/* EncConvE.h -- error codes for the PDFCMap system. ** Raised using Raise(PDFCMapError(pdErrSomeError)). ** These are only valid if ErrGetSystem(err) == ErrSysPDDoc (see ASError.h) ** Use the ErrGetCode macro to get these values from an Int32. ** May be passed to the PDErrorMonitor. ** For all errors which contain '%s' in the string, a value will be passed in the ** PDErrorInfo->string field. ** ** NOTE: Do not remove or reorder any error codes. They are part of the API. To ** obsolete an error, rename it by appending OBSOLETE. ** Add all new errors at the end. ** Changing error names will break plug-ins when they are recompiled. ** You can change the text of errors. */ DefineErr(pdErrBadCMap, "The encoding (CMap) specified by a font is corrupted.") DefineErr(pdErrCMapNotFound, "The encoding (CMap) specified by a font is missing.")