/* * Copyright 2004 Paulo Soares * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by * the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie. * All Rights Reserved. * Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer * are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code * where applicable. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the * LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the * provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL * License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under * the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL. * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version * of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU * Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more * details. * * If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if * you aren't using an obsolete version: * http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ */ package com.lowagie.text.html.simpleparser; import com.lowagie.text.*; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.File; public class HTMLWorker implements SimpleXMLDocHandler, DocListener { protected ArrayList objectList; protected DocListener document; private Paragraph currentParagraph; private ChainedProperties cprops = new ChainedProperties(); private Stack stack = new Stack(); private boolean pendingTR = false; private boolean pendingTD = false; private boolean pendingLI = false; private StyleSheet style = new StyleSheet(); private boolean isPRE = false; private Stack tableState = new Stack(); private boolean skipText = false; private HashMap interfaceProps; private FactoryProperties factoryProperties = new FactoryProperties(); /** Creates a new instance of HTMLWorker */ public HTMLWorker(DocListener document) { this.document = document; } public void setStyleSheet(StyleSheet style) { this.style = style; } public StyleSheet getStyleSheet() { return style; } public void setInterfaceProps(HashMap interfaceProps) { this.interfaceProps = interfaceProps; FontFactoryImp ff = null; if (interfaceProps != null) ff = (FontFactoryImp)interfaceProps.get("font_factory"); factoryProperties.setFontImp(ff); } public HashMap getInterfaceProps() { return interfaceProps; } public void parse(Reader reader) throws IOException { SimpleXMLParser.parse(this, null, reader, true); } public static ArrayList parseToList(Reader reader, StyleSheet style) throws IOException { return parseToList(reader, style, null); } public static ArrayList parseToList(Reader reader, StyleSheet style, HashMap interfaceProps) throws IOException { HTMLWorker worker = new HTMLWorker(null); if (style != null) worker.style = style; worker.document = worker; worker.setInterfaceProps(interfaceProps); worker.objectList = new ArrayList(); worker.parse(reader); return worker.objectList; } public void endDocument() { try { for (int k = 0; k < stack.size(); ++k) document.add((Element)stack.elementAt(k)); if (currentParagraph != null) document.add(currentParagraph); currentParagraph = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } public void startDocument() { HashMap h = new HashMap(); style.applyStyle("body", h); cprops.addToChain("body", h); } public void startElement(String tag, HashMap h) { if (!tagsSupported.containsKey(tag)) return; try { style.applyStyle(tag, h); String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags.get(tag); if (follow != null) { HashMap prop = new HashMap(); prop.put(follow, null); cprops.addToChain(follow, prop); return; } if (tag.equals("a")) { cprops.addToChain(tag, h); if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); stack.push(currentParagraph); currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); return; } if (tag.equals("br")) { if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); currentParagraph.add(factoryProperties.createChunk("\n", cprops)); return; } if (tag.equals("font") || tag.equals("span")) { cprops.addToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.equals("img")) { String src = (String)h.get("src"); if (src == null) return; cprops.addToChain(tag, h); Image img = null; if (interfaceProps != null) { HashMap images = (HashMap)interfaceProps.get("img_static"); if (images != null) { Image tim = (Image)images.get(src); if (tim != null) img = Image.getInstance(tim); } else { if (!src.startsWith("http")) { // relative src references only String baseurl = (String)interfaceProps.get("img_baseurl"); if (baseurl != null) { src = baseurl+src; img = Image.getInstance(src); } } } } if (img == null) { if (!src.startsWith("http")) { String path = cprops.getProperty("image_path"); if (path == null) path = ""; src = new File(path, src).getPath(); } img = Image.getInstance(src); } String align = (String)h.get("align"); String width = (String)h.get("width"); String height = (String)h.get("height"); String before = cprops.getProperty("before"); String after = cprops.getProperty("after"); if (before != null) img.setSpacingBefore(Float.valueOf(before).floatValue()); if (after != null) img.setSpacingAfter(Float.valueOf(after).floatValue()); float wp = lengthParse(width, (int)img.width()); float lp = lengthParse(height, (int)img.height()); if (wp > 0 && lp > 0) img.scalePercent(wp > lp ? lp : wp); else if (wp > 0) img.scalePercent(wp); else if (lp > 0) img.scalePercent(lp); img.setWidthPercentage(0); if (align != null) { endElement("p"); int ralign = Image.MIDDLE; if (align.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) ralign = Image.LEFT; else if (align.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) ralign = Image.RIGHT; img.setAlignment(ralign); Img i = null; boolean skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (Img)interfaceProps.get("img_interface"); if (i != null) skip = i.process(img, h, cprops, document); } if (!skip) document.add(img); cprops.removeChain(tag); } else { cprops.removeChain(tag); if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.createParagraph(cprops); currentParagraph.add(new Chunk(img, 0, 0)); } return; } endElement("p"); if (tag.equals("h1") || tag.equals("h2") || tag.equals("h3") || tag.equals("h4") || tag.equals("h5") || tag.equals("h6")) { if (!h.containsKey("size")) h.put("size", tag.substring(1)); cprops.addToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.equals("ul")) { if (pendingLI) endElement("li"); skipText = true; cprops.addToChain(tag, h); com.lowagie.text.List list = new com.lowagie.text.List(false, 10); list.setListSymbol("\u2022"); stack.push(list); return; } if (tag.equals("ol")) { if (pendingLI) endElement("li"); skipText = true; cprops.addToChain(tag, h); com.lowagie.text.List list = new com.lowagie.text.List(true, 10); stack.push(list); return; } if (tag.equals("li")) { if (pendingLI) endElement("li"); skipText = false; pendingLI = true; cprops.addToChain(tag, h); stack.push(FactoryProperties.createListItem(cprops)); return; } if (tag.equals("div") || tag.equals("body")) { cprops.addToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.equals("pre")) { if (!h.containsKey("face")) { h.put("face", "Courier"); } cprops.addToChain(tag, h); isPRE = true; return; } if (tag.equals("p")) { cprops.addToChain(tag, h); currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.createParagraph(h); return; } if (tag.equals("tr")) { if (pendingTR) endElement("tr"); skipText = true; pendingTR = true; cprops.addToChain("tr", h); return; } if (tag.equals("td") || tag.equals("th")) { if (pendingTD) endElement(tag); skipText = false; pendingTD = true; cprops.addToChain("td", h); stack.push(new IncCell(tag, cprops)); return; } if (tag.equals("table")) { cprops.addToChain("table", h); IncTable table = new IncTable(h); stack.push(table); tableState.push(new boolean[]{pendingTR, pendingTD}); pendingTR = pendingTD = false; skipText = true; return; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } public void endElement(String tag) { if (!tagsSupported.containsKey(tag)) return; try { String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags.get(tag); if (follow != null) { cprops.removeChain(follow); return; } if (tag.equals("font") || tag.equals("span")) { cprops.removeChain(tag); return; } if (tag.equals("a")) { if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); ALink i = null; boolean skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (ALink)interfaceProps.get("alink_interface"); if (i != null) skip = i.process(currentParagraph, cprops); } if (!skip) { String href = cprops.getProperty("href"); if (href != null) { ArrayList chunks = currentParagraph.getChunks(); for (int k = 0; k < chunks.size(); ++k) { Chunk ck = (Chunk)chunks.get(k); ck.setAnchor(href); } } } Paragraph tmp = (Paragraph)stack.pop(); Phrase tmp2 = new Phrase(); tmp2.add(currentParagraph); tmp.add(tmp2); currentParagraph = tmp; cprops.removeChain("a"); return; } if (tag.equals("br")) { return; } if (currentParagraph != null) { if (stack.empty()) document.add(currentParagraph); else { Object obj = stack.pop(); if (obj instanceof TextElementArray) { TextElementArray current = (TextElementArray)obj; current.add(currentParagraph); } stack.push(obj); } } currentParagraph = null; if (tag.equals("ul") || tag.equals("ol")) { if (pendingLI) endElement("li"); skipText = false; cprops.removeChain(tag); if (stack.empty()) return; Object obj = stack.pop(); if (!