/* * $Id: RtfWriter.java,v 1.70 2006/02/09 17:25:25 hallm Exp $ * $Name: $ * * Copyright 2001, 2002 by Mark Hall * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by * the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie. * All Rights Reserved. * Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer * are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code * where applicable. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the * LGPL license (the ?GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE?), in which case the * provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL * License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under * the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL. * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version * of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU * Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more * details. * * If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if * you aren't using an obsolete version: * http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ */ package com.lowagie.text.rtf; import com.lowagie.text.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.awt.Color; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.ParsePosition; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.codec.wmf.MetaDo; /** * If you are creating a new project using the rtf part of iText, please * consider using the new RtfWriter2. The RtfWriter is in bug-fix-only mode, * will be deprecated end of 2005 and removed end of 2007. * * A DocWriter class for Rich Text Files (RTF). *

* A RtfWriter can be added as a DocListener * to a certain Document by getting an instance. * Every Element added to the original Document * will be written to the OutputStream of this RtfWriter. *

* Example: *

 * // creation of the document with a certain size and certain margins
 * Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50);
 * try {
 *    // this will write RTF to the Standard OutputStream
 *    RtfWriter.getInstance(document, System.out);
 *    // this will write Rtf to a file called text.rtf
 *    RtfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("text.rtf"));
 *    // this will write Rtf to for instance the OutputStream of a HttpServletResponse-object
 *    RtfWriter.getInstance(document, response.getOutputStream());
 * }
 * catch(DocumentException de) {
 *    System.err.println(de.getMessage());
 * }
 * // this will close the document and all the OutputStreams listening to it
 * document.close();

* There are currently still a few limitations on what the RTF Writer can do: *

* * @author Mark.Hall@myrealbox.com * @author Steffen Stundzig * @author Eric Mattes * @author Raul Wegmann * @deprecated The RtfWriter is deprecated and will be removed from the iText library end of 2007 */ public class RtfWriter extends DocWriter implements DocListener { /** * Static Constants */ /** * General */ /** This is the escape character which introduces RTF tags. */ public static final byte escape = (byte) '\\'; /** This is another escape character which introduces RTF tags. */ private static final byte[] extendedEscape = "\\*\\".getBytes(); /** This is the delimiter between RTF tags and normal text. */ protected static final byte delimiter = (byte) ' '; /** This is another delimiter between RTF tags and normal text. */ private static final byte commaDelimiter = (byte) ';'; /** This is the character for beginning a new group. */ public static final byte openGroup = (byte) '{'; /** This is the character for closing a group. */ public static final byte closeGroup = (byte) '}'; /** * RTF Information */ /** RTF begin and version. */ private static final byte[] docBegin = "rtf1".getBytes(); /** RTF encoding. */ private static final byte[] ansi = "ansi".getBytes(); /** RTF encoding codepage. */ private static final byte[] ansiCodepage = "ansicpg".getBytes(); /** *Font Data */ /** Begin the font table tag. */ private static final byte[] fontTable = "fonttbl".getBytes(); /** Font number tag. */ protected static final byte fontNumber = (byte) 'f'; /** Font size tag. */ protected static final byte[] fontSize = "fs".getBytes(); /** Font color tag. */ protected static final byte[] fontColor = "cf".getBytes(); /** Modern font tag. */ private static final byte[] fontModern = "fmodern".getBytes(); /** Swiss font tag. */ private static final byte[] fontSwiss = "fswiss".getBytes(); /** Roman font tag. */ private static final byte[] fontRoman = "froman".getBytes(); /** Tech font tag. */ private static final byte[] fontTech = "ftech".getBytes(); /** Font charset tag. */ private static final byte[] fontCharset = "fcharset".getBytes(); /** Font Courier tag. */ private static final byte[] fontCourier = "Courier".getBytes(); /** Font Arial tag. */ private static final byte[] fontArial = "Arial".getBytes(); /** Font Symbol tag. */ private static final byte[] fontSymbol = "Symbol".getBytes(); /** Font Times New Roman tag. */ private static final byte[] fontTimesNewRoman = "Times New Roman".getBytes(); /** Font Windings tag. */ private static final byte[] fontWindings = "Windings".getBytes(); /** Default Font. */ private static final byte[] defaultFont = "deff".getBytes(); /** First indent tag. */ private static final byte[] firstIndent = "fi".getBytes(); /** Left indent tag. */ private static final byte[] listIndent = "li".getBytes(); /** Right indent tag. */ private static final byte[] rightIndent = "ri".getBytes(); /** * Sections / Paragraphs */ /** Reset section defaults tag. */ private static final byte[] sectionDefaults = "sectd".getBytes(); /** Begin new section tag. */ private static final byte[] section = "sect".getBytes(); /** Reset paragraph defaults tag. */ public static final byte[] paragraphDefaults = "pard".getBytes(); /** Begin new paragraph tag. */ public static final byte[] paragraph = "par".getBytes(); /** Page width of a section. */ public static final byte[] sectionPageWidth = "pgwsxn".getBytes(); /** Page height of a section. */ public static final byte[] sectionPageHeight = "pghsxn".getBytes(); /** * Lists */ /** Begin the List Table */ private static final byte[] listtableGroup = "listtable".getBytes(); /** Begin the List Override Table */ private static final byte[] listoverridetableGroup = "listoverridetable".getBytes(); /** Begin a List definition */ private static final byte[] listDefinition = "list".getBytes(); /** List Template ID */ private static final byte[] listTemplateID = "listtemplateid".getBytes(); /** RTF Writer outputs hybrid lists */ private static final byte[] hybridList = "hybrid".getBytes(); /** Current List level */ private static final byte[] listLevelDefinition = "listlevel".getBytes(); /** Level numbering (old) */ private static final byte[] listLevelTypeOld = "levelnfc".getBytes(); /** Level numbering (new) */ private static final byte[] listLevelTypeNew = "levelnfcn".getBytes(); /** Level alignment (old) */ private static final byte[] listLevelAlignOld = "leveljc".getBytes(); /** Level alignment (new) */ private static final byte[] listLevelAlignNew = "leveljcn".getBytes(); /** Level starting number */ private static final byte[] listLevelStartAt = "levelstartat".getBytes(); /** Level text group */ private static final byte[] listLevelTextDefinition = "leveltext".getBytes(); /** Filler for Level Text