/********************************************************************* ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PEWProcs.h - Catalog of functions exported by the PDFEditWrite HFT. *********************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDFEdit Public Methods - Generic PDEContent and PDEElement methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates an empty content object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned content object when finished with it.

@return An empty content object. @exception peErrPStackUnderflow @see PDEContentCreateFromCosObj @see PDPageAcquirePDEContent @note Do not use this method to create a PDEContent to be put into a PDPage. Instead, call PDPageAcquirePDEContent(). @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEContent, PDEContentCreate, (void)) /** This is the main method for converting a PDEContent into PDF contents and resources.

This method does not change the PDEContent object or its reference count.

The caller of this function is responsible for adding the contents and the resources returned from this method to the Page Object.

@param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @param flags IN/OUT Flags specifying the type of object to create (page contents, form, or charproc) and how it is created. It must be one or more of PDEContentToCosObjFlags. @param attrs IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEContentAttrs structure that contains the appropriate form attributes or cache device/char-width attributes, and so on. If it is zero, no attributes are set. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrs buffer in bytes. Zero if attrs is zero. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which the contents and resources are created. @param filtersP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be NULL. If filtersP contains any encodeParms, they must belong to cosDoc. @param contentsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the resulting contents in pdeContent. @param resourcesP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the resulting resources in pdeContent. Note that the client is responsible for putting the resourcesP dictionary into the contentsP stream for non-page objects. The client must do this for XObject Forms and appearance dictionaries in annotations. For Type 3 fonts, the resource dictionaries must be merged and put into the Type 3 font dictionary. For a page, the contents and resources must be put into the page object. @exception peErrUnknownResType @exception pageErrErrorParsingImage @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @see PDEContentCreateFromCosObj @note Do not use this method to put a PDEContent into a PDPage. Instead, call PDPageSetPDEContent(). @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentToCosObj, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDEContentToPage, kPDEContentToForm, kPDEToContentCharProc */ IN PDEContentAttrsP attrs, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN CosDoc cosDoc, IN PDEFilterArrayP filtersP, OUT CosObj *contentsP, OUT CosObj *resourcesP) ) /** Removes an element from a PDEContent. @param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @param index IN/OUT The index in pdeContent of the element to remove whose reference count is decremented. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEContentAddElem @note This decrements the reference count of the element removed. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentRemoveElem,( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASInt32 index) ) /** Inserts an element into a PDEContent. @param pdeContent The content to which pdeElement is added. @param addAfterIndex The location after which pdeElement is added. It should be kPDEBeforeFirst to add to the beginning of the display list. @param pdeElement The element to add to pdeContent. The reference count of pdeElement is incremented. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEContentRemoveElem @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 @see PDEContentRemoveElem @note This method increments the reference count of pdeElement. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentAddElem, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASInt32 addAfterIndex, IN PDEElement pdeElement) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ General methods for PDEPath, PDEImage and PDEXObject. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Sets the graphics state information for an element.

This method is valid only for PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, and PDEShading elements.

@param pdeElement An element whose graphics state is set. @param stateP A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with graphics state information to set for pdeContent. Any of the stateP parameter's color space or ExtGState objects have their reference count incremented. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm will be raised if the first parameter, pdeElement, does not have a graphics state associated with it. @see PDEElementGetGState @note This method causes any of the stateP parameter's color space or ExtGState objects to have their reference count incremented, and previous graphic state objects to be decremented. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEElementSetGState, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, IN PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Sets the transformation matrix for an element.

The element may not be a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, a PDEPlace, or a PDEText.

@param pdeElement IN/OUT An element whose transformation matrix is set. @param matrixP IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to set for pdeContent. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEElementGetMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEElementSetMatrix, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Sets the current clip for an element. The pdeElement parameter's previous clip's reference count is decremented (if it had one), and the pdeClip parameter's reference count is incremented. @param pdeElement IN/OUT An element whose clip is set. @param pdeClip IN/OUT The clip to set for pdeContent. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEElementGetClip @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEElementSetClip, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, IN PDEClip pdeClip) ) /** Makes a copy of an element. The caller is responsible for releasing the copy with PDERelease(). @param pdeElement IN/OUT The element to copy. @param flags IN/OUT A bit field of PDEElementCopyFlags. @return A copy of pdeElement. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEContentGetElem @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEElement, PDEElementCopy, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEText methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Sets the graphics state of a text run. @note This method increments the reference count of objects in stateP. @param pdeText The text object containing a text run whose graphics state is set. @param runIndex The index of the text run. @param stateP A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state to set. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetGState @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetGState, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Sets the text state of a text run. @param pdeText The text object containing a text run whose text state is set. @param runIndex The index of the text run. @param stateP A pointer to a PDETextState structure with text state. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetTextState @see PDETextRunSetState @note This method has the following side effect (Acrobat 5 and later): It modifies the text matrix of the run. In order to maintain backward compatibility, this method only directly operates on the first four fields of PDETextState. When it is called, it calculates a new text matrix with three additional fields: fontSize, hScale, and textRise (see PDETextState). To avoid this behavior, use PDETextRunSetState() instead (which was added to address this problem). @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetTextState, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN PDETextStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Sets the font of a text run. @note This method decrements the reference count of the previous font and increments the reference count of the new font. @param pdeText IN/OUT The text object containing a text run whose font is set. @param runIndex IN/OUT The index of the text run. @param font IN/OUT The font set for the text run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetFont @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetFont, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN PDEFont font) ) /** Sets the text matrix of a text run. @param pdeText IN/OUT The text object containing a text run whose text matrix is set. @param runIndex IN/OUT The index of the text run. @param matrixP IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the text matrix. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetTextMatrix @see PDETextRunSetMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetTextMatrix, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Sets the stroke matrix of a text run. @param pdeText The text object containing a text run whose stroke matrix is set. @param runIndex The index of the text run. @param matrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the stroke matrix. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetStrokeMatrix @note Currently this method is not implemented (Acrobat 5 and later). @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Adds a character or a text run to a PDEThe text object. @note This method does not change the reference count of pdeText; however, the reference count of the objects in the gstateP parameter are incremented. @param pdeText The text object to which a character or text run is added. @param flags A PDETextFlags that specifies what kind of text to add. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index The index after which to add the character or text run. @param text A pointer to the characters to add. Note that passing NULL for the text can invalidate the text object, but will not raise an error. Callers must not pass NULL for this parameter. @param textLen The length of the text in bytes. @param font The font for the element. @param gstateP A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. @param gstateLen The length of the graphics state for the element. @param tstateP A pointer to a PDETextState structure with the text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the wasSetFlags flag of the PDETextState structure, so you must initialize the PDETextState fields. @param tstateLen The length of the text state for the element. @param textMatrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. @param strokeMatrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It may be NULL. Note that this field is not currently used (Acrobat 5 and later). @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextIsAtPoint @see PDETextReplaceChars @see PDETextSplitRunAt @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextAdd, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, IN ASUns8 *text, IN ASInt32 textLen, IN PDEFont font, IN PDEGraphicStateP gstateP, IN ASUns32 gstateLen, IN PDETextStateP tstateP, IN ASUns32 tstateLen, IN ASFixedMatrixP textMatrixP, IN ASFixedMatrixP strokeMatrixP) ) /** Removes characters or text runs from a text object. @param pdeText IN/OUT The text object from which text is removed. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param count IN/OUT The number of characters or text runs to remove. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextAdd @see PDETextReplaceChars @see PDETextSplitRunAt @note This method decrements the reference count of objects associated with the pdeText in the graphic state and font. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRemove, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, IN ASInt32 count) ) /** Creates an empty text object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned text object when finished with it.

@return An empty text object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEText, PDETextCreate, (void) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEPath methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Sets new path data for a path element. @param path IN/OUT The path whose data is set. @param data IN/OUT A pointer to the path data. It is a variable-sized array of path operators and operands. The format is a 32-bit operator followed by zero to three ASFixedPoint values, depending on the operator. Operators are codes for moveto, lineto, curveto, rect, or closepath operators, and must be one of PDEPathElementType. Operands are ASFixedPoint values. The data is copied into the PDEPath object. @param dataSize IN/OUT The size of the new path data in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEPathGetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPathSetData, ( IN PDEPath path, IN ASInt32 *data, IN ASUns32 dataSize) ) /** Sets the fill and stroke attributes of a path. @param path IN/OUT The path whose fill and stroke attributes are set. @param op IN/OUT The operation to set; it must be one of PDEPathOpFlags. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPathGetPaintOp @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPathSetPaintOp, ( IN PDEPath path, IN ASUns32 op) ) /** Creates an empty path element.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned path object when finished with it.

@return An empty path element. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEPath, PDEPathCreate, (void) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEImage methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Image filtering -- see the notes in PERProcs.h */ /** Sets data for an image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose data is set. @param flags IN/OUT A set of PDEImageDataFlags flags. If kPDEImageEncodedData is set, the data must be encoded for the current filters, and encodedLen is the length of the encoded data. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is not set, data is not encoded and encodedLen is the size of the decoded data. @param buffer IN/OUT The image data. @param encodedLen IN/OUT The length of the encoded data. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetData @see PDEImageGetDataLen @see PDEImageGetDataStm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageSetData, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASUns32 flags, IN ASUns8 *buffer, IN ASUns32 encodedLen) ) /** Sets a data stream for an image. It can only be used for XObject images.

