/********************************************************************* ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PERProcs.h - Catalog of functions exported by the PDFEditRead HFT. *********************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDFEdit Object Hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PDEObject - base subclass of all PDFEdit objects | methods: GetType, Acquire, Release, AddTag, GetTag, RemoveTag | --->PDEContent - container of a display list composed of PDEElement's | | --->PDEElement - base subclass of all PDEElements | | methods: GetClip, SetClip, etc. | | | --->PDEText - element representing text | | | --->PDEPath - element representing a PostScript path | | | --->PDEImage - element representing an inline or XObject image | | XObject images are listed in page XObject resources | | | --->PDEForm - element representing an XObject Form | | Forms are listed in page XObject resources | | | --->PDEPS - element representing inline or XObject passthrough PS | | XObject PS's are listed in page XObject resources | | | --->PDEXObject - element representing an unknown type of XObject | | | --->PDEPlace - element representing a place in the display list of | | a Marked Content MP or DP operator. | | | --->PDEContainer - element representing a container of PDEElements | | collected by a Marked Content BMC/DMC and EMC pair. | | | --->PDEGroup - element representing a group (container) of PDEElements | --->PDEClip - container of PDEPath objects, PDEText objects, PDEContainer objects, PDEGroup objects, | and PDEPlaces describing paths and charpaths; attribute of a | PDEElement | --->PDEFont - font; part of a PDEText attributes | fonts are listed in page Font resources | --->PDEColorSpace - color space attribute of a PDEElement | color spaces are listed in page ColorSpace resources | --->PDEExtGState - Extended Graphics State attribute of a PDEElement ExtGStates are listed in page ExtGState resources */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDFEdit Public Methods - Generic PDEContent and PDEElement methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Creates a content object from a Cos object. This is the main method for obtaining a PDEContent object.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned content object when finished with it.

@param contents IN/OUT A Cos object that is the source for the content. It may be page contents, a Form XObject, a Type 3 font CharProc, or an appearance dictionary for an annotation. @param resources IN/OUT The object's Resources dictionary. If the Form or Type 3 font or appearance dictionary contains a Resources dictionary, this dictionary must be passed in resources. Otherwise, it must be the page resources object of the page containing the Form or Type 3 font contents object. @return The content from the Cos object. @exception pdErrOpNotPermitted @exception peErrPStackUnderflow @see PDEContentCreate @see PDEContentToCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEContent, PDEContentCreateFromCosObj, ( const CosObj *contents, const CosObj *resources) ) /** Gets the attributes of a content. @param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEContentAttrs structure containing the attributes of the content. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEContentGetAttrs,( IN PDEContent pdeContent, OUT PDEContentAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Gets the number of resources of the specified type and, optionally, gets the pointers to the resource objects. @param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @param type IN/OUT The type of resources to query or obtain: PDEFont, PDEXGroup, or PDEColorSpace. It must be one of PDEContentGetResourceFlags. @param resourcesP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) If non-NULL, it must point to an array of PDEObject pointers. On return, the array contains pointers to the requested resources. If resourcesP is NULL, only the number of resources of type is returned. Note that the object in resourcesP may only be valid for this method. Use PDEAcquire() if you need to hold on to the object longer than the scope of resourcesP. @return The number of resources of type returned in resourcesP. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEContentGetResources,( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASInt32 type, OUT PDEObject *resourcesP) ) /** Gets the number of elements in a PDEContent object. @param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @return The number of elements in pdeContent. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEContentGetElem @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEContentGetNumElems,( IN PDEContent pdeContent) ) /** Gets the requested element from a content. @param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @param index IN/OUT The index of element to obtain. @return The requested element. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEContentGetNumElems @note This method does not change the reference count of the element. @note This method does not copy the element. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEElement, PDEContentGetElem,( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASInt32 index) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ General methods for PDEPath, PDEImage and PDEXObject. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the bounding box for an element.

The returned bounding box is guaranteed to encompass the element, but is not guaranteed to be the smallest box that could contain the element. For example, for an arc, bboxP encloses the bezier control points, and not just the curve itself.

@param pdeElement IN/OUT An element whose bounding box is obtained. @param bboxP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedRect structure specifying the bounding box of pdeElement, specified in user space coordinates. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @notify PDEElementGetClip @notify PDEElementGetGState @notify PDEElementGetMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEElementGetBBox, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, OUT ASFixedRectP bboxP) ) /** Gets the graphics state information for an element.

This method is only valid for PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, and PDEShading elements.

@param pdeElement An element whose graphics state is obtained. @param stateP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure that contains graphics state information for pdeElement. This PDEGraphicStateP may contain PDEObjects for color spaces or an ExtGState. They are not acquired by this method. Note that for a PDEImage, only the ExtGState value is used for images. For indexed images, the fill color space and values are categorized in the PDEImage object. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEElementSetGState @see PDEElementGetBBox @see PDEElementGetClip @see PDEElementGetMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEElementGetGState, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, OUT PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Gets the transformation matrix for an element.

This matrix provides the transformation from user space to device space for the element. If there is no cm (concatmatrix) operator in the page stream, the matrix is the identity matrix.

For the Adobe PDF Library v1, the element may not be a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, a PDEPlace, or a PDEText.

For the Adobe PDF Library v4, the element may not be a PDEText. @param pdeElement An element whose transformation matrix is obtained. @param matrixP (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedMatrix that holds a transformation matrix for pdeElement. If pdeElement is a text object, it returns the identity matrix. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEElementSetMatrix @see PDEElementGetBBox @see PDEElementGetGState @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEElementGetMatrix, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, OUT ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Gets the current clip for an element. The current clipping path is part of the graphics state. Element types that are not graphics elements (for example, PDEContainer and PDEPlace) do not have an associated gstate and should not be expected to return valid results. @param pdeElement IN/OUT An element whose clip is obtained. Note that a clip may be shared by many elements. Use care when modifying a clip. Copy it first if you want to modify the clip for a specific element. @return The clip object for pdeElement. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEElementGetBBox @see PDEElementGetGState @see PDEElementGetMatrix @see PDEElementIsAtRect @note This method does not change the reference count of the clip object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEClip, PDEElementGetClip, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEText methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Characters and show strings ** Each PDEtext object contains a set of text which does not ** contain any intervening non-text objects, such as paths and XObjects. ** All the of text in a text block is subject to the same clip path. ** ** The text may be accessed as show strings (text runs) or as individual ** characters. The matrix, graphics state or text state may be retrieved for ** a text run or for an individual character. */ /* flags and index ** Many of the PDEText methods operate on either a character or ** a text element (show string). For such methods, a flag and an index ** must be specified. The flag will indicate whether the index is a character ** index or an element index. */ /** Gets the number of characters in a text object. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object whose number of characters is found. @return The total number of characters in pdeText. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetNumRuns @see PDETextGetRunForChar @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDETextGetNumChars, ( IN PDEText pdeText) ) /** Gets the number of text runs (show strings) in a text object. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object whose number of text runs is found. @return The number of text runs in pdeText. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDETextGetNumBytes @see PDETextGetRunForChar @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDETextGetNumRuns, ( IN PDEText pdeText) ) /** Gets the character offset of the first character of the specified text run. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. @param runIndex IN/OUT The index of the text run whose first character's index is returned. @return The character offset of the first character of the specified text run in pdeText. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetNumBytes @see PDETextGetNumRuns @see PDETextGetRunForChar @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDETextRunGetCharOffset, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex) ) /** Gets the index of the text run that contains the nth character in a text object. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object to examine. @param charIndex IN/OUT The number of the character to find in pdeText. @return The index of the text run with the specified character index into pdeText. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDETextGetRunForChar, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 charIndex) ) /** Gets the number of characters in a text run. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a text run whose number of characters is found. @param runIndex IN/OUT The index of the text run whose number of characters is returned. @return The number of characters in the specified text run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetNumRuns @see PDETextGetRunForChar @see PDETextRunGetCharOffset @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDETextRunGetNumChars, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASInt32 runIndex) ) /** Gets the bounding box of a character or a text run. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose bounding box is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param bboxP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedRect to set to the bounding box of specified character or text run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetBBox, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedRectP bboxP) ) /** Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run. @param pdeText A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. @param flags A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param stateP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state of the specified character or text run. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextRunSetGState @note This method does not increment the reference count of the objects in stateP. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetGState, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Gets the text state of a character or a text element. @note This function handles only charSpacing, wordSpacing, and renderMode for backward compatibility. For all attributes, use PDETextGetState() instead. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose text state is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param stateP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDETextState structure to fill with the text state of the specified character or text run. @param stateSize IN/OUT The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetState @see PDETextRunSetTextState @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetTextState, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT PDETextStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Gets the font for a text character or element. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose font is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @return The font of the specified character or text run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextRunSetFont @note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEFont. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDETextGetFont, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index) ) /** Gets the matrix of a character or a text run. @param pdeText A text object containing a character or text run whose matrix is found. @param flags A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param matrixP (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix of the specified character or text run. This is the transformation matrix from user space to the current text space. The h and v values of the matrix indicate the origin of the first character. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextRunSetTextMatrix @see PDETextGetMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetTextMatrix, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Gets the stroke matrix of a character or a text run. @param pdeText A text object containing a character or text run whose stroke matrix is found. @param flags A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param matrixP (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedMatrix that holds the stroke matrix of the specified character or text run. This matrix is the transformation for line widths when stroking. The h and v values of the matrix are ignored. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix @note Currently this method returns no valid information (Acrobat 5 and later). @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetStrokeMatrix, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn.

