/* * Copyright 2003-2005 by Paulo Soares. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by * the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie. * All Rights Reserved. * Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer * are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code * where applicable. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the * LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the * provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL * License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under * the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL. * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version * of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU * Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more * details. * * If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if * you aren't using an obsolete version: * http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ */ package com.lowagie.text.pdf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Collections; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.ExceptionConverter; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.awt.Color; /** Query and change fields in existing documents either by method * calls or by FDF merging. * @author Paulo Soares (psoares@consiste.pt) */ public class AcroFields { PdfReader reader; PdfWriter writer; HashMap fields; private int topFirst; private HashMap sigNames; private boolean append; static private final int DA_FONT = 0; static private final int DA_SIZE = 1; static private final int DA_COLOR = 2; private HashMap extensionFonts = new HashMap(); /** * A field type invalid or not found. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_NONE = 0; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON = 1; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_CHECKBOX = 2; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON = 3; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_TEXT = 4; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_LIST = 5; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_COMBO = 6; /** * A field type. */ public static final int FIELD_TYPE_SIGNATURE = 7; private boolean lastWasString; /** Holds value of property generateAppearances. */ private boolean generateAppearances = true; private HashMap localFonts = new HashMap(); private float extraMarginLeft; private float extraMarginTop; private ArrayList substitutionFonts; AcroFields(PdfReader reader, PdfWriter writer) { this.reader = reader; this.writer = writer; if (writer instanceof PdfStamperImp) { append = ((PdfStamperImp)writer).isAppend(); } fill(); } void fill() { fields = new HashMap(); PdfDictionary top = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(reader.getCatalog().get(PdfName.ACROFORM)); if (top == null) return; PdfArray arrfds = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(top.get(PdfName.FIELDS)); if (arrfds == null || arrfds.size() == 0) return; arrfds = null; for (int k = 1; k <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); ++k) { if ((k % 100) == 0) System.out.println(k); PdfDictionary page = reader.getPageNRelease(k); PdfArray annots = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(page.get(PdfName.ANNOTS), page); if (annots == null) continue; ArrayList arr = annots.getArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < arr.size(); ++j) { PdfObject annoto = PdfReader.getPdfObject((PdfObject)arr.get(j), annots); if ((annoto instanceof PdfIndirectReference) && !annoto.isIndirect()) { PdfReader.releaseLastXrefPartial((PdfObject)arr.get(j)); continue; } PdfDictionary annot = (PdfDictionary)annoto; if (!PdfName.WIDGET.equals(annot.get(PdfName.SUBTYPE))) { PdfReader.releaseLastXrefPartial((PdfObject)arr.get(j)); continue; } PdfDictionary widget = annot; PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); dic.putAll(annot); String name = ""; PdfDictionary value = null; PdfObject lastV = null; while (annot != null) { dic.mergeDifferent(annot); PdfString t = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(annot.get(PdfName.T)); if (t != null) name = t.toUnicodeString() + "." + name; if (lastV == null && annot.get(PdfName.V) != null) lastV = PdfReader.getPdfObjectRelease(annot.get(PdfName.V)); if (value == null && t != null) { value = annot; if (annot.get(PdfName.V) == null && lastV != null) value.put(PdfName.V, lastV); } annot = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(annot.get(PdfName.PARENT), annot); } if (name.length() > 0) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); Item item = (Item)fields.get(name); if (item == null) { item = new Item(); fields.put(name, item); } if (value == null) item.values.add(widget); else item.values.add(value); item.widgets.add(widget); item.widget_refs.add(arr.get(j)); // must be a reference if (top != null) dic.mergeDifferent(top); item.merged.add(dic); item.page.add(new Integer(k)); item.tabOrder.add(new Integer(j)); } } } /** Gets the list of appearance names. Use it to get the names allowed * with radio and checkbox fields. If the /Opt key exists the values will * also be included. The name 'Off' may also be valid * even if not returned in the list. * @param fieldName the fully qualified field name * @return the list of names or null if the field does not exist */ public String[] getAppearanceStates(String fieldName) { Item fd = (Item)fields.get(fieldName); if (fd == null) return null; HashMap names = new HashMap(); PdfDictionary vals = (PdfDictionary)fd.values.get(0); PdfObject opts = PdfReader.getPdfObject(vals.get(PdfName.OPT)); if (opts != null) { if (opts.isString()) names.put(((PdfString)opts).toUnicodeString(), null); else if (opts.isArray()) { ArrayList list = ((PdfArray)opts).getArrayList(); for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k) { PdfObject v = PdfReader.getPdfObject((PdfObject)list.get(k)); if (v != null && v.isString()) names.put(((PdfString)v).toUnicodeString(), null); } } } ArrayList wd = fd.widgets; for (int k = 0; k < wd.size(); ++k) { PdfDictionary dic = (PdfDictionary)wd.get(k); dic = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(dic.get(PdfName.AP)); if (dic == null) continue; PdfObject ob = PdfReader.getPdfObject(dic.get(PdfName.N)); if (ob == null || !ob.isDictionary()) continue; dic = (PdfDictionary)ob; for (Iterator it = dic.getKeys().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String name = PdfName.decodeName(((PdfName)it.next()).toString()); names.put(name, null); } } String out[] = new String[names.size()]; return (String[])names.keySet().toArray(out); } private String[] getListOption(String fieldName, int idx) { Item fd = (Item)fields.get(fieldName); if (fd == null) return null; PdfObject obj = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)fd.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.OPT)); if (obj == null || !obj.isArray()) return null; PdfArray ar = (PdfArray)obj; String[] ret = new String[ar.size()]; ArrayList a = ar.getArrayList(); for (int k = 0; k < a.size(); ++k) { obj = PdfReader.getPdfObject((PdfObject)a.get(k)); try { if (obj.isArray()) { obj = (PdfObject)((PdfArray)obj).getArrayList().get(idx); } if (obj.isString()) ret[k] = ((PdfString)obj).toUnicodeString(); else ret[k] = obj.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { ret[k] = ""; } } return ret; } /** * Gets the list of export option values from fields of type list or combo. * If the field doesn't exist or the field type is not list or combo it will return * null. * @param fieldName the field name * @return the list of export option values from fields of type list or combo */ public String[] getListOptionExport(String fieldName) { return getListOption(fieldName, 0); } /** * Gets the list of display option values from fields of type list or combo. * If the field doesn't exist or the field type is not list or combo it will return * null. * @param fieldName the field name * @return the list of export option values from fields of type list or combo */ public String[] getListOptionDisplay(String fieldName) { return getListOption(fieldName, 1); } /** * Sets the option list for fields of type list or combo. One of exportValues * or displayValues may be null but not both. This method will only * set the list but will not set the value or appearance. For that, calling setField() * is required. *