The caller must dispose of the stream by calling ASStmClose().

@param image IN/OUT The image whose data stream is set. @param flags IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, the stream must be encoded. @param filtersP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure. If it is not NULL, it is used to build Cos objects for the Filter, DecodeParms, and EncodeParms objects. If filtersP is NULL, the existing Filter and DecodeParms are used. EncodeParms is set it to DecodeParms if it exists. @param stm IN/OUT The stream for the image data. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageGetData @see PDEImageGetDataLen @see PDEImageGetDataStm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageSetDataStm, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASUns32 flags, IN PDEFilterArrayP filtersP, IN ASStm stm) ) /** Creates an image object.

The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If dataStm is non-NULL, data is ignored.

See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.

The caller must dispose of dataStm after calling this method.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.

@param attrsP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @param matrixP IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. @param flags IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then encodedLen must specify the length of data. @param colorSpace IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, colorSpace is the color space of the colorValueP argument. @param colorValueP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, colorValueP must be provided. @param filtersP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be NULL. Filters will be used to encode the data in the order in which they are specified in the array. @param dataStm IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. @param data IN/OUT The image data. If dataStm is non-NULL, data is ignored. If there is a great deal of data, as for a large image, it is recommended you use the dataStm parameter for the image data or use the PDEImageCreateFromCosObj() method. @param encodedLen IN/OUT The encoded length of data in bytes. @return The image. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception pageErrReadLessImageData @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEImage, PDEImageCreate, ( IN PDEImageAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP, IN ASUns32 flags, IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace, IN PDEColorValueP colorValueP, IN PDEFilterArrayP filtersP, IN ASStm dataStm, IN ASUns8 *data, IN ASUns32 encodedLen) ) /** Creates an image object from a Cos object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.

@param imageObjP IN/OUT The Cos object for the image. @param matrixP IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. @param colorSpace IN/OUT The color space used for the image, if the image is an image mask; otherwise, set it to NULL. @param colorValueP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, colorValueP must be provided. @return An image corresponding to the Cos object. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception pageErrReadLessImageData @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageCreate @see PDEImageGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEImage, PDEImageCreateFromCosObj, ( IN const CosObj *imageObjP, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP, IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace, IN PDEColorValueP colorValueP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEClip methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PDEClip objects can contain PDEContainers and PDEGroups to an ** arbitrary level of nesting. This allows PDEContainers to be used ** to mark clip objects. ** ** PDEGroups inside PDEClips which contain at least one PDEText, ** and no PDEPaths have a special meaning. All PDEThe text objects contained ** in such a PDEGroup are considered to be part of the same BT,ET ** block. This means that the union of these PDETexts makes up a single ** clipping path, as opposed to the intersection of the PDETexts. */ /** Adds an element to a clip path. @param clip IN/OUT The clip path to which an element is added. @param addAfterIndex IN/OUT The index after which to add pdeElement. Use kPDEBeforeFirst to insert an element at the beginning of the clip object. @param pdeElement IN/OUT The element added, which may be a PDEPath, a PDEText, a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, or a PDEPlace object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEClipRemoveElems @note This method increments the reference count of pdeElement. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEClipAddElem, ( IN PDEClip clip, IN ASInt32 addAfterIndex, /* kPDEBeforeFirst */ IN PDEElement pdeElement) ) /** Removes one or more elements from a clip object. @note This method decrements the reference count of each of the elements. @param clip IN/OUT The clip object from which an element is removed. @param index IN/OUT The first element to remove. @param count IN/OUT The number of elements to remove. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEClipAddElem @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEClipRemoveElems, ( IN PDEClip clip, IN ASInt32 index, IN ASInt32 count) ) /** Creates an empty clip object. This represents a clipping object that has no effect on elements that refer to it.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned clip object when finished with it.

It raises an exception if it is unable to allocate memory.

@return The newly created clip object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEClip, PDEClipCreate, (void) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEXObject methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new PDEXObject from a Cos object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEXObject when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT The Cos object for the PDEXObject. @return A PDEXObject corresponding to cosObjP. @see PDEXObjectGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEXObject, PDEXObjectCreate, ( IN const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEForm methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new form from an existing Cos object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned form object when finished with it.

@param xObjectP The Cos object from which a PDEForm is created. @param resourcesP The xObjectP parameter's Resources dictionary. If you do not pass in a Resource object, subsequent calls to PDPageAcquirePDEContent() will fail (after the file is saved). @param matrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the form. @return The newly created form object. @see PDEFormCreateClone @see PDEFormGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEForm, PDEFormCreateFromCosObj, ( IN const CosObj *xObjectP, IN const CosObj *resourcesP, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Gets a PDEContent object for a form. @param form The form whose content is obtained. @return The content for form. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception peErrPStackUnderflow @note Unlike other GetContent methods, this method does increment the reference count of the returned PDEContent. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEContent, PDEFormGetContent, ( IN PDEForm form) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEPS methods. (Passthrough PostScript) ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Sets the data for an object of type PDEPS. @param ps IN/OUT An object of type PDEPS. @param buffer IN/OUT Contains the data. @param bufferSize IN/OUT The length of the data in bytes. @see PDEPSGetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPSSetData, ( IN PDEPS ps, IN ASUns8 *buffer, IN ASUns32 bufferSize) ) /** Sets a stream for the data. The data must be unencoded (no filters). The caller must dispose of the stream. @param ps IN/OUT An object of type PDEPS. @param stm IN/OUT A stream for the data. @see PDEPSGetDataStm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPSSetDataStm, ( IN PDEPS ps, IN ASStm stm ) ) /** Creates a PDEPS object. data and dataStm may be NULL. If so, use PDEPSSetData() and PDEPSSetDataStm() to attach data to the object. If dataStm is non-NULL, then data will be ignored.

See the description of PDEPSSetDataStm() for information on how the stream is handled. If data is non-NULL and dataStm is NULL, the data must contain dataSize number of bytes as specified in the PDEPSAttrsP parameter.

The caller must dispose of the stream after calling this method.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEPS object when finished with it.

@param attrsP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEPSAttrs attributes data structure. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attributes data structure (set to sizeof(PDEPSAttrs)). @param dataStm IN/OUT (May be NULL) Data. See above. @param data IN/OUT (May be NULL) Data stream. See above. @param dataSize IN/OUT The number of bytes of data. @return An object of type PDEPS. @see PDEPSCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(PDEPS, PDEPSCreate, ( IN PDEPSAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASStm dataStm, IN ASUns8 *data, IN ASUns32 dataSize) ) /** Creates a PDEPS object from a CosObj object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEPS object when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT An object of type CosObj. @return An object of type PDEPS. @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEPSCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(PDEPS, PDEPSCreateFromCosObj, ( const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEFont methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new PDEFont from the specified parameters.

The PDEFont may be represented as an embedded font (a FontFile entry in the font descriptor of the PDF file). To create a PDEFont that is stored as an embedded font, the FontFile stream may be passed in fontStm, and the len1, len2, and len3 parameters contain the Length1, Length2, and Length3 values of the FontFile stream attributes dictionary. See Section 5.8 in the PDF Reference for more information about embedded fonts.

The caller must close fontStm with ASStmClose() after invoking PDEFontCreate().

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

@param attrsP A pointer to a PDEFontAttrs structure for the font attributes. @param attrsSize The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @param firstChar The first character index for the widths array, widthsP. @param lastChar The last character index for the widths array, widthsP. @param widthsP A pointer to the widths array. @param encoding An array of 256 pointers to glyph names specifying the custom encoding. If any pointer is NULL, no encoding information is written for that entry. @param encodingBaseName The encoding base name if the encoding is a custom encoding. If the encoding is NULL, encodingBaseName is used as the value of the encoding, and must be one of WinAnsiEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, or MacExpertEncoding. If no encoding value is desired, use ASAtomNull. @param fontStm The stream with font information. @param len1 The length in bytes of the ASCII portion of the Type 1 font file after it has been decoded. For other font formats, such as TrueType or CFF, only len1 is used, and it is the size of the font. @param len2 The length in bytes of the encrypted portion of the Type 1 font file after it has been decoded. @param len3 The length in bytes of the portion of the Type 1 font file that contains the 512 zeros, plus the cleartomark operator, plus any following data. @return The specified PDEFont. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEFontCreateWithParams @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreate, ( IN PDEFontAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASInt32 firstChar, IN ASInt32 lastChar, IN ASInt16 *widthsP, IN char **encoding, IN ASAtom encodingBaseName, IN ASStm fontStm, IN ASInt32 len1, IN ASInt32 len2, IN ASInt32 len3) ) /** Creates a PDEFont corresponding to a Cos object of type Font.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT The Cos object for which a PDEFont is created. @return The PDEFont created from cosObjP. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreate @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEFontCreateWithParams @see PDEFontGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromCosObj, ( const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Gets a PDEFont corresponding to a font in the system.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

The PDEFontCreateFlags flags kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset must both be set in order to subset a font.