Length */ private static final byte[] listLevelTextLength = "\'0".getBytes(); /** Level Text Numbering Style */ private static final byte[] listLevelTextStyleNumbers = "\'00.".getBytes(); /** Level Text Bullet Style */ private static final byte[] listLevelTextStyleBullet = "u-3913 ?".getBytes(); /** Level Numbers Definition */ private static final byte[] listLevelNumbersDefinition = "levelnumbers".getBytes(); /** Filler for Level Numbers */ private static final byte[] listLevelNumbers = "\\'0".getBytes(); /** Tab Stop */ private static final byte[] tabStop = "tx".getBytes(); /** Actual list begin */ private static final byte[] listBegin = "ls".getBytes(); /** Current list level */ private static final byte[] listCurrentLevel = "ilvl".getBytes(); /** List text group for older browsers */ private static final byte[] listTextOld = "listtext".getBytes(); /** Tab */ private static final byte[] tab = "tab".getBytes(); /** Old Bullet Style */ private static final byte[] listBulletOld = "\'b7".getBytes(); /** Current List ID */ private static final byte[] listID = "listid".getBytes(); /** List override */ private static final byte[] listOverride = "listoverride".getBytes(); /** Number of overrides */ private static final byte[] listOverrideCount = "listoverridecount".getBytes(); /** * Text Style */ /** Bold tag. */ protected static final byte bold = (byte) 'b'; /** Italic tag. */ protected static final byte italic = (byte) 'i'; /** Underline tag. */ protected static final byte[] underline = "ul".getBytes(); /** Strikethrough tag. */ protected static final byte[] strikethrough = "strike".getBytes(); /** Text alignment left tag. */ public static final byte[] alignLeft = "ql".getBytes(); /** Text alignment center tag. */ public static final byte[] alignCenter = "qc".getBytes(); /** Text alignment right tag. */ public static final byte[] alignRight = "qr".getBytes(); /** Text alignment justify tag. */ public static final byte[] alignJustify = "qj".getBytes(); /** * Colors */ /** Begin colour table tag. */ private static final byte[] colorTable = "colortbl".getBytes(); /** Red value tag. */ private static final byte[] colorRed = "red".getBytes(); /** Green value tag. */ private static final byte[] colorGreen = "green".getBytes(); /** Blue value tag. */ private static final byte[] colorBlue = "blue".getBytes(); /** * Information Group */ /** Begin the info group tag.*/ private static final byte[] infoBegin = "info".getBytes(); /** Author tag. */ private static final byte[] metaAuthor = "author".getBytes(); /** Subject tag. */ private static final byte[] metaSubject = "subject".getBytes(); /** Keywords tag. */ private static final byte[] metaKeywords = "keywords".getBytes(); /** Title tag. */ private static final byte[] metaTitle = "title".getBytes(); /** Producer tag. */ private static final byte[] metaProducer = "operator".getBytes(); /** Creation Date tag. */ private static final byte[] metaCreationDate = "creationdate".getBytes(); /** Year tag. */ private static final byte[] year = "yr".getBytes(); /** Month tag. */ private static final byte[] month = "mo".getBytes(); /** Day tag. */ private static final byte[] day = "dy".getBytes(); /** Hour tag. */ private static final byte[] hour = "hr".getBytes(); /** Minute tag. */ private static final byte[] minute = "min".getBytes(); /** Second tag. */ private static final byte[] second = "sec".getBytes(); /** Start superscript. */ private static final byte[] startSuper = "super".getBytes(); /** Start subscript. */ private static final byte[] startSub = "sub".getBytes(); /** End super/sub script. */ private static final byte[] endSuperSub = "nosupersub".getBytes(); /** * Header / Footer */ /** Title Page tag */ private static final byte[] titlePage = "titlepg".getBytes(); /** Facing pages tag */ private static final byte[] facingPages = "facingp".getBytes(); /** Begin header group tag. */ private static final byte[] headerBegin = "header".getBytes(); /** Begin footer group tag. */ private static final byte[] footerBegin = "footer".getBytes(); // header footer 'left', 'right', 'first' private static final byte[] headerlBegin = "headerl".getBytes(); private static final byte[] footerlBegin = "footerl".getBytes(); private static final byte[] headerrBegin = "headerr".getBytes(); private static final byte[] footerrBegin = "footerr".getBytes(); private static final byte[] headerfBegin = "headerf".getBytes(); private static final byte[] footerfBegin = "footerf".getBytes(); /** * Paper Properties */ /** Paper width tag. */ private static final byte[] rtfPaperWidth = "paperw".getBytes(); /** Paper height tag. */ private static final byte[] rtfPaperHeight = "paperh".getBytes(); /** Margin left tag. */ private static final byte[] rtfMarginLeft = "margl".getBytes(); /** Margin right tag. */ private static final byte[] rtfMarginRight = "margr".getBytes(); /** Margin top tag. */ private static final byte[] rtfMarginTop = "margt".getBytes(); /** Margin bottom tag. */ private static final byte[] rtfMarginBottom = "margb".getBytes(); /** New Page tag. */ private static final byte[] newPage = "page".getBytes(); /** Document Landscape tag 1. */ private static final byte[] landscapeTag1 = "landscape".getBytes(); /** Document Landscape tag 2. */ private static final byte[] landscapeTag2 = "lndscpsxn".getBytes(); /** * Annotations */ /** Annotation ID tag. */ private static final byte[] annotationID = "atnid".getBytes(); /** Annotation Author tag. */ private static final byte[] annotationAuthor = "atnauthor".getBytes(); /** Annotation text tag. */ private static final byte[] annotation = "annotation".getBytes(); /** * Images */ /** Begin the main Picture group tag */ private static final byte[] pictureGroup = "shppict".getBytes(); /** Begin the picture tag */ private static final byte[] picture = "pict".getBytes(); /** PNG Image */ private static final byte[] picturePNG = "pngblip".getBytes(); /** JPEG Image */ private static final byte[] pictureJPEG = "jpegblip".getBytes(); /** BMP Image */ private static final byte[] pictureBMP = "dibitmap0".getBytes(); /** WMF Image */ private static final byte[] pictureWMF = "wmetafile8".getBytes(); /** Picture width */ private static final byte[] pictureWidth = "picw".getBytes(); /** Picture height */ private static final byte[] pictureHeight = "pich".getBytes(); /** Picture scale horizontal percent */ private static final byte[] pictureScaleX = "picscalex".getBytes(); /** Picture scale vertical percent */ private static final byte[] pictureScaleY = "picscaley".getBytes(); /** * Fields (for page numbering) */ /** Begin field tag */ protected static final byte[] field = "field".getBytes(); /** Content fo the field */ protected static final byte[] fieldContent = "fldinst".getBytes(); /** PAGE numbers */ protected static final byte[] fieldPage = "PAGE".getBytes(); /** HYPERLINK field */ protected static final byte[] fieldHyperlink = "HYPERLINK".getBytes(); /** Last page number (not used) */ protected static final byte[] fieldDisplay = "fldrslt".getBytes(); /** Class variables */ /** * Because of the way RTF works and the way itext works, the text has to be * stored and is only written to the actual OutputStream at the end. */ /** This ArrayList contains all fonts used in the document. */ private ArrayList fontList = new ArrayList(); /** This ArrayList contains all colours