/************************************************************************* * * CatProcs.h * * Copyright (c) 2007 Adobe Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the * property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are * proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers and may * be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are * protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this * information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden * unless prior written permission is obtained from Adobe Systems Inc. * ************************************************************************/ /** Launch Catalog. If Catalog is already launched, its window is activated. @see CatalogGiveStatus @see CatalogLoadIndex */ PIPROC ( void, CatalogActivate, (void), ) /** Opens an already existing index. If Catalog is not already open, it is launched. @param szIndex The full path of the index (including the .pdx extension). If it is invalid, the method does nothing. @return The status after the index definition dialog box is closed. If Catalog is busy, it returns CatalogBusy. @see CatalogActivate @see CatalogPurgeIndex @exception None */ PIPROC ( IndexStatus, CatalogLoadIndex, (char *szIndex), szIndex) /** Builds an index. If Catalog is not already open, it is launched. @param szIndex The destination path of the index (including the .pdx extension). @return The status after the build is done. If Catalog is busy, it returns CatalogBusy. @see CatalogActivate @see CatalogLoadIndex @see CatalogPurgeIndex */ PIPROC ( IndexStatus, CatalogBuildIndex, (char *szIndex), szIndex) /** Purges an already existing index. If Catalog is not already open, it is launched. @param szIndex IN The full path of the index (including the .pdx extension). If it is invalid, the method does nothing. @return The status after the purge is done. If Catalog is busy, it returns CatalogBusy. @see CatalogActivate @see CatalogBuildIndex @see CatalogPurgeIndex */ PIPROC ( IndexStatus, CatalogPurgeIndex, (char *szIndex), szIndex) /** Returns the current status of Catalog. @return The current status of Catalog. */ PIPROC ( CatalogStatus, CatalogGiveStatus, (void), )