* An example: *


     * PdfReader pdf = new PdfReader("input.pdf");
     * PdfStamper stp = new PdfStamper(pdf, new FileOutputStream("output.pdf"));
     * AcroFields af = stp.getAcroFields();
     * af.setListOption("ComboBox", new String[]{"a", "b", "c"}, new String[]{"first", "second", "third"});
     * af.setField("ComboBox", "b");
     * stp.close();
* @param fieldName the field name * @param exportValues the export values * @param displayValues the display values * @return true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise */ public boolean setListOption(String fieldName, String[] exportValues, String[] displayValues) { if (exportValues == null && displayValues == null) return false; if (exportValues != null && displayValues != null && exportValues.length != displayValues.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The export and the display array must have the same size."); int ftype = getFieldType(fieldName); if (ftype != FIELD_TYPE_COMBO && ftype != FIELD_TYPE_LIST) return false; Item fd = (Item)fields.get(fieldName); String[] sing = null; if (exportValues == null && displayValues != null) sing = displayValues; else if (exportValues != null && displayValues == null) sing = exportValues; PdfArray opt = new PdfArray(); if (sing != null) { for (int k = 0; k < sing.length; ++k) opt.add(new PdfString(sing[k], PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); } else { for (int k = 0; k < exportValues.length; ++k) { PdfArray a = new PdfArray(); a.add(new PdfString(exportValues[k], PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); a.add(new PdfString(displayValues[k], PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); opt.add(a); } } ((PdfDictionary)fd.values.get(0)).put(PdfName.OPT, opt); for (int j = 0; j < fd.merged.size(); ++j) ((PdfDictionary)fd.merged.get(j)).put(PdfName.OPT, opt); return true; } /** * Gets the field type. The type can be one of: FIELD_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON, * FIELD_TYPE_CHECKBOX, FIELD_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON, * FIELD_TYPE_TEXT, FIELD_TYPE_LIST, * FIELD_TYPE_COMBO or FIELD_TYPE_SIGNATURE. *

* If the field does not exist or is invalid it returns * FIELD_TYPE_NONE. * @param fieldName the field name * @return the field type */ public int getFieldType(String fieldName) { Item fd = (Item)fields.get(fieldName); if (fd == null) return FIELD_TYPE_NONE; PdfObject type = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)fd.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.FT)); if (type == null) return FIELD_TYPE_NONE; int ff = 0; PdfObject ffo = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)fd.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.FF)); if (ffo != null && ffo.type() == PdfObject.NUMBER) ff = ((PdfNumber)ffo).intValue(); if (PdfName.BTN.equals(type)) { if ((ff & PdfFormField.FF_PUSHBUTTON) != 0) return FIELD_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON; if ((ff & PdfFormField.FF_RADIO) != 0) return FIELD_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON; else return FIELD_TYPE_CHECKBOX; } else if (PdfName.TX.equals(type)) { return FIELD_TYPE_TEXT; } else if (PdfName.CH.equals(type)) { if ((ff & PdfFormField.FF_COMBO) != 0) return FIELD_TYPE_COMBO; else return FIELD_TYPE_LIST; } else if (PdfName.SIG.equals(type)) { return FIELD_TYPE_SIGNATURE; } return FIELD_TYPE_NONE; } /** * Export the fields as a FDF. * @param writer the FDF writer */ public void exportAsFdf(FdfWriter writer) { for (Iterator it = fields.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); Item item = (Item)entry.getValue(); String name = (String)entry.getKey(); PdfObject v = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.V)); if (v == null) continue; String value = getField(name); if (lastWasString) writer.setFieldAsString(name, value); else writer.setFieldAsName(name, value); } } /** * Renames a field. Only the last part of the name can be renamed. For example, * if the original field is "ab.cd.ef" only the "ef" part can be renamed. * @param oldName the old field name * @param newName the new field name * @return true if the renaming was successful, false * otherwise */ public boolean renameField(String oldName, String newName) { int idx1 = oldName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; int idx2 = newName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; if (idx1 != idx2) return false; if (!oldName.substring(0, idx1).equals(newName.substring(0, idx2))) return false; if (fields.containsKey(newName)) return false; Item item = (Item)fields.get(oldName); if (item == null) return false; newName = newName.substring(idx2); PdfString ss = new PdfString(newName, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE); for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { PdfDictionary dic = (PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k); dic.put(PdfName.T, ss); markUsed(dic); dic = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k); dic.put(PdfName.T, ss); } fields.remove(oldName); fields.put(newName, item); return true; } static private Object[] splitDAelements(String da) { try { PRTokeniser tk = new PRTokeniser(PdfEncodings.convertToBytes(da, null)); ArrayList stack = new ArrayList(); Object ret[] = new Object[3]; while (tk.nextToken()) { if (tk.getTokenType() == PRTokeniser.TK_COMMENT) continue; if (tk.getTokenType() == PRTokeniser.TK_OTHER) { String operator = tk.getStringValue(); if (operator.equals("Tf")) { if (stack.size() >= 2) { ret[DA_FONT] = stack.get(stack.size() - 2); ret[DA_SIZE] = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 1)); } } else if (operator.equals("g")) { if (stack.size() >= 1) { float gray = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 1)).floatValue(); if (gray != 0) ret[DA_COLOR] = new GrayColor(gray); } } else if (operator.equals("rg")) { if (stack.size() >= 3) { float red = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 3)).floatValue(); float green = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 2)).floatValue(); float blue = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 1)).floatValue(); ret[DA_COLOR] = new Color(red, green, blue); } } else if (operator.equals("k")) { if (stack.size() >= 4) { float cyan = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 4)).floatValue(); float magenta = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 3)).floatValue(); float yellow = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 2)).floatValue(); float black = new Float((String)stack.get(stack.size() - 1)).floatValue(); ret[DA_COLOR] = new CMYKColor(cyan, magenta, yellow, black); } } stack.clear(); } else stack.add(tk.getStringValue()); } return ret; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe); } } PdfAppearance getAppearance(PdfDictionary merged, String text, String fieldName) throws IOException, DocumentException { topFirst = 0; int flags = 0; TextField tx = null; if (fieldCache == null || !fieldCache.containsKey(fieldName)) { tx = new TextField(writer, null, null); tx.setExtraMargin(extraMarginLeft, extraMarginTop); tx.setBorderWidth(0); tx.setSubstitutionFonts(substitutionFonts); // the text size and color PdfString da = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.DA)); if (da != null) { Object dab[] = splitDAelements(da.toUnicodeString()); if (dab[DA_SIZE] != null) tx.setFontSize(((Float)dab[DA_SIZE]).floatValue()); if (dab[DA_COLOR] != null) tx.setTextColor((Color)dab[DA_COLOR]); if (dab[DA_FONT] != null) { PdfDictionary font = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.DR)); if (font != null) { font = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(font.get(PdfName.FONT)); if (font != null) { PdfObject po = font.get(new PdfName((String)dab[DA_FONT])); if (po != null && po.type() == PdfObject.INDIRECT) { PRIndirectReference por = (PRIndirectReference)po; BaseFont bp = new DocumentFont((PRIndirectReference)po); tx.setFont(bp); Integer porkey = new Integer(por.getNumber()); BaseFont porf = (BaseFont)extensionFonts.get(porkey); if (porf == null) { if (!extensionFonts.containsKey(porkey)) { PdfDictionary fo = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(po); PdfDictionary fd = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(fo.get(PdfName.FONTDESCRIPTOR)); if (fd != null) { PRStream prs = (PRStream)PdfReader.getPdfObject(fd.get(PdfName.FONTFILE2)); if (prs == null) prs = (PRStream)PdfReader.getPdfObject(fd.get(PdfName.FONTFILE3)); if (prs == null) { extensionFonts.put(porkey, null); } else { try { porf = BaseFont.createFont("font.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, true, false, PdfReader.getStreamBytes(prs), null); } catch (Exception e) { porf = null; } extensionFonts.put(porkey, porf); } } } } tx.setExtensionFont(porf); } else { BaseFont bf = (BaseFont)localFonts.get(dab[DA_FONT]); if (bf == null) { String fn[] = (String[])stdFieldFontNames.get(dab[DA_FONT]); if (fn != null) { try { String enc = "winansi"; if (fn.length > 1) enc = fn[1]; bf = BaseFont.createFont(fn[0], enc, false); tx.setFont(bf); } catch (Exception e) { // empty } } } else tx.setFont(bf); } } } } } //rotation, border and backgound color PdfDictionary mk = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.MK)); if (mk != null) { PdfArray ar = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(mk.get(PdfName.BC)); Color border = getMKColor(ar); tx.setBorderColor(border); if (border != null) tx.setBorderWidth(1); ar = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(mk.get(PdfName.BG)); tx.setBackgroundColor(getMKColor(ar)); PdfNumber rotation = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(mk.get(PdfName.R)); if (rotation != null) tx.setRotation(rotation.intValue()); } //multiline PdfNumber nfl = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.FF)); if (nfl != null) flags = nfl.intValue(); tx.setOptions(((flags & PdfFormField.FF_MULTILINE) == 0 ? 0 : TextField.MULTILINE) | ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_COMB) == 0 ? 0 : TextField.COMB)); if ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_COMB) != 0) { PdfNumber maxLen = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.MAXLEN)); int len = 0; if (maxLen != null) len = maxLen.intValue(); tx.setMaxCharacterLength(len); } //alignment nfl = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.Q)); if (nfl != null) { if (nfl.intValue() == PdfFormField.Q_CENTER) tx.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); else if (nfl.intValue() == PdfFormField.Q_RIGHT) tx.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } //border styles PdfDictionary bs = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.BS)); if (bs != null) { PdfNumber w = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(bs.get(PdfName.W)); if (w != null) tx.setBorderWidth(w.floatValue()); PdfName s = (PdfName)PdfReader.getPdfObject(bs.get(PdfName.S)); if (PdfName.D.equals(s)) tx.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_DASHED); else if (PdfName.B.equals(s)) tx.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED); else if (PdfName.I.equals(s)) tx.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_INSET); else if (PdfName.U.equals(s)) tx.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE); } else { PdfArray bd = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.BORDER)); if (bd != null) { ArrayList ar = bd.getArrayList(); if (ar.size() >= 3) tx.setBorderWidth(((PdfNumber)ar.get(2)).floatValue()); if (ar.size() >= 4) tx.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_DASHED); } } //rect PdfArray rect = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.RECT)); Rectangle box = PdfReader.getNormalizedRectangle(rect); if (tx.getRotation() == 90 || tx.getRotation() == 270) box = box.rotate(); tx.setBox(box); if (fieldCache != null) fieldCache.put(fieldName, tx); } else { tx = (TextField)fieldCache.get(fieldName); tx.setWriter(writer); } PdfName fieldType = (PdfName)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.FT)); if (PdfName.TX.equals(fieldType)) { tx.setText(text); return tx.getAppearance(); } if (!PdfName.CH.equals(fieldType)) throw new DocumentException("An appearance was requested without a variable text field."); PdfArray opt = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.OPT)); if ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_COMBO) != 0 && opt == null) { tx.setText(text); return tx.getAppearance(); } if (opt != null) { ArrayList op = opt.getArrayList(); String choices[] = new String[op.size()]; String choicesExp[] = new String[op.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < op.size(); ++k) { PdfObject obj = (PdfObject)op.get(k); if (obj.isString()) { choices[k] = choicesExp[k] = ((PdfString)obj).toUnicodeString(); } else { ArrayList opar = ((PdfArray)obj).getArrayList(); choicesExp[k] = ((PdfString)opar.get(0)).toUnicodeString(); choices[k] = ((PdfString)opar.get(1)).toUnicodeString(); } } if ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_COMBO) != 0) { for (int k = 0; k < choices.length; ++k) { if (text.equals(choicesExp[k])) { text = choices[k]; break; } } tx.setText(text); return tx.getAppearance(); } int idx = 0; for (int k = 0; k < choicesExp.length; ++k) { if (text.equals(choicesExp[k])) { idx = k; break; } } tx.setChoices(choices); tx.setChoiceExports(choicesExp); tx.setChoiceSelection(idx); } PdfAppearance app = tx.getListAppearance(); topFirst = tx.getTopFirst(); return app; } Color getMKColor(PdfArray ar) { if (ar == null) return null; ArrayList cc = ar.getArrayList(); switch (cc.size()) { case 1: return new GrayColor(((PdfNumber)cc.get(0)).floatValue()); case 3: return new Color(((PdfNumber)cc.get(0)).floatValue(), ((PdfNumber)cc.get(1)).floatValue(), ((PdfNumber)cc.get(2)).floatValue()); case 4: return new