used in the document. */ private ArrayList colorList = new ArrayList(); /** This ByteArrayOutputStream contains the main body of the document. */ private ByteArrayOutputStream content = null; /** This ByteArrayOutputStream contains the information group. */ private ByteArrayOutputStream info = null; /** This ByteArrayOutputStream contains the list table. */ private ByteArrayOutputStream listtable = null; /** This ByteArrayOutputStream contains the list override table. */ private ByteArrayOutputStream listoverride = null; /** Document header. */ private HeaderFooter header = null; /** Document footer. */ private HeaderFooter footer = null; /** Left margin. */ private int marginLeft = 1800; /** Right margin. */ private int marginRight = 1800; /** Top margin. */ private int marginTop = 1440; /** Bottom margin. */ private int marginBottom = 1440; /** Page width. */ private int pageWidth = 11906; /** Page height. */ private int pageHeight = 16838; /** Factor to use when converting. */ public final static double TWIPSFACTOR = 20;//20.57140; /** Current list ID. */ private int currentListID = 1; /** List of current Lists. */ private ArrayList listIds = null; /** Current List Level. */ private int listLevel = 0; /** Current maximum List Level. */ private int maxListLevel = 0; /** Write a TOC */ private boolean writeTOC = false; /** Special title page */ private boolean hasTitlePage = false; /** Currently writing either Header or Footer */ private boolean inHeaderFooter = false; /** Currently writing a Table */ private boolean inTable = false; /** Landscape or Portrait Document */ private boolean landscape = false; /** Protected Constructor */ /** * Constructs a RtfWriter. * * @param doc The Document that is to be written as RTF * @param os The OutputStream the writer has to write to. */ protected RtfWriter(Document doc, OutputStream os) { super(doc, os); document.addDocListener(this); initDefaults(); } /** Public functions special to the RtfWriter */ /** * This method controls whether TOC entries are automatically generated * * @param writeTOC boolean value indicating whether a TOC is to be generated */ public void setGenerateTOCEntries(boolean writeTOC) { this.writeTOC = writeTOC; } /** * Gets the current setting of writeTOC * * @return boolean value indicating whether a TOC is being generated */ public boolean getGeneratingTOCEntries() { return writeTOC; } /** * This method controls whether the first page is a title page * * @param hasTitlePage boolean value indicating whether the first page is a title page */ public void setHasTitlePage(boolean hasTitlePage) { this.hasTitlePage = hasTitlePage; } /** * Gets the current setting of hasTitlePage * * @return boolean value indicating whether the first page is a title page */ public boolean getHasTitlePage() { return hasTitlePage; } /** * Explicitly sets the page format to use. * Otherwise the RtfWriter will try to guess the format by comparing pagewidth and pageheight * * @param landscape boolean value indicating whether we are using landscape format or not */ public void setLandscape(boolean landscape) { this.landscape = landscape; } /** * Returns the current landscape setting * * @return boolean value indicating the current page format */ public boolean getLandscape() { return landscape; } /** Public functions from the DocWriter Interface */ /** * Gets an instance of the RtfWriter. * * @param document The Document that has to be written * @param os The OutputStream the writer has to write to. * @return a new RtfWriter */ public static RtfWriter getInstance(Document document, OutputStream os) { return (new RtfWriter(document, os)); } /** * Signals that the Document has been opened and that * Elements can be added. */ public void open() { super.open(); } /** * Signals that the Document was closed and that no other * Elements will be added. *

* The content of the font table, color table, information group, content, header, footer are merged into the final * OutputStream */ public void close() { writeDocument(); super.close(); } /** * Adds the footer to the bottom of the Document. * @param footer */ public void setFooter(HeaderFooter footer) { this.footer = footer; processHeaderFooter(this.footer); } /** * Adds the header to the top of the Document. * @param header */ public void setHeader(HeaderFooter header) { this.header = header; processHeaderFooter(this.header); } /** * Resets the footer. */ public void resetFooter() { setFooter(null); } /** * Resets the header. */ public void resetHeader() { setHeader(null); } /** * Tells the RtfWriter that a new page is to be begun. * * @return true if a new Page was begun. * @throws DocumentException if the Document was not open or had been closed. */ public boolean newPage() throws DocumentException { try { content.write(escape); content.write(newPage); content.write(escape); content.write(paragraph); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Sets the page margins * * @param marginLeft The left margin * @param marginRight The right margin * @param marginTop The top margin * @param marginBottom The bottom margin * * @return true if the page margins were set. */ public boolean setMargins(float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom) { this.marginLeft = (int) (marginLeft * TWIPSFACTOR); this.marginRight = (int) (marginRight * TWIPSFACTOR); this.marginTop = (int) (marginTop * TWIPSFACTOR); this.marginBottom = (int) (marginBottom * TWIPSFACTOR); return true; } /** * Sets the page size * * @param pageSize A Rectangle specifying the page size * * @return true if the page size was set */ public boolean setPageSize(Rectangle pageSize) { if (!parseFormat(pageSize, false)) { pageWidth = (int) (pageSize.width() * TWIPSFACTOR); pageHeight = (int) (pageSize.height() * TWIPSFACTOR); landscape = pageWidth > pageHeight; } return true; } /** * Write the table of contents. * * @param tocTitle The title that will be displayed above the TOC * @param titleFont The Font that will be used for the tocTitle * @param showTOCasEntry Set this to true if you want the TOC to appear as an entry in the TOC * @param showTOCEntryFont Use this Font to specify what Font to use when showTOCasEntry is true * * @return true if the TOC was added. */ public boolean writeTOC(String tocTitle, Font titleFont, boolean showTOCasEntry, Font showTOCEntryFont) { try { RtfTOC toc = new RtfTOC(tocTitle, titleFont); if (showTOCasEntry) { toc.addTOCAsTOCEntry(tocTitle, showTOCEntryFont); } add(new Paragraph(toc)); } catch (DocumentException de) { return false; } return true; } /** * Signals that an Element was added to the Document. * * @param element A high level object to add * @return true if the element was added, false if not. * @throws DocumentException if a document isn't open yet, or has been closed */ public boolean add(Element element) throws DocumentException { if (pause) { return false; } return addElement(element, content); } /** Private functions */ /** * Adds an Element to the Document. * @param element the high level element to add * @param out the outputstream to which the RTF data is sent * @return true if the element was added, false if not. * @throws DocumentException if a document isn't open yet, or has been closed */ protected boolean addElement(Element element, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws DocumentException { try { switch (element.type()) { case Element.CHUNK: writeChunk((Chunk) element, out); break; case Element.PARAGRAPH: writeParagraph((Paragraph) element, out); break; case Element.ANCHOR: writeAnchor((Anchor) element, out); break; case Element.PHRASE: writePhrase((Phrase) element, out); break; case Element.CHAPTER: case Element.SECTION: writeSection((Section) element, out); break; case Element.LIST: writeList((com.lowagie.text.List) element, out); break; case Element.TABLE: try { writeTable((Table) element, out); } catch(ClassCastException cce) { writeTable(((SimpleTable)element).createTable(), out); } break; case Element.ANNOTATION: writeAnnotation((Annotation) element, out); break; case Element.IMGRAW: case Element.IMGTEMPLATE: case Element.JPEG: Image img = (Image)element; writeImage(img, out); break; case Element.AUTHOR: writeMeta(metaAuthor, (Meta) element); break; case Element.SUBJECT: writeMeta(metaSubject, (Meta) element); break; case Element.KEYWORDS: writeMeta(metaKeywords, (Meta) element); break; case Element.TITLE: writeMeta(metaTitle, (Meta) element); break; case Element.PRODUCER: writeMeta(metaProducer, (Meta) element); break; case Element.CREATIONDATE: writeMeta(metaCreationDate, (Meta) element); break; } } catch (IOException e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Write the beginning of a new Section * * @param sectionElement The Section be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ private void writeSection(Section sectionElement, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (sectionElement.type() == Element.CHAPTER) { out.write(escape); out.write(sectionDefaults); writeSectionDefaults(out); } if (sectionElement.title() != null) { if (writeTOC) { StringBuffer title = new StringBuffer(""); for (ListIterator li = sectionElement.title().getChunks().listIterator(); li.hasNext();) { title.append(((Chunk) li.next()).content()); } add(new RtfTOCEntry(title.toString(), sectionElement.title().font())); } else { add(sectionElement.title()); } out.write(escape); out.write(paragraph); } sectionElement.process(this); if (sectionElement.type() == Element.CHAPTER) { out.write(escape); out.write(section); } if (sectionElement.type() == Element.SECTION) { out.write(escape); out.write(paragraph); } } /** * Write the beginning of a new Paragraph * * @param paragraphElement The Paragraph to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException */ private void writeParagraph(Paragraph paragraphElement, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); if (inTable) { out.write(escape); out.write(RtfCell.cellInTable); } switch (paragraphElement.alignment()) { case Element.ALIGN_LEFT: out.write(escape); out.write(alignLeft); break; case Element.ALIGN_RIGHT: out.write(escape); out.write(alignRight); break; case Element.ALIGN_CENTER: out.write(escape); out.write(alignCenter); break; case Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED: case Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ALL: out.write(escape); out.write(alignJustify); break; } out.write(escape); out.write(listIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (paragraphElement.indentationLeft() * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(rightIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (paragraphElement.indentationRight() * TWIPSFACTOR)); Iterator chunks = paragraphElement.getChunks().iterator(); while (chunks.hasNext()) { Chunk ch = (Chunk) chunks.next(); ch.setFont(paragraphElement.font().difference(ch.font())); } ByteArrayOutputStream save = content; content = out; paragraphElement.process(this); content = save; if (!inTable) { out.write(escape); out.write(paragraph); } } /** * Write a Phrase. * * @param phrase The Phrase item to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException */ private void writePhrase(Phrase phrase, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); if (inTable) { out.write(escape); out.write(RtfCell.cellInTable); } Iterator chunks = phrase.getChunks().iterator(); while (chunks.hasNext()) { Chunk ch = (Chunk) chunks.next(); ch.setFont(phrase.font().difference(ch.font())); } ByteArrayOutputStream save = content; content = out; phrase.process(this); content = save; } /** * Write an Anchor. Anchors are treated like Phrases. * * @param anchor The Chunk item to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException */ private void writeAnchor(Anchor anchor, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException { if (anchor.url() != null) { out.write(openGroup); out.write(escape); out.write(field); out.write(openGroup); out.write(extendedEscape); out.write(fieldContent); out.write(openGroup); out.write(fieldHyperlink); out.write(delimiter); out.write(anchor.url().toString().getBytes()); out.write(closeGroup); out.write(closeGroup); out.write(openGroup); out.write(escape); out.write(fieldDisplay); out.write(delimiter); writePhrase(anchor, out); out.write(closeGroup); out.write(closeGroup); } else { writePhrase(anchor, out); } } /** * Write a Chunk and all its font properties. * * @param chunk The Chunk item to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ private void writeChunk(Chunk chunk, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (chunk instanceof RtfField) { ((RtfField) chunk).write(this, out); } else { if (chunk.getImage() != null) { writeImage(chunk.getImage(), out); } else { writeInitialFontSignature(out, chunk); out.write(filterSpecialChar(chunk.content(), false).getBytes()); writeFinishingFontSignature(out, chunk); } } } protected void writeInitialFontSignature(OutputStream out, Chunk chunk) throws IOException { Font font = chunk.font(); out.write(escape); out.write(fontNumber); if (!font.getFamilyname().equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) { writeInt(out, addFont(font)); } else { writeInt(out, 0); } out.write(escape); out.write(fontSize); if (font.size() > 0) { writeInt(out, (int) (font.size() * 2)); } else { writeInt(out, 20); } out.write(escape); out.write(fontColor); writeInt(out, addColor(font.color())); if (font.isBold()) { out.write(escape); out.write(bold); } if (font.isItalic()) { out.write(escape); out.write(italic); } if (font.isUnderlined()) { out.write(escape); out.write(underline); } if (font.isStrikethru()) { out.write(escape); out.write(strikethrough); } /* * Superscript / Subscript added by Scott Dietrich (sdietrich@emlab.com) */ if (chunk.getAttributes() != null) { Float f = (Float) chunk.getAttributes().get(Chunk.SUBSUPSCRIPT); if (f != null) if (f.floatValue() > 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(startSuper); } else if (f.floatValue() < 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(startSub); } } out.write(delimiter); } protected void writeFinishingFontSignature(OutputStream out, Chunk chunk) throws IOException { Font font = chunk.font(); if (font.isBold()) { out.write(escape); out.write(bold); writeInt(out, 0); } if (font.isItalic()) { out.write(escape); out.write(italic); writeInt(out, 0); } if (font.isUnderlined()) { out.write(escape); out.write(underline); writeInt(out, 0); } if (font.isStrikethru()) { out.write(escape); out.write(strikethrough); writeInt(out, 0); } /* * Superscript / Subscript added by Scott Dietrich (sdietrich@emlab.com) */ if (chunk.getAttributes() != null) { Float f = (Float) chunk.getAttributes().get(Chunk.SUBSUPSCRIPT); if (f != null) if (f.floatValue() != 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(endSuperSub); } } } /** * Write a ListItem * * @param listItem The ListItem to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ private void writeListElement(ListItem listItem, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException, DocumentException { Iterator chunks = listItem.getChunks().iterator(); while (chunks.hasNext()) { Chunk ch = (Chunk) chunks.next(); addElement(ch, out); } out.write(escape); out.write(paragraph); } /** * Write a List * * @param list The List to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ private void writeList(com.lowagie.text.List list, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException, DocumentException { int type = 0; int align = 0; int fontNr = addFont(new Font(Font.SYMBOL, 10, Font.NORMAL, new Color(0, 0, 0))); if (!list.isNumbered()) type = 23; if (listLevel == 0) { maxListLevel = 0; listtable.write(openGroup); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listDefinition); int i = getRandomInt(); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listTemplateID); writeInt(listtable, i); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(hybridList); listtable.write((byte) '\n'); } if (listLevel >= maxListLevel) { maxListLevel++; listtable.write(openGroup); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelDefinition); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelTypeOld); writeInt(listtable, type); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelTypeNew); writeInt(listtable, type); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelAlignOld); writeInt(listtable, align); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelAlignNew); writeInt(listtable, align); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelStartAt); writeInt(listtable, 1); listtable.write(openGroup); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelTextDefinition); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelTextLength); if (list.isNumbered()) { writeInt(listtable, 2); } else { writeInt(listtable, 1); } listtable.write(escape); if (list.isNumbered()) { listtable.write(listLevelTextStyleNumbers); } else { listtable.write(listLevelTextStyleBullet); } listtable.write(commaDelimiter); listtable.write(closeGroup); listtable.write(openGroup); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listLevelNumbersDefinition); if (list.isNumbered()) { listtable.write(delimiter); listtable.write(listLevelNumbers); writeInt(listtable, listLevel + 1); } listtable.write(commaDelimiter); listtable.write(closeGroup); if (!list.isNumbered()) { listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(fontNumber); writeInt(listtable, fontNr); } listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(firstIndent); writeInt(listtable, (int) (list.indentationLeft() * TWIPSFACTOR * -1)); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listIndent); writeInt(listtable, (int) ((list.indentationLeft() + list.symbolIndent()) * TWIPSFACTOR)); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(rightIndent); writeInt(listtable, (int) (list.indentationRight() * TWIPSFACTOR)); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(tabStop); writeInt(listtable, (int) (list.symbolIndent() * TWIPSFACTOR)); listtable.write(closeGroup); listtable.write((byte) '\n'); } // Actual List Begin in Content out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); out.write(escape); out.write(alignLeft); out.write(escape); out.write(firstIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (list.indentationLeft() * TWIPSFACTOR * -1)); out.write(escape); out.write(listIndent); writeInt(out, (int) ((list.indentationLeft() + list.symbolIndent()) * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(rightIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (list.indentationRight() * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(fontSize); writeInt(out, 20); out.write(escape); out.write(listBegin); writeInt(out, currentListID); if (listLevel > 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(listCurrentLevel); writeInt(out, listLevel); } out.write(openGroup); ListIterator listItems = list.getItems().listIterator(); Element listElem; int count = 1; while (listItems.hasNext()) { listElem = (Element) listItems.next(); if (listElem.type() == Element.CHUNK) { listElem = new ListItem((Chunk) listElem); } if (listElem.type() == Element.LISTITEM) { out.write(openGroup); out.write(escape); out.write(listTextOld); out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); out.write(escape); out.write(fontNumber); if (list.isNumbered()) { writeInt(out, addFont(new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, Font.NORMAL, 10, new Color(0, 0, 0)))); } else { writeInt(out, fontNr); } out.write(escape); out.write(firstIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (list.indentationLeft() * TWIPSFACTOR * -1)); out.write(escape); out.write(listIndent); writeInt(out, (int) ((list.indentationLeft() + list.symbolIndent()) * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(rightIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (list.indentationRight() * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(delimiter); if (list.isNumbered()) { writeInt(out, count); out.write(".".getBytes()); } else { out.write(escape); out.write(listBulletOld); } out.write(escape); out.write(tab); out.write(closeGroup); writeListElement((ListItem) listElem, out); count++; } else if (listElem.type() == Element.LIST) { listLevel++; writeList((com.lowagie.text.List) listElem, out); listLevel--; out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); out.write(escape); out.write(alignLeft); out.write(escape); out.write(firstIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (list.indentationLeft() * TWIPSFACTOR * -1)); out.write(escape); out.write(listIndent); writeInt(out, (int) ((list.indentationLeft() + list.symbolIndent()) * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(rightIndent); writeInt(out, (int) (list.indentationRight() * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(fontSize); writeInt(out, 20); out.write(escape); out.write(listBegin); writeInt(out, currentListID); if (listLevel > 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(listCurrentLevel); writeInt(out, listLevel); } } out.write((byte) '\n'); } out.write(closeGroup); if (listLevel == 0) { int i = getRandomInt(); listtable.write(escape); listtable.write(listID); writeInt(listtable, i); listtable.write(closeGroup); listtable.write((byte) '\n'); listoverride.write(openGroup); listoverride.write(escape); listoverride.write(listOverride); listoverride.write(escape); listoverride.write(listID); writeInt(listoverride, i); listoverride.write(escape); listoverride.write(listOverrideCount); writeInt(listoverride, 0); listoverride.write(escape); listoverride.write(listBegin); writeInt(listoverride, currentListID); currentListID++; listoverride.write(closeGroup); listoverride.write((byte) '\n'); } out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); } /** * Write a Table. * * @param table The table to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * Currently no nesting of tables is supported. If a cell contains anything but a Cell Object it is ignored. * * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ private void writeTable(Table table, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException, DocumentException { inTable = true; table.complete(); RtfTable rtfTable = new RtfTable(this); rtfTable.importTable(table, pageWidth - marginLeft - marginRight); rtfTable.writeTable(out); inTable = false; } /** * Write an Image. * * @param image The image to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * At the moment only PNG and JPEG Images are supported. * * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ private void writeImage(Image image, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException, DocumentException { int type = image.getOriginalType(); if (!