/* * Copyright 2005 by Paulo Soares. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by * the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie. * All Rights Reserved. * Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer * are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code * where applicable. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the * LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the * provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL * License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under * the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL. * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version * of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU * Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more * details. * * If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if * you aren't using an obsolete version: * http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ */ package com.lowagie.text.pdf; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.ExceptionConverter; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import java.io.IOException; /** * Creates a radio or a check field. * <p> * Example usage: * <p> * <PRE> * Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); * PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("output.pdf")); * document.open(); * PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); * RadioCheckField bt = new RadioCheckField(writer, new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200), "radio", "v1"); * bt.setCheckType(RadioCheckField.TYPE_CIRCLE); * bt.setBackgroundColor(Color.cyan); * bt.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID); * bt.setBorderColor(Color.red); * bt.setTextColor(Color.yellow); * bt.setBorderWidth(BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_THICK); * bt.setChecked(false); * PdfFormField f1 = bt.getRadioField(); * bt.setOnValue("v2"); * bt.setChecked(true); * bt.setBox(new Rectangle(100, 300, 200, 400)); * PdfFormField f2 = bt.getRadioField(); * bt.setChecked(false); * PdfFormField top = bt.getRadioGroup(true, false); * bt.setOnValue("v3"); * bt.setBox(new Rectangle(100, 500, 200, 600)); * PdfFormField f3 = bt.getRadioField(); * top.addKid(f1); * top.addKid(f2); * top.addKid(f3); * writer.addAnnotation(top); * bt = new RadioCheckField(writer, new Rectangle(300, 300, 400, 400), "check1", "Yes"); * bt.setCheckType(RadioCheckField.TYPE_CHECK); * bt.setBorderWidth(BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_THIN); * bt.setBorderColor(Color.black); * bt.setBackgroundColor(Color.white); * PdfFormField ck = bt.getCheckField(); * writer.addAnnotation(ck); * document.close(); * </PRE> * @author Paulo Soares (psoares@consiste.pt) */ public class RadioCheckField extends BaseField { /** A field with the symbol check */ public static final int TYPE_CHECK = 1; /** A field with the symbol circle */ public static final int TYPE_CIRCLE = 2; /** A field with the symbol cross */ public static final int TYPE_CROSS = 3; /** A field with the symbol diamond */ public static final int TYPE_DIAMOND = 4; /** A field with the symbol square */ public static final int TYPE_SQUARE = 5; /** A field with the symbol star */ public static final int TYPE_STAR = 6; private static String typeChars[] = {"4", "l", "8", "u", "n", "H"}; /** * Holds value of property checkType. */ private int checkType; /** * Holds value of property onValue. */ private String onValue; /** * Holds value of property checked. */ private boolean checked; /** * Creates a new instance of RadioCheckField * @param writer the document <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> * @param box the field location and dimensions * @param fieldName the field name. It must not be <CODE>null</CODE> * @param onValue the value when the field is checked */ public RadioCheckField(PdfWriter writer, Rectangle box, String fieldName, String onValue) { super(writer, box, fieldName); setOnValue(onValue); setCheckType(TYPE_CIRCLE); } /** * Getter for property checkType. * @return Value of property checkType. */ public int getCheckType() { return this.checkType; } /** * Sets the checked symbol. It can be * <CODE>TYPE_CHECK</CODE>, * <CODE>TYPE_CIRCLE</CODE>, * <CODE>TYPE_CROSS</CODE>, * <CODE>TYPE_DIAMOND</CODE>, * <CODE>TYPE_SQUARE</CODE> and * <CODE>TYPE_STAR</CODE>. * @param checkType the checked symbol */ public void setCheckType(int checkType) { if (checkType < TYPE_CHECK || checkType > TYPE_STAR) checkType = TYPE_CIRCLE; this.checkType = checkType; setText(typeChars[checkType - 1]); try { setFont(BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.ZAPFDINGBATS, BaseFont.WINANSI, false)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } /** * Getter for property onValue. * @return Value of property onValue. */ public String getOnValue() { return this.onValue; } /** * Sets the value when the field is checked. * @param onValue the value when the field is checked */ public void setOnValue(String onValue) { this.onValue = onValue; } /** * Getter for property checked. * @return Value of property checked. */ public boolean isChecked() { return this.checked; } /** * Sets the state of the field to checked or unchecked. * @param checked the state of the field, <CODE>true</CODE> for checked * and <CODE>false</CODE> for unchecked */ public void setChecked(boolean checked) { this.checked = checked; } /** * Gets the field appearance. * @param isRadio <CODE>true</CODE> for a radio field and <CODE>false</CODE> * for a check field * @param on <CODE>true</CODE> for the checked state, <CODE>false</CODE> * otherwise * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return the appearance */ public PdfAppearance getAppearance(boolean isRadio, boolean on) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (isRadio && checkType == TYPE_CIRCLE) return getAppearanceRadioCircle(on); PdfAppearance app = getBorderAppearance(); if (!on) return app; BaseFont ufont = getRealFont(); boolean borderExtra = borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED || borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_INSET; float h = box.height() - borderWidth * 2; float bw2 = borderWidth; if (borderExtra) { h -= borderWidth * 2; bw2 *= 2; } float offsetX = (borderExtra ? 