/********************************************************************* ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PIMain.h - Include file for PIMain.c. - Contains #defines, macros, function protos, and global variable declarations. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef _H_PIMain #define _H_PIMain #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "PICommon.h" #include "PIRequir.h" #include "CoreExpT.h" extern HFT gCoreHFT; extern ASUns32 gCoreVersion; /* The following globals are only needed if functions from them are being accessed */ #if PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gAcroSupportHFT; extern ASUns32 gAcroSupportVersion; #endif #if PI_COS_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gCosHFT; extern ASUns32 gCosVersion; #endif #if PI_PDMODEL_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDModelHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDModelVersion; #endif #if PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDFEditReadHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDFEditReadVersion; #endif #if PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDFEditWriteHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDFEditWriteVersion; #endif #if PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDSysFontHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDSysFontVersion; #endif #if PI_PAGE_PDE_CONTENT_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPagePDEContentHFT; extern ASUns32 gPagePDEContentVersion; #endif #if PI_ACROVIEW_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gAcroViewHFT; extern ASUns32 gAcroViewVersion; #endif #if PI_PDSEDIT_WRITE_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDSWriteHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDSWriteVersion; #endif #if PI_PDSEDIT_READ_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDSReadHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDSReadVersion; #endif #if PI_MACINTOSH_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gMacintoshHFT; extern ASUns32 gMacintoshVersion; #endif #if PI_WIN_VERSION extern HFT gWinHFT; extern ASUns32 gWinVersion; #endif #if PI_OS2_VERSION extern HFT gOS2HFT; extern ASUns32 gOS2Version; #endif #if PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION extern HFT gASExtraHFT; extern ASUns32 gASExtraVersion; #endif #if PI_ACROVIEWSWEETPEA_VERSION extern HFT gAcroViewSweetPeaHFT; extern ASUns32 gAcroViewSweetPeaVersion; #endif #if PI_PDMETADATA_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gPDMetadataHFT; extern ASUns32 gPDMetadataVersion; #endif #if PI_ACROCOLOR_PRIVATE_VERSION != 0 extern HFT gAcroColorPrivateHFT; extern ASUns32 gAcroColorPrivateVersion; #endif #if WIN_PLATFORM #include <windows.h> extern HINSTANCE gHINSTANCE; extern HWND gHWND; #endif #if UNIX_PLATFORM extern void *gHandle; #endif ASBool GetRequestedHFT(char* table, ASUns32 requiredVer, ASUns32 *resultingVer, HFT *resultHFT); /* ** Prototypes for PI-provided functions in the handshaking. */ ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 PISetupSDK(ASUns32 handshakeVersion, void *sdkData); #if MAC_PLATFORM /* Acrobat's bundle. Please do not use CFBundleGetMainBundle() -- If you are running in the browser, CFBundleGetMainBundle() returns the bundle of the browser and not Acrobat's. If you're going to hold onto this, remember to call CFRetain() and CFRelease() on it. */ extern CFBundleRef gAppBundle; /* The plug-ins bundle. If you're going to hold onto this, remember to call CFRetain() and CFRelease() on it. */ extern CFBundleRef gPluginBundle; /* GetAcroPluginResourceMap This routine opens the resource map of the plug-in. Opening resources is expensive (performance wise) so only do so if resources are really needed. @returns The resource reference number for the plug-ins resource file or kResFileNotOpened if the file cannot be opened */ short GetAcroPluginResourceMap(); #endif /* MAC_PLATFORM */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _H_PIMAIN */