path: root/src/test/java/test/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/detached/MOAConnector.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/java/test/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/detached/MOAConnector.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 835 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/java/test/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/detached/MOAConnector.java b/src/test/java/test/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/detached/MOAConnector.java
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--- a/src/test/java/test/at/knowcenter/wag/egov/egiz/detached/MOAConnector.java
+++ /dev/null
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- * <copyright> Copyright (c) 2006 by Know-Center, Graz, Austria </copyright>
- *
- * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Know-Center,
- * Graz, Austria. You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall
- * use it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered
- * into with Know-Center.
- *
- *
- * $Id: MOAConnector.java,v 1.5 2006/10/31 08:18:41 wprinz Exp $
- */
-package test.at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.detached;
- * Connector to access the MOA service.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @author wlackner
- * @author wprinz
- */
-public class MOAConnector
-// /**
-// * ConnectorInformation that identifies this Connector to the system.
-// *
-// * @see at.knowcenter.wag.egov.egiz.sig.ConnectorFactory
-// * @see ConnectorInformation
-// */
-// public static final ConnectorInformation CONNECTOR_INFORMATION = new ConnectorInformation("moa", "MOA");
-// /**
-// * The class type value.
-// *
-// * <p>
-// * Just for convenience.
-// * </p>
-// */
-// private static final String TYPE = CONNECTOR_INFORMATION.getIdentifier();
-// /**
-// * The connector description.
-// */
-// public static final String DESCRIPTION = "MOA";
-// /**
-// * The SettingsReader instance
-// */
-// private SettingsReader settings_ = null;
-// /**
-// * MOA siganture verification mode
-// */
-// public static final String SERVICE_VERIFY = "SignatureVerification";
-// /**
-// * MOA siganture creation mode
-// */
-// public static final String SERVICE_SIGN = "SignatureCreation";
-// /**
-// * The logger definition.
-// */
-// private static final Logger logger_ = ConfigLogger.getLogger(MOAConnector.class);
-// /**
-// * The empty constructor
-// */
-// public MOAConnector() throws SignatureException
-// {
-// loadSettings();
-// }
-// /**
-// * load the inital signature settings
-// *
-// * @see SettingsReader
-// */
-// private void loadSettings() throws SignatureException
-// {
-// if (settings_ == null)
-// {
-// try
-// {
-// settings_ = SettingsReader.getInstance();
-// }
-// catch (SettingsException e)
-// {
-// String log_message = "Can not load signature settings. Cause:\n" + e.getMessage();
-// logger_.error(log_message);
-// throw new SignatureException(101, log_message, e);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// public SignatureObject doSign(String sigType, byte [] data, PdfASID algorithm) throws SignatureException
-// {
-// SignatureObject sig_obj = new SignatureObject();
-// try
-// {
-// sig_obj.setSigType(sigType);
-// sig_obj.initByType();
-// }
-// catch (SignatureTypesException e)
-// {
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(300, "Can ot init signature object with type:" + sigType, e);
-// throw se;
-// }
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// logger_.debug("Signature Type is:" + sig_obj.getSignationType());
-// }
-// String url = getSignURL(sigType);
-// String sign_request_filename = "./templates/MOASignRequestDetached.xml";//getSignRequestTemplateFileName(sigType);
-// String key_ident = getSignKeyIdentifier(sigType);
-// String sign_req_str = FileHelper.readFromFile(SettingsReader.relocateFile(sign_request_filename));
-// if (sign_req_str == null)
-// {
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(300, "File not found:" + sign_request_filename);
-// throw se;
-// }
-// sign_req_str = sign_req_str.replaceFirst("KeyIdentifierReplace", key_ident);
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// //logger_.debug("error_signature_response = " + sign_req_str);
-// // FileHelper.writeToFile(sign_request_filename + "_signText.xml",
-// // signText);
-// }
-// // sign_req_str = sign_req_str.replaceFirst("XMLContentReplace", signText);
-// // now use the the base64 Template
-//// signText = CodingHelper.encodeUTF8AsBase64(signText);
-//// sign_req_str = sign_req_str.replaceFirst("Base64ContentReplace", signText);
-//// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-//// {
-//// //logger_.debug(sign_req_str);
-//// // FileHelper.writeToFile(sign_request_filename + "_request.xml",