Advance width may be horizontal or vertical, depending on the writing style. Thus advanceP has both a horizontal and vertical component.

@param pdeText A text object containing a character or text run whose advance width is found. @param flags A PDETextFlags value that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.

In addition, set the kPDETextPageSpace flag to obtain the advance width in user space. If it is not set, the advance width is in character space.

@param index The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param advanceP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedPoint value indicating the advance width. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetAdvanceWidth, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar, kPDETextPageSpace */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedPointP advanceP) ) /** Gets the text for a text run or character. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose text is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param textBuffer IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The text of the specified character or text run. textBuffer must be large enough to hold the returned text. If textBuffer is NULL, it returns the number of bytes required to hold the data. @return The number of bytes in the text run or character. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDETextGetTextMatrix @see PDETextGetTextState @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDETextGetText, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASUns8 *textBuffer) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEPath methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PDEPath data format ** ** A path object consists of the path gstate and the path data. ** The path data is an array of path operators, such as, moveto, lineto, ** and path operands. Each operator is a 32-bit integer value, defined ** by the PDEPathElementType enum. Each operator is followed by its ** operands, which are zero to three FixedPoint values, which are ** pairs of 32-bit values, consisting of the x value followed by the y value. ** ** For example, to draw a horizontal line from (100,100) to (200, 100), ** the data elements would be as follows: ** 0: kPDEMoveTo ** 1: 100 (x value in Fixed representation) ** 2: 100 (y) ** 3: kPDELineTo ** 4: 200 (x) ** 5: 100 (y) ** ** A convenient algorithm for accessing the data values in a path is: ** ** ASInt32 *pData; ** ASInt32 *pEnd; ** Fixed x, y; ** ** pathLen = PDPathGetData(pdePath, pathData, pathDataSize); ** pData = pathData; ** pDend = pData + pathLen/sizeof(ASInt32); ** while (pData < pEnd) ** { ** switch (*pData++) ** { ** case kPDEMoveTo: ** x = *pData++; ** y = *pData++; ** (do something with the data) ** break; ** case kPDELineTo: ** (and so on) ** } ** } */ /** Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data. @param path IN/OUT The path whose data is obtained. @param data IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the path data. If data is non-NULL, it contains a variable-sized array of path operators and operands. The format is a 32-bit operator followed by 0 to 3 ASFixedPoint values, depending on the operator. Opcodes are codes for moveto, lineto, curveto, rect, or closepath operators; operands are ASFixedPoint values. If data is NULL, the number of bytes required for data is returned by the method. Note that it returns raw path data. If you want the points in page coordinates, concatenate the path data points with the PDEElement matrix obtained from PDEElementGetMatrix(). @param dataSize IN/OUT Specifies the size of the buffer provided in data. If it is less than the length of the path data, the method copies dataSize bytes. @return The length of the data of path. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPathSetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEPathGetData, ( IN PDEPath path, OUT ASInt32 *data, IN ASUns32 dataSize) ) /** Gets the fill and stroke attributes of a path. @param path The path whose fill and stroke attributes are obtained. @return A set of PDEPathOpFlags flags describing fill and stroke attributes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPathSetPaintOp @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEPathGetPaintOp, ( IN PDEPath path) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEImage methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Image filtering ** The GetData, SetData, GetDataStm and SetDataStm methods take a flags parameter. ** If flags & kPDEImageEncodedData, then the data is interpreted as being ** encoded for SetData/SetDataStm. ** For XObject images, the flag value may be set to kPDEImageEncodedData when ** calling GetData/GetDataStm. This flag is not allowed when getting ** inline image data. */ /** Gets the attributes for an image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose attributes are obtained. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs structure with attributes of image. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @see PDEImageGetColorSpace @see PDEImageGetData @see PDEImageGetDataLen @see PDEImageGetDataStm @see PDEImageGetDecodeArray @see PDEImageGetFilterArray @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageGetAttrs, ( IN PDEImage image, IN PDEImageAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Gets the color space object for an image. @note (For the Adobe PDF Library v1 only) If you get the PDEColorSpace for an inline image and then get the CosObj for that color space with PDEColorSpaceGetCosObj(), this CosObj is limited. Cos objects that are the result of parsing inline dictionaries in the PDF page contents are a special class of Cos objects. You should never depend on these objects to last for the lifetime of the document. You should extract the information you need from the object immediately, and no longer refer to it in your code. @param image IN/OUT The image whose color space is obtained. @return Color space for image. It returns NULL if image is an image mask. @see PDEImageGetAttrs @see PDEImageGetData @see PDEImageGetDataLen @see PDEImageGetDataStm @see PDEImageGetDecodeArray @see PDEImageGetFilterArray @note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEColorSpace. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEColorSpace, PDEImageGetColorSpace, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Determines if an image is an XObject image. @param image IN/OUT The image to examine. @return true if the image is an XObject image, false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEImageIsCosObj, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Determines if image data is encoded or not. It is used only for inline images; it is not relevant to XObject images.

It always returns false for XObject images; XObject image data can be obtained from PDEImageGetData() or PDEImageGetDataStm(), either encoded or decoded.

If an inline image is obtained via PDEContentCreateFromCosObj() or related methods, the inline image data is always decoded. That is, if PDFEdit parses the stream, the data is always decoded. Only if PDEImageCreate() is used to explicitly create a new image using encoded data does PDEImageDataIsEncoded() return true.

@param image IN/OUT The image to examine. @param encodedLenP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The length of the encoded data. If the data is encoded, the method returns true. @return true if PDEImageGetData returns encoded data, false otherwise. It returns false for XObject images. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEImageDataIsEncoded, ( IN PDEImage image, OUT ASUns32 *encodedLenP) ) /** Gets an image's data.

If the image is an XObject image, data is always returned as decoded data.

See the note about inline images under PDEImageDataIsEncoded().