CMYKColor(((PdfNumber)cc.get(0)).floatValue(), ((PdfNumber)cc.get(1)).floatValue(), ((PdfNumber)cc.get(2)).floatValue(), ((PdfNumber)cc.get(3)).floatValue()); default: return null; } } /** Gets the field value. * @param name the fully qualified field name * @return the field value */ public String getField(String name) { Item item = (Item)fields.get(name); if (item == null) return null; lastWasString = false; PdfObject v = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.V)); if (v == null) return ""; PdfName type = (PdfName)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.FT)); if (PdfName.BTN.equals(type)) { PdfNumber ff = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.FF)); int flags = 0; if (ff != null) flags = ff.intValue(); if ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_PUSHBUTTON) != 0) return ""; String value = ""; if (v.isName()) value = PdfName.decodeName(v.toString()); else if (v.isString()) value = ((PdfString)v).toUnicodeString(); PdfObject opts = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(0)).get(PdfName.OPT)); if (opts != null && opts.isArray()) { ArrayList list = ((PdfArray)opts).getArrayList(); int idx = 0; try { idx = Integer.parseInt(value); PdfString ps = (PdfString)list.get(idx); value = ps.toUnicodeString(); lastWasString = true; } catch (Exception e) { } } return value; } if (v.isString()) { lastWasString = true; return ((PdfString)v).toUnicodeString(); } return PdfName.decodeName(v.toString()); } /** * Sets a field property. Valid property names are: *


* @param field the field name * @param name the property name * @param value the property value * @param inst an array of int indexing into AcroField.Item.merged elements to process. * Set to null to process all * @return true if the property exists, false otherwise */ public boolean setFieldProperty(String field, String name, Object value, int inst[]) { if (writer == null) throw new RuntimeException("This AcroFields instance is read-only."); try { Item item = (Item)fields.get(field); if (item == null) return false; InstHit hit = new InstHit(inst); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("textfont")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfString da = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).get(PdfName.DA)); PdfDictionary dr = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).get(PdfName.DR)); if (da != null && dr != null) { Object dao[] = splitDAelements(da.toUnicodeString()); PdfAppearance cb = new PdfAppearance(); if (dao[DA_FONT] != null) { BaseFont bf = (BaseFont)value; PdfName psn = (PdfName)PdfAppearance.stdFieldFontNames.get(bf.getPostscriptFontName()); if (psn == null) { psn = new PdfName(bf.getPostscriptFontName()); } PdfDictionary fonts = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(dr.get(PdfName.FONT)); if (fonts == null) { fonts = new PdfDictionary(); dr.put(PdfName.FONT, fonts); } PdfIndirectReference fref = (PdfIndirectReference)fonts.get(psn); PdfDictionary top = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(reader.getCatalog().get(PdfName.ACROFORM)); markUsed(top); dr = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(top.get(PdfName.DR)); if (dr == null) { dr = new PdfDictionary(); top.put(PdfName.DR, dr); } markUsed(dr); PdfDictionary fontsTop = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(dr.get(PdfName.FONT)); if (fontsTop == null) { fontsTop = new PdfDictionary(); dr.put(PdfName.FONT, fontsTop); } markUsed(fontsTop); PdfIndirectReference frefTop = (PdfIndirectReference)fontsTop.get(psn); if (frefTop != null) { if (fref == null) fonts.put(psn, frefTop); } else if (fref == null) { FontDetails fd; if (bf.getFontType() == BaseFont.FONT_TYPE_DOCUMENT) { fd = new FontDetails(null, ((DocumentFont)bf).getIndirectReference(), bf); } else { bf.setSubset(false); fd = writer.addSimple(bf); localFonts.put(psn.toString().substring(1), bf); } fontsTop.put(psn, fd.getIndirectReference()); fonts.put(psn, fd.getIndirectReference()); } ByteBuffer buf = cb.getInternalBuffer(); buf.append(psn.getBytes()).append(' ').append(((Float)dao[DA_SIZE]).floatValue()).append(" Tf "); if (dao[DA_COLOR] != null) cb.setColorFill((Color)dao[DA_COLOR]); PdfString s = new PdfString(cb.toString()); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.DA, s); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.DA, s); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } } } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("textcolor")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfString da = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).get(PdfName.DA)); if (da != null) { Object dao[] = splitDAelements(da.toUnicodeString()); PdfAppearance cb = new PdfAppearance(); if (dao[DA_FONT] != null) { ByteBuffer buf = cb.getInternalBuffer(); buf.append(new PdfName((String)dao[DA_FONT]).getBytes()).append(' ').append(((Float)dao[DA_SIZE]).floatValue()).append(" Tf "); cb.setColorFill((Color)value); PdfString s = new PdfString(cb.toString()); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.DA, s); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.DA, s); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } } } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("textsize")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfString da = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).get(PdfName.DA)); if (da != null) { Object dao[] = splitDAelements(da.toUnicodeString()); PdfAppearance cb = new PdfAppearance(); if (dao[DA_FONT] != null) { ByteBuffer buf = cb.getInternalBuffer(); buf.append(new PdfName((String)dao[DA_FONT]).getBytes()).append(' ').append(((Float)value).floatValue()).append(" Tf "); if (dao[DA_COLOR] != null) cb.setColorFill((Color)dao[DA_COLOR]); PdfString s = new PdfString(cb.toString()); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.DA, s); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.DA, s); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } } } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("bgcolor") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("bordercolor")) { PdfName dname = (name.equalsIgnoreCase("bgcolor") ? PdfName.BG : PdfName.BC); for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfObject obj = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).get(PdfName.MK)); markUsed(obj); PdfDictionary mk = (PdfDictionary)obj; if (mk == null) { if (value == null) return true; mk = new PdfDictionary(); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.MK, mk); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.MK, mk); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } if (value == null) mk.remove(dname); else mk.put(dname, PdfFormField.getMKColor((Color)value)); } } } else return false; return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } /** * Sets a field property. Valid property names are: *


