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- for AcroTTS HFT functions.
Finalizes a speech section shutting down the speech engines used by the TTS object.
AFTTSIsAvailable() should return false
after that. Its use by a plug-in should not be
needed at any time, since AcroForms already handles TTS termination. Initialization of TTS
is also handled automatically. By calling any function below, AFTTSIsAvailable() should
then return true
, in case a SAPI engine is installed on the system.
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSEnd, (void), )
Puts text into the queue to be performed by AFTTSTalk().
@param textdata The text that will be put into the queue.
@param UseDefaultSpeaker Whether to use the default speaker.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSQSilence
@see AFTTSQSound
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSQueueTextData, (const char* textdata, ASBool UseDefaultSpeaker), textdata, UseDefaultSpeaker)
Sends whatever is in the queue to be spoken by the SAPI
TTS engine. If the text output had been paused, it resumes
playback of the queued text.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSQueueTextData
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSTalk, (void), )
Puts a sound into the queue. The sound can then be performed
by AFTTSTalk().
@param soundName The sound name, which can be one of the following:
This list can be augmented by adding sound files to the
folder in Acrobat's installation, in 22kHz 16-bit
PCM .wav format.
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSQSilence
@see AFTTSQueueTextData Puts text into the queue to be performed by AFTTSTalk().
@see AFTTSQSilence
@see AFTTSQSound
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSQSound, (const char* soundName), soundName)
/** Not implemented in 4.05. */
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSQTone, (ASUns32 frequency, ASUns32 duration), frequency, duration)
Queues a period of silence into the text.
@param duration The amount of silence in milliseconds.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSQSound
@see AFTTSQueueTextData
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSQSilence, (ASUns32 duration), duration)
Resumes playback of text on a paused TTS object.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSPause
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSResume, (void), )
Immediately pauses TTS output on a TTS object. Playback
of the remaining queued text can be resumed via AFTTSResume().
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSResume
@see AFTTSQSound
@see AFTTSQueueTextData
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSPause, (void), )
Stops playback of currently queued text, and flushes the
queue. Playback of queued text cannot be resumed.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSReset
@see AFTTSQueueTextData
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSStop, (void), )
Stops playback of the currently queued text, and flushes
the queue. It resets all the properties of the TTS object to
their default values.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSStop
@see AFTTSPause
@note Text playback cannot be resumed via AFTTSResume().
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSReset, (void), )
Gets the voice name of any of the available speakers in
the installed TTS engine.
@param index The index of the speaker.
@return The name of the voice.
@see AFTTSSetSpeaker
PIPROC(char*, AFTTSGetVoiceName, (ASInt32 index), index)
Determines whether the TTS object is available and the Text-to-Speech
engine can be used.
@return true
if the Text-to-Speech engine can be used, false
@note Calling any method in this API causes the Forms plug-in
to initialize TTS automatically if an SAPI engine is installed
on the system.
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSIsAvailable, (void), )
Gets the name of the current speaker.
@return The name of the current speaker.
@see AFTTSSetSpeaker
PIPROC(char*, AFTTSGetSpeaker, (void), )
/** Not implemented in 4.05. */
PIPROC(char*, AFTTSGetPunctuations, (void), )
Gets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS
@return The speed, in words per minute, at which text
is being spoken.
@see AFTTSSetSpeechRate
@see AFTTSSetSpeaker
PIPROC(ASUns32, AFTTSGetSpeechRate, (void), )
/** Not implemented in 4.05. */
PIPROC(ASUns32, AFTTSGetCharacterScale, (void), )
Gets the volume for the speaker.
@return The volume. Valid values are from 0
(mute) to 10
The default is 5
@see AFTTSSetVolume
@note Calling any method in this API causes the Forms plug-in
to initialize TTS automatically if an SAPI engine is installed
on the system.
PIPROC(ASUns32, AFTTSGetVolume, (void), )
Gets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.
@return The baseline pitch. The valid range is from 0
to 10
, with
being the default for the speaker.
@see AFTTSSetPitch
Gets the name of the current speaker.
@see AFTTSSetSpeaker
PIPROC(ASUns32, AFTTSGetPitch, (void), )
Gets the number of different speakers available to the current
TTS engine.
@return The number of speakers available.
@see AFTTSGetVoiceName
PIPROC(ASUns32, AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices, (void), )
Sets the current voice. Valid values are any of those enumerated
via AFTTSGetVoiceName() and AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices().
@param voiceName The speaker name.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSGetSpeaker
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSSetSpeaker, (const char* voiceName), voiceName)
/** Not implemented in 4.05. */
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSSetPunctuations, (const char* punctuations), punctuations)
Sets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS
@param speed The speed in words per minute.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSGetSpeechRate
@see AFTTSGetVolume
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSSetSpeechRate, (ASUns32 speed), speed)
/** Not implemented in 4.05. */
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSSetCharacterScale, (ASUns32 chrScale), chrScale)
Sets the speech volume.
@param volume The volume. Valid values are from 0
to 10
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSGetVolume
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSSetVolume, (ASUns32 volume), volume)
Sets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.
@param pitch The baseline pitch. The valid range is from
to 10
, with 5
being the default for the speaker.
@return true
if the speech engine is available, false
@see AFTTSGetPitch
@see AFTTSGetSpeaker
PIPROC(ASBool, AFTTSSetPitch, (ASUns32 pitch), pitch)
/** Sets the function to be called when TTS finished speaking. NULL
callbacks. */
PIPROC(void, AFTTSSetNotify, (AFTTSNotifyProc proc), proc)