2 * borderWidth : borderWidth); offsetX = Math.max(offsetX, 1); float offX = Math.min(bw2, offsetX); float wt = box.width() - 2 * offX; float ht = box.height() - 2 * offX; float fsize = fontSize; if (fsize == 0) { float bw = ufont.getWidthPoint(text, 1); if (bw == 0) fsize = 12; else fsize = wt / bw; float nfsize = h / (ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, 1)); fsize = Math.min(fsize, nfsize); } app.saveState(); app.rectangle(offX, offX, box.width() - 2 * offX, box.height() - 2 * offX); app.clip(); app.newPath(); if (textColor == null) app.resetGrayFill(); else app.setColorFill(textColor); app.beginText(); app.setFontAndSize(ufont, fsize); app.setTextMatrix((box.width() - ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2, (box.height() - ufont.getAscentPoint(text, fsize)) / 2); app.showText(text); app.endText(); app.restoreState(); return app; } /** * Gets the special field appearance for the radio circle. * @param on <CODE>true</CODE> for the checked state, <CODE>false</CODE> * otherwise * @return the appearance */ public PdfAppearance getAppearanceRadioCircle(boolean on) { PdfAppearance app = new PdfContentByte(writer).createAppearance(box.width(), box.height()); switch (rotation) { case 90: app.setMatrix(0, 1, -1, 0, box.height(), 0); break; case 180: app.setMatrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, box.width(), box.height()); break; case 270: app.setMatrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, box.width()); break; } Rectangle box = new Rectangle(app.getBoundingBox()); float cx = box.width() / 2; float cy = box.height() / 2; float r = (Math.min(box.width(), box.height()) - borderWidth) / 2; if (r <= 0) return app; if (backgroundColor != null) { app.setColorFill(backgroundColor); app.circle(cx, cy, r + borderWidth / 2); app.fill(); } if (borderWidth > 0 && borderColor != null) { app.setLineWidth(borderWidth); app.setColorStroke(borderColor); app.circle(cx, cy, r); app.stroke(); } if (on) { if (textColor == null) app.resetGrayFill(); else app.setColorFill(textColor); app.circle(cx, cy, r / 2); app.fill(); } return app; } /** * Gets a radio group. It's composed of the field specific keys, without the widget * ones. This field is to be used as a field aggregator with {@link PdfFormField#addKid(PdfFormField) addKid()}. * @param noToggleToOff if <CODE>true</CODE>, exactly one radio button must be selected at all * times; clicking the currently selected button has no effect. * If <CODE>false</CODE>, clicking * the selected button deselects it, leaving no button selected. * @param radiosInUnison if <CODE>true</CODE>, a group of radio buttons within a radio button field that * use the same value for the on state will turn on and off in unison; that is if * one is checked, they are all checked. If <CODE>false</CODE>, the buttons are mutually exclusive * (the same behavior as HTML radio buttons) * @return the radio group */ public PdfFormField getRadioGroup(boolean noToggleToOff, boolean radiosInUnison) { PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createRadioButton(writer, noToggleToOff); if (radiosInUnison) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_RADIOSINUNISON); field.setFieldName(fieldName); if ((options & READ_ONLY) != 0) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_READ_ONLY); if ((options & REQUIRED) != 0) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_REQUIRED); field.setValueAsName(checked ? onValue : "Off"); return field; } /** * Gets the radio field. It's only composed of the widget keys and must be used * with {@link #getRadioGroup(boolean,boolean)}. * @return the radio field * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error */ public PdfFormField getRadioField() throws IOException, DocumentException { return getField(true); } /** * Gets the check field. * @return the check field * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error */ public PdfFormField getCheckField() throws IOException, DocumentException { return getField(false); } /** * Gets a radio or check field. * @param isRadio <CODE>true</CODE> to get a radio field, <CODE>false</CODE> to get * a check field * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return the field */ protected PdfFormField getField(boolean isRadio) throws IOException, DocumentException { PdfFormField field = null; if (isRadio) field = PdfFormField.createEmpty(writer); else field = PdfFormField.createCheckBox(writer); field.setWidget(box, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); if (!isRadio) { field.setFieldName(fieldName); if ((options & READ_ONLY) != 0) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_READ_ONLY); if ((options & REQUIRED) != 0) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_REQUIRED); field.setValueAsName(checked ? onValue : "Off"); } if (text != null) field.setMKNormalCaption(text); if (rotation != 0) field.setMKRotation(rotation); field.setBorderStyle(new PdfBorderDictionary(borderWidth, borderStyle, new PdfDashPattern(3))); PdfAppearance tpon = getAppearance(isRadio, true); PdfAppearance tpoff = getAppearance(isRadio, false); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, onValue, tpon); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", tpoff); field.setAppearanceState(checked ? onValue : "Off"); PdfAppearance da = (PdfAppearance)tpon.getDuplicate(); da.setFontAndSize(getRealFont(), fontSize); if (textColor == null) da.setGrayFill(0); else da.setColorFill(textColor); field.setDefaultAppearanceString(da); if (borderColor != null) field.setMKBorderColor(borderColor); if (backgroundColor != null) field.setMKBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); switch (visibility) { case HIDDEN: field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT | PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_HIDDEN); break; case VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT: break; case HIDDEN_BUT_PRINTABLE: field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT | PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_NOVIEW); break; default: field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT); break; } return field; } }