* @param field the field name * @param name the property name * @param value the property value * @param inst an array of int indexing into AcroField.Item.merged elements to process. * Set to null to process all * @return true if the property exists, false otherwise */ public boolean setFieldProperty(String field, String name, int value, int inst[]) { if (writer == null) throw new RuntimeException("This AcroFields instance is read-only."); Item item = (Item)fields.get(field); if (item == null) return false; InstHit hit = new InstHit(inst); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("flags")) { PdfNumber num = new PdfNumber(value); for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.F, num); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.F, num); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("setflags")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfNumber num = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).get(PdfName.F)); int val = 0; if (num != null) val = num.intValue(); num = new PdfNumber(val | value); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.F, num); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.F, num); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("clrflags")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfNumber num = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).get(PdfName.F)); int val = 0; if (num != null) val = num.intValue(); num = new PdfNumber(val & (~value)); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.F, num); ((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)).put(PdfName.F, num); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k)); } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("fflags")) { PdfNumber num = new PdfNumber(value); for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.FF, num); ((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)).put(PdfName.FF, num); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)); } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("setfflags")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfNumber num = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)).get(PdfName.FF)); int val = 0; if (num != null) val = num.intValue(); num = new PdfNumber(val | value); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.FF, num); ((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)).put(PdfName.FF, num); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)); } } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("clrfflags")) { for (int k = 0; k < item.merged.size(); ++k) { if (hit.isHit(k)) { PdfNumber num = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)).get(PdfName.FF)); int val = 0; if (num != null) val = num.intValue(); num = new PdfNumber(val & (~value)); ((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(k)).put(PdfName.FF, num); ((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)).put(PdfName.FF, num); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(k)); } } } else return false; return true; } /** Sets the fields by FDF merging. * @param fdf the FDF form * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error */ public void setFields(FdfReader fdf) throws IOException, DocumentException { HashMap fd = fdf.getFields(); for (Iterator i = fd.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String f = (String)i.next(); String v = fdf.getFieldValue(f); if (v != null) setField(f, v); } } /** Sets the fields by XFDF merging. * @param xfdf the XFDF form * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error */ public void setFields(XfdfReader xfdf) throws IOException, DocumentException { HashMap fd = xfdf.getFields(); for (Iterator i = fd.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String f = (String)i.next(); String v = xfdf.getFieldValue(f); if (v != null) setField(f, v); } } /** Sets the field value. * @param name the fully qualified field name * @param value the field value * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return true if the field was found and changed, * false otherwise */ public boolean setField(String name, String value) throws IOException, DocumentException { return setField(name, value, value); } /** Sets the field value and the display string. The display string * is used to build the appearance in the cases where the value * is modified by Acrobat with JavaScript and the algorithm is * known. * @param name the fully qualified field name * @param value the field value * @param display the string that is used for the appearance * @return true if the field was found and changed, * false otherwise * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error */ public boolean setField(String name, String value, String display) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (writer == null) throw new DocumentException("This AcroFields instance is read-only."); Item item = (Item)fields.get(name); if (item == null) return false; PdfName type = (PdfName)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.FT)); if (PdfName.TX.equals(type)) { PdfNumber maxLen = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.MAXLEN)); int len = 0; if (maxLen != null) len = maxLen.intValue(); if (len > 0) value = value.substring(0, Math.min(len, value.length())); } if (PdfName.TX.equals(type) || PdfName.CH.equals(type)) { PdfString v = new PdfString(value, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE); for (int idx = 0; idx < item.values.size(); ++idx) { PdfDictionary valueDic = (PdfDictionary)item.values.get(idx); valueDic.put(PdfName.V, v); valueDic.remove(PdfName.I); markUsed(valueDic); PdfDictionary merged = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(idx); merged.remove(PdfName.I); merged.put(PdfName.V, v); PdfDictionary widget = (PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(idx); if (generateAppearances) { PdfAppearance app = getAppearance(merged, display, name); if (PdfName.CH.equals(type)) { PdfNumber n = new PdfNumber(topFirst); widget.put(PdfName.TI, n); merged.put(PdfName.TI, n); } PdfDictionary appDic = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(widget.get(PdfName.AP)); if (appDic == null) { appDic = new PdfDictionary(); widget.put(PdfName.AP, appDic); merged.put(PdfName.AP, appDic); } appDic.put(PdfName.N, app.getIndirectReference()); writer.releaseTemplate(app); } else { widget.remove(PdfName.AP); merged.remove(PdfName.AP); } markUsed(widget); } return true; } else if (PdfName.BTN.equals(type)) { PdfNumber ff = (PdfNumber)PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0)).get(PdfName.FF)); int flags = 0; if (ff != null) flags = ff.intValue(); if ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_PUSHBUTTON) != 0) return true; PdfName v = new PdfName(value); if ((flags & PdfFormField.FF_RADIO) == 0) { for (int idx = 0; idx < item.values.size(); ++idx) { ((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(idx)).put(PdfName.V, v); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(idx)); PdfDictionary merged = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(idx); merged.put(PdfName.V, v); merged.put(PdfName.AS, v); PdfDictionary widget = (PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(idx); if (isInAP(widget, v)) widget.put(PdfName.AS, v); else widget.put(PdfName.AS, PdfName.Off); markUsed(widget); } } else { ArrayList lopt = new ArrayList(); PdfObject opts = PdfReader.getPdfObject(((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(0)).get(PdfName.OPT)); if (opts != null && opts.isArray()) { ArrayList list = ((PdfArray)opts).getArrayList(); for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k) { PdfObject vv = PdfReader.getPdfObject((PdfObject)list.get(k)); if (vv != null && vv.isString()) lopt.add(((PdfString)vv).toUnicodeString()); else lopt.add(null); } } int vidx = lopt.indexOf(value); PdfName valt = null; PdfName vt; if (vidx >= 0) { vt = valt = new PdfName(String.valueOf(vidx)); } else vt = v; for (int idx = 0; idx < item.values.size(); ++idx) { PdfDictionary