If you create a PDEFont that is a subset, call PDEFontSubsetNow() on this font afterwards.

@param sysFont A PDSysFont object referencing a system font. @param flags Indicates whether to embed the font and whether to subset the font. It must be one of PDEFontCreateFlags. If you want to subset a font, set both the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset flags. @return The PDEFont corresponding to sysFont. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreate @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEnumSysFonts @note If you have an environment with no Acrobat Language kit installed, trying to acquire a PDEFont from the system font may raise an exception for some of the operating system fonts. In other words, if you use PDEnumSysFonts() to get the system font attributes, not all of the system fonts will necessarily be used to create the PDEFont. @note If you want to use WinAnsiEncoding on UNIX, do not use this method. Use PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams() or PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding() instead. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFont, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEColorSpace methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new color space object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.

@param name IN/OUT The ASAtom for the name of the color space created. The name must be one of the following: DeviceCMYK, DeviceGray, or DeviceRGB. @return The newly created color space object. @exception cosErrExpectedName @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @see PDEColorSpaceCreate @see PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEColorSpace, PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName, ( IN ASAtom name) ) /** Creates a new color space object from a Cos object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT Supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
Type of namesNames
Device-dependent names
  • DeviceCMYK
  • DeviceGray
  • DeviceN
  • DeviceRGB
Device-independent names
  • CalGray
  • CalRGB
  • Lab
  • ICCBased
Special names
  • Indexed
  • Pattern
  • Separation
@return The newly created color space object. @exception cosErrExpectedArray @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @see PDEColorSpaceCreate @see PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEColorSpace, PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj, ( IN const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Client Tag methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Adds an identifier-value pair to an object.

The clientID-tag combination is a unique identifier for the value. Each client has its own identifier space. It is often convenient to use ASAtoms as tags.

@param object The element to tag. The object may be a PDEElement, PDEContent, PDEFont, PDEColorSpace, and so on. @param clientID Identifies the caller/client. For clients, this should be the gExtensionID extension. For the Adobe PDF Library, if there is only one client of the PDFEdit subsystem, clientID should be zero. If there are multiple clients, each should specify a nonzero, non-negative clientID. (A negative clientID is reserved for the implementation.) @param tag The tag to add to object. If tag is 0, this is the same as calling PDERemoveTag(). In other words, you cannot tell the difference between a tag whose value is zero and a tag that is nonexistent. @param value A pointer to a value to associate with object. Only the pointer is stored. If the pointer points to data, it is the responsibility of the client to manage the data and its memory. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEGetTag @see PDERemoveTag @note Tags are a purely memory-resident feature. In addition, management of tags is the responsibility of the client. A client must manage any memory pointed to by a tag. This method only contains a pointer to the data passed in by the client. The data and the pointer will not be saved to a file. The generic pointer type is not in the PDF specification. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEAddTag, ( IN PDEObject object, IN ASInt32 clientID, IN ASUns32 tag, IN void *value) ) /** Gets an object's value for a given clientID-tag identifier that was added by PDEAddTag. @param object The element whose value is obtained. @param clientID Identifies the caller/client. For clients, this should be the gExtensionID extension. For the Adobe PDF Library, if there is only one client of the PDFEdit subsystem, clientID should be zero. If there are multiple clients, each should specify a nonzero, non-negative clientID. (A negative clientID is reserved for the implementation.) @param tag The object's tag. If object has no tag, this is 0. @return The value associated with the clientID-tag identifier. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEAddTag @see PDERemoveTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void *, PDEGetTag, ( IN PDEObject object, IN ASInt32 clientID, IN ASUns32 tag) ) /** Removes an object's value for a given clientID-tag identifier that was added by PDEAddTag.

If PDEAddTag is called with a 0 tag, this is the same as calling PDERemoveTag().

@param object The element whose tag is removed. @param clientID Identifies the caller/client. For clients, this should be the gExtensionID extension. For the Adobe PDF Library, if there is only one client of the PDFEdit subsystem, clientID should be zero. If there are multiple clients, each should specify a nonzero, non-negative clientID. (A negative clientID is reserved for the implementation.) @param tag The tag value. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEAddTag @see PDEGetTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDERemoveTag, ( IN PDEObject object, IN ASInt32 clientID, IN ASUns32 tag) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Utility methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Merges two Resources dictionaries in the same CosDoc; you cannot merge two resource dictionaries from different CosDocs.

Both dictionaries and what they reference must be in cosDoc. The objects referenced by newResP are appended to resDictP.

This method only operates on the Cos dictionaries. It assumes there are no resource name conflicts.

This method is useful for adding form resources to page resource dictionaries. This is only necessary if creating PDF 1.1 or earlier files for use with Acrobat 2.1 or earlier. This is unnecessary if creating PDF 1.2 or later documents.

@param resDictP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The dictionary to which newResP is merged. When the method completes, resDictP is the merged dictionary result. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The CosDoc containing both dictionaries. @param newResP IN/OUT The dictionary to merge with resDictP. @exception genErrBadParm @note Since PDFEdit resolves resource names across PDEContent objects, this routine is safe for using with PDFEdit methods. This method may be unsafe if you modify streams and dictionaries outside of the PDFEdit API. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEMergeResourcesDict, ( OUT CosObj *resDictP, IN CosDoc cosDoc, IN const CosObj *newResP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notification methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Methods added after version 0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new PDEExtGState from a Cos object. See Section 4.3.4 in the PDF Reference for more information about extended graphics states.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEExtGState when finished with it.

@param cosObjP A Cos object for a dictionary of type ExtGState. @return The PDEExtGState for cosObjP. @see PDEElementSetGState @see PDEExtGStateGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEExtGState, PDEExtGStateCreate, ( IN CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Creates a place object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned place object when finished with it.

@param mcTag IN/OUT The tag name for the place. It must not contain any white space characters (for example, spaces or tabs). @param cosObjP IN/OUT An optional Marked Content dictionary associated with the place. @param isInline If true, it emits the place's dictionary into the content stream inline. If false, then the dictionary is emitted outside of the content stream and referenced by name. See the Property Lists section in the PDF Reference for more details. @return The place object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEPlace, PDEPlaceCreate, ( IN ASAtom mcTag, IN CosObj *cosObjP, IN ASBool isInline) ) /** Sets the Marked Content tag for a PDEPlace. @param pdePlace IN/OUT The place whose Marked Content tag is set. @param mcTag IN/OUT The tag for pdePlace. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPlaceGetMCTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPlaceSetMCTag, ( IN PDEPlace pdePlace, IN ASAtom mcTag) ) /** Sets the Marked Content dictionary for a PDEPlace. The dictionary can be emitted inline or referenced from the \\Properties key in the \\Resources dictionary of the containing stream. @param pdePlace IN/OUT The place whose Marked Content dictionary is set. @param placeDictP IN/OUT The Marked Content dictionary for pdePlace. @param isInline If true, it emits the place's dictionary into the content stream inline. If false, then the dictionary is emitted outside of the content stream and referenced by name. See the Property Lists section in the PDF Reference for more details. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPlaceGetDict @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPlaceSetDict, ( IN PDEPlace pdePlace, IN CosObj *placeDictP, IN ASBool isInline) ) /** Creates a container object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned container object when finished with it.

@param mcTag IN/OUT The tag name for the container. @param cosObjP IN/OUT An optional Marked Content dictionary for the container. @param isInline If true, it emits the container's dictionary into the content stream inline. If false, then the dictionary is emitted outside of the content stream and referenced by name. See the Property Lists section in the PDF Reference for more details. @return The newly created container object. @exception pdErrOpNotPermitted @see PDEContainerGetMCTag @see PDEContainerSetMCTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEContainer, PDEContainerCreate, ( IN ASAtom mcTag, IN CosObj *cosObjP, IN ASBool isInline) ) /** Sets the Marked Content tag for a PDEContainer. @param pdeContainer IN/OUT The container to tag. @param mcTag IN/OUT The Marked Content tag. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEContainerCreate @see PDEContainerGetMCTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContainerSetMCTag, ( IN PDEContainer pdeContainer, IN ASAtom mcTag) ) /** Sets the Marked Content dictionary for a PDEContainer. The dictionary can be emitted inline or referenced from the \\Properties key in the \\Resources dictionary of the containing stream. @param pdeContainer The container whose dictionary is changed. @param placeDictP The Marked Content dictionary being set into pdeContainer. @param isInline If true, it emits the container's dictionary into the content stream inline. If false, then the dictionary is emitted outside of the content stream and referenced by name. See the Property Lists section in the PDF Reference for more details. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEContainerGetDict @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContainerSetDict, ( IN PDEContainer pdeContainer, IN CosObj *placeDictP, IN ASBool isInline) ) /** Sets the content for a container. The existing PDEContent is released by this method. @note This method decrements the reference count of the previous content of the container and increments the reference count of the new PDEContent. @param pdeContainer IN/OUT A container. @param pdeContent IN/OUT The content of pdeContainer. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEContainerGetContent @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContainerSetContent, ( IN PDEContainer pdeContainer, IN PDEContent pdeContent) ) /** Splits a text run into two text runs. @param pdeText The text object containing a text run to split. @param splitLoc The split location, relative to the text object. The first text run is from character index 0 up to splitLoc. The second text run is from splitLoc + 1 to the end of the run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextIsAtPoint @see PDETextReplaceChars @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextSplitRunAt, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 splitLoc) ) /** Creates a pattern object that can be used for a Pattern color space. See Section 4.6 in the PDF Reference for more information about patterns.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned pattern object when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT A CosObj stream for the pattern. @return A pattern. @see PDEPatternGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEPattern, PDEPatternCreate, ( const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Replaces characters in a text object.

