/********************************************************************* ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CosExpT.h - Types, macros, structures, etc. required to use the Cos HFT. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef _H_CosExpT #define _H_CosExpT #include "ASExpT.h" #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=power #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** */ typedef ASInt32 CosCryptVersion; /** */ typedef ASUns16 CosGeneration; /** */ typedef ASUns32 CosID; /** 0 is not valid. */ typedef ASUns32 CosHashCode; /** */ typedef ASInt32 CosStreamStartAndCode; /** -1 for none, error, or other special meaning */ typedef ASInt32 CosByteMax; /** Used for an array of bytes in CosDocGetID(). @see CosDocGetID */ typedef ASUns8 CosByte; /* used for arrays of bytes */ /* Type codes for Cos objects */ enum { /** A NULL object or an invalid object. */ CosNull = 0, /** An integer object. */ CosInteger = 1, /** A fixed number object. It is a deprecated type-name for real numbers. */ CosFixed = 2, /** A preferred type-name for real numbers. */ CosReal = 2, /** An ASBool object. */ CosBoolean = 3, /** A name object. */ CosName = 4, /** A string object. */ CosString = 5, /** A dictionary object. */ CosDict = 6, /** An array object. */ CosArray = 7, /** A stream object. */ CosStream = 8 }; /** Constants that specify a Cos object's type (string, number, dictionary, and so on). @see CosObjGetType */ typedef ASInt32 CosType; /* Opaque. It represents an Acrobat document. */ /** */ typedef struct _t_CosDoc *CosDoc; /* COSSRCIMPL must be defined only when this header file is included to construct the COS implementation. Client code that includes this header file must not define COSSRCIMPL */ #ifndef COSSRCIMPL #if PLUGIN || ACROBAT_LIBRARY typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS CosObj; #else typedef struct _t_CosObj {ASInt32 a,b;} CosObj; #endif typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS CosObjCollection; #endif /** A callback for CosObjEnum(), CosDocEnumIndirect(), and PDDocEnumOCGs(). It is called once for each component of a composite Cos object (dictionary, array, and stream). @param obj Possible values:
DictionaryA key.
ArrayAn array element.
StreamThe stream's dictionary (the whole thing, not one key at a time).
@param value Possible values:
DictionaryThe value associated with the Key.
ArrayA NULL Cos object.
StreamA NULL Cos object.

For CosDocEnumIndirect() and PDDocEnumOCGs(), this is always the NULL Cos object.

@param clientData User-supplied data that was passed in the call to CosObjEnum(), CosDocEnumIndirect(), or PDDocEnumOCGs(). @return true to continue enumeration, false to halt enumeration. @see CosObjEnum @see CosDocEnumIndirect @see PDDocEnumOCGs */ typedef ACCBPROTO1 ASBool (ACCBPROTO2 *CosObjEnumProc)( CosObj obj, CosObj value, void *clientData); /* The data in a CosStream may be filtered and encrypted. If CosOpenRaw is specified to CosStreamOpenStm, the data will be delivered by the returned ASStm as it is in the source ASStm, neither filtered nor decrypted. If CosOpenUnfiltered is specified, the data will be decrypted but not filtered. If CosOpenFiltered is specified, the data will be both decrypted and filtered. (This is the usual case.) */ enum { /** The data will be decrypted but not filtered. */ cosOpenRaw, /** */ cosOpenUnfiltered, /** The data will be both decrypted and filtered. (This is the usual case.) */ cosOpenFiltered, /** */ cosOpenRawIgnoreFKey, /** */ cosOpenUnfilteredIgnoreFKey, /** */ cosOpenFilteredIgnoreFKey }; /** Constants that specify whether filters and decryption should be applied to the stream's data. @see CosStreamOpenStm */ typedef ASEnum8 CosStreamOpenMode; /* CosDocOpenParams.openFlags bitfield values */ /** */ #define kCosDocOpenDoRepair 0x0001 /* CosDocOpenParams ** Used in the call to CosDocOpenWithParams. */ /** Parameters used when saving a file using CosDocOpenWithParams(). @see CosDocOpenWithParams */ typedef struct _t_CosDocOpenParams { /** The size of this struct. */ ASSize_t size; /** A bitfield of kCosDocOpen flags. */ ASFlagBits openFlags; /** May be NULL if using the default file system. */ ASFileSys fileSys; /** Must be provided. */ ASPathName pathName; /** An expected header string (for example, "%ADF-"). If it is NULL, "%PDF-" is the assumed value. */ const char *headerString; } CosDocOpenParamsRec, *CosDocOpenParams; /* Flags for CosDocCreate createFlags parameter */ /** */ #define cosDocCreateInfoDict 0x01 /* Flags for CosDocSave saveFlags parameter */ /** Delete unreferenced objects before save. */ #define cosSaveGarbageCollect 0x01 /** Write all objects, not just changes. */ #define cosSaveFullSave 0x02 /** Do NOT use the newly saved file as new store, stay with the current one */ #define cosSaveCopy 0x04 /** It is ok to store binary data in the file. */ #define cosSaveBinaryOK 0x08 /** If there are any object streams, write them in a way that is