merged = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(idx); PdfDictionary widget = (PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(idx); markUsed((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(idx)); if (valt != null) { PdfString ps = new PdfString(value, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE); ((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(idx)).put(PdfName.V, ps); merged.put(PdfName.V, ps); } else { ((PdfDictionary)item.values.get(idx)).put(PdfName.V, v); merged.put(PdfName.V, v); } markUsed(widget); if (isInAP(widget, vt)) { merged.put(PdfName.AS, vt); widget.put(PdfName.AS, vt); } else { merged.put(PdfName.AS, PdfName.Off); widget.put(PdfName.AS, PdfName.Off); } } } return true; } return false; } boolean isInAP(PdfDictionary dic, PdfName check) { PdfDictionary appDic = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(dic.get(PdfName.AP)); if (appDic == null) return false; PdfDictionary NDic = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(appDic.get(PdfName.N)); return (NDic != null && NDic.get(check) != null); } /** Gets all the fields. The fields are keyed by the fully qualified field name and * the value is an instance of AcroFields.Item. * @return all the fields */ public HashMap getFields() { return fields; } /** * Gets the field structure. * @param name the name of the field * @return the field structure or null if the field * does not exist */ public Item getFieldItem(String name) { return (Item)fields.get(name); } /** * Gets the field box positions in the document. The return is an array of float * multiple of 5. For each of this groups the values are: [page, llx, lly, urx, * ury]. * @param name the field name * @return the positions or null if field does not exist */ public float[] getFieldPositions(String name) { Item item = (Item)fields.get(name); if (item == null) return null; float ret[] = new float[item.page.size() * 5]; int ptr = 0; for (int k = 0; k < item.page.size(); ++k) { try { PdfDictionary wd = (PdfDictionary)item.widgets.get(k); PdfArray rect = (PdfArray)wd.get(PdfName.RECT); if (rect == null) continue; Rectangle r = PdfReader.getNormalizedRectangle(rect); ret[ptr] = ((Integer)item.page.get(k)).floatValue(); ++ptr; ret[ptr++] = r.left(); ret[ptr++] = r.bottom(); ret[ptr++] = r.right(); ret[ptr++] = r.top(); } catch (Exception e) { // empty on purpose } } if (ptr < ret.length) { float ret2[] = new float[ptr]; System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret2, 0, ptr); return ret2; } return ret; } private int removeRefFromArray(PdfArray array, PdfObject refo) { ArrayList ar = array.getArrayList(); if (refo == null || !refo.isIndirect()) return ar.size(); PdfIndirectReference ref = (PdfIndirectReference)refo; for (int j = 0; j < ar.size(); ++j) { PdfObject obj = (PdfObject)ar.get(j); if (!obj.isIndirect()) continue; if (((PdfIndirectReference)obj).getNumber() == ref.getNumber()) ar.remove(j--); } return ar.size(); } /** * Removes all the fields from page. * @param page the page to remove the fields from * @return true if any field was removed, false otherwise */ public boolean removeFieldsFromPage(int page) { if (page < 1) return false; String names[] = new String[fields.size()]; fields.keySet().toArray(names); boolean found = false; for (int k = 0; k < names.length; ++k) { boolean fr = removeField(names[k], page); found = (found || fr); } return found; } /** * Removes a field from the document. If page equals -1 all the fields with this * name are removed from the document otherwise only the fields in * that particular page are removed. * @param name the field name * @param page the page to remove the field from or -1 to remove it from all the pages * @return true if the field exists, false otherwise */ public boolean removeField(String name, int page) { Item item = (Item)fields.get(name); if (item == null) return false; PdfDictionary acroForm = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(reader.getCatalog().get(PdfName.ACROFORM), reader.getCatalog()); if (acroForm == null) return false; PdfArray arrayf = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(acroForm.get(PdfName.FIELDS), acroForm); if (arrayf == null) return false; for (int k = 0; k < item.widget_refs.size(); ++k) { int pageV = ((Integer)item.page.get(k)).intValue(); if (page != -1 && page != pageV) continue; PdfIndirectReference ref = (PdfIndirectReference)item.widget_refs.get(k); PdfDictionary wd = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(ref); PdfDictionary pageDic = reader.getPageN(pageV); PdfArray annots = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(pageDic.get(PdfName.ANNOTS), pageDic); if (annots != null) { if (removeRefFromArray(annots, ref) == 0) { pageDic.remove(PdfName.ANNOTS); markUsed(pageDic); } else markUsed(annots); } PdfReader.killIndirect(ref); PdfIndirectReference kid = ref; while ((ref = (PdfIndirectReference)wd.get(PdfName.PARENT)) != null) { wd = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(ref); PdfArray kids = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(wd.get(PdfName.KIDS)); if (removeRefFromArray(kids, kid) != 0) break; kid = ref; PdfReader.killIndirect(ref); } if (ref == null) { removeRefFromArray(arrayf, kid); markUsed(arrayf); } if (page != -1) { item.merged.remove(k); item.page.remove(k); item.values.remove(k); item.widget_refs.remove(k); item.widgets.remove(k); --k; } } if (page == -1 || item.merged.size() == 0) fields.remove(name); return true; } /** * Removes a field from the document. * @param name the field name * @return true if the field exists, false otherwise */ public boolean removeField(String name) { return removeField(name, -1); } /** Gets the property generateAppearances. * @return the property generateAppearances */ public boolean isGenerateAppearances() { return this.generateAppearances; } /** Sets the option to generate appearances. Not generating apperances * will speed-up form filling but the results can be * unexpected in Acrobat. Don't use it unless your environment is well * controlled. The default is true. * @param generateAppearances the option to generate appearances */ public void setGenerateAppearances(boolean generateAppearances) { this.generateAppearances = generateAppearances; PdfDictionary top = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(reader.getCatalog().get(PdfName.ACROFORM)); if (generateAppearances) top.remove(PdfName.NEEDAPPEARANCES); else top.put(PdfName.NEEDAPPEARANCES, PdfBoolean.PDFTRUE); } /** The field representations for retrieval and modification. */ public static class Item { /** An array of PdfDictionary where the value tag /V * is present. */ public ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); /** An array of PdfDictionary with the widgets. */ public ArrayList widgets = new ArrayList(); /** An array of PdfDictionary with the widget references. */ public ArrayList widget_refs = new ArrayList(); /** An array of PdfDictionary with all the field * and widget tags merged. */ public ArrayList merged = new ArrayList(); /** An array of Integer with the page numbers where * the widgets are displayed. */ public ArrayList page = new ArrayList(); /** An array of Integer with the tab order of the field in the page. */ public ArrayList tabOrder = new ArrayList(); } private static class InstHit { IntHashtable hits; public InstHit(int inst[]) { if (inst == null) return; hits = new IntHashtable(); for (int k = 0; k < inst.length; ++k) hits.put(inst[k], 1); } public boolean isHit(int n) { if (hits == null) return true; return hits.containsKey(n); } } /** * Gets the field names that have signatures and are signed. * @return the field names that have signatures and are signed */ public ArrayList getSignatureNames() { if (sigNames != null) return new ArrayList(sigNames.keySet()); sigNames = new HashMap(); ArrayList sorter = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = fields.