This method does not change the number of characters in the text object; extra characters are ignored.

@param pdeText IN/OUT The text object in which characters are replaced. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param textBuffer IN/OUT Replacement text. @param numChars IN/OUT The number of bytes to replace. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextAdd @see PDETextIsAtPoint @see PDETextSplitRunAt @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextReplaceChars, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, IN ASUns8 *textBuffer, IN ASInt32 numChars) ) /** Clears the PDE Cache of this PDDoc. This method is only of interest to clients. @note It is not recommended that you call this method directly; it is provided only for backwards compatibility. @param doc A PDDoc whose cache is purged. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPurgeCache, ( IN PDDoc doc) ) /** Subsets a given PDEFont in a CosDoc.

If you created font with PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(), you must have set both the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset set in the flags parameter, to be able to subset the font.

@param font IN/OUT The PDEFont to subset. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The CosDoc whose font is subsetted. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @note This method does not change the reference count. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontSubsetNow, ( IN PDEFont font, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Adds a segment to a path. The number of ASFixed values used depends upon segType:
segTypeASFixed values
  • x1
  • y1
  • x1
  • y1
  • x1
  • y1
  • x2
  • y2
  • y3
  • x1
  • y1
  • x2
  • y2
  • x1
  • y1
  • x2
  • y2
  • x1
  • y1
  • x2 (width)
  • y2 (height)
@param path IN/OUT The path to which a segment is added. @param segType IN/OUT A PDEPathElementType value indicating the type of path to add. @param x1 IN/OUT The x-coordinate of the first point. @param y1 IN/OUT The y-coordinate of the first point. @param x2 IN/OUT The x-coordinate of the second point. @param y2 IN/OUT The y-coordinate of the second point. @param x3 IN/OUT The x-coordinate of the third point. @param y3 IN/OUT The y-coordinate of the third point. @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEPathSetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPathAddSegment, ( IN PDEPath path, IN ASUns32 segType, IN ASFixed x1, IN ASFixed y1, IN ASFixed x2, IN ASFixed y2, IN ASFixed x3, IN ASFixed y3) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Methods added after version 0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new PDEFont from params.

The PDEFont may be represented as an embedded font (a FontFile value in PDF). To create a PDEFont that will be stored as an embedded font, the FontFile stream may be passed as fontStm, and the len1, len2, and len3 parameters contain the Length1, Length2, and Length3 values of the FontFile. The caller must close the fontStm after calling this method. This method supports multi-byte fonts.

This method extends PDEFontCreate() to support multi-byte fonts.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

@param params IN/OUT A pointer to a structure containing all font parameters necessary to fully define a font. @return A PDEFont object of the font described by the parameters. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreate @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateWithParams, ( IN PDEFontCreateParams params) ) /** Creates a new color space object of the specified type.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.

@param family IN/OUT Supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
Type of namesNames
Device-dependent names
  • DeviceCMYK
  • DeviceGray
  • DeviceN
  • DeviceRGB
Device-independent names
  • CalGray
  • CalRGB
  • Lab
  • ICCBased
Special names
  • Indexed
  • Pattern
  • Separation
@param csStruct IN/OUT Data for the type of color space you want to create. @return The newly created color space object. @exception cosErrExpectedArray @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @see PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEColorSpace, PDEColorSpaceCreate, ( ASAtom family, PDEColorSpaceStruct *csStruct) ) /** Creates an object that can be used to store n color components when in a DeviceN color space.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEDeviceNColors object when finished with it.

@param pColorValues IN/OUT A pointer to an array of ASFixed values. @param numValues IN/OUT The length of the array. @return An object containing values specifying a color in a PDEDeviceNColors color space. @exception genErrNoMemory @see PDEDeviceNColorsGetColorValue @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEDeviceNColors, PDEDeviceNColorsCreate, ( IN ASFixed *pColorValues, IN ASInt32 numValues) ) /** Creates a smooth shading object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEShading object when finished with it.

@param shadingP IN/OUT The shading dictionary. @param matrixP IN/OUT The location and transformation matrix of the shading object. @return A smooth shading object. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception cosErrInvalidObj @exception cosErrExpectedName @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEShading, PDEShadingCreateFromCosObj, ( IN const CosObj *shadingP, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Creates a PDEGroup object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEGroup object when finished with it.

@return The newly created PDEGroup. @see PDEGroupSetContent @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEGroup, PDEGroupCreate, (void)) /** Sets the PDEContent for a PDEGroup. The existing PDEContent is released by this method. @note This method increments the reference count of pdeContent. @param pdeGroup IN/OUT A container object. @param pdeContent IN/OUT The content to set for pdeGroup. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEGroupGetContent @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEGroupSetContent, ( IN PDEGroup pdeGroup, IN PDEContent pdeContent) ) /** Creates a PDEFont corresponding to a font in the system.

If the font is a Multiple Master font, mmDesignVector points to the design vector, whose length must equal the number of design axes of the font.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

The PDEFontCreateFlags flags kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset must both be set in order to subset a font.

If you create a PDEFont that is subsetted, call PDEFontSubsetNow() on this font afterwards.

@param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font. @param flags IN/OUT Indicates whether to embed the font and whether to subset the font. It must be one of PDEFontCreateFlags. If you want to subset a font, set both the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset flags. @param snapshotName IN/OUT The name to be associated with this particular instantiation of the PDEFont. @param mmDesignVec IN/OUT A pointer to the Multiple Master font design vector. @return The PDEFont corresponding to sysFont. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEFontCreateWithParams @see PDEnumSysFonts @note If you have environment with no Acrobat Language kit installed, trying to acquire a PDEFont from the system font may raise an exception for some of the system fonts. In other words, if you use PDEnumSysFonts() to get the system font attributes, not all of the system fonts are necessarily used to create the PDEFont. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN ASUns32 flags, IN ASAtom snapshotName, IN ASFixed *mmDesignVec) ) /** Makes a deep copy of a PDEClip object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned clip object when finished with it.

It raises an exception if it is unable to allocate memory.

@param srcClip IN/OUT The clipping path to copy. @return The deep copy of srcClip. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEClip, PDEClipCopy, ( IN PDEClip srcClip) ) /** Sets the decode array of an image.

Normally, the decode array is accessed through the decode field in the PDEImageAttrs structure. However, this method defines a decode array to handle images with a color space that has more than four components.

@param image The image whose decode array is set. @param decode A pointer to the decode array. @param decodeSize The number of elements in the decode array. @see PDEImageGetDecodeArray @see PDEImageGetFilterArray @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageSetDecodeArray, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASFixed *decode, IN ASUns32 decodeSize) ) /** Adds the specfied PDPage to the PDEContent as an Xobject form. It adds a reference to the Xobject form at the indicated index in the PDE Content; the index may be less than 0, which indicates the object is to be appended to the content. @param theContent The content to set for the page. @param insertAfterIndex The index indicates the location after which the specified element is to be added. The index should be kPDBeforeFirst to add to the beginning of the display list. @param containerDoc The CosDoc in which the page is contained. @param srcPage The page that will be inserted at insertAfterIndex in theContent. @param dstMatrix (May be NULL) The matrix applied to the default matrix of the PDPage that is inserted into the CosDoc. @param annotTypes If the page contains annotations, the annotTypes list is used to determine which annotation types are pumped into the page contents of the CosDoc. @param flags (May be 0) kAnnotAll specifies all annotation types. If this is not set, then the annotTypes list will be consulted. @param bbox (May be NULL) specifies the destination BBox for the page being inserted. If it is NULL, the new page's media box is used. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ XNPROC(void, PDEContentAddPage, (OUT PDEContent theContent, IN ASInt32 insertAfterIndex, IN CosDoc containerDoc, IN PDPage srcPage, IN ASFixedMatrix * dstMatrix, IN ASAtom annotTypes[], IN ASInt32 flags, IN ASFixedRect * bbox) ) /** Embeds the given PDEFont inside doc without creating a subset. Use this method instead of PDEFontSubsetNow() if you created the font with the willSubset flag but changed your mind. @param font The font to embed. @param cosDoc The container document. @see PDEFontEmbedNow @see PDEFontIsEmbedded @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontEmbedNowDontSubset, ( IN PDEFont font, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Gets a Type0 font's width information for only those characters used in the file. Call this routine when the font was created with the kPDEFontDeferWidths flag but without the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded flag (if the font is to be embedded, call PDEFontSubsetNow(), which also gets the width info). @param font The font whose widths are found. @param cosDoc The container document. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontGetWidthsNow, ( IN PDEFont font, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /* APIs added for 5.0 start here */ /** Creates a new PDEBeginContainer object. Call PDERelease to dispose of the returned PDEBeginContainer object when finished with it.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEBeginContainer object when finished with it.

