/* * Created on Aug 6, 2004 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments */ package com.lowagie.text.rtf.headerfooter; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import com.lowagie.text.HeaderFooter; import com.lowagie.text.Phrase; import com.lowagie.text.rtf.RtfBasicElement; import com.lowagie.text.rtf.document.RtfDocument; /** * The RtfHeaderFooterGroup holds 0 - 3 RtfHeaderFooters that create a group * of headers or footers. * * @version $Version:$ * @author Mark Hall (mhall@edu.uni-klu.ac.at) */ public class RtfHeaderFooterGroup extends HeaderFooter implements RtfBasicElement { /** * This RtfHeaderFooterGroup contains no RtfHeaderFooter objects */ private static final int MODE_NONE = 0; /** * This RtfHeaderFooterGroup contains one RtfHeaderFooter object */ private static final int MODE_SINGLE = 1; /** * This RtfHeaderFooterGroup contains two or three RtfHeaderFooter objects */ private static final int MODE_MULTIPLE = 2; /** * The current mode of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup. Defaults to MODE_NONE */ private int mode = MODE_NONE; /** * The current type of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup. Defaults to RtfHeaderFooter.TYPE_HEADER */ private int type = RtfHeaderFooter.TYPE_HEADER; /** * The RtfHeaderFooter for all pages */ private RtfHeaderFooter headerAll = null; /** * The RtfHeaderFooter for the first page */ private RtfHeaderFooter headerFirst = null; /** * The RtfHeaderFooter for the left hand pages */ private RtfHeaderFooter headerLeft = null; /** * The RtfHeaderFooter for the right hand pages */ private RtfHeaderFooter headerRight = null; /** * The RtfDocument this RtfHeaderFooterGroup belongs to */ private RtfDocument document = null; /** * Constructs a RtfHeaderGroup to which you add headers/footers using * via the setHeaderFooter method. * */ public RtfHeaderFooterGroup() { super(new Phrase(""), false); this.mode = MODE_NONE; } /** * Constructs a certain type of RtfHeaderFooterGroup. RtfHeaderFooter.TYPE_HEADER * and RtfHeaderFooter.TYPE_FOOTER are valid values for type. * * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfHeaderFooter belongs to * @param type The type of RtfHeaderFooterGroup to create */ public RtfHeaderFooterGroup(RtfDocument doc, int type) { super(new Phrase(""), false); this.document = doc; this.type = type; } /** * Constructs a RtfHeaderFooterGroup by copying the content of the original * RtfHeaderFooterGroup * * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfHeaderFooter belongs to * @param headerFooter The RtfHeaderFooterGroup to copy * @param type The type of RtfHeaderFooterGroup to create */ public RtfHeaderFooterGroup(RtfDocument doc, RtfHeaderFooterGroup headerFooter, int type) { super(new Phrase(""), false); this.document = doc; this.mode = headerFooter.getMode(); this.type = type; if(headerFooter.getHeaderAll() != null) { this.headerAll = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter.getHeaderAll(), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_ALL_PAGES); } if(headerFooter.getHeaderFirst() != null) { this.headerFirst = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter.getHeaderFirst(), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_FIRST_PAGE); } if(headerFooter.getHeaderLeft() != null) { this.headerLeft = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter.getHeaderLeft(), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES); } if(headerFooter.getHeaderRight() != null) { this.headerRight = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter.getHeaderRight(), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES); } setType(this.type); } /** * Constructs a RtfHeaderFooterGroup for a certain RtfHeaderFooter. * * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfHeaderFooter belongs to * @param headerFooter The RtfHeaderFooter to display * @param type The typ of RtfHeaderFooterGroup to create */ public RtfHeaderFooterGroup(RtfDocument doc, RtfHeaderFooter headerFooter, int type) { super(new Phrase(""), false); this.document = doc; this.type = type; this.mode = MODE_SINGLE; headerAll = new RtfHeaderFooter(doc, headerFooter, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_ALL_PAGES); headerAll.setType(this.type); } /** * Constructs a RtfHeaderGroup for a certain HeaderFooter * * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfHeaderFooter belongs to * @param headerFooter The HeaderFooter to display * @param type The typ of RtfHeaderFooterGroup to create */ public RtfHeaderFooterGroup(RtfDocument doc, HeaderFooter headerFooter, int type) { super(new Phrase(""), false); this.document = doc; this.type = type; this.mode = MODE_SINGLE; headerAll = new RtfHeaderFooter(doc, headerFooter, type, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_ALL_PAGES); headerAll.setType(this.type); } /** * Sets the RtfDocument this RtfElement belongs to * * @param doc The RtfDocument to use */ public void setRtfDocument(RtfDocument doc) { this.document = doc; if(headerAll != null) { headerAll.setRtfDocument(this.document); } if(headerFirst != null) { headerFirst.setRtfDocument(this.document); } if(headerLeft != null) { headerLeft.setRtfDocument(this.document); } if(headerRight != null) { headerRight.setRtfDocument(this.document); } } /** * Write the content of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup. * * @return A byte array with the content of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup */ public byte[] write() { ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { if(this.mode == MODE_SINGLE) { result.write(headerAll.write()); } else if(this.mode == MODE_MULTIPLE) { if(headerFirst != null) { result.write(headerFirst.write()); } if(headerLeft != null) { result.write(headerLeft.write()); } if(headerRight != null) { result.write(headerRight.write()); } if(headerAll != null) { result.write(headerAll.write()); } } } catch(IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } return result.toByteArray(); } /** * Set a RtfHeaderFooter to be displayed at a certain position * * @param headerFooter The RtfHeaderFooter to display * @param displayAt The display location to use */ public void setHeaderFooter(RtfHeaderFooter headerFooter, int displayAt) { this.mode = MODE_MULTIPLE; headerFooter.setRtfDocument(this.document); headerFooter.setType(this.type); headerFooter.setDisplayAt(displayAt); switch(displayAt) { case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_ALL_PAGES: headerAll = headerFooter; break; case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_FIRST_PAGE: headerFirst = headerFooter; break; case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES: headerLeft = headerFooter; break; case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES: headerRight = headerFooter; break; } } /** * Set a HeaderFooter to be displayed at a certain position * * @param headerFooter The HeaderFooter to set * @param displayAt The display location to use */ public void setHeaderFooter(HeaderFooter headerFooter, int displayAt) { this.mode = MODE_MULTIPLE; switch(displayAt) { case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_ALL_PAGES: headerAll = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter, this.type, displayAt); break; case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_FIRST_PAGE: headerFirst = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter, this.type, displayAt); break; case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES: headerLeft = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter, this.type, displayAt); break; case RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES: headerRight = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerFooter, this.type, displayAt); break; } } /** * Set that this RtfHeaderFooterGroup should have a title page. If only * a header / footer for all pages exists, then it will be copied to the * first page aswell. */ public void setHasTitlePage() { if(this.mode == MODE_SINGLE) { this.mode = MODE_MULTIPLE; headerFirst = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, headerAll, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_FIRST_PAGE); headerFirst.setType(this.type); } } /** * Set that this RtfHeaderFooterGroup should have facing pages. If only * a header / footer for all pages exists, then it will be copied to the left * and right pages aswell. */ public void setHasFacingPages() { if(this.mode == MODE_SINGLE) { this.mode = MODE_MULTIPLE; this.headerLeft = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, this.headerAll, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES); this.headerLeft.setType(this.type); this.headerRight = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, this.headerAll, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES); this.headerRight.setType(this.type); this.headerAll = null; } else if(this.mode == MODE_MULTIPLE) { if(this.headerLeft == null && this.headerAll != null) { this.headerLeft = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, this.headerAll, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES); this.headerLeft.setType(this.type); } if(this.headerRight == null && this.headerAll != null) { this.headerRight = new RtfHeaderFooter(this.document, this.headerAll, RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES); this.headerRight.setType(this.type); } this.headerAll = null; } } /** * Get whether this RtfHeaderFooterGroup has a titlepage * * @return Whether this RtfHeaderFooterGroup has a titlepage */ public boolean hasTitlePage() { return (headerFirst != null); } /** * Get whether this RtfHeaderFooterGroup has facing pages * * @return Whether this RtfHeaderFooterGroup has facing pages */ public boolean hasFacingPages() { return (headerLeft != null || headerRight != null); } /** * Unused * @param inTable */ public void setInTable(boolean inTable) { } /** * Unused * @param inHeader */ public void setInHeader(boolean inHeader) { } /** * Set the type of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup. RtfHeaderFooter.TYPE_HEADER * or RtfHeaderFooter.TYPE_FOOTER. Also sets the type for all RtfHeaderFooters * of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup. * * @param type The type to use */ public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; if(headerAll != null) { headerAll.setType(this.type); } if(headerFirst != null) { headerFirst.setType(this.type); } if(headerLeft != null) { headerLeft.setType(this.type); } if(headerRight != null) { headerRight.setType(this.type); } } /** * Gets the mode of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup * * @return The mode of this RtfHeaderFooterGroup */ protected int getMode() { return this.mode; } /** * Gets the RtfHeaderFooter for all pages * * @return The RtfHeaderFooter for all pages */ protected RtfHeaderFooter getHeaderAll() { return headerAll; } /** * Gets the RtfHeaderFooter for the title page * * @return The RtfHeaderFooter for the title page */ protected RtfHeaderFooter getHeaderFirst() { return headerFirst; } /** * Gets the RtfHeaderFooter for all left hand pages * * @return The RtfHeaderFooter for all left hand pages */ protected RtfHeaderFooter getHeaderLeft() { return headerLeft; } /** * Gets the RtfHeaderFooter for all right hand pages * * @return The RtfHeaderFooter for all right hand pages */ protected RtfHeaderFooter getHeaderRight() { return headerRight; } }