@param image IN/OUT The image whose data is obtained. @param flags IN/OUT Unused - must be zero. @param buffer IN/OUT The image data. If the data is decoded, buffer must be large enough to contain the number of bytes specified in the PDEImageAttrs structure obtained by PDEImageGetAttrs(). If the data is encoded, buffer must be large enough to contain the number of bytes in the encodedLenP parameter obtained by PDEImageDataIsEncoded(). @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageDataIsEncoded @see PDEImageSetColorSpace @see PDEImageGetAttrs @see PDEImageGetColorSpace @see PDEImageGetDataLen @see PDEImageGetDataStm @see PDEImageGetDecodeArray @see PDEImageGetFilterArray @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageGetData, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASUns32 flags, IN ASUns8 *buffer) ) /** Gets a data stream for an image. It may only be called for XObject images.

The caller must dispose of the returned ASStm by calling ASStmClose.

@param image IN/OUT The image whose data stream is obtained. @param flags IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, data is returned in encoded form. Otherwise, data is decoded. @return The stream for the image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageSetDataStm @see PDEImageGetDataLen @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASStm, PDEImageGetDataStm, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Gets the length of data for an image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose data length is obtained. @return The number of bytes of image data, specified by the width, height, bits per component, and color space of the image. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEImageGetDataLen, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Gets the filter array for an image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose filter array is obtained. @param filtersP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to PDEFilterArray structure to fill with the current filter array for the image. filtersP must be large enough to contain all of the elements. It may be NULL to obtain the number of filter elements. @return The number of filter elements. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetAttrs @see PDEImageGetColorSpace @see PDEImageGetDataLen @see PDEImageGetDecodeArray @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEImageGetFilterArray, ( IN PDEImage image, OUT PDEFilterArrayP filtersP) ) /** Gets a Cos object for an image. @param image IN/OUT The image whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageCreateFromCosObj @see PDEImageIsCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEImageGetCosObj, ( IN PDEImage image, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEClip methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the number of top-level elements in a clip object. Top-level elements may be a path or charpath, a marked content container or place, or a group.

Paths are represented as PDEPath objects; charpaths are represented as PDEText objects.

@param clip IN/OUT The clip object to examine. @return The number of path and charpath elements in clip. If clip contains PDEGroup objects, this method returns the top-level PDEPath, PDEText, PDEContainer, PDEGroup, or PDEPlace object. Use PDEClipFlattenedEnumElems() to see only the PDEPath and PDEText objects. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEClipFlattenedEnumElems @see PDEClipGetElem @note PDEGroup is not a persistent object. You cannot save to PDF and re-get group objects. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEClipGetNumElems, ( IN PDEClip clip) ) /** Gets an element from a clip object. @note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEElement. @param clip IN/OUT The clip object from which an element is obtained. @param index IN/OUT The index of the element to get from clip. @return The element from the clip object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEClipGetNumElems @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEElement, PDEClipGetElem, ( IN PDEClip clip, IN ASInt32 index) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEXObject methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PDEXObject ** Any unrecognized XObject references in a page stream will be ** provided in the display list as a PDEXObject. */ /** Gets a Cos object corresponding to a PDEXObject. @param xObject IN/OUT The PDEXobject whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for xObject. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEXObjectCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEXObjectGetCosObj, ( IN PDEXObject xObject, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEForm methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets a Cos object for a form. @param form IN/OUT The form whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the form. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEFormCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFormGetCosObj, ( IN PDEForm form, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEPS methods. (Passthrough PostScript) ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Returns a PDEPS object's attributes. @param ps IN/OUT An object of type PDEPS. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to PDEPSAttrs data structure containing the attributes information. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer. Set it to sizeof(PDEPSAttrs). @return A pointer to a data structure of type PDEPSAttrs. @see PDEPSCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPSGetAttrs, ( IN PDEPS ps, OUT PDEPSAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Gets all or part of the image data. @param ps IN/OUT An object of type PDEPS. @param buffer IN/OUT (Filled by the method) Receives the data. @param bufferSize IN/OUT The size of the buffer. @param offset IN/OUT The offset into the source data at which to start filling buffer. @return The number of bytes written into the buffer. If the return value is less than bufferSize, then there is no more data. @see PDEPSSetData @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEPSGetData, ( IN PDEPS ps, OUT ASUns8 *buffer, IN ASUns32 bufferSize, IN ASInt32 offset) ) /** Gets a stream for the data. The data in the stream is decoded (no filters). The caller must dispose of the stream. @param ps IN/OUT An object of type PDEPS. @return An object of type ASStm. @see PDEPSSetDataStm @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ UNPROC(ASStm, PDEPSGetDataStm, ( IN PDEPS ps) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEFont methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the attributes for a font object. @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont whose attributes are found. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEFontAttrs structure for the font attributes. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes @note PDEFontGetAttrs() cannot fill in the cantEmbed and protection fields. PDSysFontAttrs() can return this information to you for system fonts. @note PDEFontGetAttrs() fills in the fontBBox portion of the PDEFontAttrs as ASInt16 objects, even though the member says it is an ASFixedRect. Make sure to properly convert those values using ASInt16ToFixed() so that you get the proper ASFixedRect associated with that font. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontGetAttrs, ( IN PDEFont font, OUT PDEFontAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Gets the widths for a font object. @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont whose widths are found. @param widthsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the widths array. widthsP must have room for 256 values. The widths are returned in character space (1000 EM units). An EM is a typographic unit of measurement equal to the size of a font. To convert to text space, divide the value returned by 1000. To convert to user space, multiply the text space value by the font size. @exception peErrCantGetWidths @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontCreateWithParams @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontGetWidths, ( IN PDEFont font, OUT ASInt16 *widthsP) ) /** Gets a Cos object for a PDEFont. @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object corresponding to font. @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEFontCreateFromCosObj @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEFontGetCosObj, ( IN PDEFont font, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEColorSpace methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the name of a color space object. @param colorSpace IN/OUT A color space object. @return The color space object's name. It supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
Type of namesNames
Device-dependent names
  • DeviceCMYK
  • DeviceGray
  • DeviceN
  • DeviceRGB
Device-independent names
  • CalGray
  • CalRGB
  • Lab
  • ICCBased
Special names
  • Indexed
  • Pattern
  • Separation
@exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEColorSpaceGetName, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace) ) /** Gets the CosObj representation of the color space object.

For image masks, use PDEElementGetGState() to obtain color information.

@param colorSpace IN/OUT The color space whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the color space. @return The Cos object for colorSpace. Any color space that is in the Resources dictionary of the page is returned as a Cos object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @note (For the Adobe PDF Library v1 only) If you get the PDEColorSpace for an inline image and then get the CosObj for that color space with PDEColorSpaceGetCosObj(), this CosObj is limited. Cos objects that are the result of parsing inline dictionaries in the PDF page contents are a special class of Cos objects. You should never depend on these objects to last for the lifetime of the document. You should extract the information you need from the object immediately and refer to it no further in your code. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEColorSpaceGetCosObj, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Calculates the number of components in a color space. @param colorSpace IN/OUT A color space object. @return The number of components in colorSpace:
Color spaceReturn value
DeviceNThe number of components dependent on the specific color space object.
ICCBasedThe number of components dependent on the specific color space object.

Call PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps() to get the number of components in the base color space.

@exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEColorSpaceGetNumComps, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace) ) /** Gets the name of the base color space. This is a helper routine for indexed color spaces.

Call this method to obtain the base color space and color values for an uncolored pattern in PDFEdit.