@param mcTag IN/OUT The tag name for the marked-content sequence. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (May be NULL) A CosDict object containing the property list for the sequence. @param isInline If true, it emits the container's dictionary into the content stream inline. If false, then the dictionary is emitted outside of the content stream and referenced by name. See the Property Lists section in the PDF Reference for more details. @return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEBeginContainer, PDEBeginContainerCreate, ( IN ASAtom mcTag, IN CosObj *cosObjP, IN ASBool isInline) ) /** Sets the marked content tag for a PDEBeginContainer. @param pdeBeginContainer IN/OUT The PDEBeginContainer object. @param mcTag IN/OUT The tag name. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType if pdeBeginContainer is NULL or is not the right type. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEBeginContainerSetMCTag, ( IN PDEBeginContainer pdeBeginContainer, IN ASAtom mcTag) ) /** Sets the property list for a PDEBeginContainer. The property list is passed as a Cos dictionary that can be emitted inline or referenced from the \\Properties key in the \\Resources dictionary of the containing stream. @note If cosObjP is NULL, the property list is cleared. @param pdeBeginContainer IN/OUT The PDEBeginContainer object. @param pdeBeginContainerDictP IN/OUT (May be NULL) The Cos dictionary containing the property list. @param isInline If true, it emits the container's dictionary into the content stream inline. If false, then the dictionary is emitted outside of the content stream and referenced by name. See the Property Lists section in the PDF Reference for more details. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType is raised if pdeBeginContainer is NULL or not the right type. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEBeginContainerSetDict, ( IN PDEBeginContainer pdeBeginContainer, IN CosObj *pdeBeginContainerDictP, IN ASBool isInline) ) /** Creates a new soft mask object from its Cos representation.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDESoftMask object when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT The soft mask dictionary. @return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDESoftMask, PDESoftMaskCreateFromCosObj, ( IN const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Creates a new soft mask object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDESoftMask object when finished with it.

@param cosDoc IN/OUT The container document. @param type IN/OUT Specifies how the mask is to be computed. It is one of the PDESoftMaskCreateFlags. @param pdeForm IN/OUT The form XObject that defines the soft mask. It is the source of the mask values and the PDColorSpace in which the composite computation is to be done. @return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDESoftMask, PDESoftMaskCreate, ( IN CosDoc cosDoc, IN PDESoftMaskCreateFlags type, IN PDEForm pdeForm) ) /** Sets the PDEForm that defines the soft mask. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask object. @param pdeForm IN/OUT The form XObject. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDESoftMaskSetXGroup, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask, IN PDEForm pdeForm) ) /** Sets the backdrop color values. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask object. @param pColorValues IN/OUT A series of color values. @param numValues IN/OUT The number of values pointed to by pColorValues. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDESoftMaskSetBackdropColor, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask, IN ASFixed *pColorValues, IN ASInt32 numValues) ) /** Sets the transfer function associated with the soft mask. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask object. @param cosTransferFunction IN/OUT The transfer function dictionary. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDESoftMaskSetTransferFunction, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask, IN CosObj cosTransferFunction) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEXGroup Methods added to support Transparency ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new XGroup object from its Cos representation.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEXGroup object when finished with it.

@param cosObjP IN/OUT The XGroup object dictionary. @return The PDEXGroup object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEXGroup, PDEXGroupCreateFromCosObj, ( IN const CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Create a new XGroup of the given type.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEXGroup object when finished with it.

@param cosDoc The document in which the object will be created. @param type It must be kPDEXGroupTypeTransparency. @return The newly created transparency group object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEXGroup, PDEXGroupCreate, ( IN CosDoc cosDoc, IN PDEXGroupCreateFlags type) ) /** Sets the knockout value. @param pdeXGroup IN/OUT The transparency group object. @param knockout IN/OUT The knockout value. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEXGroupSetKnockout, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup, IN ASBool knockout) ) /** Sets the XGroup to be isolated or not. It corresponds to the / I key within the XGroup's dictionary. @param pdeXGroup IN/OUT The transparency group object. @param isolated IN/OUT true to isolate the XGroup, false otherwise. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEXGroupSetIsolated, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup, IN ASBool isolated) ) /** Sets the PDEXObject that defines the color space into which colors are converted when painted into this group. @param pdeXGroup The transparency group object. @param pdeColorSpace The color space to associate with the XGroup. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEXGroupSetColorSpace, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup, IN PDEColorSpace pdeColorSpace) ) /** Sets the transparency group dictionary of the form XObject. @param pdeForm IN/OUT The font XObject. @param pdeXGroup IN/OUT The transparency dictionary. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEFormSetXGroup, ( IN PDEForm pdeForm, IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Methods added to support ExtGState ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a new extended graphics state object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEExtGState object when finished with it.

@param cosDoc IN/OUT The document within which the object will be used. @return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEExtGState, PDEExtGStateCreateNew, ( IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Sets the overprint mode. It corresponds to the / OPM key within the ExtGState's dictionary. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param opm IN/OUT Overprint mode. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetOPM, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASInt32 opm) ) /** Specifies if overprint is enabled for painting operations other than stroking. It corresponds to the / op key within the ExtGState's dictionary. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param overprint IN/OUT Pass true to enable overprint, false to disable overprint. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetOPFill, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASBool overprint) ) /** Specifies if overprint is enabled for stroke operations. It corresponds to the / OP key within the ExtGState's dictionary. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param overprint IN/OUT Pass true to enable overprint, false to disable overprint. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetOPStroke, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASBool overprint) ) /** Sets the opacity value for painting operations other than stroking. The value must be in the range from 0 to 1 inclusive. It corresponds to the / ca key within the ExtGState's dictionary. The value from 0 to 1 refers to a float number (not an ASFixed value) that should be converted to ASFixed using FloatToASFixed(). @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param opacity IN/OUT The new opacity value. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetOpacityFill, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASFixed opacity) ) /** Sets the opacity value for stroke operations. The value must be in the range from 0 to 1 inclusive. It corresponds to the / CA key within the ExtGState's dictionary. The value from 0 to 1 refers to a float number (not an ASFixed value) that should be converted to ASFixed using FloatToASFixed(). @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param opacity IN/OUT The new opacity value. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetOpacityStroke, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASFixed opacity) ) /** Sets the blend mode for the color composites for each object painted.

The following mode names are valid:

@param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param blendMode IN/OUT The new blend mode. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetBlendMode, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASAtom blendMode) ) /** Specifies if the alpha is to be interpreted as a shape or opacity mask. @param pdeExtGState The extended graphics state object. @param alphaIsShape Indicates whether the sources of alpha are to be treated as shape (true) or opacity (false). This determines the interpretation of the constant alpha (ca or CA) and soft mask (SMask) parameters of the graphics state, as well as a soft-mask image (Smask entry) of an image XObject. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetAIS, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASBool alphaIsShape) ) /** Sets the soft mask of the extended graphics state. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetSoftMask, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEImage Methods added to support SMask and Mattes ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Sets the soft mask. @param image IN/OUT The image XObject. @param sMask IN/OUT The soft mask. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageSetSMask, ( IN PDEImage image, IN PDEImage sMask) ) /** Sets the matte array for the image XObject. @param image IN/OUT The image XObject. @param matte IN/OUT An array of values. @param numComp IN/OUT The number of values in mArray. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageSetMatteArray, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASFixed *matte, IN ASUns32 numComp) ) /** Creates a new PDEEndContainer object. Call PDERelease to dispose of the returned PDEEndContainer object when finished with it.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEEndContainer object when finished with it.

@return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEEndContainer, PDEEndContainerCreate, () ) /** Creates a new begin group object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEBeginGroup object when finished with it.

@return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEBeginGroup, PDEBeginGroupCreate, () ) /** Creates a new end group object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEEndGroup object when finished with it.

@return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEEndGroup, PDEEndGroupCreate, () ) /** Used to obtain a PDEFont corresponding to a font in the system.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEFont object when finished with it.