(type == Image.ORIGINAL_JPEG || type == Image.ORIGINAL_BMP || type == Image.ORIGINAL_PNG || type == Image.ORIGINAL_WMF)) throw new DocumentException("Only BMP, PNG, WMF and JPEG images are supported by the RTF Writer"); switch (image.alignment()) { case Element.ALIGN_LEFT: out.write(escape); out.write(alignLeft); break; case Element.ALIGN_RIGHT: out.write(escape); out.write(alignRight); break; case Element.ALIGN_CENTER: out.write(escape); out.write(alignCenter); break; case Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED: out.write(escape); out.write(alignJustify); break; } out.write(openGroup); out.write(extendedEscape); out.write(pictureGroup); out.write(openGroup); out.write(escape); out.write(picture); out.write(escape); switch (type) { case Image.ORIGINAL_JPEG: out.write(pictureJPEG); break; case Image.ORIGINAL_PNG: out.write(picturePNG); break; case Image.ORIGINAL_WMF: case Image.ORIGINAL_BMP: out.write(pictureWMF); break; } out.write(escape); out.write(pictureWidth); writeInt(out, (int) (image.plainWidth() * TWIPSFACTOR)); out.write(escape); out.write(pictureHeight); writeInt(out, (int) (image.plainHeight() * TWIPSFACTOR)); // For some reason this messes up the intended image size. It makes it too big. Weird // // out.write(escape); // out.write(pictureIntendedWidth); // writeInt(out, (int) (image.plainWidth() * twipsFactor)); // out.write(escape); // out.write(pictureIntendedHeight); // writeInt(out, (int) (image.plainHeight() * twipsFactor)); if (image.width() > 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(pictureScaleX); writeInt(out, (int) (100 / image.width() * image.plainWidth())); } if (image.height() > 0) { out.write(escape); out.write(pictureScaleY); writeInt(out, (int) (100 / image.height() * image.plainHeight())); } out.write(delimiter); InputStream imgIn; if (type == Image.ORIGINAL_BMP) { imgIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(MetaDo.wrapBMP(image)); } else { if (image.getOriginalData() == null) { imgIn = image.url().openStream(); } else { imgIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(image.getOriginalData()); } if (type == Image.ORIGINAL_WMF) { //remove the placeable header long skipLength = 22; while(skipLength > 0) { skipLength = skipLength - imgIn.skip(skipLength); } } } int buffer = -1; int count = 0; out.write((byte) '\n'); while ((buffer = imgIn.read()) != -1) { String helperStr = Integer.toHexString(buffer); if (helperStr.length() < 2) helperStr = "0" + helperStr; out.write(helperStr.getBytes()); count++; if (count == 64) { out.write((byte) '\n'); count = 0; } } imgIn.close(); out.write(closeGroup); out.write(closeGroup); out.write((byte) '\n'); } /** * Write an Annotation * * @param annotationElement The Annotation to be written * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to write to * * @throws IOException */ private void writeAnnotation(Annotation annotationElement, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException { int id = getRandomInt(); out.write(openGroup); out.write(extendedEscape); out.write(annotationID); out.write(delimiter); writeInt(out, id); out.write(closeGroup); out.write(openGroup); out.write(extendedEscape); out.write(annotationAuthor); out.write(delimiter); out.write(annotationElement.title().getBytes()); out.write(closeGroup); out.write(openGroup); out.write(extendedEscape); out.write(annotation); out.write(escape); out.write(paragraphDefaults); out.write(delimiter); out.write(annotationElement.content().getBytes()); out.write(closeGroup); } /** * Add a Meta element. It is written to the Inforamtion Group * and merged with the main ByteArrayOutputStream when the * Document is closed. * * @param metaName The type of Meta element to be added * @param meta The Meta element to be added * * Currently only the Meta Elements Author, Subject, Keywords, Title, Producer and CreationDate are supported. * * @throws IOException */ private void writeMeta(byte[] metaName, Meta meta) throws IOException { info.write(openGroup); try { info.write(escape); info.write(metaName); info.write(delimiter); if (meta.type() == Meta.CREATIONDATE) { writeFormatedDateTime(meta.content()); } else { info.write(meta.content().getBytes()); } } finally { info.write(closeGroup); } } /** * Writes a date. The date is formated Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second * * @param date The date to be written * * @throws IOException */ private void writeFormatedDateTime(String date) throws IOException { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0); Date d = sdf.parse(date, pp); if (d == null) { d = new Date(); } cal.setTime(d); info.write(escape); info.write(year); writeInt(info, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); info.write(escape); info.write(month); writeInt(info, cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)); info.write(escape); info.write(day); writeInt(info, cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); info.write(escape); info.write(hour); writeInt(info, cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); info.write(escape); info.write(minute); writeInt(info, cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); info.write(escape); info.write(second); writeInt(info, cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)); } /** * Add a new Font to the list of fonts. If the Font * already exists in the list of fonts, then it is not added again. * * @param newFont The Font to be added * * @return The index of the Font in the font list */ protected int addFont(Font newFont) { int fn = -1; for (int i = 0; i < fontList.size(); i++) { if (newFont.getFamilyname().equals(((Font) fontList.get(i)).getFamilyname())) { fn = i; } } if (fn == -1) { fontList.add(newFont); return fontList.size() - 1; } return fn; } /** * Add a new Color to the list of colours. If the Color * already exists in the list of colours, then it is not added again. * * @param newColor The Color to be added * * @return The index of the color in the colour list */ protected int addColor(Color newColor) { int cn = 0; if (newColor == null) { return cn; } cn = colorList.indexOf(newColor); if (cn == -1) { colorList.add(newColor); return colorList.size() - 1; } return cn; } /** * Merge all the different ArrayLists and ByteArrayOutputStreams * to the final ByteArrayOutputStream * * @return true if all information was sucessfully written to the ByteArrayOutputStream */ private boolean writeDocument() { try { writeDocumentIntro(); writeFontList(); os.write((byte) '\n'); writeColorList(); os.write((byte) '\n'); writeList(); os.write((byte) '\n'); writeInfoGroup(); os.write((byte) '\n'); writeDocumentFormat(); os.write((byte) '\n'); ByteArrayOutputStream