hidden from PDF 1.4 (and earlier) viewers. This is used for hybrid files, for example. */ #define cosSaveConcealObjStreams 0x10 /** */ typedef ASFlagBits CosDocSaveFlags; /* CosDocSaveParams ** Used in call to CosDocSaveToFile */ /** Parameters used when saving a file using CosDocSaveToFile() and CosDocSaveWithParams(). @see CosDocSaveToFile @see CosDocSaveWithParams */ typedef struct _t_CosDocSaveParams { /** The size of this struct. */ ASSize_t size; /** A complete header string, such as "%ADF-1.0". */ char *header; /** The encryption key to pass into the PDCryptHandler if security has been set on the document. */ char *cryptData; /** The length of the encryption key in bytes. Cannot be greater than 5. */ ASTArraySize cryptDataLen; /** The progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default progress monitor. */ ASProgressMonitor mon; /** A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to mon each time it is called. */ void *monClientData; /** The Cos cryptographic version - the version of the algorithm that is used to encrypt and decrypt document data. cryptVersion equal to 0 is treated as cryptVersion equal to 1, to maintain backward compatibility. */ CosCryptVersion cryptVersion; } CosDocSaveParamsRec, *CosDocSaveParams; /** A callback for CosDocEnumEOFs(). It is called once for each position in a CosDoc after a %%EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. See CosDocEnumEOFs() for more details. @param cosDoc The CosDoc in which the EOF is found. @param fileOffset The 31-bit offset into the file directly following the %%EOF keyword. If the procedure is called more than once, the file positions passed to it are in decreasing order (that is, the EOF positions are treated as rollback points). @param clientData User-supplied data that was passed in the call to CosDocEnumEOFs(). @return true to continue enumeration, false to halt the enumeration. @see CosDocEnumEOFs @see CosDocEnumEOFsProc64 @note The precise value passed to the procedure is not defined. It is at least one byte past the %%EOF keyword, but may include one or more white space characters. When the procedure is called only once, there is no guarantee that fileOffset is the same as the length of the file. */ typedef ACCBPROTO1 ASBool (ACCBPROTO2 *CosDocEnumEOFsProc)(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFileOffset fileOffset, void *clientData); typedef ASInt64 ASFileOffset64; /** A callback for CosDocEnumEOFs64(). It is called once for each position in a CosDoc after a %%EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. See CosDocEnumEOFs() for more details. This is similar to CosDocEnumEOFsProc(), except that the fileOffset parameter is a 64-bit value instead of a 31-bit value. @param cosDoc The CosDoc in which the EOF is found. @param fileOffset The 64-bit offset into the file directly following the %%EOF keyword. @param clientData User-supplied data that was passed in the call to CosDocEnumEOFs64(). @return true to continue enumeration, false to halt the enumeration. @see CosDocEnumEOFs64 @see CosDocEnumEOFsProc */ typedef ACCBPROTO1 ASBool (ACCBPROTO2 *CosDocEnumEOFsProc64)(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFileOffset64 fileOffset, void *clientData); /** A callback for PDDocSaveParams() used by PDDocSaveWithParams(). Use this to get information about Cos objects of interest while a PDDoc is being saved. @param obj IN/OUT The CosObj found. @param fileOffset IN/OUT The offset of obj into the PDF file. @param length IN/OUT The length of obj. @param clientData IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data passed in the offsetProcClientData parameter of the PDDocSaveParams structure. @see PDDocSaveWithParams */ typedef ACCBPROTO1 void (ACCBPROTO2 *CosObjOffsetProc)( CosObj obj, ASFilePos fileOffset, ASArraySize length, void *clientData); typedef ACCBPROTO1 void (ACCBPROTO2 *CosObjOffsetProc64)( CosObj obj, ASFilePos64 fileOffset, ASUns64 length, void *clientData); /** A callback in PDDocPreSaveInfo(), which is used by the PDDocPreSaveProc() callback. Use this callback to set a flag in each CosObj that you care about, so that your callback will be called back during the PDDoc's save and will be given the Cos object's offset and length. After a PDF file is saved, the Cos objects previously obtained are no longer valid. @param obj IN/OUT The CosObj marked. @param set IN/OUT true to set the flag to be called back during the save, false otherwise. @see PDDocSaveWithParams */ typedef ACCBPROTO1 ASBool (ACCBPROTO2 *CosObjSetCallbackFlagProc)( CosObj obj, ASBool set); /** A prototype for the string encryption/decryption callback. This is part of the Crypt Filter mechanism. */ typedef ACCBPROTO1 ASInt32 (ACCBPROTO2 *CosCryptStringProc)(CosDoc dP, ASAtom filterName, char *dest, char *src, ASInt32 dstSize, ASInt32 srcLength, ASUns32 genNumber, ASUns32 objNumber); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=reset #endif #endif /* _H_CosExpT */