@param sysFont The system font. @param params The parameters structure. @return The newly created PDEFont object. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception genErrBadParm @note If you want to use WinAnsiEncoding on UNIX, use this method or PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding() instead. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN PDEFontCreateFromSysFontParams params) ) /** Translates a string to Unicode values. The PDEFont must have a / ToUnicode table. @param font IN/OUT The font. @param text IN/OUT The string to convert. @param textLen IN/OUT The length of text in bytes. @param unicodeStr IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A buffer to hold the translated string. @param size IN/OUT The size of the unicodeStr buffer. @return 0 if the string was successfully translated. If unicodeStr is too small for the translated string, it returns the number of bytes required. @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEFontTranslateGlyphIdsToUnicode, ( IN PDEFont font, IN ASUns8 *text, IN ASUns32 textLen, OUT ASUns8 *unicodeStr, IN ASUns32 size) ) /** Specifies whether text knockout is enabled in the graphics state. This corresponds to the / TK key in the ExtGState's dictionary. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param bk IN/OUT Pass true to enable text knockout, false to disable text knockout. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetTK, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASBool bk) ) /** Sets the text state of a text run. @param pdeText The text object containing a text run whose state is set. @param runIndex The index of the text run. @param stateP A pointer to a PDETextState structure with the state to set. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextRunSetTextState @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetState, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN PDETextStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Create an encoding object from the base name.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDSysEncoding object when finished with it.

@param baseEncName IN/OUT The base encoding. See Section 5.5.5 in the PDF Reference. @param diffEnc IN/OUT An array of 256 const char* describing the differences from the encoding specified by baseEncName. It may be NULL. @return An object of type PDSysEncoding. @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(PDSysEncoding, PDSysEncodingCreateFromBaseName, ( IN ASAtom baseEncName, IN const char **diffEnc) ) /** Create an encoding object from a PDF CMap name.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDSysEncoding object when finished with it.

@param cmapName The CMap name. @return An object of type PDSysEncoding. @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(PDSysEncoding, PDSysEncodingCreateFromCMapName, ( IN ASAtom cmapName) ) /** This function returns a createFlags that can be passed to PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding(). If the combination of sysFont and sysEnc is not allowed, -1 is returned. @param sysFont IN/OUT An object of type PDSysFont. @param sysEnc IN/OUT An object of type PDSysEncoding. @return See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDSysFontGetCreateFlags, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc) ) /** Similar to PDSysFontGetCreateFlags but avoids compatibility issues with changing PDSysFontGetCreateFlags. If the combination of sysFont and sysEnc is not allowed, -1 is returned. If the combination is ok, then 0 is returned. If the combination only works if the font is embedded, kPDEFontCreateEmbedded is returned. @param sysFont IN/OUT An object of type PDSysFont. @param sysEnc IN/OUT An object of type PDSysEncoding. @return See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDSysFontVerifyEncoding, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc) ) /** Create a PDEFont from sysFont and sysEnc. If it fails, it raises an exception. User can call PDSysFontGetCreateFlags() to see if the combination of sysFont and sysEnc makes sense.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEFont object when finished with it.

@note If you want to use WinAnsiEncoding on UNIX, use this method or PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams(). @param sysFont A PDSysFont object referencing a system font. @param sysEnc A PDSysEncoding object. @param useThisBaseFont The base font. An exception will be raised if the base font name passed is a subset name (XXXXXX+FontName) or an empty string. @param createFlags One of the PDEFontCreateFlags. @return The newly created PDEFont object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc, IN ASAtom useThisBaseFont, IN ASUns32 createFlags) ) /** This function returns flags indicating what needs to be done to make PDEFont complete. kPDEFontCreateNeedWidths can be cleared by PDEFontCreateWidthsNow(). kPDEFontCreateNeedToUnicode can be cleared by PDEFontCreateToUnicodeNow(). kPDEFontCreateNeedEmbed can be cleared by PDEFontEmbedNow(). @param font The font object. @return A value corresponding to PDEFontCreateNeedFlags(). @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags, ( IN PDEFont font) ) /** This function embeds a font stream. User can check the return value of PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags() to see if calling PDEFontEmbedNow() is needed. @param font The font to embed. @param cosDoc The container document. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEFontEmbedNowDontSubset @see PDEFontIsEmbedded @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontEmbedNow, ( IN PDEFont font, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** This function creates width entries for font. User can check the return value of PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags() to see if calling PDEFontCreateWidthsNow() is needed. @param font IN/OUT The font for which to create width entries. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The container document. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontCreateWidthsNow, ( IN PDEFont font, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** This function creates the / ToUnicode table. The user can check the return value of PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags() to see if calling PDEFontCreateToUnicodeNow() is needed. @param font IN/OUT An object of type PDEFont. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The container document. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontCreateToUnicodeNow, ( IN PDEFont font, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Sets the color space of the image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose color space is obtained. @param space IN/OUT An object of type PDEColorSpace. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetColorSpace @see PDEImageSetColorSpace @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageSetColorSpace, ( IN PDEImage image, IN PDEColorSpace space) ) /** Specifies whether stroke adjustment is enabled in the graphics state. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @param strokeAdjust IN/OUT Pass true to enable stroke adjustment, false to disable stroke adjustment. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEExtGStateSetSA, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState, IN ASBool strokeAdjust) ) /** Create a new soft mask from a name.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDESoftMask object when finished with it.

@param name IN/OUT The new name for the soft mask. Note that, currently, the only valid name is None. @return The newly created object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDESoftMask, PDESoftMaskCreateFromName, ( IN ASAtom name) ) /** Sets the matrix of a text run. Unlike PDETextRunSetTextMatrix(), this function does not change fontSize, hScale, and textRise in the textState of PDEText. @param pdeText IN/OUT The text object containing a text run. @param runIndex IN/OUT The index of the text run. @param matrixP IN/OUT ASFixedMatrixP pointer. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextRunSetTextMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRunSetMatrix, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /* BEGIN Optional Content API calls */ /** Associates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer.

If it is not one of these, nothing happens:

@param elem The element for which to set the dictionary. @param pdOCMD The new dictionary. @see PDEElementGetOCMD @see PDEElementRemoveOCMD @see PDOCMDFindOrCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEElementSetOCMD, (PDEElement elem, PDOCMD pdOCMD) ) /** Dissociates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object from the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer.

If it is not one of these, nothing happens:

@param elem The element for which to remove the dictionary. @see PDEElementGetOCMD @see PDEElementSetOCMD @see PDOCMDFindOrCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEElementRemoveOCMD, (PDEElement elem) ) /** Flattens the content, removing any PDEElement objects that are not visible in the given optional-content context, and removing the optional-content information from any visible PDFElement objects. @param content The content to be modified. @param context The optional-content context in which content is checked for visibility. @return true if the operation is successful, false otherwise. @see PDDocFlattenOC @see PDPageFlattenOC */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEContentFlattenOC, (PDEContent content, PDOCContext context) ) /* END Optional Content API calls */ /** Create an encoding object from a code page.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDSysEncoding object when finished with it.

@param codePage The code page character-mapping construct. See Code Page Values. @param wMode 0 for horizontal writing, 1 for vertical writiing. @return An object of type PDSysEncoding. @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDSysEncoding, PDSysEncodingCreateFromCodePage, ( IN ASInt32 codePage, IN ASInt16 wMode) ) /** Sets the system font object to be used with a font object that does not currently have a system font associated with it. @param pdeFont A PDEFont whose system font is set. @param sysFont The new system font object. @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontGetSysFont @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontSetSysFont, ( IN PDEFont pdeFont, IN PDSysFont sysFont) ) /** Sets the system encoding object associated with a font object. @param pdeFont A PDEFont whose system encoding is set. @param sysEnc The new system encoding object. @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontGetSysEncoding @note Changing the system encoding may produce unexpected results. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontSetSysEncoding, ( IN PDEFont pdeFont, IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc) ) /** Creates a text item element containing a character or text run, which can be added to a PDEText text object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDETextItem object when finished with it.

@param text A pointer to the characters to add. Note that passing NULL for text can invalidate the text object but will not raise an error. Callers must not pass NULL for this parameter. @param textLen The length of the text in bytes. @param font The font for the element. @param gStateP A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. @param gStateLen The length of the graphics state for the element. @param textStateP A pointer to a PDETextState structure with the text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the wasSetFlags flag of the PDETextState structure, so you must initialize the PDETextState fields. @param textStateLen The length of the text state for the element. @param textMatrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextAdd @see PDETextAddItem @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDETextItem, PDETextItemCreate, ( IN ASUns8 *text, IN ASUns32 textLen, IN PDEFont font, IN PDEGraphicStateP gStateP, IN ASUns32 gStateLen, IN PDETextStateP textStateP, IN ASUns32 textStateLen, IN ASFixedMatrix *textMatrixP)) /** Sets the font for a text item. @param textItem The text item whose font is set. @param font The new font object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemGetFont @note This method decrements the reference count of the previous font and increments the reference count of the new font. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemSetFont, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN PDEFont font)) /** Sets the text matrix for a text item. @param textItem The text item whose text matrix is set. @param textMatrixP A pointer to a ASFixedMatrix structure with the new text matrix of the text item. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemGetTextMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemSetTextMatrix, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN ASFixedMatrix *textMatrixP)) /** Sets the text state for a text item. @param textItem The text item whose text state is set. @param textStateP A PDETextStateP structure with the new text state of the text item. @param textStateSize The size of the textStateP structure in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemGetTextState @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemSetTextState, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN PDETextStateP textStateP, IN ASUns32 textStateSize)) /** Sets the graphics state for a text item. @param textItem Text item whose graphics state is set. @param stateP A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with graphics state of the text item. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemGetGState @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemSetGState, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, OUT PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize)) /** Replaces all of the text in a text item. @param textItem The text item whose text are replaced. @param newText The replacement text. @param newTextLen The number of bytes to replace. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemRemoveChars @see PDETextItemReplaceChars @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemReplaceText, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN ASUns8 *newText, IN ASUns32 newTextLen)) /** Replaces characters in a text item.