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); Item item = (Item)entry.getValue(); PdfDictionary merged = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0); if (!PdfName.SIG.equals(merged.get(PdfName.FT))) continue; PdfObject vo = PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.V)); if (vo == null || vo.type() != PdfObject.DICTIONARY) continue; PdfDictionary v = (PdfDictionary)vo; PdfObject contents = v.get(PdfName.CONTENTS); if (contents == null || contents.type() != PdfObject.STRING) continue; PdfObject ro = v.get(PdfName.BYTERANGE); if (ro == null || ro.type() != PdfObject.ARRAY) continue; ArrayList ra = ((PdfArray)ro).getArrayList(); if (ra.size() < 2) continue; int length = ((PdfNumber)ra.get(ra.size() - 1)).intValue() + ((PdfNumber)ra.get(ra.size() - 2)).intValue(); sorter.add(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } Collections.sort(sorter, new AcroFields.SorterComparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { if (((int[])((Object[])sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1))[1])[0] == reader.getFileLength()) totalRevisions = sorter.size(); else totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { Object objs[] = (Object[])sorter.get(k); String name = (String)objs[0]; int p[] = (int[])objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.put(name, p); } } return new ArrayList(sigNames.keySet()); } /** * Gets the field names that have blank signatures. * @return the field names that have blank signatures */ public ArrayList getBlankSignatureNames() { getSignatureNames(); ArrayList sigs = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = fields.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); Item item = (Item)entry.getValue(); PdfDictionary merged = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0); if (!PdfName.SIG.equals(merged.get(PdfName.FT))) continue; if (sigNames.containsKey(entry.getKey())) continue; sigs.add(entry.getKey()); } return sigs; } /** * Gets the signature dictionary, the one keyed by /V. * @param name the field name * @return the signature dictionary keyed by /V or null if the field is not * a signature */ public PdfDictionary getSignatureDictionary(String name) { getSignatureNames(); if (!sigNames.containsKey(name)) return null; Item item = (Item)fields.get(name); PdfDictionary merged = (PdfDictionary)item.merged.get(0); return (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(merged.get(PdfName.V)); } /** * Checks is the signature covers the entire document or just part of it. * @param name the signature field name * @return true if the signature covers the entire document, * false otherwise */ public boolean signatureCoversWholeDocument(String name) { getSignatureNames(); if (!sigNames.containsKey(name)) return false; return ((int[])sigNames.get(name))[0] == reader.getFileLength(); } /** * Verifies a signature. An example usage is: *


     * KeyStore kall = PdfPKCS7.loadCacertsKeyStore();
     * PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("my_signed_doc.pdf");
     * AcroFields af = reader.getAcroFields();
     * ArrayList names = af.getSignatureNames();
     * for (int k = 0; k < names.size(); ++k) {
     *    String name = (String)names.get(k);
     *    System.out.println("Signature name: " + name);
     *    System.out.println("Signature covers whole document: " + af.signatureCoversWholeDocument(name));
     *    PdfPKCS7 pk = af.verifySignature(name);
     *    Calendar cal = pk.getSignDate();
     *    Certificate pkc[] = pk.getCertificates();
     *    System.out.println("Subject: " + PdfPKCS7.getSubjectFields(pk.getSigningCertificate()));
     *    System.out.println("Document modified: " + !pk.verify());
     *    Object fails[] = PdfPKCS7.verifyCertificates(pkc, kall, null, cal);
     *    if (fails == null)
     *        System.out.println("Certificates verified against the KeyStore");
     *    else
     *        System.out.println("Certificate failed: " + fails[1]);
     * }
* @param name the signature field name * @return a PdfPKCS7 class to continue the verification */ public PdfPKCS7 verifySignature(String name) { return verifySignature(name, null); } /** * Verifies a signature. An example usage is: *


     * KeyStore kall = PdfPKCS7.loadCacertsKeyStore();
     * PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("my_signed_doc.pdf");
     * AcroFields af = reader.getAcroFields();
     * ArrayList names = af.getSignatureNames();
     * for (int k = 0; k < names.size(); ++k) {
     *    String name = (String)names.get(k);
     *    System.out.println("Signature name: " + name);
     *    System.out.println("Signature covers whole document: " + af.signatureCoversWholeDocument(name));
     *    PdfPKCS7 pk = af.verifySignature(name);
     *    Calendar cal = pk.getSignDate();
     *    Certificate pkc[] = pk.getCertificates();
     *    System.out.println("Subject: " + PdfPKCS7.getSubjectFields(pk.getSigningCertificate()));
     *    System.out.println("Document modified: " + !pk.verify());
     *    Object fails[] = PdfPKCS7.verifyCertificates(pkc, kall, null, cal);
     *    if (fails == null)
     *        System.out.println("Certificates verified against the KeyStore");
     *    else
     *        System.out.println("Certificate failed: " + fails[1]);
     * }
* @param name the signature field name * @param provider the provider or null for the default provider * @return a PdfPKCS7 class to continue the verification */ public PdfPKCS7 verifySignature(String name, String provider) { PdfDictionary v = getSignatureDictionary(name); if (v == null) return null; try { PdfName sub = (PdfName)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.SUBFILTER)); PdfString contents = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.CONTENTS)); PdfPKCS7 pk = null; if (sub.equals(PdfName.ADBE_X509_RSA_SHA1)) { PdfString cert = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.CERT)); pk = new PdfPKCS7(contents.getOriginalBytes(), cert.getBytes(), provider); } else pk = new PdfPKCS7(contents.getOriginalBytes(), provider); updateByteRange(pk, v); PdfString str = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.M)); if (str != null) pk.setSignDate(PdfDate.decode(str.toString())); str = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.NAME)); if (str != null) pk.setSignName(str.toUnicodeString()); str = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.REASON)); if (str != null) pk.setReason(str.toUnicodeString()); str = (PdfString)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.LOCATION)); if (str != null) pk.setLocation(str.toUnicodeString()); return pk; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } private void updateByteRange(PdfPKCS7 pkcs7, PdfDictionary v) { PdfArray b = (PdfArray)PdfReader.getPdfObject(v.get(PdfName.BYTERANGE)); RandomAccessFileOrArray rf = reader.getSafeFile(); try { rf.reOpen(); byte buf[] = new