@param colorSpace The base color space. @return The ASAtom for the name of the base color space. Use ASAtomGetString() to obtain a C string for the ASAtom. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps Note that the base color values are in the color array in the PDEColorValue field for stroke and fill of a PDEGraphicStateP. Or, they are in the colorObj2 object if the base color space is DeviceN. To get the color values, a client gets the base color space, determines the type and number of components of the value, and looks them up in the PDEColorValue field. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEColorSpaceGetBase, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace) ) /** Gets the highest index for the color lookup table for an indexed color space. Since the color table is indexed from zero to hiVal, the actual number of entries is hiVal + 1. @param colorSpace IN/OUT An indexed color space. @return The highest index (hiVal) in the color lookup table. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEColorSpaceGetHiVal, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace) ) /** Gets the component information for an indexed color space. @param colorSpace IN/OUT The color space whose component information table is obtained. @param colorTableP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The color lookup table, which is numComps * (hiVal + 1) bytes long, where numComps is the number of components in the base colorSpace. Each entry in the table contains numComps bytes, and the table is indexed from 0 to hiVal, where hiVal is the highest index in the color table. The table is indexed from 0 to hival, thus the table contains hival + 1 entries. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEColorSpaceGetCTable, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace, OUT ASUns8 *colorTableP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get Type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the type of an element. @param obj IN/OUT The element whose type is obtained. @return The object type, which is one of PDEType. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEObjectGetType, ( IN PDEObject obj) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acquire and Release methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Increments the reference count for an object. @param obj IN/OUT The element whose count is incremented. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDERelease @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEAcquire, ( IN PDEObject obj) ) /** Decrements the reference count for the object. If the count becomes zero, the object is destroyed.

Do not call PDERelease() on PDEContent that you acquired with PDPageAcquirePDEContent(); call PDPageReleasePDEContent() instead.

@param obj IN/OUT The element released. @see PDEAcquire @note Objects should only be disposed of with PDERelease() if the method by which they were obtained incremented the reference count for the object. In general, methods that get an object do not increment the reference count. Methods that increment the reference count typically contain the word acquire or create in the method name and specifically state that you must release the object. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDERelease, ( IN PDEObject obj) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dump methods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** The object, its children and attributes are dumped. The dump contains information about each individual object. The output for child elements is indented with respect to their parents. @param obj The PDEObject to dump. @param levels The depth of children to dump. @param proc A callback with the dump information; it may be called more than once per object. @param clientData Provided by the caller as the parameter of the same name for proc. @exception genErrBadParm @see PDELogDump @ingroup Enumerators @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEObjectDump, ( IN PDEObject obj, IN ASInt32 levels, IN PDEObjectDumpProc proc, IN void *clientData) ) /** Enumerates the PDEObject objects. This is useful when looking for orphaned objects. @param proc A callback to call once for each PDEObject. @param clientData A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEObjectDump @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDELogDump, ( IN PDEObjectDumpProc proc, IN void *clientData) ) /** Enumerates the table of attributes. This method enumerates the shared resource objects. It is useful when looking for orphaned attributes. @param enumProc IN/OUT A callback to call for each attribute. @param clientData IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called. @exception genErrBadParm @ingroup Enumerators @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEAttrEnumTable, ( IN PDEAttrEnumProc enumProc, IN void *clientData) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Methods added after version 0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets a Cos object for a PDEExtGState. @param extGState IN/OUT A PDEExtGState whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for extGState. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEExtGStateCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEExtGStateGetCosObj, ( IN PDEExtGState extGState, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Gets the quad bounding the specified text run or character.

The advance portion of the quad is based on the left side bearing and advance width.

@param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose quad is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.

In addition, if the kPDETextBounding flag is set, PDETextGetQuad() uses the font descriptor's FontBBox, which is the smallest rectangle that encloses all characters in the font. The advance portion is based on the x-coordinates of the left and right sides of FontBBox and the advance width.

@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param quadP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedQuad that bounds the specified character or text run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetQuad, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar, kPDETextBounding */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedQuadP quadP) ) /** Gets the Marked Content tag for a PDEPlace. @param pdePlace IN/OUT The place whose Marked Content tag is obtained. @return A tag for pdePlace. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPlaceSetMCTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEPlaceGetMCTag, ( IN PDEPlace pdePlace) ) /** Gets the Marked Content dictionary for a PDEPlace. @param pdePlace IN/OUT The place whose Marked Content dictionary is obtained. @param placeDictP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the Marked Content dictionary; may be NULL. @param isInline IN/OUT (Filled by the method) If true, the Marked Content dictionary is inline; may be NULL. @return true if dictionary is obtained, false if no dictionary is present. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEPlaceSetDict @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEPlaceGetDict, ( IN PDEPlace pdePlace, OUT CosObj *placeDictP, OUT ASBool *isInline) ) /** Gets the Marked Content tag for a container. @param pdeContainer IN/OUT A container. @return The Marked Content tag of pdeContainer. It returns ASAtomNull if pdeContainer has no Marked Content tag. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEContainerCreate @see PDEContainerSetMCTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEContainerGetMCTag, ( IN PDEContainer pdeContainer) ) /** Gets the Marked Content dictionary for a container. @param pdeContainer IN/OUT A container. @param placeDictP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Marked Content dictionary for pdeContainer. NULL if pdeContainer has no Marked Content dictionary. @param isInline IN/OUT (Filled by the method) true if the dictionary is inline, false otherwise. It is undefined if pdeContainer has no Marked Content dictionary. @return true if pdeContainer has a Marked Content dictionary, false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception cosErrInvalidObj @see PDEContainerSetDict @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEContainerGetDict, ( IN PDEContainer pdeContainer, OUT CosObj *placeDictP, OUT ASBool *isInline) ) /** Gets the PDEContent for a PDEContainer. @note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEContent. @param pdeContainer IN/OUT The container whose content is obtained. @return The PDEContent for the pdeContainer. @exception pdErrOpNotPermitted @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEContainerSetContent @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEContent, PDEContainerGetContent, ( IN PDEContainer pdeContainer) ) /** Gets the number of components in the base color space of an indexed color space.

For example, for [/ Indexed / DeviceRGB...], the number of components is 3.

@param colorSpace IN/OUT The indexed color space. @return The number of components in colorSpace. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEColorSpaceGetBase @see PDEColorSpaceGetNumComps @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps, ( IN PDEColorSpace colorSpace) ) /** Fills out a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the default graphic state. @param stateP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the default graphic state. @param stateSize The size of the stateP structure in bytes. @note Non-NULL objects in the graphic state, such as the fill and stroke color spaces, have their reference counts incremented by this method. Be sure to release these non- NULL objects when disposing of stateP. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void , PDEDefaultGState, ( OUT PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASInt32 stateSize) ) /** Gets a Cos object corresponding to a pattern object. @param pattern IN/OUT The pattern whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the pattern. @see PDEPatternCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEPatternGetCosObj, ( IN PDEPattern pattern, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Enumerates all the PDEElements in a given stream. It is similar to PDEContentCreateFromCosObj(), but provides enumeration instead of a list of elements.

If marked content is not ignored, each PDEContainer contains a PDEContent list within itself.