This method does not change the number of characters in the text item; extra characters are ignored.

@param textItem The text item whose characters are replaced. @param charIndex The index position of the characters to replace. @param newChar The replacement text. @param newCharLen The number of bytes to replace. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemRemoveChars @see PDETextItemReplaceText @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemReplaceChars, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN ASUns32 charIndex, IN ASUns8 *newChar, IN ASUns32 newCharLen)) /** Removes contiguous characters from a text item. @param textItem The text item whose characters are removed. @param charOffset The offset of the first character to remove. @param count The number of characters to remove. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemReplaceChars @see PDETextItemReplaceText @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemRemoveChars, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN ASUns32 charOffset, IN ASUns32 count)) /** Adds a text item to a text element at a given index position. @param text The text object to which the text item is added. @param addIndex The index of the text item in pdeText. @param textItem The text item to add. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextGetItem @see PDETextRemoveItems @see PDETextItemCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextAddItem, ( IN PDEText text, IN ASInt32 addIndex, IN PDETextItem textItem)) /** Removes contiguous text items from a text element starting at a given index position. @param text The text object from which the text items are removed. @param index The index of the first text item in pdeText to remove. @param count The number of text items to remove. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextAddItem @see PDETextGetItem @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextRemoveItems, ( IN PDEText text, IN ASUns32 index, IN ASUns32 count)) /****************** For Acrobat 6.0 feature : 513825**********/ /** Sets the underlying CosStream of the form using the specified content object. @param form The form whose content is set. @param content The new content for form. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception peErrPStackUnderflow @see PDEFormGetContent @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFormSetContent, ( IN PDEForm form, IN PDEContent content) ) /** Creates a new form from an existing form object. Creates a copy of the PDEForm, including the underlying CosStream.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEForm object when finished with it.

@param form The form object from which a new PDEForm is created. @return The newly created form object. @see PDEFormCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDEForm, PDEFormCreateClone, ( IN PDEForm form) ) /** Adds Unicode text to a PDEText object. @param pdeText The text object to which a character or text run is added. @param flags A PDETextFlags that specifies what kind of text to add. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index The index after which to add the character or text run. @param glyphRun A pointer to a PDEGlyphRun structure with Unicode data, GlyphIDs and their correspondence. @param font The font for the element. @param gstateP A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. @param gstateLen The length of the graphics state for the element. @param tstateP A pointer to a PDETextState structure with text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the wasSetFlags flag of the PDETextState structure, so you must initialize the PDETextState fields. @param tstateLen The length of the text state for the element. @param textMatrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. @param strokeMatrixP A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It may be NULL. Note that, currently, this field is not used. (Acrobat 5) @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextAdd @note This method does not change the reference count of pdeText; however, the reference count of the objects in the gstateP parameter are incremented. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextAddGlyphs, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, IN PDEGlyphRunP glyphRun, IN PDEFont font, IN PDEGraphicStateP gstateP, IN ASUns32 gstateLen, IN PDETextStateP tstateP, IN ASUns32 tstateLen, IN ASFixedMatrixP textMatrixP, IN ASFixedMatrixP strokeMatrixP) ) /** Adds glyphs to a PDEFont object for embedding a PDEFont.

This is used by clients that use PDEFEdit calls to embed the font but create their own content stream. The glyphs added by this routine will be included in the font when PDEFontSubsetNow() is called. It is up to the client to ensure that the encoding used by the PDEFont matches the character codes used in the string arguments to the text operators in the content stream.

This routine is used to specify which glyphs should be included in the font when embedded. Additionally, it specifies the mapping from the GlyphIDs to Unicode values. This mapping will be used to create the ToUnicode entry in the embedded font object. In the cases where the ToUnicode table cannot accurately reproduce the Unicode string in the PDEGlyphRun structure, this routine will return an array of spans that describe the contents of the ActualText spans that must be included in the content stream. Each span indicates a contiguous range of glyphs and a corresponding contiguous range of Unicode values that correspond to the glyphs. For example, the following ActualText span replace two glyphs with three Unicode values.


BDC [Giii Gjjj] TJ EMC

Note that the routine must be called with the PDEGlyphRuns in display order.

@param pdeFont The font for the element. @param glyphRun A pointer to a PDEGlyphRun structure with Unicode data, GlyphIDs and their correspondence. Note that the xPosition and yPosition fields in the PDEGlyphDescription structure are ignored. @param flags Unused, reserved for later use. @return A pointer to a PDESpanSet. The span can be released with PDEReleaseSpan(). @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEFontSubsetNow @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEReleaseSpan @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(PDESpanSetP, PDEFontAddGlyphs, ( IN PDEFont pdeFont, IN PDEGlyphRunP glyphRun, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Releases a PDESpan object that is returned by PDEFontAddGlyphs(). @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEFontAddGlyphs @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEReleaseSpan, ( IN PDESpanSetP pdeSpan) ) /** Sets the page on which marked content is drawn upon for any marked content reference handles attached to containers within the content. @param pdeContent The content stream whose marked content reference handles should be updated. @param pageObj The page object upon which contents are drawn. @see PDEContentSetContainingStream @see PDEContentSetStreamOwner @see PDSMCRefCreate @note If content is set with PDPageSetPDEContent(), PDEFormSetContent(), or PDEGroupSetContent(), this step occurs automatically. @note This call should only be used when the content is being directly added to a page. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentSetPage, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN CosObj pageObj) ) /** Sets the containing stream and owner stream for any marked content reference handles attached to containers within the content. @param pdeContent The content stream within which to update marked content references. @param containingStm The containing stream object for the content stream. @see PDEContentSetPage @see PDEContentSetStreamOwner @see PDEContentSetStreamOwner @note This call should not be used when the content is being directly added to a page. @note If the content is set with PDPageSetPDEContent(), PDEFormSetContent(), or PDEGroupSetContent(), this step occurs automatically. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentSetContainingStream, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN CosObj containingStm) ) /** Sets the stream owner for any marked content reference handles attached to containers within the content. @param pdeContent The content stream within which to update marked content references. @param streamOwner The owner object for any references attached to the content. @see PDEContentSetPage @see PDEContentSetContainingStream @note This call should not be used when the content is being directly added to a page. @note If content is set with PDPageSetPDEContent(), PDEFormSetContent(), or PDEGroupSetContent(), this step occurs automatically. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentSetStreamOwner, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN CosObj streamOwner) ) /** Gets the matrix for a PDEform.

The result is a concatenation of the CTM and the Cos level form matrix, resulting in the transformation from the form space to the device space.

@note For the other elements, PDEElementGetMatrix() would give correct results. @param form The form for which the matrix is required. @param matrixP The resultant matrix. @see PDEElemetGetMatrix @see PDEFormGetBBox @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070005 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFormGetMatrix, ( IN PDEForm form, OUT ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Gets the bounding box for a PDEform. The result is the concatenation of the CTM and the Cos level form matrix applied on cos level bounding box. The returned bounding box is guaranteed to encompass the PDEForm, but is not guaranteed to be the smallest box that could contain the form object. Note: For other elements, PDEElementGetBBox() would return the correct bounding box values. @param form The PDEForm for which the bounding box is required. @param bboxP The resulting bounding box. @see PDEElementGetBBox @see PDEFormGetMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070005 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFormGetBBox, ( IN PDEForm form, OUT ASFixedRectP bboxP) ) /** Creates an image object like PDEImageCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the image is created.

The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If dataStm is non-NULL, data is ignored.

See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.

The caller must dispose of dataStm after calling this method.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.

@param attrsP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @param matrixP IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. @param flags IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then encodedLen must specify the length of data. @param colorSpace IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, colorSpace is the color space of the colorValueP argument. @param colorValueP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, colorValueP must be provided. @param filtersP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be NULL. Filters will be used to encode the data in the order in which they are specified in the array. @param dataStm IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. @param data IN/OUT The image data. If dataStm is non-NULL, data is ignored. If there is a great deal of data, as for a large image, it is recommended you use the dataStm parameter for the image data or use the PDEImageCreateFromCosObj() method. @param encodedLen IN/OUT The encoded length of data in bytes. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which the image is created. @param cosDoc IN/OUT Document in which to put Cos representation of resource. May be NULL. @return The image. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception pageErrReadLessImageData @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEImage, PDEImageCreateInCosDoc, ( IN PDEImageAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP, IN ASUns32 flags, IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace, IN PDEColorValueP colorValueP, IN PDEFilterArrayP filtersP, IN ASStm dataStm, IN ASUns8 *data, IN ASUns32 encodedLen, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Creates a font object like PDEFontCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created.

