A Document Source @author afitzek base class for signature exceptions @author afitzek The Dimensions of the visible signature block @author afitzek The visible Signature block height The visible Signature block width Sets the width for the dimension @param value Gets the width of the visible Signature block @return Constructor @param width The width of the signature block @param height The height of the signature block Sets the height for the dimension @param value Gets the height of the visible Signature block @return Securtiy Layer Response @author afitzek The state of the pdf signing library @author afitzek Gets the Security Layer Request to create the signature @return The SL Signature Request Sets the Security Layer Request to create the signature @param value The SL Signature Request Securtiy Layer Request @author afitzek Gets the signature data for this request @return The document source The Signature Parameter @author afitzek holds the collimating mark The signature Device The signature Device The Signature Position Getter of the property <tt>signaturePosition</tt> @return Returns the signaturePosition. Setter of the property <tt>documentSource</tt> @param value The documentSource to set. Setter of the property <tt>KeyIdentifier</tt> @param value The KeyIdentifier to set. Gets the collimating mark @return Getter of the property <tt>documentSource</tt> @return Returns the documentSource. Setter of the property <tt>signaturePosition</tt> @param signaturePosition The signaturePosition to set. Sets the collimating mark @param value The new colimating mark Gets the Dimension to display the Placeholder @return the placeholder dimensions Getter of the property <tt>KeyIdentifier</tt> @return Returns the KeyIdentifier. Represents the position of a visible signature block @author afitzek The page value of the position The y value of the position The x value of the position Constructor @param x The x value of the position @param y The y value of the position @param page The page value of the position X - Y Constructor Page = 1 @param x The x value of the position @param y The y value of the position Gets the Y value of the position @return int the y value of the position Sets X value of position @param value the new x value Default constructor Sets Y value of position @param value the new y value Gets the Page value of the position @return int the page value of the position Sets Page value of position @param value the new page value Gets the X value of the position @return int the x value of the position Signature Result containing the signed document as document source @author afitzek Getter of the property <tt>signaturePosition</tt> @return Returns the signaturePosition. Gets the signer certificate @return The signer x509 certificate Gets the signed Document @return Returns the documentSource. PDF Signator base Class This class should be extended to support PDF-AS and PADES. @author afitzek Adds the signature to the document. The SL Response has to be set in the state @param state The siging state @return The signature Result @throws SignatureException Prepare a signature Defines signature parameters, the pdf library prepares the pdf document to sign and creates a Security Layer Request. @param parameter The signature parameters @return The siging state (contains the prepared document and the signature request @throws SignatureException Creates new signing profile @param base The profile id of the base profile @param profileID The id of the new profile @return The new Profile