@param contents IN/OUT A Cos object that is the source for the content stream. It may be page contents, a Form XObject, a Type 3 font CharProc, or an appearance object from an annotation. @param resources IN/OUT The object's Resources dictionary. If the Form or Type 3 font or appearance dictionary contains a Resources dictionary, this dictionary must be passed in resources. Otherwise, it must be the page resources object of the page containing the Form or Type 3 font contents object. @param flags IN/OUT Flags from PDEEnumElementsFlags. @param enumProc IN/OUT A user-supplied callback to call once for each top-level element. Note that the element in enumProc may only be valid for this method. Use PDEAcquire() if you need to hold on to the element longer than the scope of enumProc. @param enumProcClientData IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrPStackUnderflow @exception peErrCantGetImageDict @see PDEContentCreateFromCosObj @see PDEContentGetNumElems @see PDEContentGetElem @ingroup Enumerators @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC (void, PDEEnumElements, ( IN const CosObj *contents, IN const CosObj *resources, IN ASUns32 flags, IN PDEElementEnumProc enumProc, IN void *enumProcClientData) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Methods added after version 0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the sum of the widths of len characters from a string of single or multi-byte characters. @param font A PDEFont object returned from one of the PDEFontCreate methods. @param text A pointer to a string of characters. @param len The number of characters in the string. @return The width of the text string in EM space. (In EM space, the width of 'M' is about 1000 EM units). @exception genErrNoMemory @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes @see PDEFontIsMultiByte @see PDEFontGetOneByteEncoding @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt32, PDEFontSumWidths, ( IN PDEFont font, IN ASUns8 *text, IN ASInt32 len) ) /** Gets the number of bytes comprising the next code in a string of single or multi-byte character codes. @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont object returned from one of the PDEFontCreate methods. @param text IN/OUT A pointer to a string of characters. @param len IN/OUT The length, in bytes, of the string of characters, starting with the character pointed to by text. @return The number of bytes in the next character code pointed to by text. @exception genErrNoMemory @see PDEFontIsMultiByte @see PDEFontSumWidths @see PDEFontGetOneByteEncoding @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASInt16, PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes, ( IN PDEFont font, IN ASUns8 *text, IN ASInt32 len) ) /** Gets the value of a color component of a PDEDeviceNColors color space. @param colors IN/OUT A PDEDeviceNColors object returned by PDEDeviceNColorsCreate(). @param index IN/OUT The index of the color component to return. @return The value of the requested color component. @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEDeviceNColorsCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASFixed, PDEDeviceNColorsGetColorValue, ( IN PDEDeviceNColors colors, IN ASInt32 index) ) /** Tests whether a font contains any multi-byte characters. @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont object returned from one of the PDEFontCreate methods to test. @return true if the font contains any multi-byte characters, false otherwise. @see PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes @see PDEFontSumWidths @see PDEFontGetOneByteEncoding @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC (ASBool, PDEFontIsMultiByte, ( IN PDEFont font) ) /** Gets the number of bytes occupied by the character code or text run. @param pdeText IN/OUT A PDEText object returned from one of the PDETextCreate methods whose text is examined. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @return The number of bytes occupied by the text run or character. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC (ASInt32, PDETextGetNumBytes, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun or kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index) ) /** Gets the PDEContent for a PDEGroup. @note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEContent. @param pdeGroup IN/OUT The group whose content is obtained. @return The PDEContent in pdeGroup. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEGroupSetContent @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEContent, PDEGroupGetContent, ( IN PDEGroup pdeGroup) ) /** For a given PDEClip, this enumerates all of the PDEElement objects in a flattened manner. In other words, PDEContainer objects and PDEGroup objects nested in the PDEClip will not be handed back, but any PDEPath objects and PDEText objects nested in them will be. Additionally, PDEPlace objects inside the PDEClip are not returned. @param clip The PDEClip to enumerate. @param enumProc Called with each flattened element. Enumeration continues until all elements have been enumerated, or until enumProc returns false. @param enumProcClientData A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called. @return Returns the value of enumProc. It returns true if successful, false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEClipCreate @see PDEClipGetElem @see PDEClipGetNumElems @ingroup Enumerators @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEClipFlattenedEnumElems, ( IN PDEClip clip, IN PDEClipEnumProc enumProc, IN void *enumProcClientData) ) /** Tests whether a point is on an element. @param elem IN/OUT The element to test. If PDEElement is a PDEText or PDEImage, it uses the bounding box of the PDEElement to make the check. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is stroked, it checks if the point is on the path. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is filled, it checks if the point is in the fill area, taking into consideration whether it is filled using the non-zero winding number rule or the even-odd rule. @param point IN/OUT The point, specified in user space coordinates. @return true if the point is on the element, false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEElementIsAtRect @see PDETextIsAtPoint @see PDETextIsAtRect @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEElementIsAtPoint, ( IN PDEElement elem, IN ASFixedPoint point) ) /** Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on an element. @param elem IN/OUT The element to test. If PDEElement is a PDEText or PDEImage, it uses the bounding box of the PDEElement to make the check. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is stroked, it checks if the rectangle is on the path. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is filled, it checks if the rectangle is in the fill area, taking into consideration whether it is filled using the non-zero winding number rule or the even-odd rule. @param rect IN/OUT The rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. @return true if any part of the rectangle is on the element, false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEElementIsAtPoint @see PDETextIsAtPoint @see PDETextIsAtRect @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEElementIsAtRect, ( IN PDEElement elem, IN ASFixedRect rect) ) /** Tests whether a point is on specified text. It checks if the point is in a bounding box for the PDEText. @param pdeText IN/OUT The text to test. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param point IN/OUT The point, specified in user space coordinates. @return true if the point is on the text, false otherwise. @see PDEElementIsAtPoint @see PDEElementIsAtRect @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDETextIsAtPoint, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, IN ASFixedPoint point) ) /** Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on the specified text. @param pdeText IN/OUT The text to test. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags flag that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param rect IN/OUT The rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. @return true if the text is on the rectangle, false otherwise. @see PDEElementIsAtPoint @see PDEElementIsAtRect @see PDETextIsAtPoint @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDETextIsAtRect, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, IN ASFixedRect rect) ) /** Gets an array of delta encodings for the given one byte PDEFont. @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont object returned from one of the PDEFontCreate methods. @param encodingDelta IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to an ASAtom array that is filled with the delta encodings for font. Each entry is the ASAtom for a glyph name that differs from the base encoding. See Section 5.5.5 in the PDF Reference for more information about font encodings. The array must be allocated to hold 256 entries. @return true if encodingDelta is filled, false otherwise. @exception genErrNoMemory @see PDEFontIsMultiByte @see PDEFontSumWidths @see PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEFontGetOneByteEncoding, ( IN PDEFont font, OUT ASAtom *encodingDelta) ) /** Gets the CosObj for a PDEShading. @param shading IN/OUT A smooth shading object. @param cosObjP IN/OUT The Cos dictionary corresponding to shading. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDEShadingGetCosObj, ( IN PDEShading shading, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Gets the operator name of an unknown operator. @param pdeUnknown IN/OUT Unknown element whose operator name is obtained. @return An ASAtom for the name of the operator for pdeUnknown. @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEUnknownGetOpName, ( IN PDEUnknown pdeUnknown) ) /** Gets a default color space from a PDEContent object.

See Section 4.5.4 in the PDF Reference for more information about default color spaces.

@note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEColorSpace. @param pdeContent IN/OUT A content object. @param colorSpaceName IN/OUT An ASAtom for the name of the desired color space. It must be an ASAtom for one of DefaultRGB, DefaultCMYK, or DefaultGray. @return The desired color space in pdeContent. It returns NULL if colorSpaceName does not correspond to a known default, such as DefaultRGB. @see PDEContentGetNumElems @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(PDEColorSpace, PDEContentGetDefaultColorSpace, ( IN PDEContent pdeContent, IN ASAtom colorSpaceName) ) /** Gets the decode array from the attributes of the image. This array specifies the parameters used with the array of filters used to decode the image. This should be called first with a NULL decode to obtain the number of elements that may be returned so that a properly sized array can be allocated for a subsequent call. There are two decode entries per colorant in normal use. @param image The image whose decode array is obtained. @param decode (Filled by the method) A pointer to the decode array. If it is NULL, the number of decode elements required is returned. @param decodeSize The number of elements in decode. @return The number of elements in the decode array. @see PDEImageSetDecodeArray @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEImageGetDecodeArray, ( IN PDEImage image, OUT ASFixed *decode, IN ASUns32 decodeSize) ) /* APIs added for 5.0 start here */ /** Gets the marked content tag associated with a PDEBeginContainer object. @param pdeBeginContainer IN/OUT A PDEBeginContainer object. @return The mark content tag. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType if pdeBeginContainer is NULL or not the right type. @see PDEBeginContainerSetMCTag @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEBeginContainerGetMCTag, ( IN PDEBeginContainer pdeBeginContainer) ) /** Gets the property list dictionary associated with a PDEBeginContainer object. The property list is stored in a Cos dictionary. @param pdeBeginContainer IN/OUT A PDEBeginContainer object. @param dictP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The property list associated with the PDEBeginContainer. @param isInlineP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) If true, the dictionary is emitted into the page content stream inline. @return true if dictP points to a Cos dictionary; false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType if pdeBeginContainer is NULL or not the right type. @note Either dictP or isInlineP may be NULL if that information is not required. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEBeginContainerGetDict, ( IN PDEBeginContainer pdeBeginContainer, OUT CosObj *dictP, OUT ASBool *isInlineP) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDESoftMask Methods added to support Transparency ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the associated CosObj of the soft mask. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the Cos object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDESoftMaskGetCosObj, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Acquires the PDEForm that defines the soft mask.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEForm when finished with it.

