package com.lowagie.bc.asn1; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; public abstract class ASN1Sequence extends DERObject { private Vector seq = new Vector(); /** * return an ASN1Sequence from the given object. * * @param obj the object we want converted. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be converted. */ public static ASN1Sequence getInstance( Object obj) { if (obj == null || obj instanceof ASN1Sequence) { return (ASN1Sequence)obj; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object in getInstance"); } /** * Return an ASN1 sequence from a tagged object. There is a special * case here, if an object appears to have been explicitly tagged on * reading but we were expecting it to be implictly tagged in the * normal course of events it indicates that we lost the surrounding * sequence - so we need to add it back (this will happen if the tagged * object is a sequence that contains other sequences). If you are * dealing with implicitly tagged sequences you really should * be using this method. * * @param obj the tagged object. * @param explicit true if the object is meant to be explicitly tagged, * false otherwise. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the tagged object cannot * be converted. */ public static ASN1Sequence getInstance( ASN1TaggedObject obj, boolean explicit) { if (explicit) { if (!obj.isExplicit()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("object implicit - explicit expected."); } return (ASN1Sequence)obj.getObject(); } else { // // constructed object which appears to be explicitly tagged // when it should be implicit means we have to add the // surrounding sequence. // if (obj.isExplicit()) { if (obj instanceof BERTaggedObject) { return new BERSequence(obj.getObject()); } else { return new DERSequence(obj.getObject()); } } else { if (obj.getObject() instanceof ASN1Sequence) { return (ASN1Sequence)obj.getObject(); } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown object in getInstanceFromTagged"); } public Enumeration getObjects() { return seq.elements(); } /** * return the object at the sequence postion indicated by index. * * @param index the sequence number (starting at zero) of the object * @return the object at the sequence postion indicated by index. */ public DEREncodable getObjectAt( int index) { return (DEREncodable)seq.elementAt(index); } /** * return the number of objects in this sequence. * * @return the number of objects in this sequence. */ public int size() { return seq.size(); } public int hashCode() { Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); int hashCode = 0; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = e.nextElement(); if (o != null) { hashCode ^= o.hashCode(); } } return hashCode; } public boolean equals( Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof ASN1Sequence)) { return false; } ASN1Sequence other = (ASN1Sequence)o; if (this.size() != other.size()) { return false; } Enumeration s1 = this.getObjects(); Enumeration s2 = other.getObjects(); while (s1.hasMoreElements()) { Object o1 = s1.nextElement(); Object o2 = s2.nextElement(); if (o1 != null && o2 != null) { if (!o1.equals(o2)) { return false; } } else if (o1 == null && o2 == null) { continue; } else { return false; } } return true; } protected void addObject( DEREncodable obj) { seq.addElement(obj); } abstract void encode(DEROutputStream out) throws IOException; }