hf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeSectionDefaults(hf); hf.writeTo(os); content.writeTo(os); os.write(closeGroup); return true; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** Write the Rich Text file settings * @throws IOException */ private void writeDocumentIntro() throws IOException { os.write(openGroup); os.write(escape); os.write(docBegin); os.write(escape); os.write(ansi); os.write(escape); os.write(ansiCodepage); writeInt(os, 1252); os.write((byte)'\n'); os.write(escape); os.write(defaultFont); writeInt(os, 0); } /** * Write the font list to the final ByteArrayOutputStream * @throws IOException */ private void writeFontList() throws IOException { Font fnt; os.write(openGroup); os.write(escape); os.write(fontTable); for (int i = 0; i < fontList.size(); i++) { fnt = (Font) fontList.get(i); os.write(openGroup); os.write(escape); os.write(fontNumber); writeInt(os, i); os.write(escape); switch (Font.getFamilyIndex(fnt.getFamilyname())) { case Font.COURIER: os.write(fontModern); os.write(escape); os.write(fontCharset); writeInt(os, 0); os.write(delimiter); os.write(fontCourier); break; case Font.HELVETICA: os.write(fontSwiss); os.write(escape); os.write(fontCharset); writeInt(os, 0); os.write(delimiter); os.write(fontArial); break; case Font.SYMBOL: os.write(fontRoman); os.write(escape); os.write(fontCharset); writeInt(os, 2); os.write(delimiter); os.write(fontSymbol); break; case Font.TIMES_ROMAN: os.write(fontRoman); os.write(escape); os.write(fontCharset); writeInt(os, 0); os.write(delimiter); os.write(fontTimesNewRoman); break; case Font.ZAPFDINGBATS: os.write(fontTech); os.write(escape); os.write(fontCharset); writeInt(os, 0); os.write(delimiter); os.write(fontWindings); break; default: os.write(fontRoman); os.write(escape); os.write(fontCharset); writeInt(os, 0); os.write(delimiter); os.write(filterSpecialChar(fnt.getFamilyname(), true).getBytes()); } os.write(commaDelimiter); os.write(closeGroup); } os.write(closeGroup); } /** * Write the colour list to the final ByteArrayOutputStream * @throws IOException */ private void writeColorList() throws IOException { Color color = null; os.write(openGroup); os.write(escape); os.write(colorTable); for (int i = 0; i < colorList.size(); i++) { color = (Color) colorList.get(i); os.write(escape); os.write(colorRed); writeInt(os, color.getRed()); os.write(escape); os.write(colorGreen); writeInt(os, color.getGreen()); os.write(escape); os.write(colorBlue); writeInt(os, color.getBlue()); os.write(commaDelimiter); } os.write(closeGroup); } /** * Write the Information Group to the final ByteArrayOutputStream * @throws IOException */ private void writeInfoGroup() throws IOException { os.write(openGroup); os.write(escape); os.write(infoBegin); info.writeTo(os); os.write(closeGroup); } /** * Write the listtable and listoverridetable to the final ByteArrayOutputStream * @throws IOException */ private void writeList() throws IOException { listtable.write(closeGroup); listoverride.write(closeGroup); listtable.writeTo(os); os.write((byte) '\n'); listoverride.writeTo(os); } /** * Write an integer * * @param out The OuputStream to which the int value is to be written * @param i The int value to be written * @throws IOException */ public final static void writeInt(OutputStream out, int i) throws IOException { out.write(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()); } /** * Get a random integer. * This returns a unique random integer to be used with listids. * * @return Random int value. */ private int getRandomInt() { boolean ok = false; Integer newInt = null; Integer oldInt = null; while (!ok) { newInt = new Integer((int) (Math.random() * Integer.MAX_VALUE)); ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < listIds.size(); i++) { oldInt = (Integer) listIds.get(i); if (oldInt.equals(newInt)) { ok = true; } } } listIds.add(newInt); return newInt.intValue(); } /** * Write the current header and footer to a ByteArrayOutputStream * * @param os The ByteArrayOutputStream to which the header and footer will be written. * @throws IOException */ public void writeHeadersFooters(ByteArrayOutputStream os) throws IOException { if (this.footer instanceof RtfHeaderFooters) { RtfHeaderFooters rtfHf = (RtfHeaderFooters) this.footer; HeaderFooter hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.ALL_PAGES); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, footerBegin, os); } hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.LEFT_PAGES); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, footerlBegin, os); } hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.RIGHT_PAGES); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, footerrBegin, os); } hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.FIRST_PAGE); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, footerfBegin, os); } } else { writeHeaderFooter(this.footer, footerBegin, os); } if (this.header instanceof RtfHeaderFooters) { RtfHeaderFooters rtfHf = (RtfHeaderFooters) this.header; HeaderFooter hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.ALL_PAGES); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, headerBegin, os); } hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.LEFT_PAGES); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, headerlBegin, os); } hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.RIGHT_PAGES); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, headerrBegin, os); } hf = rtfHf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.FIRST_PAGE); if (hf != null) { writeHeaderFooter(hf, headerfBegin, os); } } else { writeHeaderFooter(this.header, headerBegin, os); } } /** * Write a HeaderFooter to a ByteArrayOutputStream * * @param headerFooter The HeaderFooter object to be written. * @param hfType The type of header or footer to be added. * @param target The ByteArrayOutputStream to which the HeaderFooter will be written. * @throws IOException */ private void writeHeaderFooter(HeaderFooter headerFooter, byte[] hfType, ByteArrayOutputStream target) throws IOException { inHeaderFooter = true; try { target.write(openGroup); target.write(escape); target.write(hfType); target.write(delimiter); if (headerFooter != null) { if (headerFooter instanceof RtfHeaderFooter && ((RtfHeaderFooter) headerFooter).content() != null) { this.addElement(((RtfHeaderFooter) headerFooter).content(), target); } else { Paragraph par = new Paragraph(); par.setAlignment(headerFooter.alignment()); if (headerFooter.getBefore() != null) { par.add(headerFooter.getBefore()); } if (headerFooter.isNumbered()) { par.add(new RtfPageNumber("", headerFooter.getBefore().font())); } if (headerFooter.getAfter() != null) { par.add(headerFooter.getAfter()); } this.addElement(par, target); } } target.write(closeGroup); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new IOException("DocumentException - " + e.getMessage()); } inHeaderFooter = false; } /** * Write the Document's Paper and Margin Size * to the final ByteArrayOutputStream * @throws IOException */ private void writeDocumentFormat() throws IOException { // os.write(openGroup); os.write(escape); os.write(rtfPaperWidth); writeInt(os, pageWidth); os.write(escape); os.write(rtfPaperHeight); writeInt(os, pageHeight); os.write(escape); os.write(rtfMarginLeft); writeInt(os, marginLeft); os.write(escape); os.write(rtfMarginRight); writeInt(os, marginRight); os.write(escape); os.write(rtfMarginTop); writeInt(os, marginTop); os.write(escape); os.write(rtfMarginBottom); writeInt(os, marginBottom); // os.write(closeGroup); } /** * Initialise