@param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT An object of type PDESoftMask. @param matrixP IN/OUT A matrix defining the transformation from coordinate space to user space. @return The XObject form of the soft mask. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEForm, PDESoftMaskAcquireForm, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask, IN ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /** Gets the array of color values of the backdrop color. Given a pointer to an array and the length of the array, it copies the color values to that array and returns the number of values copied. If the pointer to the array is NULL, the number of color values is returned. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT An object of type PDESoftMask. @param pColorValues IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to an array of color values. If it is NULL, the number of color values is returned. @param numValues IN/OUT The length of the array pColorValues. @return The number of values copied. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASInt32, PDESoftMaskGetBackdropColor, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask, IN ASFixed *pColorValues, IN ASInt32 numValues) ) /** Gets the transfer function as a CosObj. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask. @return The transfer function as a CosObj. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( CosObj, PDESoftMaskGetTransferFunction, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDEXGroup Methods added to support Transparency ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Gets the CosObj of the transparency group. @param pdeXGroup The transparency group object. @param cosObjP (Filled by the method) A pointer to the Cos object. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEXGroupGetCosObj, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Gets the knockout boolean value of the transparency group. @param pdeXGroup The transparency group object. @return The knockout value. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEXGroupGetKnockout, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup) ) /** Gets the isolated boolean value of the transparency group. @param pdeXGroup The transparency group object. @return true if the transparency group is isolated; false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEXGroupGetIsolated, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup) ) /** Acquires the color space of the transparency group.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEColorSpace when finished with it.

@param pdeXGroup The transparency group object. @return The color space; otherwise it returns NULL. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEColorSpace, PDEXGroupAcquireColorSpace, ( IN PDEXGroup pdeXGroup) ) /** Acquires the transparency group dictionary of the XObject form.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEXGroup when finished with it.

@param pdeForm IN/OUT The from. @return The transparency group object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDEXGroup, PDEFormAcquireXGroup, ( IN PDEForm pdeForm) ) /** Determines whether the XObject form has a Transparency XGroup @param pdeForm IN/OUT The form. @return true if the XObject form has a Transparency XGroup. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEFormHasXGroup, ( IN PDEForm pdeForm) ) /** Gets the graphics state information for an element. @param pdeElement The PDEElement whose graphics state is to be obtained. @param stateP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure that contains graphics state information for pdeElement. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer. Set it to sizeof(PDEGraphicState). @return true if the element has a graphics state, false otherwise. @exception genErrBadParm @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEElementHasGState, ( IN PDEElement pdeElement, OUT PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Methods added to support ExtGState ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Returns the overprint mode used by this graphics state. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return The Cos integer value. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASInt32, PDEExtGStateGetOPM, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns whether overprint is enabled for painting operations other than stroking. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns the value of the / op key in the ExtGState dictionary. If the value is not found, the default value of false is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEExtGStateGetOPFill, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns whether overprint is enabled for stroke painting operations. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns the value of the / OP key in the ExtGState dictionary. If the value is not found, the default value of false is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEExtGStateGetOPStroke, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns the opacity value for painting operations other than stroking. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns the value of the / ca key in the ExtGState dictionary. If the value is not found, the default value of 1 is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASFixed, PDEExtGStateGetOpacityFill, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns the opacity value for stroke painting operations for paths and glyph outlines. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns the value of the / CA key in the ExtGState dictionary. If the value is not found, the default value of 1 is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASFixed, PDEExtGStateGetOpacityStroke, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns the blend mode for the color composite for each object painted. The following are valid names: @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return If the value has not been set, a value of Compatible is returned. See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASAtom, PDEExtGStateGetBlendMode, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns the value of the Alpha Is Shape (AIS) member of the graphics state. If AIS is true, the sources of alpha are treated as shape; otherwise they are treated as opacity values. If the value is not set, the default value of false is returned. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEExtGStateGetAIS, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns whether the graphics state contains a soft mask. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns true if the ExtGState dictionary contains the / SMask key; otherwise false is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEExtGStateHasSoftMask, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Acquires the soft mask of the extended graphic state.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDESoftMask when finished with it.

@param pdeExtGState The extended graphics state object. @return The soft mask or NULL if the ExtGState dictionary does not contain the SMask key. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType if pdeExtGState is NULL or is not of type @exception kPDEExtGState. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( PDESoftMask, PDEExtGStateAcquireSoftMask, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Checks whether the image has a soft mask. @param image IN/OUT An object of type PDEImage. @return true if the soft mask exists, false otherwise. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEImageHasSMask, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Gets the soft mask for an image. Use PDERelease() to dispose of the object when it is no longer referenced. @param image An object of type PDEImage. @return An object of type PDEImage. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(PDEImage, PDEImageGetSMask, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Gets the matte array for the image XObject. @param image IN/OUT The image XObject. @param matte IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An array of values. @param numComp IN/OUT The number of values in matte. @return The number of values copied. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDEImageGetMatteArray, ( IN PDEImage image, OUT ASFixed *matte, IN ASUns32 numComp) ) /** Returns the text state of a character or a text element. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose text state is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param stateP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDETextState structure to fill with the text state of the specified character or text run. @param stateSize IN/OUT The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception genErrBadParm @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDETextRunSetTextState @see PDETextGetTextState @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetState, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT PDETextStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize) ) /** Returns whether text knockout is enabled in the graphics state. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns the value of the / TK key in the ExtGState dictionary. If the value is not found, the default value of true is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEExtGStateGetTK, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Returns writing mode. 0 for horizontal writing and 1 for vertical writing. @param sysEnc IN/OUT An object of type PDSysEncoding. @return 0 for horizontal writing and 1 for vertical writing. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASInt16, PDSysEncodingGetWMode, ( IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc) ) /** Returns true for Identity-H or Identity-V encoding, false otherwise. @param sysEnc IN/OUT An object of type PDSysEncoding. @return See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDSysEncodingIsIdentity, ( IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc) ) /** Returns true for CMap encoding, false otherwise. @param sysEnc IN/OUT An object of type PDSysEncoding. @return See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDSysEncodingIsMultiByte, ( IN PDSysEncoding sysEnc) ) /** Returns whether stroke adjustment is enabled in the graphics state. @param pdeExtGState IN/OUT The extended graphics state object. @return Returns the value of the / SA key in the ExtGState dictionary. If the value is not set, the default value of false is returned. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEExtGStateGetSA, ( IN PDEExtGState pdeExtGState) ) /** Gets the soft mask name. @param pdeSoftMask IN/OUT The soft mask. @return The soft mask name if it is a name; it returns ASAtomNull otherwise. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC( ASAtom, PDESoftMaskGetName, ( IN PDESoftMask pdeSoftMask) ) /** Returns the matrix of a character or a text element. Unlike PDETextGetTextMatrix(), this function does not take fontSize, hScale, and textRise in the textState into account. @param pdeText IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. @param flags IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.
@param index IN/OUT The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param matrixP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An ASFixedMatrixP that holds the matrix of the specified character or text run. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetTextMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetMatrix, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedMatrixP matrixP) ) /* BEGIN Optional Content API calls */ /** Gets an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object associated with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, PDEImage (XObject image), or PDEContainer. If it is not one of these, the method returns NULL. @param elem The element from which the dictionary is obtained. @return The dictionary object, or NULL if the element is not a PDEForm, PDEImage (XObject image), or PDEContainer, or if it is a container that is not for optional content. @see PDAnnotGetOCMD @see PDEElementSetOCMD @see PDEElementRemoveOCMD @see PDOCMDFindOrCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( PDOCMD, PDEElementGetOCMD, (PDEElement elem) ) /** Tests whether an element is visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find the first occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. It returns true if the first occurrence of the element is visible in the context, taking into account the context's NonOCDrawing and PDOCDrawEnumType values.