(obj instanceof com.lowagie.text.List)) { stack.push(obj); return; } if (stack.empty()) document.add((Element)obj); else ((TextElementArray)stack.peek()).add(obj); return; } if (tag.equals("li")) { pendingLI = false; skipText = true; cprops.removeChain(tag); if (stack.empty()) return; Object obj = stack.pop(); if (!(obj instanceof ListItem)) { stack.push(obj); return; } if (stack.empty()) { document.add((Element)obj); return; } Object list = stack.pop(); if (!(list instanceof com.lowagie.text.List)) { stack.push(list); return; } ListItem item = (ListItem)obj; ((com.lowagie.text.List)list).add(item); ArrayList cks = item.getChunks(); if (cks.size() > 0) item.listSymbol().setFont(((Chunk)cks.get(0)).font()); stack.push(list); return; } if (tag.equals("div") || tag.equals("body")) { cprops.removeChain(tag); return; } if (tag.equals("pre")) { cprops.removeChain(tag); isPRE = false; return; } if (tag.equals("p")) { cprops.removeChain(tag); return; } if (tag.equals("h1") || tag.equals("h2") || tag.equals("h3") || tag.equals("h4") || tag.equals("h5") || tag.equals("h6")) { cprops.removeChain(tag); return; } if (tag.equals("table")) { if (pendingTR) endElement("tr"); cprops.removeChain("table"); IncTable table = (IncTable) stack.pop(); PdfPTable tb = table.buildTable(); tb.setSplitRows(true); if (stack.empty()) document.add(tb); else ((TextElementArray)stack.peek()).add(tb); boolean state[] = (boolean[])tableState.pop(); pendingTR = state[0]; pendingTD = state[1]; skipText = false; return; } if (tag.equals("tr")) { if (pendingTD) endElement("td"); pendingTR = false; cprops.removeChain("tr"); ArrayList cells = new ArrayList(); IncTable table = null; while (true) { Object obj = stack.pop(); if (obj instanceof IncCell) { cells.add(((IncCell)obj).getCell()); } if (obj instanceof IncTable) { table = (IncTable)obj; break; } } table.addCols(cells); table.endRow(); stack.push(table); skipText = true; return; } if (tag.equals("td") || tag.equals("th")) { pendingTD = false; cprops.removeChain("td"); skipText = true; return; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } } public void text(String str) { if (skipText) return; String content = str; if (isPRE) { if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); currentParagraph.add(factoryProperties.createChunk(content, cprops)); return; } if (content.trim().length() == 0 && content.indexOf(' ') < 0) { return; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int len = content.length(); char character; boolean newline = false; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch(character = content.charAt(i)) { case ' ': if (!newline) { buf.append(character); } break; case '\n': if (i > 0) { newline = true; buf.append(' '); } break; case '\r': break; case '\t': break; default: newline = false; buf.append(character); } } if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.createParagraph(cprops); currentParagraph.add(factoryProperties.createChunk(buf.toString(), cprops)); } public boolean add(Element element) throws DocumentException { objectList.add(element); return true; } public boolean add(Watermark watermark) { return true; } public void clearTextWrap() throws DocumentException { } public void close() { } public boolean newPage() throws DocumentException { return true; } public void open() { } public void removeWatermark() { } public void resetFooter() { } public void resetHeader() { } public void resetPageCount() { } public void setFooter(HeaderFooter footer) { } public void setHeader(HeaderFooter header) { } public boolean setMarginMirroring(boolean marginMirroring) { return true; } public boolean setMargins(float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom) { return true; } public void setPageCount(int pageN) { } public boolean setPageSize(Rectangle pageSize) { return true; } public static final String tagsSupportedString = "ol ul li a pre font span br p div body table td th tr i b u sub sup em strong" + " h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 img"; public static final HashMap tagsSupported = new HashMap(); static { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(tagsSupportedString); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) tagsSupported.put(tok.nextToken(), null); } private static float lengthParse(String txt, int c) { if (txt == null) return -1; if (txt.endsWith("%")) { float vf = Float.valueOf(txt.substring(0, txt.length() - 1)).floatValue(); return vf; } int v = Integer.parseInt(txt); return (float)v / c * 100f; } }