/********************************************************************* ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PDSysFont.h - PDSysFont header file. *********************************************************************/ #ifdef NPROC /* may be already defined */ #undef NPROC #endif #define NPROC(returnType, name, params) \ ACCB1 returnType ACCB2 name params; /** Enumerates all of the system fonts with a user-supplied procedure. <p>The PDSysFont must be acquired during the enumeration if the font is needed beyond the <code>enumProc</code>. </p> <p>Developers should not assume that the <code>enumProc</code> will be called. If no system fonts are found (for example, if the <code>PSRESOURCEPATH</code> environment variable is not set on UNIX platforms), <code>enumProc</code> is never called, and PDEnumSysFonts() does not raise an exception. </p> @param enumProc IN/OUT A user-supplied callback to call once for each system font. Enumeration continues until all fonts have been enumerated, or until <code>enumProc</code> returns <code>false</code>. @param clientData IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to <code>enumProc</code> each time it is called. @see PDFindSysFont @see PDFindSysFontForPDEFont @note The font names that are returned from the methods PDEnumSysFonts() and PDSysFontGetAttrs() are different in 5.0 and later (compared to 4.05). The differences are shown in the table: <TABLE rules="all" cellspacing="1"> <TR><TH>Acrobat 4.05 Name</TH><TH>Acrobat 4.05 PSname</TH><TH>Acrobat 5.0 (and later) Name</TH><TH>Acrobat 5.0 (and later) Psname</TH></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-Mincho</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSMincho</code></TD><TD><code>MS-Mincho</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-Gothic</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSGothic</code></TD><TD><code>MS-Gothic</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-PMincho</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSPMincho</code></TD><TD><code>MS-PMincho</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-PGothic</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSPGothic</code></TD><TD><code>MS-PGothic</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-UIGothic</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSUIGothic</code></TD><TD><code>MS-UIGothic</code></TD></TR> </TABLE> @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDEnumSysFonts, ( IN PDSysFontEnumProc enumProc, IN void *clientData) ) /** Finds a system font that matches the requested attributes. <p>The method gets the PDSysFont rather than acquires it, so do not call PDERelease() on the returned PDSysFont when done with it. </p> @param attrs IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFontAttrs structure with the attributes of the font you are searching for. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the <code>attrs</code> buffer in bytes. @param flags IN/OUT Flags from PDSysFontMatchFlags. @return The desired system font. @see PDEnumSysFonts @see PDFindSysFontForPDEFont @see PDFindSysFontEx @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(PDSysFont, PDFindSysFont, ( IN PDEFontAttrsP attrs, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Finds a system font that matches the requested attributes. <p>If the requested font is a multiple master font instance, the base font is returned, and the specified design vector is decoded and returned in mmDesignVector. </p> <p>The method gets the PDSysFont rather than acquires it, so do not call PDERelease() on the returned PDSysFont when done with it. </p> @param attrs IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFontAttrs structure with the attributes of the font you are searching for. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the <code>attrs</code> buffer in bytes. @param flags IN/OUT Flags from PDSysFontMatchFlags. @param mmDesignVector IN/OUT (Filled by the method) If the requested font is a Multiple Master font instance, the specified design vector is decoded and returned in <code>mmDesignVector</code>. @param designVecLength IN/OUT (Filled by the method) Pass the length of <code>mmDesignVector</code>. This parameter also returns the number of elements filled in <code>mmDesignVector</code> (the maximum is <code>4</code>). @return The desired system font. @see PDEnumSysFonts @see PDFindSysFont @see PDFindSysFontForPDEFont @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(PDSysFont, PDFindSysFontEx, ( IN PDEFontAttrsP attrs, IN ASUns32 attrsSize, IN ASUns32 flags, OUT ASFixed *mmDesignVector, OUT ASInt32 *designVecLength) ) /** Finds a system font that matches the requested PDEFont. <p>The method gets the PDSysFont rather than acquires it, so do not call PDERelease() on the returned PDSysFont when done with it. </p> @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont whose matching system font is found. @param flags IN/OUT A bit field comprised of PDSysFontMatchFlags values. <ul> <li> kPDSysFontMatchNameAndCharSet</li> <li> kPDSysFontMatchFontType </li> <li> PDSysFontMatchFlags Passing zero matches <code>font</code> by name only. </li> </ul> @return The system font corresponding to <code>font</code>. @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception genErrBadParm @exception genErrResourceLoadFailed @see PDFindSysFont @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ NPROC(PDSysFont, PDFindSysFontForPDEFont, ( IN PDEFont font, IN ASUns32 flags) ) /** Gets the attributes of a system font. <p>The attributes will be returned in the buffer pointed to by <code>attrsP</code>. </p> <p>No more than <code>attrsSize</code> bytes will be written to the buffer. </p> <p>This call can be expensive to execute, as it may involve parsing the font in order to determine attributes. </p> @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font