The content can be NULL. In this case:

@param elem The element to test. @param content The content containing the element. @param ocContext The optional-content context in which the element is tested. @return Returns true if the element is visible in the given content and context, false if it is hidden. @see PDEElementGetAllVisibilities @see PDEElementMakeVisible @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible, (PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext) ) /** Tests whether all occurrences of the element are visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find each occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. To find the visibility of a content element without considering its parent, use PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible().

It returns the number of occurrences and an array of boolean values containing true for each occurrence of the element that is visible in the context, taking into account the context's NonOCDrawing and PDOCDrawEnumType values.

@param elem The element for which to obtain visibilities. @param content The content containing the element. @param ocContext The optional-content context in which the element is tested. @param visibilities (Filled by the method) An array of boolean values containing true for each occurrence of the element that is visible in the context. @param capacity The size of the visibilities array. @return The number of occurrences of the element in the content. @see PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible @see PDEElementMakeVisible @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASUns32, PDEElementGetAllVisibilities, (PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext, ASBool *visibilities, ASUns32 capacity) ) /** Makes an element visible in a given content and optional-content context, by manipulating the ON-OFF states of the optional-content groups. @param elem The element for which to set the visibility state. @param content The content containing the element. @param ocContext The optional-content context in which the element is made visible. @return true if the element is successfully made visible in the given content and context, false otherwise. @see PDEElementGetAllVisibilities @see PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible @see PDOCMDsMakeContentVisible @since PI_PDFEDIT_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEElementMakeVisible, (PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext) ) /* END Optional Content API calls */ /** Tests whether a font is an embedded font in the document in which it was created. @param pdeFont A PDEFont object to test. @return true if the font is embedded, false if it is not, or if it was created in one document and embedded in a different document. @see PDEFontEmbedNow @see PDEFontEmbedNowDontSubset @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(ASBool, PDEFontIsEmbedded, ( IN PDEFont pdeFont) ) /** Gets the system font object associated with a font object. @param pdeFont A PDEFont whose system font is found. @return The system font object. @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDFindSysFontForPDEFont @see PDEFontSetSysFont @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDSysFont, PDEFontGetSysFont, ( IN PDEFont pdeFont) ) /** Gets the system encoding object associated with a font object. @param pdeFont A PDEFont whose system encoding is found. @return The system encoding object. @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDEFontSetSysEncoding @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDSysEncoding, PDEFontGetSysEncoding, ( IN PDEFont pdeFont) ) /** Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn.

Advance width may be horizontal or vertical, depending on the writing style. Thus advanceP has both a horizontal and vertical component.

@param pdeText A text object containing a character or text run whose advance width is found. @param flags A PDETextFlags value that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
kPDETextCharUsed for a text character.
kPDETextRunUsed for a text run.

In addition, set the kPDETextPageSpace flag to obtain the advance width in user space. If it is not set, the advance width is in character space. If this flag is not set, this method returns a value that is independent of any sizes, matrices, or scaling, simply adding up the font's raw glyph widths, supplemented only by unscaled character and word spacing. This differs from the behavior of the older function, PDETextGetAdvanceWidth().

@param index The index of the character or text run in pdeText. @param advanceP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedPoint value indicating the advance width. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextGetAdvanceWidth @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextGetAdvance, ( IN PDEText pdeText, IN ASUns32 flags, /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar, kPDETextPageSpace */ IN ASInt32 index, OUT ASFixedPointP advanceP) ) /** Gets the font for a text item. @note This method does not change the reference count of the returned PDEFont. @param textItem The text item whose font is obtained. @return The font of the specified text item. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemSetFont @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDEFont, PDETextItemGetFont, ( IN PDETextItem textItem)) /** Gets the text matrix for a character in a text item. @param textItem The text item. @param charOffset The offset of the character whose text matrix is obtained. @param textMatrixP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedMatrix structure with the text matrix of the character. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemSetTextMatrix @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemGetTextMatrix, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, IN ASUns32 charOffset, OUT ASFixedMatrix *textMatrixP)) /** Gets the text state of a text item. @param textItem The text item whose text state is obtained. @param textStateP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDETextStateP structure with text state of the text item. @param textStateSize The size of the texStateP structure in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemSetTextState @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemGetTextState, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, OUT PDETextStateP textStateP, IN ASUns32 textStateSize)) /** Gets the text length for a text item. @param textItem The text item whose text length is obtained. @return The text length in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemCopyText @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDETextItemGetTextLen, ( IN PDETextItem textItem)) /** Copies the text from a text item element into a character buffer. @param textItem A pointer to the characters to add. Note that passing NULL for text can invalidate the text object but will not raise an error. Callers must not pass NULL for this parameter. @param buffer (Filled by the method) A pointer to a buffer in which to store the copy. @param bufferSize The length of the text buffer in bytes. @return The length in bytes of textItem. @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDETextGetItem @see PDETextAddItem @see PDETextItemGetTextLen @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(ASUns32, PDETextItemCopyText, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, OUT ASUns8 *buffer, IN ASUns32 bufferSize)) /** Gets the graphics state for a text item. @param textItem Text item whose graphic state is obtained. @param stateP (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with graphics state of the text item. @param stateSize The size of the stateP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextItemSetGState @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(void, PDETextItemGetGState, ( IN PDETextItem textItem, OUT PDEGraphicStateP stateP, IN ASUns32 stateSize)) /** Obtains a text item from a text element at a given index position. @param text Text object from which the text item is obtained. @param index The index of the text item in pdeText. @return The text item object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @exception pdErrBadResMetrics @see PDETextAddItem @see PDETextItemCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDETextItem, PDETextGetItem, ( IN PDEText text, IN ASUns32 index)) /** Returns the type of image as "FlateDecode", "JPXDecode", or "Unknown" when the image filter is not one of these types. @param image IN/OUT The PDEImage object. @return See above. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(ASAtom, PDEImageGetType, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Acquires the PDEImageFlate resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "FlateDecode", or 0 if it is not.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEImageFlate when finished with it.

@param image IN/OUT The PDEImage object. @return a PDEImageFlate resource object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDEImageFlate, PDEImageAcquireImageFlate, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Acquires the PDEImageJPX resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "JPXDecode", or 0 if it is not.

Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEImageJPX when finished with it.

