/********************************************************************* ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CorProcs.h - Catalog of the "core" expored functions; this table is handed off to the plug-in at initialization time, *********************************************************************/ /** Raises an exception. Plug-ins can raise any exception defined in the AcroErr.h header file using the ErrBuildCode macro, or can define their own exceptions using ASRegisterErrorString(). See Errors for a list of predefined exceptions.

If the code that calls ASRaise() gets control as a result of a non-Acrobat event (such as a drag and drop event on some platforms), this method fails since there is no Acrobat viewer code in the stack to handle the exception.

@param error An error code for the exception to raise. Error codes have three parts: severity, system, and error number. Use ErrBuildCode to build an error code for an existing error. @see ASGetErrorString @see ASRegisterErrorString @see RERAISE @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ NPROC(void, ASRaise, (ASErrorCode error)) #if !ACROBAT_LIBRARY /** Pushes an exception frame buffer and a frame-restoration callback onto the stack. The restoreFunc should be a function matching the following prototype. @param asEnviron IN/OUT Represents a stack environment that is restored if an exception occurs. On Windows and Mac OS, this is a jmp_buf, which is an array of integers. @param restoreFunc IN/OUT Should be a function matching the following prototype: ACCB1 void ACCB2 RestorePlugInFrame( void* asEnviron) @note You will probably never call ASPushExceptionFrame() directly; use the DURING macro instead. @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ SPROC(void, ASPushExceptionFrame, (void *asEnviron, ACRestoreEnvironProc restoreFunc), ACPushExceptionFrame) /** Pops an exception frame off the stack. @note You will probably never call ASPopExceptionFrame() directly; it is called for you as appropriate from within the HANDLER, E_RETURN and E_RTRN_VOID macros. @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ SPROC(void, ASPopExceptionFrame, (void), ACPopExceptionFrame) /** Gets the error code for the most recently raised exception. See Error Systems for a list of predefined exceptions. @return Exception error code. @see ASRaise @see ASGetErrorString @see ASRegisterErrorString @ref ErrorSystems @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ SPROC(ASErrorCode, ASGetExceptionErrorCode, (void), ACGetExceptionErrorCode) #endif /** Gets the ASAtom for the specified string. You can also use this method to create an ASAtom, since it creates one for the string if one does not already exist.

If an ASAtom already exists for nameStr, the existing ASAtom is returned. Thus, ASAtom objects may be compared for equality of the underlying string.

Because ASAtom objects cannot be deleted, they are useful for strings that are used many times in an Acrobat viewer session, but are not recommended for strings that have a short lifetime. For the same reason, it is not a good idea to create large numbers of ASAtom objects.

@param nameStr The string for which an ASAtom is created. @return The ASAtom corresponding to nameStr. @see ASAtomExistsForString @see ASAtomGetCount (Only available with the PDF Library SDK) @see ASAtomGetString @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ NPROC(ASAtom, ASAtomFromString, (const char *nameStr)) /** Tests whether an ASAtom exists for the specified string. @param nameStr The string to test. @param atom (Filled by the method, may be NULL) If the ASAtom corresponding to nameStr already exists, it is returned in atom. Pass NULL to simply check whether the ASAtom already exists. @return true if an ASAtom already exists for nameStr, false otherwise. @see ASAtomFromString @see ASAtomGetCount (Only available with PDF Library SDK) @see ASAtomGetString @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ NPROC(ASBool, ASAtomExistsForString, (const char *nameStr, ASAtom *atom)) /** Gets the string associated with the specified ASAtom. @param atm The ASAtom whose string is obtained. @return The string corresponding to atom. It returns an empty string if atom == ASAtomNull, or NULL if the atom has not been defined. @see ASAtomExistsForString @see ASAtomFromString @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ NPROC(const char *, ASAtomGetString, (ASAtom atm)) /**

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.

Creates a callback that allows the Acrobat viewer to call a function in a plug-in. All plug-in functions that are called by the Acrobat viewer must be converted to callbacks before being passed to the viewer.

Whenever possible, plug-ins should not call ASCallbackCreate() directly, but should use the macros ASCallbackCreateProto(), ASCallbackCreateNotification(), and ASCallbackCreateReplacement(). These macros (which eventually call ASCallbackCreate()) have two advantages:

Plug-ins must use ASCallbackCreate() directly, for example, when calling a Mac toolbox routine that expects a ProcPtr.