whose attributes are obtained. @param attrsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEFontAttrs structure with the attributes of a system font. @param attrsSize IN/OUT The size of the <code>attrsP</code> buffer in bytes. @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @see PDSysFontGetEncoding @see PDSysFontGetInfo @see PDSysFontGetName @see PDSysFontGetType0Widths @note The font names that are returned from the methods PDEnumSysFonts() and PDSysFontGetAttrs() are different in 5.0 and later (compared to 4.05). The differences are shown in the table: <TABLE rules="all" cellspacing="1"> <TR><TH>Acrobat 4.05 Name</TH><TH>Acrobat 4.05 PSname</TH><TH>Acrobat 5.0 (and later) Name</TH><TH>Acrobat 5.0 (and later) Psname</TH></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-Mincho</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSMincho</code></TD><TD><code>MS-Mincho</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-Gothic</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSGothic</code></TD><TD><code>MS-Gothic</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-PMincho</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSPMincho</code></TD><TD><code>MS-PMincho</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-PGothic</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSPGothic</code></TD><TD><code>MS-PGothic</code></TD></TR> <TR><TD><code>MS-UIGothic</code></TD><TD><code>NULL</code></TD><TD><code>MSUIGothic</code></TD><TD><code>MS-UIGothic</code></TD></TR> </TABLE> @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontGetAttrs, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, OUT PDEFontAttrsP attrsP, IN ASUns32 attrsSize) ) /** Gets the widths of a single byte encoded system font. @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font whose widths are obtained. @param widthsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the widths array. <code>widthsP</code> must have room for 256 entries. @exception peErrCantGetWidths @see PDSysFontGetType0Widths @see PDSysFontGetWidthsEx @see PDFontGetWidths @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontGetWidths, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, OUT ASInt16 *widthsP) ) /** Gets the widths of a single byte encoded system font. @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font whose widths are obtained. @param widthsP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the widths array. <code>widthsP</code> must have room for 256 entries. @param mmDesignVector IN/OUT If <code>sysFont</code> is a multiple master font, it points to the design vector, whose length must equal the number of design axes of <code>sysFont</code>. @exception peErrCantGetWidths @see PDSysFontGetType0Widths @see PDSysFontGetWidths @see PDFontGetWidths @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontGetWidthsEx, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, OUT ASInt16 *widthsP, IN ASFixed *mmDesignVector) ) /** Gets the encoding of a single byte encoded system font. <p>The returned encoding must be freed via a call to ASfree(). </p> @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font whose encoding is obtained. @param encodingNameP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An encoding name if the return value of PDSysFontGetEncoding() is zero. If <code>encodingNameP</code> is the <code>NULL</code> ASAtom, the font uses its default encoding. @return An encoding array of 256 C strings. Each entry in the array either contains a glyph name or <code>NULL</code>. If it is <code>NULL</code>, the corresponding entry uses the font's built in encoding value. <p>If the return value is zero, encodingNameP contains the name of the encoding: </p> <ul> <li> For a Type 1 font, the default encoding is that specified by the Encoding value in the font dictionary. </li> <li> For a TrueType font, the default encoding is that specified in the single byte CMAP table. </li> </ul> @see PDSysFontAcquirePlatformData @see PDSysFontGetInfo @see PDSysFontGetName @see PDSysFontGetType0Widths @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(Uns8 **, PDSysFontGetEncoding, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, OUT ASAtom *encodingNameP) ) /** Gets high-level information about a system font. @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font whose information is obtained. @param infoP IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to PDEFontInfoRec structure to fill with font information for <code>sysFont</code>. No more than <code>infoSize</code> bytes are written to this buffer. @param infoSize IN/OUT The size of the <code>infoP</code> buffer in bytes. @see PDSysFontAcquirePlatformData @see PDSysFontGetEncoding @see PDSysFontGetName @see PDSysFontGetType0Widths @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontGetInfo, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, OUT PDEFontInfoP infoP, IN ASUns32 infoSize) ) /** Gets the PostScript or TrueType styled name for a system font. @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font whose name is obtained. @return The ASAtom for the system font's name. @see PDSysFontAcquirePlatformData @see PDSysFontGetEncoding @see PDSysFontGetInfo @see PDSysFontGetType0Widths @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00050000 */ NPROC(ASAtom, PDSysFontGetName, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont) ) /** Acquires platform-specific data for use by user interface code. It must be released when finished by PDSysFontReleasePlatformData(). @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a system font returned by either PDFindSysFont() or PDFindSysFontForPDEFont(). @return A pointer to a platform-dependent structure, PDSysFontPlatData, containing information relating to a system font. It returns <code>NULL</code> if it is out of memory. @see