@param image IN/OUT The PDEImage object. @return a PDEImageJPX resource object. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC(PDEImageJPX, PDEImageAcquireImageJPX, ( IN PDEImage image) ) /** Gets a Cos object for an image. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT The JPX image whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetType @see PDEImageAcquireImageJPX @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEImageJPXGetCosObj, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Gets a Cos object for an image. @param pdeImageFlate IN/OUT The flate image whose Cos object is obtained. @param cosObjP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetType @see PDEImageAcquireImageFlate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEImageFlateGetCosObj, ( IN PDEImageFlate pdeImageFlate, OUT CosObj *cosObjP) ) /** Gets the attributes of a flate image. @param imgFlate IN/OUT A flate image resource object. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEImageFlateAttrs structure containing the attributes of the flate image. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEImageFlateGetAttrs, ( IN PDEImageFlate imgFlate, OUT PDEImageFlateAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Acquires the color space of the flate image. PDERelease should be used to release the color space when it is no longer referenced by the caller. @param imgFlate IN/OUT An object of type PDEImageFlate. @return The color space of the flate image; otherwise it returns NULL. @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 @see PDEImageGetType @see PDEImageAcquireImageFlate */ UNPROC( PDEColorSpace, PDEImageFlateAcquireColorSpace, ( IN PDEImageFlate imgFlate) ) /** Gets a data stream for a flate compressed image, PDEImageFlate object.

The caller must dispose of the returned ASStm by calling ASStmClose().

@param imgFlate IN/OUT The flate image whose data stream is obtained. @param flags IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, data is returned in encoded form. Otherwise, data is decoded. @return The stream for the image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEImageGetType @see PDEImageAcquireImageFlate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASStm, PDEImageFlateGetDataStm, ( IN PDEImageFlate imgFlate, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Gets the attributes of a JPX encoded PDEImage. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEImageJPXAttrs structure containing the attributes of the JPX encoded image. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the attrsP buffer in bytes. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetAttrs @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, PDEImageJPXGetAttrs, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, OUT PDEImageJPXAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Acquires the PDEColorSpace associated with the JPX encoded image, if one exists. If a PDF color space has not been associated with the JPX encoded image, 0 will be returned. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return A PDF colorspace associated with the JPX encoded image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageGetType @see PDEImageAcquireJPX @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( PDEColorSpace, PDEImageJPXAcquireColorSpace, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX) ) /** Returns a stream containing the image data. Color component values are interlaced. For images with greater then 8 bits per component, the component values occupy the least significant bits of a two byte value. Valid values of flags are 0. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @param flags Unused. @return The stream for the image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASStm, PDEImageJPXGetDataStm, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Returns the number of JPX color spaces reference by the JPX encoded image. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return The number of JPX color spaces specified by the JPX encoded image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASInt32, PDEImageJPXGetNumColorSpaces, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX) ) /** Acquires a link list of JPXColorSpace objects defined with the JPX encoded image. if one exists. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return A JPX colorspace associated with the JPX encoded image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see JPXColorSpaceAcquireNext @see JPXColorSpaceGetType @see JPXColorSpaceGetEnumAttrs @see JPXColorSpaceGetProfile @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( JPXColorSpace, PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX) ) /** Returns true if the JPX encoded image has a JPX palette @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return true if the encoded JPX image contains a palette. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, PDEImageJPXHasPalette, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX) ) /** Acquires the JPXPalette from the JPX image object This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. @param pdeImageJPX IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return A JPX palette associated with the JPX encoded image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see JPXPaletteGetNumEntries @see JPXPaletteGetBitDepths @see JPXPaletteGetNumComponents @see JPXPaletteGetTable @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( JPXPalette, PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette, ( IN PDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX) ) /** Returns the number of palette entries. @param jpxPalette IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return The number of palette entries. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASInt32, JPXPaletteGetNumEntries, ( IN JPXPalette jpxPalette) ) /** Returns the bit depths of the color values represented in the palette. The length of the array must be at least the number of components. @param jpxPalette IN/OUT A JPX-encoded image object. @param bitDepths IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An array of bit depths for each component. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( void, JPXPaletteGetBitDepths, ( IN JPXPalette jpxPalette, IN ASInt32* bitDepths) ) /** Returns the number of color components represented by the palette. @param jpxPalette IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @return The number of components of the JPX image represented by the palette. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASInt32, JPXPaletteGetNumComponents, ( IN JPXPalette jpxPalette) ) /** Returns the palette data as a read only non-seekable ASStm. The returned ASStm should be read with ASStmRead(). Each component entry in the palette is represented by the number of bytes needed to contain the bit depth for that component. @param jpxPalette IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. @param paletteLength IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The length of the palette data. @return A stream for the palette data. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXHasPalette @see PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASStm, JPXPaletteGetTable, ( IN JPXPalette jpxPalette, OUT ASInt32 *paletteLength) ) /** Acquires the next JPX color space defined with the JPX encoded image in the link list, if one exists. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. @param jpxColorSpace IN/OUT A JPX color space object. @return The next JPX color space associated with the JPX encoded image. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( JPXColorSpace, JPXColorSpaceAcquireNext, ( IN JPXColorSpace jpxColorSpace) ) /** Returns the type of JPX color space: @param jpxColorSpace IN/OUT A JPX color space object. @return The JPX color space type, JPXColorSpaceType. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( JPXColorSpaceType, JPXColorSpaceGetType, ( IN JPXColorSpace jpxColorSpace) ) /** Gets the attributes of an enumerated color space. It returns false if the color space is not kJPXCSEnumerated. @param jpxColorSpace IN/OUT A JPX color space object. @param jpxCSEnumAttrsP IN/OUT (filled in by the method) Attributes of a JPX enumerated color space. @return true if the JPX color space is kJPXCSEnumerated @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace @ingroup Enumerators @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASBool, JPXColorSpaceGetEnumAttrs, ( IN JPXColorSpace jpxColorSpace, OUT JPXCSEnumAttrsP jpxCSEnumAttrsP) ) /** Gets the color profile of an ICC-based JPX color space. If profile is 0, it returns the length of the profile in bytes; otherwise it returns the number of bytes copied to profile. @param jpxColorSpace IN/OUT A JPX color space object. @param profile IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The profile of the JPX color space. @param profileLength IN/OUT The byte length of the user-supplied profile buffer. @return The byte length of the profile, if profile is 0; otherwise returns the byte length copied to profile. @exception peErrWrongPDEObjectType @see PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000 */ UNPROC( ASInt32, JPXColorSpaceGetProfile, ( IN JPXColorSpace jpxColorSpace, OUT ASUns8 *profile, IN ASInt32 profileLength) ) /**

Retrieves a PDEColorSpaceStruct from a PDEColorSpace. It supports all PDF version 1.3 color spaces except the Pattern color space.

It is the responsibility of the caller to free the PDEColorSpaceStruct and the underlying allocations.

@param cs IN/OUT The PDEColorSpace for which the structure is required. @param pdeColorSpaceStruct IN/OUT The PDEColorSpaceStruct created for the color space. @exception peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace @exception genErrBadParm @see PDEColorSpaceCreate @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00080001 */ UNPROC( void, PDEColorSpaceGetStruct, ( IN PDEColorSpace cs, OUT PDEColorSpaceStruct *pdeColorSpaceStruct) ) /** Retrieves a PDEImage object's color space, in the desired bits per component, based on the flags parameter. @param image IN The PDEImage instance whose color space is desired. @param flags IN A set of flags to specify the desired bits per component (bpc) of the returned color space. @see PDEImageGetColorSpace @see PDEImageColorSpaceFlags @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00090000 */ UNPROC( PDEColorSpace, PDEImageGetColorSpaceEx, ( IN PDEImage image, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Retrieves the PDEContentToCosObjFlags for this form. The flags were previously set by PDEFormSetContentToCosObjFlags(). @since PI_PDFEDIT_READ_VERSION >= 0x00090000 */ UNPROC( ASUns32, PDEFormGetContentToCosObjFlags, ( IN PDEForm form) )