-//// // sign_req_str);
-//// }
-// String response_string = "";
-// try
-// {
-// response_string = MOAConnector.connectMOA(sign_req_str, MOAConnector.SERVICE_SIGN, url);
-// sig_obj.setRawSignatureResponse(response_string);
-// }
-// catch (WebException we)
-// {
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// we.printStackTrace();
-// }
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(we.getErrorCode(), we);
-// throw se;
-// }
-// if (!response_string.equals(""))
-// {
-// if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
-// {
-// logger_.info("get MOA response");
-// }
-// Pattern erc_p_s = Pattern.compile("<ErrorCode>");
-// Pattern erc_p_e = Pattern.compile("</ErrorCode>");
-// Matcher erc_m_s = erc_p_s.matcher(response_string);
-// Matcher erc_m_e = erc_p_e.matcher(response_string);
-// // System.err.println(response_string);
-// if (erc_m_s.find() && erc_m_e.find())
-// {
-// if (logger_.isEnabledFor(Level.ERROR))
-// {
-// logger_.error("error_signature_response = " + response_string);
-// // FileHelper.writeToFile(sign_request_filename + "_response.xml",
-// // response_string);
-// //logger_.error("Write error response to file:" + sign_request_filename + "_response.xml");
-// }
-// Pattern erm_p_s = Pattern.compile("<Info>");
-// Pattern erm_p_e = Pattern.compile("</Info>");
-// Matcher erm_m_s = erm_p_s.matcher(response_string);
-// Matcher erm_m_e = erm_p_e.matcher(response_string);
-// String error_code = response_string.substring(erc_m_s.end(), erc_m_e.start());
-// logger_.debug("error_code = " + error_code);
-// String error_mess = "";
-// if (erm_m_s.find() && erm_m_e.find())
-// {
-// error_mess = response_string.substring(erm_m_s.end(), erm_m_e.start());
-// logger_.debug(error_mess);
-// }
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(0, "MOASigExc ext error code = " + error_code + ", err_mess = " + error_mess);
-// se.setExternalErrorCode(error_code);
-// se.setExternalErrorMessage(error_mess);
-// throw se;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// //logger_.debug("response_string = " + response_string);
-// // FileHelper.writeToFile(sign_request_filename + "_response.xml",
-// // response_string);
-// }
-// parseCreateXMLResponse(response_string, sig_obj);
-// }
-// }
-// sig_obj.setSigResponse(response_string);
-// return sig_obj;
-// }
-// /**
-// * This method parses the MOA-Response string. It separates the
-// * SignatureValue, X509IssuerName, SigningTime, X509SerialNumber,
-// * X509Certificate, CertDigest and DigestValues. If the X509Certificate is
-// * extracted it would be stored in the certificates directory.
-// *
-// * @param xmlResponse
-// * the response string from the MOA sign-request
-// * @param sigObj
-// * the SignatureObject that should be filled
-// * @throws SignatureException
-// * ErrorCode (303, 304)
-// * @see SignatureObject
-// * @see CodingHelper
-// * @see X509Cert
-// */
-// private void parseCreateXMLResponse(String xmlResponse, SignatureObject sigObj) throws SignatureException
-// {
-// Pattern sig_val_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?SignatureValue>");
-// Pattern sig_val_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?SignatureValue>");
-// Pattern iss_nam_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?X509IssuerName>");
-// Pattern iss_nam_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?X509IssuerName>");
-// Pattern sig_tim_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?SigningTime>");
-// Pattern sig_tim_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?SigningTime>");
-// Pattern ser_num_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?X509SerialNumber>");
-// Pattern ser_num_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?X509SerialNumber>");
-// Pattern sig_cer_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?X509Certificate>");
-// Pattern sig_cer_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?X509Certificate>");
-// Pattern sig_cer_d_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?CertDigest>");
-// Pattern sig_cer_d_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?CertDigest>");
-// Pattern dig_val_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?DigestValue>");
-// Pattern dig_val_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?DigestValue>");
