField( acroForm, kidDictionary )); } else if( "Widget".equals( kidDictionary.getNameAsString( "Subtype" ) ) ) { kidsList.add( new PDAnnotationWidget( kidDictionary ) ); } else { // kidsList.add( PDFieldFactory.createField( acroForm, kidDictionary )); } } retval = new COSArrayList( kidsList, kids ); } return retval; } /** * This will set the list of kids. * * @param kids The list of child widgets. */ public void setKids( List kids ) { COSArray kidsArray = COSArrayList.converterToCOSArray( kids ); getDictionary().setItem( COSName.KIDS, kidsArray ); } /** * This will return a string representation of this field. * * @return A string representation of this field. */ public String toString() { return "" + getDictionary().getDictionaryObject( COSName.getPDFName( "V" ) ); } /** * This will get the acroform that this field is part of. * * @return The form this field is on. */ public PDAcroForm getAcroForm() { return acroForm; } /** * This will set the form this field is on. * * @param value The new form to use. */ public void setAcroForm(PDAcroForm value) { acroForm = value; } /** * This will get the dictionary associated with this field. * * @return The dictionary that this class wraps. */ public COSDictionary getDictionary() { return dictionary; } /** * Convert this standard java object to a COS object. * * @return The cos object that matches this Java object. */ public COSBase getCOSObject() { return dictionary; } /** * Get the additional actions for this field. This will return null * if there are no additional actions for this field. * * @return The actions of the field. */ public PDFormFieldAdditionalActions getActions() { COSDictionary aa = (COSDictionary)dictionary.getDictionaryObject( "AA" ); PDFormFieldAdditionalActions retval = null; if( aa != null ) { retval = new PDFormFieldAdditionalActions( aa ); } return retval; } /** * Set the actions of the field. * * @param actions The field actions. */ public void setActions( PDFormFieldAdditionalActions actions ) { dictionary.setItem( "AA", actions ); } }