byte[8192]; ArrayList ar = b.getArrayList(); for (int k = 0; k < ar.size(); ++k) { int start = ((PdfNumber)ar.get(k)).intValue(); int length = ((PdfNumber)ar.get(++k)).intValue(); rf.seek(start); while (length > 0) { int rd = rf.read(buf, 0, Math.min(length, buf.length)); if (rd <= 0) break; length -= rd; pkcs7.update(buf, 0, rd); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } finally { try{rf.close();}catch(Exception e){} } } private void markUsed(PdfObject obj) { if (!append) return; ((PdfStamperImp)writer).markUsed(obj); } /** * Gets the total number of revisions this document has. * @return the total number of revisions */ public int getTotalRevisions() { getSignatureNames(); return this.totalRevisions; } /** * Gets this field revision. * @param field the signature field name * @return the revision or zero if it's not a signature field */ public int getRevision(String field) { getSignatureNames(); if (!sigNames.containsKey(field)) return 0; return ((int[])sigNames.get(field))[1]; } /** * Extracts a revision from the document. * @param field the signature field name * @return an InputStream covering the revision. Returns null if * it's not a signature field * @throws IOException on error */ public InputStream extractRevision(String field) throws IOException { getSignatureNames(); int length = ((int[])sigNames.get(field))[0]; RandomAccessFileOrArray raf = reader.getSafeFile(); raf.reOpen(); raf.seek(0); return new RevisionStream(raf, length); } /** * Gets the appearances cache. * @return the appearances cache */ public HashMap getFieldCache() { return this.fieldCache; } /** * Sets a cache for field appearances. Parsing the existing PDF to * create a new TextField is time expensive. For those tasks that repeatedly * fill the same PDF with different field values the use of the cache has dramatic * speed advantages. An example usage: *


     * String pdfFile = ...;// the pdf file used as template
     * ArrayList xfdfFiles = ...;// the xfdf file names
     * ArrayList pdfOutFiles = ...;// the output file names, one for each element in xpdfFiles
     * HashMap cache = new HashMap();// the appearances cache
     * PdfReader originalReader = new PdfReader(pdfFile);
     * for (int k = 0; k < xfdfFiles.size(); ++k) {
     *    PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(originalReader);
     *    XfdfReader xfdf = new XfdfReader((String)xfdfFiles.get(k));
     *    PdfStamper stp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream((String)pdfOutFiles.get(k)));
     *    AcroFields af = stp.getAcroFields();
     *    af.setFieldCache(cache);
     *    af.setFields(xfdf);
     *    stp.close();
     * }
* @param fieldCache an HasMap that will carry the cached appearances */ public void setFieldCache(HashMap fieldCache) { this.fieldCache = fieldCache; } /** * Sets extra margins in text fields to better mimic the Acrobat layout. * @param extraMarginLeft the extra marging left * @param extraMarginTop the extra margin top */ public void setExtraMargin(float extraMarginLeft, float extraMarginTop) { this.extraMarginLeft = extraMarginLeft; this.extraMarginTop = extraMarginTop; } /** * Adds a substitution font to the list. The fonts in this list will be used if the original * font doesn't contain the needed glyphs. * @param font the font */ public void addSubstitutionFont(BaseFont font) { if (substitutionFonts == null) substitutionFonts = new ArrayList(); substitutionFonts.add(font); } private static final HashMap stdFieldFontNames = new HashMap(); /** * Holds value of property totalRevisions. */ private int totalRevisions; /** * Holds value of property fieldCache. */ private HashMap fieldCache; static { stdFieldFontNames.put("CoBO", new String[]{"Courier-BoldOblique"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("CoBo", new String[]{"Courier-Bold"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("CoOb", new String[]{"Courier-Oblique"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("Cour", new String[]{"Courier"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("HeBO", new String[]{"Helvetica-BoldOblique"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("HeBo", new String[]{"Helvetica-Bold"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("HeOb", new String[]{"Helvetica-Oblique"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("Helv", new String[]{"Helvetica"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("Symb", new String[]{"Symbol"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("TiBI", new String[]{"Times-BoldItalic"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("TiBo", new String[]{"Times-Bold"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("TiIt", new String[]{"Times-Italic"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("TiRo", new String[]{"Times-Roman"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("ZaDb", new String[]{"ZapfDingbats"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("HySm", new String[]{"HYSMyeongJo-Medium", "UniKS-UCS2-H"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("HyGo", new String[]{"HYGoThic-Medium", "UniKS-UCS2-H"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("KaGo", new String[]{"HeiseiKakuGo-W5", "UniKS-UCS2-H"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("KaMi", new String[]{"HeiseiMin-W3", "UniJIS-UCS2-H"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("MHei", new String[]{"MHei-Medium", "UniCNS-UCS2-H"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("MSun", new String[]{"MSung-Light", "UniCNS-UCS2-H"}); stdFieldFontNames.put("STSo", new String[]{"STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H"}); } private static class RevisionStream extends InputStream { private byte b[] = new byte[1]; private RandomAccessFileOrArray raf; private int length; private int rangePosition = 0; private boolean closed; private RevisionStream(RandomAccessFileOrArray raf, int length) { this.raf = raf; this.length = length; } public int read() throws IOException { int n = read(b); if (n != 1) return -1; return b[0] & 0xff; } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (b == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if ((off < 0) || (off > b.length) || (len < 0) || ((off + len) > b.length) || ((off + len) < 0)) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else if (len == 0) { return 0; } if (rangePosition >= length) { close(); return -1; } int elen = Math.min(len, length - rangePosition); raf.readFully(b, off, elen); rangePosition += elen; return elen; } public void close() throws IOException { if (!closed) { raf.close(); closed = true; } } } private static class SorterComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { int n1 = ((int[])((Object[])o1)[1])[0]; int n2 = ((int[])((Object[])o2)[1])[0]; return n1 - n2; } } /** * Gets the list of substitution fonts. The list is composed of BaseFont and can be null. The fonts in this list will be used if the original * font doesn't contain the needed glyphs. * @return the list */ public ArrayList getSubstitutionFonts() { return substitutionFonts; } /** * Sets a list of substitution fonts. The list is composed of BaseFont and can also be null. The fonts in this list will be used if the original * font doesn't contain the needed glyphs. * @param substitutionFonts the list */ public void setSubstitutionFonts(ArrayList substitutionFonts) { this.substitutionFonts = substitutionFonts; } }