-// Matcher sig_val_m_s = sig_val_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_val_m_e = sig_val_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher iss_nam_m_s = iss_nam_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher iss_nam_m_e = iss_nam_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_tim_m_s = sig_tim_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_tim_m_e = sig_tim_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher ser_num_m_s = ser_num_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher ser_num_m_e = ser_num_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_cer_m_s = sig_cer_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_cer_m_e = sig_cer_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_cer_d_m_s = sig_cer_d_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// Matcher sig_cer_d_m_e = sig_cer_d_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-// String sig_val = "";
-// String iss_nam = "";
-// String ser_num = "";
-// String sig_tim = "";
-// String sig_cer = "";
-// String sig_dig = "";
-// // SignatureValue
-// if (sig_val_m_s.find() && sig_val_m_e.find())
-// {
-// sig_val = xmlResponse.substring(sig_val_m_s.end(), sig_val_m_e.start());
-// sig_val = sig_val.replaceAll("\\s", "");
-// sigObj.setSignationValue(sig_val);
-// }
-// // X509IssuerName
-// if (iss_nam_m_s.find() && iss_nam_m_e.find())
-// {
-// iss_nam = xmlResponse.substring(iss_nam_m_s.end(), iss_nam_m_e.start());
-// sigObj.setSignationIssuer(iss_nam);
-// }
-// // X509SerialNumber
-// if (ser_num_m_s.find() && ser_num_m_e.find())
-// {
-// ser_num = xmlResponse.substring(ser_num_m_s.end(), ser_num_m_e.start());
-// sigObj.setSignationSerialNumber(ser_num);
-// }
-// // SigningTime
-// if (sig_tim_m_s.find() && sig_tim_m_e.find())
-// {
-// sig_tim = xmlResponse.substring(sig_tim_m_s.end(), sig_tim_m_e.start());
-// sigObj.setSignationDate(sig_tim);
-// }
-// // CertDigest
-// if (sig_cer_d_m_s.find() && sig_cer_d_m_e.find())
-// {
-// String cert_digest = xmlResponse.substring(sig_cer_d_m_s.end(), sig_cer_d_m_e.start());
-// Matcher dig_val_m_s = dig_val_p_s.matcher(cert_digest);
-// Matcher dig_val_m_e = dig_val_p_e.matcher(cert_digest);
-// if (dig_val_m_s.find() && dig_val_m_e.find())
-// {
-// sig_dig = cert_digest.substring(dig_val_m_s.end(), dig_val_m_e.start());
-// sigObj.setX509CertificateDigest(sig_dig);
-// }
-// }
-// // extract Subject Name from X509Certificate
-// if (sig_cer_m_s.find() && sig_cer_m_e.find())
-// {
-// sig_cer = xmlResponse.substring(sig_cer_m_s.end(), sig_cer_m_e.start());
-// sig_cer = sig_cer.replaceAll("\\s", "");
-// X509Cert cert = X509Cert.initByString(sig_cer);
-// if (cert.isX509Cert())
-// {
-// sigObj.setX509Certificate(cert.getCertString());
-// String serial_num = cert.getSerialNumber();
-// String subject_name = cert.getSubjectName();
-// if (!ser_num.equals(serial_num))
-// {
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(303, "Serialnumber of certificate and tag X509SerialNumber differs!");
-// throw se;
-// }
-// sigObj.setSignationName(subject_name);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * This method reads the verify template from the file system and fills out
-// * the template with the SignatureObject values.
-// *
-// * @param normalizedText
-// * the normalized text to veryfied
-// * @param sigObject
-// * the SignatureObject holding the singature values
-// * @return the filled verify template string
-// * @throws SignatureException
-// * ErrorCode (311, 312, 313)
-// * @see SignatureObject
-// * @see CodingHelper
-// */
-// public String getVerifyTemplate(String normalizedText,
-// SignatureObject sigObject) throws SignatureException
-// {
-// try
-// {
-// if (normalizedText == null || normalizedText.length() == 0)
-// {
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(311, "Document can not be verified because normalized text is empty.");
-// throw se;
-// }
-// if (sigObject == null)
-// {
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(312, "Document can not be verified because no signature object are set.");
-// throw se;
-// }
-// String verify_template = getVerifyTemplateFileName(sigObject.getSignationType());
-// String sig_prop_template = getSigPropFileName(sigObject.getSignationType());
-// String verify_req_str = FileHelper.readFromFile(SettingsReader.relocateFile(verify_template));
-// String sig_prop_str = FileHelper.readFromFile(SettingsReader.relocateFile(sig_prop_template));
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// //logger_.debug(verify_template);
-// //logger_.debug(sig_prop_template);
-// }
-// String x509Certificate = sigObject.getX509CertificateString();
-// if (x509Certificate == null)
-// {
-// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(313, "Document certificate is not defined.");
-// throw se;
-// }
-// String cert_alg = settings_.getValueFromKey("cert.alg.ecdsa");
-// X509Cert x509_cert = sigObject.getX509Cert();
-// if (x509_cert.isRSA())
-// {
-// cert_alg = settings_.getValueFromKey("cert.alg.rsa");
-// }
-// sig_prop_str = sig_prop_str.replaceFirst("SigningTimeReplace", sigObject.getSignationDate());
-// // The issuer is already a valid Unicode String.
