/* * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANNUALLY. * * * Header file generated AUTOMATICALLY by The batch file ...\Tools\win\makePDFLHfromASF.bat. * The batch file calls ZBFGen2, a ZString2.0 library program, using the template ...\Tools\win\ztrings\PDFLError_Str.tmpl. * * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANNUALLY. THIS IS CLOSELY TIED WITH THE ZString2.0 Binary * Format. Regenerate this whenever the corresponding .asfx file changes. * */ DefineErr(pdPErrNoError, "No error.") DefineErr(pdPErrPageDimOutOfRange, "The dimensions of this page are out-of-range.") DefineErr(pdPErrBadType3Font, "Invalid Type 3 font.") DefineErr(pdPErrType3TooComplex, "Type 3 font is too complex to print.") DefineErr(pdPErrFormTooComplex, "Form is too complex to print.") DefineErr(pdPErrUnableToCreateRasterPort, "Creation of a raster port failed.") /* End of automatic generated header file */ /***** End of file ***********************************************************/