all helper classes. * Clears alls lists, creates new ByteArrayOutputStream's */ private void initDefaults() { fontList.clear(); colorList.clear(); info = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); content = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); listtable = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); listoverride = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); document.addProducer(); document.addCreationDate(); addFont(new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.NORMAL)); addColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); addColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); listIds = new ArrayList(); try { listtable.write(openGroup); listtable.write(extendedEscape); listtable.write(listtableGroup); listtable.write((byte) '\n'); listoverride.write(openGroup); listoverride.write(extendedEscape); listoverride.write(listoverridetableGroup); listoverride.write((byte) '\n'); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("InitDefaultsError" + e); } } /** * Writes the default values for the current Section * * @param out The ByteArrayOutputStream to be written to * @throws IOException */ private void writeSectionDefaults(ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException { if (header instanceof RtfHeaderFooters || footer instanceof RtfHeaderFooters) { RtfHeaderFooters rtfHeader = (RtfHeaderFooters) header; RtfHeaderFooters rtfFooter = (RtfHeaderFooters) footer; if ((rtfHeader != null && (rtfHeader.get(RtfHeaderFooters.LEFT_PAGES) != null || rtfHeader.get(RtfHeaderFooters.RIGHT_PAGES) != null)) || (rtfFooter != null && (rtfFooter.get(RtfHeaderFooters.LEFT_PAGES) != null || rtfFooter.get(RtfHeaderFooters.RIGHT_PAGES) != null))) { out.write(escape); out.write(facingPages); } } if (hasTitlePage) { out.write(escape); out.write(titlePage); } writeHeadersFooters(out); if (landscape) { //out.write(escape); //out.write(landscapeTag1); out.write(escape); out.write(landscapeTag2); out.write(escape); out.write(sectionPageWidth); writeInt(out, pageWidth); out.write(escape); out.write(sectionPageHeight); writeInt(out, pageHeight); } else { out.write(escape); out.write(sectionPageWidth); writeInt(out, pageWidth); out.write(escape); out.write(sectionPageHeight); writeInt(out, pageHeight); } } /** * This method tries to fit the Rectangle pageSize to one of the predefined PageSize rectangles. * If a match is found the pageWidth and pageHeight will be set according to values determined from files * generated by MS Word2000 and OpenOffice 641. If no match is found the method will try to match the rotated * Rectangle by calling itself with the parameter rotate set to true. * @param pageSize a rectangle defining the size of the page * @param rotate portrait or lanscape? * @return true if the format parsing succeeded */ private boolean parseFormat(Rectangle pageSize, boolean rotate) { if (rotate) { pageSize = pageSize.rotate(); } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.A3)) { pageWidth = 16837; pageHeight = 23811; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.A4)) { pageWidth = 11907; pageHeight = 16840; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.A5)) { pageWidth = 8391; pageHeight = 11907; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.A6)) { pageWidth = 5959; pageHeight = 8420; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.B4)) { pageWidth = 14570; pageHeight = 20636; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.B5)) { pageWidth = 10319; pageHeight = 14572; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.HALFLETTER)) { pageWidth = 7927; pageHeight = 12247; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.LETTER)) { pageWidth = 12242; pageHeight = 15842; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (rectEquals(pageSize, PageSize.LEGAL)) { pageWidth = 12252; pageHeight = 20163; landscape = rotate; return true; } if (!rotate && parseFormat(pageSize, true)) { int x = pageWidth; pageWidth = pageHeight; pageHeight = x; return true; } return false; } /** * This method compares to Rectangles. They are considered equal if width and height are the same * @param rect1 * @param rect2 * @return true if rect1 and rect2 represent the same rectangle */ private boolean rectEquals(Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2) { return (rect1.width() == rect2.width()) && (rect1.height() == rect2.height()); } /** * Returns whether we are currently writing a header or footer * * @return the value of inHeaderFooter */ public boolean writingHeaderFooter() { return inHeaderFooter; } /** * Replaces special characters with their unicode values * * @param str The original String * @param useHex * @return The converted String */ public final static String filterSpecialChar(String str, boolean useHex) { int length = str.length(); int z = (int) 'z'; StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { ret.append("\\\\"); } else if (ch == '\n') { ret.append("\\par "); } else if (((int) ch) > z) { if(useHex) { ret.append("\\\'").append(Long.toHexString((long) ch)); } else { ret.append("\\u").append((long) ch).append('?'); } } else { ret.append(ch); } } String s = ret.toString(); if(s.indexOf("$newpage$") >= 0) { String before = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("$newpage$")); String after = s.substring(s.indexOf("$newpage$") + 9); ret = new StringBuffer(before); ret.append("\\page\\par "); ret.append(after); return ret.toString(); } return s; } private void addHeaderFooterFontColor(HeaderFooter hf) { if(hf instanceof RtfHeaderFooter) { RtfHeaderFooter rhf = (RtfHeaderFooter) hf; if(rhf.content() instanceof Chunk) { addFont(((Chunk) rhf.content()).font()); addColor(((Chunk) rhf.content()).font().color()); } else if(rhf.content() instanceof Phrase) { addFont(((Phrase) rhf.content()).font()); addColor(((Phrase) rhf.content()).font().color()); } } if(hf.getBefore() != null) { addFont(hf.getBefore().font()); addColor(hf.getBefore().font().color()); } if(hf.getAfter() != null) { addFont(hf.getAfter().font()); addColor(hf.getAfter().font().color()); } } private void processHeaderFooter(HeaderFooter hf) { if(hf != null) { if(hf instanceof RtfHeaderFooters) { RtfHeaderFooters rhf = (RtfHeaderFooters) hf; if(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.ALL_PAGES) != null) { addHeaderFooterFontColor(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.ALL_PAGES)); } if(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.LEFT_PAGES) != null) { addHeaderFooterFontColor(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.LEFT_PAGES)); } if(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.RIGHT_PAGES) != null) { addHeaderFooterFontColor(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.RIGHT_PAGES)); } if(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.FIRST_PAGE) != null) { addHeaderFooterFontColor(rhf.get(RtfHeaderFooters.FIRST_PAGE)); } } else { addHeaderFooterFontColor(hf); } } } /** * @see com.lowagie.text.DocListener#setMarginMirroring(boolean) */ public boolean setMarginMirroring(boolean MarginMirroring) { return false; } }