-// // No need to convert it - not to mention the missing encoding.
-// // byte[] issuer_name =
-// // CodingHelper.encodeUTF8(sigObject.getSignationIssuer());
-// // new String(issuer_name)
-// sig_prop_str = sig_prop_str.replaceFirst("X509IssuerNameReplace", sigObject.getSignationIssuer());
-// sig_prop_str = sig_prop_str.replaceFirst("X509SerialNumberReplace", sigObject.getSignationSerialNumber());
-// sig_prop_str = sig_prop_str.replaceFirst("DigestValueX509CertificateReplace", sigObject.getX509CertificateDigest());
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("CertAlgReplace", cert_alg);
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("TemplateSignedPropertiesReplace", sig_prop_str);
-// byte[] sig_prop_code = CodingHelper.buildDigest(sig_prop_str.getBytes("UTF-8")); // added
-// // the
-// // ("UTF-8")
-// // encoding
-// String sig_prop_hash = CodingHelper.encodeBase64(sig_prop_code);
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("DigestValueSignedPropertiesReplace", sig_prop_hash);
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// logger_.debug("build digest from SignedProperties:start");
-// //logger_.debug("DATA :" + sig_prop_str);
-// logger_.debug("DIGEST:" + sig_prop_hash);
-// logger_.debug("build digest from SignedProperties:end");
-// }
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("SignatureValueReplace", sigObject.getSignationValue());
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("X509CertificateReplace", x509Certificate);
-// byte[] data_value = normalizedText.getBytes("UTF-8");
-// byte[] data_value_hash = CodingHelper.buildDigest(data_value);
-// // byte[] data_value_hash =
-// // CodingHelper.buildDigest(normalizedText.getBytes());
-// String object_data_hash = CodingHelper.encodeBase64(data_value_hash);
-// //String object_data = normalizedText; // new String(data_value);
-// // System.err.println(object_data_hash);
-// // very_req_str = very_req_str.replaceFirst("ObjectDataReplace",
-// // object_data);
-// String raw_b64 = CodingHelper.encodeBase64(data_value);
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("Base64ContentReplace", raw_b64);
-// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("DigestValueSignedDataReplace", object_data_hash);
-// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-// {
-// // FileHelper.writeToFile(verify_template + "_verifyText.xml",
-// // normalizedText);
-// logger_.debug("build digest from data object:start");
-// //logger_.debug("DATA :" + object_data);
-// logger_.debug("DIGEST:" + object_data_hash);
-// logger_.debug("build digest from data object:end");
-// }
-// return verify_req_str;
-// }
-// catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
-// {
-// throw new SignatureException(310, e);
-// }
-// }
-//// /**
-//// * This method generates the MOA verify prozess. It checks if the given
-//// * SignatureObject is signed by MOA or BKU. The verify template string is
-//// * filled out by the corresponding method.
-//// *
-//// * @param normalizedText
-//// * the normalized text to verify
-//// * @param sigObject
-//// * the SignatureObject holding the singature values
-//// * @return a SignatureResponse object if the verify prozess does not fails
-//// * @throws SignatureException
-//// * @see SignatureResponse
-//// */
-//// public SignatureResponse doVerify(String normalizedText,
-//// SignatureObject sigObject) throws SignatureException
-//// {
-//// String verify_url = getVerifyURL(sigObject.getSignationType()); // settings_.getValueFromKey(TYPE
-//// // + "." +
-//// // Signature.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY
-//// // +
-//// // ".url");
-//// String verify_request = getVerifyRequestTemplateFileName(sigObject.getSignationType()); // settings_.getValueFromKey(TYPE
-//// // +
-//// // "."