PDSysFontReleasePlatformData @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(PDSysFontPlatDataP, PDSysFontAcquirePlatformData, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont) ) /** Releases platform-specific data for the specified PDSysFont. @param platDataP IN/OUT A pointer to a PDSysFontPlatDataP structure containing platform-specific data. @see PDSysFontAcquirePlatformData Creates a new attribute object with the specified owner. @since PI_PDS_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontReleasePlatformData, ( IN PDSysFontPlatDataP platDataP) ) #if !POQUTIO /** Returns a PDScript value for the specified PDSysFont. @param sysFont The font from which to acquire the script. @since PI_PDS_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(PDScript, PDSysFontGetScript, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont) ) #endif /** If there is a font on the system that matches this PDEFont, embed the full font regardless of whether it was subsetted or not embedded at all in the first place. This will not work for CID fonts, because they must be subsetted. <p>The matching is based on the PDSysFontMatchFlags. </p> <p>Only the font object itself is modified; no content streams are changed. </p> @param font IN/OUT A PDEFont object returned from one of the <code>PDEFontCreate</code> methods. @param flags IN/OUT Flags from PDSysFontMatchFlags that determine matches. @param cosDoc IN/OUT Currently unused. @exception peErrFontToEmbedNotOnSys is raised if there is no system font that matches this PDEFont. @exception genErrBadParm is raised if the PDEFont is a CID font. @exception peErrCantCreateFontSubset @exception peErrCantGetAttrs @exception peErrCantGetWidths @see PDEFontCreateFromSysFont @see PDFindSysFontForPDEFont @note This method does not change the reference count of the font. @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDEmbedSysFontForPDEFont, ( IN PDEFont font, IN ASUns32 flags, IN CosDoc cosDoc) ) /** Derives the registry, ordering, and supplement information of a multi-byte system font. This information can be used to create a PDEFont from a system font. For more information on CID fonts, see PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo(). @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a multi-byte system font. @param registry IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The ASAtom representing the CIDFont's Registry information (for example, <code>"Adobe"</code>). @param ordering IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The ASAtom representing the CIDFont's Ordering information (for example, <code>"Japan1"</code>). @param supplement IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The <code>SystemSupplement</code> field from the CIDFont. @see PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo @see PDFontGetCIDSystemSupplement @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontGetCIDSystemInfo, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, OUT ASAtom* registry, OUT ASAtom* ordering, OUT ASInt32* supplement) ) /** Gets width information from a Type 0 system font. This information can be used to create a PDEFont from a system font. @param sysFont IN/OUT A PDSysFont object referencing a multibyte system font. @param ordering IN/OUT An ASAtom representing the CIDFont's Ordering information. It is used to get a CMap object for <code>sysFont</code>. @param hasDW IN/OUT (Filled by the method) <code>true</code> if <code>sysFont</code> has a valid <code>dw</code> value; <code>false</code> otherwise. @param dw IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The default width for glyphs in a CIDFont. Currently, it is always <code>1000</code>. See Section 5.6 on CIDFontType 0 in the <i>PDF Reference</i> for more information. @param w IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A Cos array of a set of lists that define the widths for the glyphs in the CIDFont. Each list can specify individual widths for consecutive CIDs, or one width for a range of CIDs. See Section 5.6.3 on character widths in CIDFonts in the <i>PDF Reference</i> for information on the format of this array. @param hasDW2 IN/OUT (Filled by the method) <code>true</code> if <code>sysFont</code> has a valid <code>dw2</code> value. The default is <code>false</code>. @param dw2 IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The default metrics for writing mode 1. This entry is an array of two ASInt32 numbers: the y component of the position vector and the y component of the displacement vector for writing mode 1. The x component of the position vector is always half the width of the character. The x component of the displacement vector is always <code>0</code>. The default value is <code>[880-1000]</code>. For information on writing mode 1, see Section 5.6.3 on vertical writing in the <i>PDF Reference</i>. @param w2 IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A Cos array defining the metrics for vertical writing. Its format is similar to the format of the array in <code>w</code>. It defines the x and y components of the position vector, and the y component of the displacement vector. The x component of the displacement vector is always <code>0</code>. See Section 5.6.3 on character widths in CIDFonts in the <i>PDF Reference</i> for information on the format of this array. @see PDSysFontGetWidths @see PDSysFontGetWidthsEx @see PDFontGetWidths @note In general, you are discouraged from using this method. Instead use PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding() followed by PDEFontCreateWidthsNow() to create the W entry in a font. @since PI_PDSYSFONT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(void, PDSysFontGetType0Widths, ( IN PDSysFont sysFont, IN ASAtom ordering, OUT ASBool* hasDW, OUT ASInt32* dw, OUT CosObj* w, OUT ASBool* hasDW2, OUT ASInt32* dw2, OUT CosObj* w2) ) #undef NPROC