The PDEFont may be represented as an embedded font (a FontFile entry in the font descriptor of the PDF file). To create a PDEFont that is stored as an embedded font, the FontFile stream may be passed in fontStm, and the len1, len2, and len3 parameters contain the Length1, Length2, and Length3 values of the FontFile stream attributes dictionary. See Section 5.8 in the PDF Reference for more information about embedded fonts.

The caller must close fontStm with ASStmClose() after invoking PDEFontCreate().

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

@param attrsP A pointer to a PDEFontAttrs structure for the font attributes. @param attrsSize The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @param firstChar The first character index for the widths array, widthsP. @param lastChar The last character index for the widths array, widthsP. @param widthsP A pointer to the widths array. @param encoding An array of 256 pointers to glyph names specifying the custom encoding. If any pointer is NULL, no encoding information is written for that entry. @param encodingBaseName The encoding base name if the encoding is a custom encoding. If the encoding is NULL, encodingBaseName is used as the value of the encoding, and must be one of WinAnsiEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, or MacExpertEncoding. If no encoding value is desired, use ASAtomNull. @param fontStm The stream with font information. @param len1 The length in bytes of the ASCII portion of the Type 1 font file after it has been decoded. For other font formats, such as TrueType or CFF, only len1 is used, and it is the size of the font. @param len2 The length in bytes of the encrypted portion of the Type 1 font file after it has been decoded. @param len3 The length in bytes of the portion of the Type 1 font file that contains the 512 zeros, plus the cleartomark operator, plus any following data. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be NULL. @return The specified PDEFont. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEFontCreateWithParams @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateInCosDoc, ( IN PDEFontAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASInt32 firstChar, IN ASInt32 lastChar, IN ASInt16 *widthsP, IN char **encoding, IN ASAtom encodingBaseName, IN ASStm fontStm, IN ASInt32 len1, IN ASInt32 len2, IN ASInt32 len3, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

The PDEFontCreateFlags flags kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset must both be set in order to subset a font.

If you create a PDEFont that is a subset, call PDEFontSubsetNow() on this font afterwards.

@param sysFont A PDSysFont object referencing a system font. @param flags Indicates whether to embed the font and whether to subset the font. It must be one of PDEFontCreateFlags. If you want to subset a font, set both the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset flags. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be NULL. @return The PDEFont corresponding to sysFont. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreate @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEnumSysFonts @note If you have an environment with no Acrobat Language kit installed, trying to acquire a PDEFont from the system font may raise an exception for some of the operating system fonts. In other words, if you use PDEnumSysFonts() to get the system font attributes, not all of the system fonts will necessarily be used to create the PDEFont. @note If you want to use WinAnsiEncoding on UNIX, do not use this method. Use PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams() or PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding() instead. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFontInCosDoc, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN ASUns32 flags, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created.

If the font is a Multiple Master font, mmDesignVector points to the design vector, whose length must equal the number of design axes of the font.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

The PDEFontCreateFlags flags kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset must both be set in order to subset a font.

If you create a PDEFont that is subsetted, call PDEFontSubsetNow() on this font afterwards.

@param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font. @param flags IN/OUT Indicates whether to embed the font and whether to subset the font. It must be one of PDEFontCreateFlags. If you want to subset a font, set both the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset flags. @param snapshotName IN/OUT The name to be associated with this particular instantiation of the PDEFont. @param mmDesignVec IN/OUT A pointer to the Multiple Master font design vector. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be NULL. @return The PDEFont corresponding to sysFont. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams @see PDEFontCreateWithParams @see PDEnumSysFonts @note If you have environment with no Acrobat Language kit installed, trying to acquire a PDEFont from the system font may raise an exception for some of the system fonts. In other words, if you use PDEnumSysFonts() to get the system font attributes, not all of the system fonts are necessarily used to create the PDEFont. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFontExInCosDoc, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN ASUns32 flags, IN ASAtom snapshotName, IN ASFixed *mmDesignVec, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateWithParams(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. Creates a new PDEFont from params.

The PDEFont may be represented as an embedded font (a FontFile value in PDF). To create a PDEFont that will be stored as an embedded font, the FontFile stream may be passed as fontStm, and the len1, len2, and len3 parameters contain the Length1, Length2, and Length3 values of the FontFile. The caller must close the fontStm after calling this method. This method supports multi-byte fonts.

This method extends PDEFontCreate() to support multi-byte fonts.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned font object when finished with it.

@param params IN/OUT A pointer to a structure containing all font parameters necessary to fully define a font. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be NULL. @return A PDEFont object of the font described by the parameters. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception peErrCantEmbedFont @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreate @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateWithParamsInCosDoc, ( IN PDEFontCreateParams params, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. Create a PDEFont from sysFont and sysEnc. If it fails, it raises an exception. User can call PDSysFontGetCreateFlags() to see if the combination of sysFont and sysEnc makes sense.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDEFont object when finished with it.

@note If you want to use WinAnsiEncoding on UNIX, use this method or PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams(). @param sysFont A PDSysFont object referencing a system font. @param sysEnc A PDSysEncoding object. @param useThisBaseFont The base font. An exception will be raised if the base font name passed is a subset name (XXXXXX+FontName) or an empty string. @param createFlags One of the PDEFontCreateFlags. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be NULL. @return The newly created PDEFont object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncodingInCosDoc, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc, IN ASAtom useThisBaseFont, IN ASUns32 createFlags, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Creates a color space object like PDEColorSpaceCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the color space object is created.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.

@param family IN/OUT Supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
Type of namesNames
Device-dependent names
  • DeviceCMYK
  • DeviceGray
  • DeviceN
  • DeviceRGB
Device-independent names
  • CalGray
  • CalRGB
  • Lab
  • ICCBased
Special names
  • Indexed
  • Pattern
  • Separation
@param csStruct IN/OUT Data for the type of color space you want to create. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be NULL. @return The newly created color space object. @exception cosErrExpectedArray @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @see PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEColorSpace, PDEColorSpaceCreateInCosDoc, ( IN ASAtom family, IN PDEColorSpaceStruct *csStruct, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Removes unused objects from the PDFEdit scratch document, which is used to hold representations of PDFEdit resources associated with a specific document. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEScratchDocCleanup, (void) ) /** Sets the default color space in a PDEContent object. The reference count on any existing default color space is decremented, and the reference count on the new color space is incremented. Note that the new color space can be NULL, indicating that there is no default color space.

See Section 4.5.4 in the PDF Reference for more information about default color spaces.

@param pdeContent IN A content object. @param colorSpaceName IN An ASAtom for the name of the desired color space. It must be an ASAtom for one of the following: @param colorSpace IN The color space to use as the default. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ /* Note: This function was a friends function from 7.0 to 8.0 and was made public in 8.0*/ UNPROC(void, PDEContentSetDefaultColorSpace_PEWCalls_, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASAtom colorSpaceName, IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace) ) /** Gets the length of data for an image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose data length is obtained. @return The number of bytes of image data, specified by the width, height, bits per component, and color space of the image. Clients should switch to this routine. PDEImageGetDataLen() will raise an error if it encounters an image with a length that is larger than 2^31 - 1. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetDataLen @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(ASInt64, PDEImageGetDataLen64, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Creates an image object like PDEImageCreateInCosDoc(), except that the client can create an image with a large amount of data.

The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If dataStm is non-NULL, data is ignored.

See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.

The caller must dispose of dataStm after calling this method.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.

@param attrsP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @param matrixP IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. @param flags IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then encodedLen must specify the length of data. @param colorSpace IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, colorSpace is the color space of the colorValueP argument. @param colorValueP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, colorValueP must be provided. @param filtersP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be NULL. Filters will be used to encode the data in the order in which they are specified in the array. @param dataStm IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. @param data IN/OUT The image data. If dataStm is non-NULL, data is ignored. If there is a great deal of data, as for a large image, it is recommended you use the dataStm parameter for the image data or use the PDEImageCreateFromCosObj() method. @param encodedLen IN/OUT The encoded length of data in bytes. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which the image is created. @param cosDoc IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of the resource. It may be NULL. @return The image. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception pageErrReadLessImageData @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00080000 */ UNPROC(PDEImage, PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64, ( IN PDEImageAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP, IN ASUns32 flags, IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace, IN PDEColorValueP colorValueP, IN PDEFilterArrayP filtersP, IN ASStm dataStm, IN ASUns8 *data, IN ASUns64 encodedLen, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /**

Creates an encoding object from a given PDF CMap stream.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned PDSysEncoding object when it is no longer needed.

@param cmapStream The CMap stream from which to create the encoding object. @return The encoding object to be created. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00090000 */ UNPROC(PDSysEncoding, PDSysEncodingCreateFromCMapStream, ( IN CosObj cmapStream) ) /** Sets the PDEContentToCosObjFlags for this form. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00090000 @exception genErrBadParm */ UNPROC(void, PDEFormSetContentToCosObjFlags, ( IN PDEForm form, IN ASUns32 flags) )