-//// // +
-//// // Signature.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY
-//// // +
-//// // ".request");
-//// String trust_profile = getVerifyTrustProfileID(sigObject.getSignationType());
-//// String verify_req_str = FileHelper.readFromFile(SettingsReader.relocateFile(verify_request));
-//// String verify_template_str = null;
-//// if (sigObject.isMOASigned())
-//// {
-//// verify_template_str = getVerifyTemplate(normalizedText, sigObject);
-//// }
-//// else
-//// {
-//// BKUConnector bku_conn = new BKUConnector();
-//// verify_template_str = bku_conn.getVerifyTemplate(normalizedText, sigObject);
-//// }
-//// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("XMLContentReplace", verify_template_str);
-//// verify_req_str = verify_req_str.replaceFirst("TrustProfileIDReplace", trust_profile);
-//// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-//// {
-//// //logger_.debug(verify_req_str);
-//// // FileHelper.writeToFile(verify_request + "_request.xml",
-//// // verify_req_str);
-//// }
-//// String response_string = "";
-//// try
-//// {
-//// response_string = MOAConnector.connectMOA(verify_req_str, MOAConnector.SERVICE_VERIFY, verify_url);
-//// }
-//// catch (WebException we)
-//// {
-//// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-//// {
-//// we.printStackTrace();
-//// }
-//// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(we.getErrorCode(), we);
-//// throw se;
-//// }
-//// if (!response_string.equals(""))
-//// {
-//// Pattern erc_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?ErrorCode>");
-//// Pattern erc_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?ErrorCode>");
-//// Matcher erc_m_s = erc_p_s.matcher(response_string);
-//// Matcher erc_m_e = erc_p_e.matcher(response_string);
-//// if (erc_m_s.find() && erc_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// if (logger_.isEnabledFor(Level.ERROR))
-//// {
-//// //logger_.debug(response_string);
-//// // FileHelper.writeToFile(verify_request + "_response.xml",
-//// // response_string);
-//// logger_.error("Write error response to file:" + verify_request + "_response.xml");
-//// }
-//// Pattern erm_p_s = Pattern.compile("<[\\w]*:?Info>");
-//// Pattern erm_p_e = Pattern.compile("</[\\w]*:?Info>");
-//// Matcher erm_m_s = erm_p_s.matcher(response_string);
-//// Matcher erm_m_e = erm_p_e.matcher(response_string);
-//// SignatureException se = new SignatureException(0, "MOASigExc2");
-//// String error_code = response_string.substring(erc_m_s.end(), erc_m_e.start());
-//// se.setExternalErrorCode(error_code);
-//// if (erm_m_s.find() && erm_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String error_mess = response_string.substring(erm_m_s.end(), erm_m_e.start());
-//// se.setExternalErrorMessage(error_mess);
-//// }
-//// throw se;
-//// }
-//// else
-//// {
-//// if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
-//// {
-//// //logger_.debug(verify_request + "_response.xml " + response_string);
-//// }
-//// return parseVerifyXMLResponse(response_string);
-//// }
-//// }
-//// return null;
-//// }
-//// /**
-//// * This method parses the verify response string and return a
-//// * SignatureResponse object. The SignatureResponse object is filled out by the
-//// * response values from the BKU-response.
-//// *
-//// * @param xmlResponse
-//// * the response values from the MOA-verify request
-//// * @return SignatureResponse object
-//// * @see SignatureResponse
-//// */
-//// private SignatureResponse parseVerifyXMLResponse(String xmlResponse)
-//// {
-//// if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
-//// {
-//// logger_.info("Try parsing the verify response");
-//// }
-//// Pattern sub_nam_p_s = Pattern.compile("<dsig:X509SubjectName>");
-//// Pattern sub_nam_p_e = Pattern.compile("</dsig:X509SubjectName>");
-//// Pattern iss_nam_p_s = Pattern.compile("<dsig:X509IssuerName>");
-//// Pattern iss_nam_p_e = Pattern.compile("</dsig:X509IssuerName>");
-//// Pattern ser_num_p_s = Pattern.compile("<dsig:X509SerialNumber>");
-//// Pattern ser_num_p_e = Pattern.compile("</dsig:X509SerialNumber>");
-//// // [tknall] start qualified certificate
-//// Pattern cert_qualified_p = Pattern.compile("<QualifiedCertificate/>");
-//// Matcher cert_qualified_m = cert_qualified_p.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// // [tknall] stop qualified certificate
-//// Pattern sig_chk_p_s = Pattern.compile("<SignatureCheck>");
-//// Pattern sig_chk_p_e = Pattern.compile("</SignatureCheck>");
-//// Pattern man_chk_p_s = Pattern.compile("<SignatureManifestCheck>");
-//// Pattern man_chk_p_e = Pattern.compile("</SignatureManifestCheck>");
-//// Pattern cer_chk_p_s = Pattern.compile("<CertificateCheck>");
-//// Pattern cer_chk_p_e = Pattern.compile("</CertificateCheck>");
-//// Pattern code_p_s = Pattern.compile("<Code>");
-//// Pattern code_p_e = Pattern.compile("</Code>");
-//// Pattern cert_p_s = Pattern.compile("<dsig:X509Certificate>");
-//// Pattern cert_p_e = Pattern.compile("</dsig:X509Certificate>");