@param extensionID IN/OUT The gExtensionID extension that calls proc. @param proc IN/OUT The user-supplied procedure for which a callback is created. @return The newly-created callback. @see ASCallbackDestroy @see AVAppRegisterNotification @see AVAppUnregisterNotification @see ASCallbackDestroy @see ASCallbackCreateReplacement @see ASCallbackCreateProto @see ACCB1 @see ACCB2 @see DEBUG @see ASCallbackCreate @note If you call ASCallbackCreate() directly, you are actually invoking the ASCallbackCreate() macro, not this HFT routine. The ASCallbackCreate() macro takes only one parameter, the proc, and passes that information into this underlying HFT routine as the second argument. The first argument is always set to gExtensionID, which should be the extension identifier of your plug-in. @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ ANPROC(ASCallback, ASCallbackCreate, (ASExtension extensionID, void *proc)) /**

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.

Destroys a callback.

@param callback IN/OUT The callback to destroy. @see ASCallbackCreate @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ ANPROC(void, ASCallbackDestroy, (ASCallback callback)) /** Gets the specified version of the Host Function Table (HFT) that has the specified name. If you want to get one of the Acrobat viewer's built-in HFTs, use the predefined global variables for the HFT Values instead of this method. @param name The name of the HFT to obtain. @param version The version number of the HFT to obtain. @return The specified HFT, or NULL if the HFT does not exist. @see HFTReplaceEntry @see HFTReplaceEntryEx @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ SPROC(HFT, ASExtensionMgrGetHFT, (ASAtom name, ASVersion version), ASGetHFTByNameAndVersion) /**

Gets information about the Acrobat viewer application under which the plug-in is running. Use this method if your plug-in's functionality depends on the Acrobat viewer that is running.

The method can return a product name, or check whether the current product allows editing. Do not rely on the product name to determine whether the product can edit files, as product names and feature sets may vary; use the CanEdit selector to do this.

@param key The key determines whether the method tests editability, or finds which product configuration is running. Its values are:
CanEditChecks whether editing is allowed in the current environment (regardless of the product name).
ProductChecks which Acrobat application is running.
@return The return value's type depends on the request key. Cast the return value to the type you are expecting, based on the key you pass in:
ValueReturn type
CanEditAn ASBool value: true if the current application allows editing, false otherwise.
ProductA const char* value, one of the following strings:
  • "Reader": Adobe Reader
  • "Exchange": Acrobat Standard
  • "Exchange-Pro": Acrobat Professional
  • "Acrobat PDF LIbrary": Acrobat PDF Library
@exception UNDEFINED_CONFIGURATION_SELECTOR is returned if an unknown value is passed as key (see CoreExpT.h). @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00020000 */ ANPROC(void *, ASGetConfiguration, (ASAtom key)) /* Acrobat 4.0 additions */ /** Enumerates all ASExtension objects (valid plug-ins). @param proc A user-supplied callback to call for each plug-in. Enumeration halts if proc returns false. @param clientData A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called. @param onlyLivingExtensions If true, ASExtension objects that have been unloaded or otherwise deactivated are not enumerated. If false, all ASExtension objects are enumerated. @return If proc returned false, the last ASExtension that was enumerated is returned, NULL otherwise. @see ASExtensionGetFileName @see ASExtensionGetRegisteredName @ingroup Enumerators @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(ASExtension, ASEnumExtensions, (ASExtensionEnumProc proc, void *clientData, ASBool onlyLivingExtensions)) /** Gets the file name of an ASExtension. @param extension IN/OUT The ASExtension whose file name is obtained. @param buffer IN/OUT (Filled by the method, may be NULL) A pointer to a buffer for the file name. Pass NULL to have this method return the length of the file name (excluding a terminating NULL character). @param bufSize IN/OUT The number of bytes in buffer. It is ignored if buffer is NULL. @return The number of characters written into buffer, excluding the NULL character. @see ASExtensionGetRegisteredName @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(ASTArraySize, ASExtensionGetFileName, (ASExtension extension, char *buffer, ASTArraySize bufSize)) /** Gets the registered name associated with a plug-in. @param extension IN/OUT The ASExtension whose name is obtained. @return An ASAtom representing the plug-in name, or NULL if the name could not be identified. @see ASExtensionGetFileName @since PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION >= 0x00040000 */ NPROC(ASAtom, ASExtensionGetRegisteredName, (ASExtension extension))