-//// Matcher sub_nam_m_s = sub_nam_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher sub_nam_m_e = sub_nam_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher iss_nam_m_s = iss_nam_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher iss_nam_m_e = iss_nam_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher ser_num_m_s = ser_num_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher ser_num_m_e = ser_num_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher sig_chk_m_s = sig_chk_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher sig_chk_m_e = sig_chk_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher man_chk_m_s = man_chk_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher man_chk_m_e = man_chk_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher cer_chk_m_s = cer_chk_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher cer_chk_m_e = cer_chk_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher cert_m_s = cert_p_s.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// Matcher cert_m_e = cert_p_e.matcher(xmlResponse);
-//// SignatureResponse sig_res = new SignatureResponse();
-//// // [tknall] start qualified certificate
-//// sig_res.setQualifiedCertificate(cert_qualified_m.find());
-//// // [tknall] stop qualified certificate
-//// if (sub_nam_m_s.find() && sub_nam_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String sub_nam = xmlResponse.substring(sub_nam_m_s.end(), sub_nam_m_e.start());
-//// sig_res.setX509SubjectName(sub_nam);
-//// }
-//// if (iss_nam_m_s.find() && iss_nam_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String iss_nam = xmlResponse.substring(iss_nam_m_s.end(), iss_nam_m_e.start());
-//// sig_res.setX509IssuerName(iss_nam);
-//// }
-//// if (ser_num_m_s.find() && ser_num_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String ser_num = xmlResponse.substring(ser_num_m_s.end(), ser_num_m_e.start());
-//// sig_res.setX509SerialNumber(ser_num);
-//// }
-//// if (sig_chk_m_s.find() && sig_chk_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String sig_chk = xmlResponse.substring(sig_chk_m_s.end(), sig_chk_m_e.start());
-//// Matcher code_m_s = code_p_s.matcher(sig_chk);
-//// Matcher code_m_e = code_p_e.matcher(sig_chk);
-//// if (code_m_s.find() && code_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String code = sig_chk.substring(code_m_s.end(), code_m_e.start());
-//// sig_res.setSignatureCheckCode(code);
-//// }
-//// }
-//// if (man_chk_m_s.find() && man_chk_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String man_chk = xmlResponse.substring(man_chk_m_s.end(), man_chk_m_e.start());
-//// Matcher code_m_s = code_p_s.matcher(man_chk);
-//// Matcher code_m_e = code_p_e.matcher(man_chk);
-//// if (code_m_s.find() && code_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String code = man_chk.substring(code_m_s.end(), code_m_e.start());
-//// sig_res.setSignatureManifestCheckCode(code);
-//// }
-//// }
-//// if (cer_chk_m_s.find() && cer_chk_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String cer_chk = xmlResponse.substring(cer_chk_m_s.end(), cer_chk_m_e.start());
-//// Matcher code_m_s = code_p_s.matcher(cer_chk);
-//// Matcher code_m_e = code_p_e.matcher(cer_chk);
-//// if (code_m_s.find() && code_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String code = cer_chk.substring(code_m_s.end(), code_m_e.start());
-//// sig_res.setCertificateCheckCode(code);
-//// }
-//// }
-//// if (cert_m_s.find() && cert_m_e.find())
-//// {
-//// String cert_string = xmlResponse.substring(cert_m_s.end(), cert_m_e.start());
-//// X509Cert resp_cert = X509Cert.initByString(cert_string);
-//// sig_res.setCertificate(resp_cert);
-//// }
-//// return sig_res;
-//// }
-// protected String getConnectorValueFromProfile(String profile, String key)
-// {
-// String value = settings_.getValueFromKey("sig_obj." + profile + "." + key);
-// if (value == null)
-// {
-// value = settings_.getValueFromKey(key);
-// }
-// return value;
-// }
-// public String getSignURL(String profile)
-// {
-// final String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_SIGN + ".url";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// protected String getSignRequestTemplateFileName(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_SIGN + ".request";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// protected String getSignKeyIdentifier(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_SIGN + ".KeyIdentifier";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// public String getVerifyURL(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY + ".url";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// protected String getVerifyRequestTemplateFileName(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY + ".request";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// protected String getVerifyTemplateFileName(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY + ".template";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// protected String getSigPropFileName(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY + ".template.SP";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// protected String getVerifyTrustProfileID(String profile)
-// {
-// String key = TYPE + "." + ConnectorConfigurationKeys.VALUE_MODE_VERIFY + ".TrustProfileID";
-// return getConnectorValueFromProfile(profile, key);
-// }
-// /**
-// * This method connects the moa server getting the requestString, the given
-// * serviseMode and the endpointUrl. The requestString is the envelope of the
-// * SOAP Message send and recieve by the AXIS module. The Response SOAP message
-// * of the MOA server is parsed by AXIS and the message envelope is send back
-// * to the calling method.
-// *
-// * @param requestString
-// * the request string (XML) to send.
-// * @param serviceMode
-// * the mode which connect to MOA
-// * @param endpointURL
-// * the URL which the MOA server is running
-// * @return the response string (XML) of the MOA server
-// * @throws WebException
-// */
-// public static String connectMOA(String requestString, String serviceMode,
-// String endpointURL) throws WebException
-// {
-// try
-// {
-// if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
-// {
-// logger_.info(serviceMode);
-// logger_.info(endpointURL);
-// }
-// // Parser/DOMBuilder instanzieren
-// DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
-// factory.setNamespaceAware(true);
-// DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
-// // XML Datei in einen DOM-Baum umwandeln
-// ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(requestString.getBytes("UTF-8"));
-// Document xmlRequest = builder.parse(bais);
-// // Call öffnen
-// Call call = null;
-// // Neues BodyElement anlegen und mit dem DOM-Baum füllen
-// SOAPBodyElement body = new SOAPBodyElement(xmlRequest.getDocumentElement());
-// SOAPBodyElement[] params = new SOAPBodyElement[] { body };
-// // AXIS-Server instanzieren
-// Service service = ServiceFactory.newInstance().createService(new QName(serviceMode));
-// call = service.createCall();
-// call.setTargetEndpointAddress(endpointURL);
-// // Call auslösen und die Antworten speichern
-// if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
-// {
-// logger_.info("Calling MOA:" + endpointURL);
-// }
-// Vector responses = (Vector) call.invoke(params);
-// // Erstes Body Element auslesen
-// SOAPBodyElement response = (SOAPBodyElement) responses.get(0);
-// // Aus der Response den DOM-Baum lesen
-// Document root_response = response.getAsDocument();
-// if (logger_.isInfoEnabled())
-// {
-// logger_.info("Return from MOA:" + serviceMode);
-// }
-// // XML-Formatierung konfiguieren
-// OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat((Document) root_response);
-// format.setLineSeparator("\n");
-// format.setIndenting(false);
-// format.setPreserveSpace(true);
-// format.setOmitXMLDeclaration(false);
-// format.setEncoding("UTF-8");
-// // Ausgabe der Webservice-Antwort auf die Konsole
-// // XMLSerializer conSerializer = new XMLSerializer(System.out, format);
-// // conSerializer.serialize(root_response);
-// // Ausgabe der Webservice-Antwort in Datei
-// ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-// XMLSerializer response_serializer = new XMLSerializer(baos, format);
-// response_serializer.serialize(root_response);
-// return baos.toString("UTF-8");
-// }
-// catch (Exception e)
-// {
-// throw new WebException(330, e);
-// }
-// // serialize signature only
-// // if
-// // (root_response.getDocumentElement().getLocalName().equals("CreateXMLSignatureResponse"))
-// // {
-// // Element signature = (Element)
-// // root_response.getElementsByTagNameNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#",
-// // "Signature").item(0);
-// // String signatureFile = getProperty(mode + "Request").substring(0,
-// // getProperty(mode +
-// // "Request").lastIndexOf('.')) + ".Signature.xml";
-// // fileSerializer = new XMLSerializer(new FileOutputStream(signatureFile),
-// // format);
-// // fileSerializer.serialize(signature);
-// // }
-// }
-} \ No newline at end of file